Curses and swears here and there…

Casper High: Mr. Lancer's Class/Room E13, Lesson 1, May 31st Monday 8:58am

Danny pushed the noisy door open, grabbing the attention of every pupil in the room.

"Shit." The unsocial boy tiptoed over to the front desk where a bald man was ruffling through endless papers.

Danny coughed, the man jerked then lifted his head, fixing gazes with him.

"Oh, hello. I didn't see you come in." The man smiled, his goatee lifting with his grin. "My name's Mr. Lancer, just let me get the class's attent-" Mr Lancer spun around to see all the students eyes searching the new kid. "Never mind. Straight to introductions then."

Mr. Lancer stumbled out of his chair and marched to the front of the class.

"Okay! Welcome to a new year of high school sophomores!" The teacher spoke with much authority, students groaned at the sound of "new year". He extended arm towards Danny "This year we have a new student, Daniel-."

"Danny." The boy stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets, his eyes dull and heartless. "Call me Danny."

"Danny." He smiled apologetically at the boy and turned back to the class. "This is Danny Green."

"Let's find you a seat Danny…" He searched the back of the class for a minute before pointing towards the back. "There's a spare seat between Mr. Foley and Ms. Manson at the back, I'll find you some text books."

"Thanks." The lanky boy shambled to his desk, eyes following him as he walked down the row of students. He slid onto his chair, slipping his bag under the desk before him. Resting his head onto his hand he looked forward.

"Now that we're all attentive, let's start off with the most unforgettable quotes from Shakespeare's 'Romeo And Juliet'…"

Danny zoned out, distracted by the boy next to him. 'Something' Foley was it? Foley's arms were waving around, pulling his attention. He gestured towards a note that was folded neatly in his hand, his arm stretched out and he placed the note on Danny's desk and smiled. Danny grabbed the note off his desk and read: "Hi, my name's Tucker Foley. That's T.F. as in 'too fine'. To your right is Samantha, be sure to call her 'Samantha'." Danny looked up from the note and turned his head to see a gothic girl, drawing roses and skulls in her text book.

He turned back to face Tucker. Danny reached in his bag for a pen and started writing on the back of the note and gave it back to the smiling boy.

He read the note: "I'm no one you want to be friends with. Piss off."

Tucker looked at Danny with a confused look then smiled.

"Why is he smiling? I just told him to take a hike." Danny frowned and turned back to face the front.

Watching the bumbling teacher pick on students and give detentions to the ones who didn't pay attention.

The lesson took forever to end..

Casper High: Cafeteria, Lunch, May 31st Monday 12:03pm


"Ignore them and they'll go away." Danny hurried down the lunch line and headed for an empty table, being followed by a very persistent Tucker.

"Hey Danny!" The agitated boy flinched when he was finally caught up with by the pursuer. He smirked, "If you wanna sit with me and Sam you can, you don't have to be so lonely yah know." The friendly boy winked and gestured for Danny to sit with him.

The room was filled with loud conversations and laughter, while some jocks through footballs back and forth. Everything made Danny seem like a stain on a beautiful wedding dress.

Danny decided arguing would get him nowhere and he had no probable excuse, so he decided to sit with the two rather then fight that battle. He dragged himself onto the chair next to Tucker's, dropping his lunch tray onto the table making a clattering sound hurtful to the ears. Danny quickly cupped his hands over his ears as if the sound was a explosion but just as quickly as he did he retracted his hands from his head and began to eat the mush they called 'food'.

"So…" Tucker played with his food with a plastic fork. "Have you ever played 'Doomed!'." He alliterated the the last word with a flare of his arms.

Danny stared at the eccentric boy for a moment then looked back to his food. "No."

"Are you into video games at all?"






"Do you say anything other than no?"


"What the fuck do you you think your doing nerd!?" Danny was interrupted by the booming sound of an angry male. The brooding black haired teen slowly looked round to see the figure of a buff boy, a jacket fit tight on his shoulders, his blonde hair waved back.

Danny grumbled loudly. "A football jock."

However, the squirming student in his grasped made Daniel freeze.

"I did-didn't mean i-it!" The abused boy's voice was raspy like sandpaper against gravel as his his skinny body was being held by the throat. His eye was purple from a good blow from the angered jock.

By this time, the whole cafeteria's population of pupils had swarmed around the commotion. Watching in awe as the confrontation of the two students snowballed dangerously.

"Come on, lets get a teacher." A group of students whispered as they ran out of the cafeteria.

"That is the last straw you boney piece of shit! Your such a mistake even your dad left!" The blonde jock's expression changed drastically from the previous angered expression to one of pure deviousness. Meanwhile, the accused boy's expression was blank, tears began to flow down his pale cheeks. His sobs fuelled the jocks laughter…

"Hahahahaha!" The audience stopped in their tracks when laughter erupted from a teen in the crowd, as the cackles continued the crowd began to separate to show the teen responsible for the hysterics.

"Very funny." Danny's laughter abruptly stopped. His expression was dark, a twisted smile spread across his face. "By the look on the kid you just scarred, it was probably hilarious to him." Danny tilted his head and his grin disappeared. He slowly walked towards the now furious jock. "Hey, guy. What's your name?"

"Why should I tell you freak!?" The jock threw the sobbing kid to the floor and pointed at the approaching lanky teen.

Danny halted a foot from the bulky boy. "I never liked bullies very much. They always found a way to get to you." The jock grabbed Danny's neck like the innocent victim before. "They pull." The bulk slowly lifted the teen. "And pull." Higher. "And pull" Higher. "And when the seems are finally pulled apart completely."

The jock was staring at the mumbling target, confusion and anger clear in his eyes. "Would you shut the fuck up already! I'm about to beat the shit out of y-"

He was interrupted by the teen's final mumbling, "The fabric is ripped apart." The jock's stare ended and his fist was threateningly inches from Danny's face. "Now let's try again," the blue eyed teen's eyes flashed green as his face stared daggers into the jock currently choking him. The jock in question froze and let go of the teen. "What. Is. Your. Name?"

"What are you!?" The jock's answer made Danny frown.

"Wrong answer." In the blink of an eye, Danny's hand grabbed the boy's arm and thrusted his knee into the joint of the appendage, snapping it backwards. The crack silencing the mumbling students.

For a moment, you could hear a pin drop. That moment ended when the cafeteria was filled with screams and howls of pain.

When the teachers finally arrived the jock was in the foetus position cradling his arm on the floor. Mr. Lancer stared furiously at the emotionless, black haired boy. "Daniel Green! To Principal Ishiyama's office now!" He pointed towards the cafeteria exit.

Danny simply nodded and fumbled his way to the exit, rubbing his the back of his neck as he walked away. Meanwhile, the jock was led away by the school nurse. All the students dispersed, their bite of entertainment ended.

However, one black haired girl was writing in her book, a boy with glasses and a beanie whispering quiet words beside her.

In the book she wrote:

'-Green eyes'

Well I guess I'm back from the dead, sorry for the delay. I've been distracted by life… Well happy to be writing again, I love this story, it's fun to write ^^

Next chapter will have a little. Less. Angst… This chapter was very serious, but it gets more serious later on. I'll bring the mood back up next time.

Well, thank you for everyone reviewing, following, favouriting and even viewing, it means so much to me that people are enjoying my stories.

Thank you! Cya!
