Hey hey thought I'd try my hand at writing a Joker story. I can already tell I'm going to be eaten alive but oh well here goes nothing.

This fic will be telling the story of a woman named Evelyn Salisbury, only daughter of Salvatore Maroni. When a deal goes wrong between her father and the Joker, a then 17 Evie is taken captive by the Joker. This story takes place five years later, where their story is far from over.

This story will be including several references to the Dark Knight Trilogy, The Joker Blogs YouTube series (if you haven't seen it already and are in this fandom then what the heck is wrong with you?!) and the Arkham game series. I will be including song lyrics of the song I believe best represents the chapter at the beginning of each chapter, the song title will be included at the bottom.

Anyone who has been patiently waiting on updates for my Hannibal/Clarice fics I PROMISE I will update soon, I promise by the end of the week you will have new chapters!

I've already written the first seven chapters of this fic so if anyone is interested I'll continue to update frequently.

Until then, please enjoy!

I was as pure as a river, but now I think I'm possessed. You put a fever inside me and I've been cold since you left.

Chapter 1

Evie Salisbury was running late, as per usual. Her shirt only half buttoned, her toothbrush hanging out the side of her mouth, hair still damp at the ends and her jacket hanging from one shoulder. It was the most important presentation of the year, accounting for 30% of her overall grade and she had spent all night preparing, of course she'd ended up sleeping in. Typical. Now her boyfriend, Callum Marshall, was sitting on her couch eating cereal, admiring the woman in front of him, smiling at her with a mouth full of chocolate puffs.

"Have you seen my other sneaker?" Evie asked as she jumped up and down on one foot as she desperately searched for her opposite shoe while lacing up her current shoe.

Callum put down his bowl of cereal. "You know, maybe if you tidied up in here once in a while you'd find it," his Scottish accent breaking through but it had been so long Evie no longer noticed it and it sounded nothing but normal to her.

She laughed sarcastically at him. "Ha ha, not helping," she glared at him, mockingly. "Seriously can you please just find it?" And as if by magic, Callum suddenly pulled the missing shoe out from behind his back and offered it to her as if it were Cinderella's glass slipper. She gaped at him for a moment before giggling as she snatched it from him. "You bastard," she stepped towards to him, kissing him lovingly for a brief moment before pulling away. "Thank you."

He brushed her hair away with his hands, cupping her cheeks. "Calm down," he kissed her nose, resulting in her grinning like an idiot. "You're going to be great," he gazed at her, trying to read her expression. "Did your dad call?"

She looked off to the side and shook her head. "Nope, nothing, but y'know, he's a busy guy," Evie stumbled out a forced laugh as she tried to hide her disappointment that her father hadn't called to wish her luck.

"Well I'm sure he will," Callum smiled at her. "Now go, knock them dead!" he kissed her once again. "I love you."

"And I you," she kissed him back before heading out the door.

Evie ran down the apartment building stares and frowned to herself. She hated whenever Callum brought up her dad, or anyone in her new life for that matter. And it wasn't because she had a difficult relationship with her father, she didn't. It was because she hadn't quite told Callum the truth about her father. The truth was her father wasn't a hot-shot lawyer in her home town of Gotham City, he was in fact the highly feared gangster, Salvatore Maroni, head of the Maroni family, the most influential crime organisation Gotham.

Maroni was once involved with Evie's mother, Angelica, once upon a time, during such time Angelica provided Maroni with two heirs to his throne; Evelyn, and her older brother Stefan. When Stefan was ten and Evie was six, Angelica left their father, but their father remained a pivotal figure in their lives. Stefan had followed in his father's footsteps meanwhile, Evie wished to become an artist, much to her father's dismay. Despite the complications of her family life, Evie had a happy upbringing. That was, until five years ago.

Five years ago, when she was only 17, Evie was on her way home from school when she was snatched by men in a van. After a deal gone wrong with her father, infamous criminal and self-named Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker had taken Evie hostage. For three months, Evie was at the mercy of the most dangerous man in Gotham. He had beat her, taunted her, taken her along on his business endeavours. It had been a living hell. But Evie was a smart girl, and she wasn't going to sit around and wait for her death. So Evie devised a plan. A plan to stay alive.

Evie did the unthinkable, she decided to be his friend. She sympathised with him, laughed with him, talked with him, got to know him, let him know her. The important thing was to keep him talking, keep him interested, so that he wouldn't grow bored and kill her. Only it slightly back fired. The Joker became obsessed with Evie, everything became about her, some even said she had him wrapped around her finger. Which made it all the more catastrophic when the truth came out. In his final act, the Joker decided he wanted to blow up two boats. And Evie wouldn't let herself stand idly by as other people died.

Evie fought the Joker for the detonator and in a rage, The Joker beat her, harder than he had beat her before. And before she knew it he had left and she was lying on the floor, bleeding out and on the brink of death when the Batman appeared and took her to hospital. Ever since then, Evie had been in therapy, had moved to the university in Edinburgh and started her life again. Which is why she couldn't bring herself to tell Callum, or any of the new friends she had made in Scotland the truth of her past.

Patient 4479, as they had dubbed him, sat patiently in his chair, his arms strapped behind him courtesy of a rather uncomfortable yet familiar straight jacket. His eyes scanned the room curiously. He had only been in this room a handful of times in his five year stint at Arkham Asylum, it was the interrogation room. He was staring at the two way glass behind his usual therapists head and mockingly cleaned his teeth with his tongue, grinning at whoever was behind the glass observing him. His behaviour resulted in a smirk from his therapist.

Dr. Harleen Quinzel flashed her million dollar smile at the patient as she had done so many times before. Her bright blonde hair was neatly pinned back into a strict bun and she had worn red lipstick today. As she always did on the days she knew she was seeing him. The patient couldn't deny that she was beautiful, however, he had once known a greater beauty whom he couldn't help but miss dearly.

The patient rolled his head in a clockwise direction, cracking his neck in the process. "So, Dr Quinnzel what's the special occasion?" he wiggled his eyebrows at her and her smile grew. The patient couldn't help but smile at how easily he could control her strings like a puppet.

"A psychologist from Gotham University is performing a study and asked to oversee you today and ask you some questions," Harleen explained, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "We spoke about this last week."

The patient grinned as his eyes wandered off to the side, remembering. "Ahh yes," he sighed. "My apologies for forgetting."

Before she could speak the sound of the buzzer followed by the sound of the large steel door being pushed open, footsteps following it. The patient looked up at the mirror to see the strange man behind him strut into the room. The patient followed his eyes as the man sat down. He was in his early to late 50s, his dark eyebrows along with his black hair now had white streaks protruding through them, and the look of years of sleepless nights crowded just below his eyes.

"Patient 4479 my name is Doctor Hugo Strange, I'm going to be asking you a couple of questions today," he smiled, a false warmth spread across his face. He didn't give the patient an entry to talk before he diverted his attention to Harleen. "Doctor Quinzell, I believe your presence here simply is not needed."

Harleen appeared to take offence at this as she straightened her back and shoulders in surprise and her eyebrows just about hit the ceiling. "Doctor Strange, with all due respect, 4479 has been my patient for over two years now, I believe I am far more qualified to be here more than the likes of yourself, sir," she said sweetly but with venom lacing every single word. The patient couldn't help but chuckle as his eyes darted from person to person in front of him, carefully assessing the exchange.

Doctor Strange flexed his jaw. "Very well then, please, Doctor Quinnzel, feel free to stay and observe," he smiled at her before his eyes turned back to the patient. "Now then shall we begin?"

The patient simply shrugged nonchalantly as the Doctor pulled out a voice recorder and file from his briefcase. The patient watched him with intrigue as he flicked through the file in front of him and pressed the red record button. "Doctor Hugo Strange reporting on September 18th, 2014. Let the record show that I am currently present at Arkham Asylum interviewing patient 4479, more commonly known as the Joker. Accompanying me today is Doctor Harleen Quinnzel whom has chosen to oversee today's session." The Doctor paused as he shuffled some papers around and cleared his throat. He then looked up and met the dark eyes of the Joker.

"How are we feeling today, 4479?" the Doctor asked.

"Swell," the Joker flashed his yellow teeth at the doctor. "Just peachy."

"Are you recovering well from your latest attempt to be brought out of solitary confinement?" The Doctor asked, a stern face, no nonsense kind of fellow. The Joker liked that. Harleen did not. She tried to make a notion for the doctor to retract his question but the Joker shot her a look that made her sit still.

"As I always do," the Joker smirked then furrowed his brows in feign sadness. "These other boys, they never seem to want to play with me."

"And why do you think that is?" Strange asked, curiosity plaguing his tone.

The Joker clicked his tongue against the bridge of his mouth and tilted his head ever so slightly. "Because they fear me. They know that if they play with me, and they break the rules, I'll break them. They'd rather not be associated with me," his tone dropped to a violent voice that almost sounded like a sullen roar. It usually struck fear into those around him but Doctor Strange's blank expression stayed the same. He just kept staring into the Joker's dark eyes as if he was trying to read him.

Doctor Strange looped his fingers together, forming a basket with his hands. "Do you think that maybe it's possible that you have a target on your back?" he asked bluntly.

The Joker chuckled softly. "A target? Doc, every sad soul in here is a target. You see, Doc, when I was out in Gotham, doing my thing, these thieves, murderers and frankly lowlife criminals saw me as a God. They still do. But it's their fear that holds them back."

"Fear of what?" Doctor Strange pushed on.

The Joker looked up through his lashes at Doctor Strange and grinned from ear to ear, stretching his scars so that they pulled on his skin. It looked painful but the Joker's eyes showed nothing but pure delight as he basked in to the uneasy look on the doctor's face. "The Batman," the Joker sneered. However, as the Joker's answer came out, Doctor Strange's face relaxed once more, slightly irritating the Joker who had enjoyed the fear that had played on his face.

Doctor Strange tilted his head as if his next question was going to surprise the Joker. "And you're certain it's nothing to do with the several men in this facility under the employment of Salvatore Maroni that have been ordered to kill you whenever given the circumstance."

Harleen's eyes bulged as she could see where the doctor was going with this. It was a topic that had never once been discussed with the Joker throughout his entire run at the asylum. Harleen herself had been advised by her predecessors never to bring it up, and despite her curiosity she had never given in. She had never wanted to jeopardise her relationship with the Joker by angering him. So in an attempt to stop the doctor, Harleen placed a warning hand on Doctor Strange's cuff which anchored in his attention as he turned to her, a frown playing on his lips.

"Doctor Strange, may I advise you that it would be unwise to continue this topic?" Harleen whispered cautiously and frantically, trying her hardest to ensure the Joker would not hear them.

The Doctor's expression turned to anger in an instant. "Oh please, Doctor Quinnzel, you and your people have been poking and prodding at this monsters mind for half a decade now and nothing has changed. If this is what it takes for a breakthrough then so help me dammit I'm willing to take that risk!" The Doctor's whispered impatience had grown louder until his final exclamation was a shout.

The Joker found himself intrigued with the exchange and leaned closer to the bickering doctors. "Doc, if you would like to continue? I've got an important session of staring at white walls scheduled for three that I simply can't miss," the Joker stared wide eyed at Doctor Strange, who simply sighed as he composed himself and returned to his line of questioning, this time, shuffling through his papers again.

"On the evening of August 3rd, 2008, a group of men commissioned by yourself abducted a 17 year old girl on her way home from school at Sister Margaret's Academy, where she was subsequently taken to an undisclosed location where she remained your hostage for three months is that correct?" Doctor Strange practically asked his question in one breath.

The Joker's facial expression had done a complete turn around. Instead of his smug grin, The Joker now wore a sullen frown. He was not pleased with the nature of the Doctor's question, nor was he pleased with the nature of what his questions were leading up to.

"Yessss," The Joker hissed through clenched teeth, glaring at the Doctor as he did so.

Harleen could've sworn she saw the corner of Doctor Strange's mouth twitch as if he had smiled for a split second, clearly enjoying the reaction he was receiving from the patient.

"And this girl was the daughter of crime boss, Salvatore Maroni; Evelyn Salisbury, is that correct?" Doctor Strange's eyebrow raised ever so slightly.

"Evie," The Joker replied almost instantly. This time raising his head fully so that his eyes could meet the Doctor's square on. "Her name was Evie," he sneered.

The Doctor smiled then. "Of course. During Miss Salisbury's time with you, what would you say was the nature of your relationship?" the Doctor leaned forward, engrossed in the Joker's answer already.

"Purely physical," The Joker smirked and winked at Doctor Strange.

The Doctor raised a surprised eyebrow at the Joker. "So the pair of you engaged in sexual activity?"

The Joker leaned back in his chair, more relaxed now as he relished in the memories of his time with the mob princess. He shook his head. "No, no, oh god no," his tongue darted out, licking his scars. "She wouldn't dare allow it, but not for lack of trying," the Joker grinned at the Doctor expecting a reaction but was disappointed as his face remained blank. "And despite my, extraordinary large repertoire, violence of the sexual nature isn't really my thing. Sure, the few kisses here and there but to answer your question, Doc," he leaned in closer to the microphone on the Doctor's voice recorder. "I did not have relations with that woman," he stated mockingly. "The physical aspect of our relationship, where that on more than one occasion, we would just beat the heck out of each other!" he burst into hysterical maniacal laughter then, making Harleen jump in her seat, but the Doctor simply rolled his eyes.

"Would you say you were close with Miss Salisbury?" The Doctor continued his line of questioning.

The Joker's tongue darted out once more. "Why, Doc, of course. She and I, I and she, were as close as could be," he said matter of factly. "We were made for each other."

The Doctor smiled at this, making the Joker angry, feeling as though he was mocking him.

"And how exactly did your relationship with Miss Salisbury end?" The Doctor asked, taking a deep breath as he grew closer and closer to his conclusion.

The Joker rolled his head back. "Turns out, Miss Salisbury, was a lot more like me than I anticipated. She was smart, she was cunning, and she played my heart strings like a violin," the Joker chuckled darkly before meeting the Doctor's eyes once again. "The thing is, Doc, I don't like to be played with. I don't like someone else acting like they know me, better than I know myself. And I don't. Like. Liars," the Joker's eyes grew darker than before as if he were channelling the anger he had felt that night. The last night he and Evie had spent together. "So when I discovered the truth," the Joker cracked his knuckles from within his straight jacket. "I beat her to death with a pipe," he finished his tale with a sadistic grin.

The Doctor looked down at his hands then back up at the Joker. "And how did it feel, killing her?"

"Like taking a blow torch to the Mona Lisa," he smirked.

"And do you ever regret killing, Miss Salisbury?"

"I never regret anything," The Joker answered straight away. "But I sure do miss her. She had this... spunk about her, this fire, and a girl like that is pretty damn special."

The Doctor smirked as he reached into his file. Harleen could see what it was before The Joker did and stood up immediately in protest. "Doctor Strange this interview is over!" she practically yelled, making the Joker jump slightly and his eyes widened at her sudden outburst.

"Dr Quinnzel this interview is over when I say it's over, now you can either sit back down and observe or you may leave, the choice is yours," The Doctor didn't even look at Harleen as he spoke, instead he kept a wary eye on the Joker.

"Doctor Strange, I beg you, not to-"

"The CHOICE," he bellowed, this time turning his head to Harleen who was now shaking. "Is yours," he said calmly, turning his attention back to the Joker.

Harleen reluctantly sat back down in her chair, awaiting what was about to unfold next. The Joker eyed them both suspiciously. Harleen couldn't help but look away as Hugo Strange pulled out the piece of paper that was in his file and handed it to the Joker, turning it up the way so that he could see what was on it.

The Joker simply stared. The woman in the photograph in front of him was familiar yet a stranger. It was a candid photograph, taken whilst the woman was in conversation with another person who was out of the shot. The woman had a nonchalant expression as she must have been listening intently to what her companion was saying. Her sun kissed sandy blonde hair was shorter now, back then she had straightened her hair and fell half way down her back. In the photograph she had left it in natural, thick curls and now cut off just below her collar bone. Her slender hair was wrapped in a red and dark green scarf accompanied by a brown leather jacket, the apparently present wind pushing her back from her face ever so slightly. Her bright green eyes could be spotted from a mile away, shadowed by the thick black eyebrows that could only belong to a woman of Italian nature. Her lips, shrouded in a plum coloured lipstick, curved into a distant smile, her bottom lip sticking out just ever so slightly more than that of her top lip. Her face was skinnier, her cheekbones more defined. She was no longer a girl, but a woman.

"What is this?" he said after several moments through gritted teeth.

Doctor Strange grinned to himself more than anyone else present. "That is Evelyn Salisbury," Doctor Strange paused and lifted his eyes from the photograph to the Joker who was still staring intensely at the woman in front of him. "Photographed last week in Scotland."

"That's impossible," the Joker murmured. "I killed her."

Doctor Strange suppressed a triumphant chuckle. "Apparently the girl is a lot stronger than you thought. The Batman saved her not long after you were apprehended moments after supposedly killing her," The Joker still couldn't take his eyes off of the photo. He longed to break out of his restraints and take the photograph for himself and hold it, as if he were holding her. Suddenly more photos appeared in front of him as Doctor Stranger placed more of them on the table. "She's doing quite well, soaring academic, good group of friends, top computer science student-"

The Doctor's voice trailed off as The Joker studied the photographs. Pictures of Evie, his Evie, laughing with friends, a photograph taken of her in a library at a computer, presumably studying, Evie sitting in a coffee shop reading.

"She was supposed to be an artist," The Joker mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?" The Doctor perked up his ears but the Joker ignored him.

"What does this mean exactly? What did you hope to gain from this?" The Joker asked. "A woman I thought I'd killed isn't actually dead, do you realise the mistake you've made?" The Joker began to chuckle. "You see now when I get out of here, which I will, you've just given me another name to add my list."

Doctor Strange simply chuckled. "You're never getting out of here, 4479, this is where you belong."

"And where is it you belong, Doctor Strange?" The Joker leaned closer to him. "Is it back at the university, with Brend-ah, the new intern," The Joker reeled in pleasure as he watched Doctor Strange shift uncomfortably. "No, no, it's not there is it?" the Joker shook his head but didn't take his eyes off of Hugo Strange. "Is it in your fancy silver Mercedes, in the back seat with Tina?" The Doctor's eyes began to bulge with rage and panic. "No, that's not it either," the Joker grinned at the Doctor. "It's at 2655, Divoff Avenue, at home with your wife, Francis," and with that the Joker burst into his hysterical laughter once again as Hugo Strange lunged across the table at the Joker, sending him flying onto his back.

The Joker did admit that the Doctor got a good few hits in before the guards came in and pulled Hugo Strange off of him, but the Joker's mind was else were. His mind was racing with excitement and possibility. Not only was Evie Salisbury alive, but he was going to be seeing her very, very soon.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, the song at the beginning is the song Haunting - Halsey, a song that has been played heavily as inspiration for this story which I feel captures the essence of it.

Please review and let me know what you guys think and if I should continue!