Comfortably Numb

A/N: Okay, here's another one. Hope you enjoy drug addicted Ichigo and super protective Grimmjow.

Okay, so first, I'm using two phrases I made up. I looked for translations and stuff, but I have no idea if they are right. PLEASE let me know if I've got them wrong.

The drug is called "White Devil Dragon" and the closest translation I came up with was Hakumaryuu (thanks to a reviewer on ao3). So if someone has a better translation, please let me know.

Also, the term Rinkan-bo I found around the nets, so I have NO idea if it means what I said it does.

If anyone has any better ideas for either of these, leave me a comment please.

Chapter One

White Devil Dragon

It was no use being king of a place that was dead. Grimmjow had grown bored quickly with the nothingness of Hueco Mundo. After time passed, he left, simply walking into the World of the Living and wandering. He had an old relic of Aizen's days, a spiritual energy masking device, and he figured he'd make use of it. He figured that visiting the World of the Living would be more interesting than watching hollows fight each other. He sighed and wandered Karakura Town. He didn't want to admit it, but he was looking for Kurosaki. He'd heard that he lost his powers after he defeated Aizen, and he believed it, since he couldn't sense his spiritual presence anywhere. He followed the paths until he ended up at a place where there was a large amount of spiritual energy.

"What are you doing here?" came a voice behind him.

Grimmjow turned and saw the pale blonde haired Shinigami in the green and white bucket hat. He grinned at him. "Just looking around. Got bored in Hueco Mundo. Don't worry, I'm not after anyone."

Urahara nodded. "Well, just know that if you do anything here, we'll know about it."

Grimmjow snorted. "Not like I can do much around here but look. No body, remember?"

Urahara frowned and tilted his head to the side. "Tell me why you're here?"

"I just did."

"No, you didn't, not really. You didn't come to someplace like this to wander about aimlessly. What are you looking for?" he asked, frowning deeply at him.

Grimmjow rolled his eyes. "Well, I thought I'd see what happened to Kurosaki. I mean, he's a damn fine fighter and all. Figured he'd be around maybe."

Urahara's face fell. "You won't find him here," he said with a sigh. "He's been gone for almost a year now to school in Tokyo. He refuses to come back even for breaks, his father says. I would go and visit him, but when he left he told us to leave him be."

Grimmjow frowned at him. "Really? That doesn't sound right for him to leave everyone behind like that. I mean, he fucking nearly died trying to get the woman back from Aizen-teme."

Urahara shook his head. "He didn't deal well with the loss of his powers. I've tried several times to reach out to him, but he's shut me off every time. He's done the same with his father and sisters. He's nineteen now, it isn't like Isshin can do anything if he doesn't want to come home again."

Grimmjow tilted his head to the side and thought. "Huh. Maybe I'll go annoy him. Well, wait, he doesn't have his power, so he can't see me anyway, huh?"

Urahara looked at him then smiled. "Come in, Grimmjow-san, I think I can fix that problem."

Several hours later, Grimmjow stood outside the shoten rubbing the spot his hollow hole should have been on his body. He looked at Urahara. "What the hell did you call this?"

"A Gigai. Here," he said and handed him a soul candy dispenser that looked like Chappie but it had the colors inverted. "If you need to get out in your spiritual form, swallow one of these. These don't put soul in your place, though, so the Gigai will just drop to the ground like a dead body, so don't leave it just anywhere."

Grimmjow nodded, rubbing his face where the mask should have been now. "So, um, I just walk or what? I don't know much about the World of the Living and shit."

Urahara smiled. "Here," he said, handing him a wallet. "It has some cards that you can use to buy things with, but please, don't go overboard, only what you need. Don't worry, Grimmjow-san, just act like you don't understand the language, and most people will help you out. It works a great many times around here. No go, Tokyo awaits! Also, it is a nice place to visit and learn about Human ways."

Grimmjow nodded as he thumbed through it. Several plastic cards, a few pictures of some sort in a little thing to hold them, and a piece of paper with numbers and names. Urahara handed him a phone and nodded. "The cards are money, so if something asks you to pay for it, then that's what you use. The pictures are of people you might want to find, and the paper has phone numbers in case you need to contact me or someone on that list. Now, off you go to Tokyo!"

"What about getting to this Tokyo?"

"Go down to the train station and buy a ticket, now get on, before you grow roots here," Urahara said and pushed him off. He watched him go and felt a presence beside him.

"You think he might be able to help him?" Yoruichi asked softly as she watched the once sixth Espada saunter off in jeans and a t-shirt that Urahara had put on the Gigai.

"I don't know," he said softly. "I didn't tell him the truth."

"I know, I heard what you told him. You didn't lie," she said with a sigh. "You just didn't give him all the information. Have you heard from Isshin lately?"

Urahara shook his head. "No, he said he was going to be gone at least a week this time. Trying to get Ichigo out of this has turned out to be much harder than he anticipated. He's managed to find him twice since he started making the trips to Tokyo. Both times he refused to even speak to him. He says he isn't going to stop trying to get his son back, even though the boy he found in Tokyo doesn't much resemble the Ichigo we remember."

"I don't understand how things could have gone this wrong," Yoruichi said with a sigh. "No one noticed he needed help until it was too late. How was everyone blind?"

Urahara shook his head. "Ichigo hid what was happening well. No one suspected anything until he was already gone to Tokyo and Isshin found the evidence in his things. By that point, he'd gone off grid completely."

"What was it that he found exactly?" she asked as they turned and returned inside the shoten.

"Looked like heroine and hydrocodone. I have no idea where he got hold of that here in Karakura Town, but Isshin couldn't find whoever it was that had been selling to him. He just found a couple of empty packets with traces inside them, and one empty pill bottle that had the name stripped off it."

"Should we do anything else?" Yoruichi asked as she sat down at the table with Urahara.

"I've tried twice, too, he refused to leave with me," he said with a sigh. "I wanted to see, but he in no uncertain terms told me to leave him alone. In quite colorful language that I am unsure where he picked up."

"We could just make him come back," she said and looked at him as he sipped his tea.

"Do you really want to push him? He could continue on this self-destructive path a lot of different ways. He looked quite willing to take drastic measures if pushed. You know how stubborn that boy is. That will never change, Shinigami or no," Urahara said with a deep sigh.


Grimmjow didn't know what to think as he rode the bus through the World of the Living. It was indeed an interesting experience. It had taken a bit to figure out how things worked at the train station, but he found out if he acted like he didn't speak the language, people would help him. He'd seen several interesting humans, and a couple milling Shinigami. They didn't pick up on him due to the reiatsu suppressor, of course, a fact he felt incredibly amused by. He thought about fucking with them, but decided against it. The crazy ass geta bishi might have been willing to let him wander about, but other Shinigami might not have been so willing. He had no idea where to start looking for the stupid brat. He decided that the school he was supposed to be at would be the best place to start.

It was early in the day so he stopped a passerby and asked where the school was. He got directions and easily figured out the bus system. He found himself at the school and asked around for him. He was told to go to the office and see if he was enrolled and if they could have him called. He found out when he got there that Ichigo had been enrolled, but he wasn't anymore. They wouldn't tell him anything else, of course, just that he wasn't there now. For some reason, the hat wearing shinigami's insistence he come looking for Ichigo had made him decide to do it. Something about the way he just handed him everything like that and didn't say anything about an Espada that tried to kill Ichigo before to be looking for him. But he'd been unable to find him at this school.

Well, that blew, he thought to himself as he leaned against the wall and thought about options. He guessed he could just explore this place. It seemed like a lot different than Hueco Mundo or Karakura Town. He looked up as he heard a couple of students walking toward him talking.

"I thought the prof was gonna blow a gasket. Another one leaving class suddenly?" the girl said to the boy she was walking with. "I think I've had five kids drop from that class, and university lately. And after that weird guy came around again…"

Would Ichigo have done something like that? Dropped out? He never thought of the kid as a quitter, but it certainly seemed that way. He pulled out the phone that Urahara had given him before he left. He thought about calling it but then put it away. Nah, it wasn't like he had to find the fucking brat. He wandered off and took in some of the things around him. He didn't interact much, just wandered around the city to get a feel for how things worked in the World of the Living.

Grimmjow found his way down into an area that looked rather seedy. He didn't think he'd find someone like Ichigo Kurosaki down there, but he sure as hell could have some fun.

He wandered into a bar and sat down. Immediately two women and three men hit on him in quick succession. He supposed he was somewhat attractive by human standards. He took the drinks they bought him, but he shortly shooed them away. He wasn't hear for that kind of companionship. Well, not at the moment. He might take someone up on that soon enough though. Might as well enjoy all aspects of this human life while he could. He smirked as a man walked up to him with rheumy looking eyes and a strange smell.

"Yo, man, you look like you could use some stress relief," he said and looked up at Grimmjow.

"Um, no, I'm good," he said as he sipped at the drink he ordered. He didn't know what it was, he just picked something off the board.

"I got all sorts of smack, mollies, speedballs, even got to packs of the new shit, that shiroakumaryu, you name it," he said and looked at him.

"You, get out of here!" the bartender said. The man startled and took off for the door.

Grimmjow looked at the bartender. "What was that about?"

"Damn drug dealers, always trying to sell in here. I pay good protection money, you know. I shouldn't have to deal with this shit," he muttered as he wiped down the bar.

"Why do they come in here?" Grimmjow asked.

"Ah, there's a fucking drug house down the street. They end up trying to deal up here now and then. I kept calling the fucking police, but they don't do shit. Fucking paid off by the Yakuza like everyone else around here. So I pay my protection money to those Yakuza bastards to keep the drug dealers out of this place. Fucking hell," he muttered as he went back to the bar.

Grimmjow frowned deeply and looked around the bar. A man sat down beside him and he looked at him. He was dressed plainly, suit and tie, and ordered a screwdriver. He was rather plain looking, dark in eye and hair. He nodded to Grimmjow.

"You're a colorful fellow," he said without looking at him.

"Yeah, well, that's how I am," Grimmjow said with a smirk.

"I see you aren't here for the ladies, or the gents, or the drugs. So what are you hanging out down here in the gutter for?" he asked as he glanced at him.

Grimmjow shrugged. "Came to Tokyo to look for a friend of mine."

"Ah, are they down here?" the other man asked.

"I doubt it. He came here to go to a big school, but he wasn't there when I went to see if he was," he said as he sipped his drink again. "I mean, he's a good guy, he wouldn't be down slumming like this. He's smart and got a lot going."

"Doesn't mean he can't be down here," the other man said and sighed. "I'm looking for my brother. Name's Aikawa Hando," he said and put his hand out to shake Grimmjow's.

"Ah, Grimm…Grimm Jaegerjaquez," he said with a nod. "You think your brother's down here?"

"I'm pretty sure. He was going to Tokyo University for nearly a year, then he just quit going. No letters, no calls, nothing. He just dropped off the face of the world. Got a message from a private eye I had on the case, saying he'd seen him in that drug house the bartender was talking about. I've been here every night this week, but I can't get up the nerve to go to it," Hando said with a sigh. "You just looked like someone looking too. Thought if you had similar aims, you could go with me so I don't wuss out again on going down there. I'm afraid of what I'll find."

Grimmjow nodded. "Well, I ain't doin' nothing else, I can go with you if you need. You think there's rough people there?"

"I know there is," Hando said and glanced at him.

A few minutes later, Grimmjow stood outside a large six story building with boarded up windows and strange smells coming out of it. It smelled like the guy that was trying to sell him these drugs did. Hando looked to be steeling himself. He walked up to the door that was half on the hinges and went into the building. He knelt down beside someone who was lying on the floor bundled in a sleeping bag.

"Hey, you seen this guy?" he asked and showed him a picture. The half-asleep man waved him off.

They moved through the first few floors with no luck, until a woman who was wearing only a skirt and heels looked at it and nodded. "Yeah, Tick, he's up top giving it up to the Takagashi boys to get some of that Hakumaryuu smack shit I won't touch off them. He was bugging me earlier about wanting it, but I didn't have no extra for him. Boy gives good head, so I heard."

Hando looked at Grimmjow and nodded to him in defeat. "I was afraid of that," he whispered as he headed toward the stairs.

"Smack, that's one of the drugs that guy was trying to sell me," Grimmjow said as they headed up to the next level.

"My brother was vulnerable," Hando said. "Our sister was killed in a car accident a year ago. He took it hard, blamed himself for not being able to protect her, you know. Before he left, I caught him shooting up. He swore he wasn't an addict. He just wanted to take the edge off. I should have known."

Grimmjow paused and considered that. Vulnerable people turned to drugs. His mind went back to Zommari. He never was with it at all. They headed up to the top floor and could hear before they got there.

"Fuck, Tick, you got a dirty mouth, you know that?" a voice said. "Look at you take a face fucking. Ain't no gag reflex anymore, huh?"

"He's as much of a slut as Berry is…" another voice commented. "Both of them will do just about anything for a fucking hit of that new shit."

Grimmjow gestured to Hando to wait while he went in. He knew he could handle a few humans even in this Gigai thing. He had expected some sort of dampening on his abilities, but to his surprise the Gigai didn't limit his strength at all. He moved up to the door, hands in his pockets and looked in and wasn't surprised by what he saw. Honestly, for some reason, he was inclined to spare the guy from seeing his brother like this. He didn't know why he cared. There were about five guys around the large room on busted down sofas and futons. At the moment two of them were having at the younger one while a third recorded it with his phone.

"Man, Tick, you could probably take two cocks in that sloppy hole of yours," the one violently throat fucking him commented.

Grimmjow cleared his throat and all eyes turned to him. "Who the fuck are you?" the one that was kneeling behind the boy said. The boy's eyes rolled toward Grimmjow. "This ain't an open event."

"That kid. Let him up. He's leaving with me."

The two holding the boy on his knees between them looked at each other and snorted. "What?" the one closest to the door said to him.

"I said, let the kid up. I'm taking him out of here."

"What the fuck are you…" one of the ones sitting said and came around toward him.

In about five minutes, and several loud crashes later, Grimmjow stepped out into the hallway with a younger man wrapped up in a dirty curtain he'd ripped off the wall. "Come on, man," he said and Hando just stared at him as they walked out to Hando's car. Grimmjow set the boy down in the passenger seat and knelt by the car. He had a sick feeling in his gut. Things were too much alike for this to be anything else.

"Kid, I need to know something. You know this guy?" he asked and showed him a photo of Ichigo that Urahara had put into the wallet he gave him.

"That's Berry…" he said hoarsely. "He's been around the last year. Makes the rounds like me. There's…there's a lot of them that'll buy for us when we need it."

"We?" Grimmjow asked as Hando got into the front seat.

The boy nodded. "They…they call us…" he turned away and looked. "Rinkan-bō. There's...there's a lot of us around lately. Kids who get hooked up at the school by a couple of drug runners. Then…then they take it away, and we're stuck, and so…we have to…do things to get it. We don't have money…and when you start using Hakumaryuu. You can't stop. It's not like regular heroine. At least, not for us. Other people it doesn't do anything weird to. No, for us it's so much worse…"

Grimmjow nodded and stood up. He put together what they meant. Rinkan-bō …if he wasn't mistaken it meant something like gangbang boys. He sighed. "The hell did you get into, Kurosaki?" he said as he watched the other guy leave in the car.

He turned, though and went back into the building. He ran back up to the room he'd just left and grabbed one of them, he didn't care which one. He hefted him up by the collar and slammed him into the wall, shocking him into yelping. He had been semi-conscious on the floor still, but now he was wide awake, bright blue eyes staring and dyed yellow hair sticking out everywhere. Grimmjow held up the small picture.

"Him. Where is he?"

"Man, I got no idea! Those fucking Rinkan-bō go where they can get someone to fuck them for a hit of that stuff they're on. Could be anywhere. Shit, those little bastards will fucking turn tricks on the corner just to get enough to buy the shit. They're fucking desperate for that stuff," he gasped out.

"What is this stuff? This Hakumaryuu? The white devil dragon or something?"

"No idea, no one with any sense takes that shit," he said. He reached down and pulled a packet out of his pocket. "Here, go for it, man. You'll regret it."

Grimmjow took it without letting the guy down. "What does it do?"

"What do you mean?" he asked. "It's designer heroin. It does what any heroin does, man!"

Grimmjow looked at him. "Tell me what it does."

"Fuck, man did you come from under a rock? Gets you high, man, fucking high as a kite, chills you out, fuck, makes you feel really good. And that shit there…supposed to be a fantastic high, but when you fucking come down, you crash hard fucking core. Like, go into withdrawal in less than twenty four hours from that shit. Won't kill you, but you want to die. 'Cept the Rinkan-bo, they got it worse. It isn't just withdrawal, it's hell, like they fucking start seizing and shit, spitting up blood," he looked at Grimmjow. "Can you put me down?"

Grimmjow lowered him and crossed his arms over his chest and stared at him. "Why do these kids get hold of it then? If you wouldn't take it, why do they?"

One of the other guys had staggered to his feet and came over. He had long black hair that had come loose behind his neck and was shorter than the first one. "Dude sells it at the school. Like, he starts selling them regular smack. And that a kid can handle, well, most of them. But then he starts cutting their stuff with this other shit until that's what he's giving them instead of the regular shit. Then they need it every day or they feel like they're gonna die; some end up dying for real when they can't get it. So they come down here looking for the guy that sells it. We all fucking buy the shit and keep it on us now because they come looking for it all the time, so, why the hell not, don't mind getting a fuck out of it."

Grimmjow held up the white packet and looked at the two men he'd knocked out a few minutes ago. "So. This guy tricks these young boys into taking this stuff. Then he stops giving it to them, and they come looking for it. When they do, you assholes tell them that you'll give them some if you can fuck them. Why would you even think of that? Why would anyone?"

The two looked at each other. "Man, that's how shit works. You don't got the money, you turn a trick to get it from someone that does. We don't tell these Rinkan-bō about it. They just figure it out. It's just they're so desperate they'll let a whole room full of guys fuck the shit out of them for a hit of it so they can sleep one night. They can't do much else. The shit makes you almost catatonic."

"Who started calling them that?" Grimmjow asked quietly.

The two guys looked at each other again. "No idea," the shorter of the two said, "Just…became a thing over the last few years. I mean, they don't last long. About a year or so, then they turn up dead. I mean, not from the same thing. Some of them catch something nasty, or some of them overdose. A few of them kill themselves when they can't get a hit, and then a few just die outright from not having it."

Grimmjow stared at them, trying to decide if they were lying. That would be stupid considering he'd knocked all five of them flat out in less than five minutes. "And it doesn't do that to everyone that takes it?" he asked as a third one of the men seemed to be waking up.

"Some people it doesn't hit as hard," the yellow haired one said. "I mean, I don't know why. I…I ran into Micks a few weeks ago, and he was complaining he hadn't found any new Rinkan boys at the school. I don't know why. Like, I took the shit, once, just to see…" The other guy looked at him with a wide eyed glance. "Didn't do anything to me. I don't know. I've seen Rinkan go apeshit until they could get it then they just are so high they can't even talk."

"Micks?" Grimmjow said.

The one with long black hair nodded. "Yeah, he's the dealer that hits the university."

"Where is he?"

The two men exchanged glances but it was the third one that had stumbled up beside them that spoke. "There's a building over three streets west. It's like five stories, and it has this broken down sign in front of it saying it is a dispensary. I mean, it is, just illegal shit."

Grimmjow nodded. "Alright. Name's Grimm. And if you see this guy," he said, holding up the photo. "You keep him where he is and get hold of me. That bar down the street is where I'll be every night this week. Got it? If I find out you didn't, I'll come back and fucking crush your throats."

The three conscious men nodded furiously. After this guy just literally knocked out all five of them without breaking a sweat they didn't want to consider what else he could do.

Grimmjow went walking and found the building, but it was empty. He'd come back the next night, he guessed, and see this Micks. He'd beat the fuck out of him if he had to so he found out what the hell was going on. He spent the day mostly wandering around the part of Tokyo he was in. He was disturbed by what he saw. So many people selling drugs, and selling their bodies. He had no idea that this sort of thing existed as he walked through the areas he was in the day before.

Night fell quickly and he got to the "dispensary". There was a very large man standing in the door. He looked him over.

"I need to see Micks."

"Who are you?" the man asked.

Grimmjow arched a blue brow at him. "Don't fucking matter. I'm here to see Micks about getting some of that Hakumaryuu shit."

"Ah, your one of those kind, yeah, go in, third floor," the man said with a smirk.

Grimmjow headed up the stairs to the floor and found there was a large room with decent furniture set out in it. There was a table in the back with what looked like some sort of science equipment on it. He looked and saw a very short man with a scraggly beard and close cropped hair sitting behind a desk with a girl's head in his lap. Grimmjow realized she was giving him a blow job as he sat there.

"Fuck, girl, your fucking mouth is a dream," he muttered as he buried his hands in her long, curly blond hair. He didn't seem to notice Grimmjow.

Grimmjow leaned against the wall and waited patiently. Finally, he pulled her off and buttoned his pants. "Here, bitch," he said and flicked a packet at her. She smiled and took it, running for the door. Micks, apparently, looked up and noticed Grimmjow.

"What the fuck you want, blueberry?" he asked, arching thick brows at him.

"I heard you have that Hakumaryuu shit."

He nodded. "Yeah, my sister makes the stuff. It is amazing. If you try it, be careful. Some people get hooked real fast. I can shoot it all day and it don't do more than regular heroin for me. But, some folks…well, if you're hear buying, you know what the Rinken-bo will do for a hit of that stuff," he said with a smirk.

Grimmjow looked up as a short, equally scrawny woman in a black trench coat came in from the back. "Micks, got the next batch…" she said and looked up, locking eyes on Grimmjow.

Grimmjow, though, was staring at the container she was holding. "What the fuck are you doing with that…" he muttered and moved quickly over to her and snatched it from her, staring at it.

It was some kind of glass container, shaped like an hourglass, with a cap on the top of it. The inside shimmered where the substance inside had touched he glass. He looked down and up at her. In the bottom, a bunch of nearly translucent powder that moved with the consistency of liquid sloshed in the bottom. It almost looked like it was living, trying to crawl up the sides of the container, but it couldn't. He reached into his pocket and grabbed the soul candy, popping one into his mouth. His Gigai fell backward, causing Micks to screech and run from the room, while he held onto the containing. The girl was staring directly at him.

"What are you?" she gasped. "You…you're like the white masked ones…but different…"

Grimmjow shook his head as he released the dampener, just a bit. The woman screamed, falling to her knees from the small release of his reiatsu. He growled. "Do you even know what this is?" he asked as he felt the hollow spiritual energy roiling off the container. It was some sort of residue, and it was reacting to his reiatsu, moving in the container toward him. "Where did you get this?"

"I find it! When those people with the swords kill the white faced ones!" she moaned, trying to stand but unable to do so under Grimmjow's pressure. "I had some one day that I found, and one of the boys thought it was heroin, he…he shot it before I could stop him, and he just was so blissed out and said it was the best high he ever had…so I made more of it…but it didn't work on everyone…"

Grimmjow stared at her. "You fucking idiotic human," he said out loud. He put the container down. "You realize what you've done? You've fucking introduced something into this drug of yours that isn't from here!" he said. "Dumb."

Then it hit Grimmjow. What if it didn't affect everyone for a reason? What if it only affected those with spiritual connections? And what would happen if one of the most powerful Shinigami in Soul Society, even without powers, got his hands on this shit? He knelt down and yanked her head up; releasing more of his reiatsu, making her cower more.

"This one. Where is he?" he said and put the picture in front of her face.

She stared. "I saw him down at Kanda-chan's place. Kanda…promised him a steady line if he stayed there. Kanda took a liking to him. I've been taking him double every day since he started staying there."

"Where is this Kanda?" Grimmjow asked with deathly calm.

"It…it is three blocks north of here. It's a house, but there's a van in front, no windows, and it's black with writing on one side that says 'Hit Van'. That's Kanda."

Grimmjow stood up, reactivating the suppressor and getting back into the Gigai, feeling other reiatsu heading in his direction. The local Shinigami had felt it, of course. He took off and made his way to look for this place. He stopped out in front of a plain house with the van in front of it.


The world was spinning, and Ichigo had no idea why it was spinning this time; of course it didn't matter, really. Then he gasped as he came back to the world for a minute, realizing Kanda was using him again. He really wished he wouldn't fuck him while he was out of it. He wasn't very good at remembering to use things like lube when he didn't yell at him. Not that he remembered then, either.

"Fuck, Kanda…" he groaned as he felt him go off. "Can't you wait until I'm fucking awake," he muttered as he nearly fell off the bed when Kanda let go of his hips. "And fucking hell, why do you do that," he growled as he tried to stand but wobbled for a second and fell into Kanda.

"If I waited for you to be awake, I'd never get my nut off," he muttered as he did his pants up around him.

Kanda was a nice looking guy. Tall, slender, well, emaciated really, but he always had the stuff Ichigo needed. He would have been stupid not to take him up on his offer to stay with him. But the need hit him and he fell to his knees with a groan as pain shot from his toes to his hair. It felt like every muscle in his body was coming loose from his body and then he was drowning from the pain in his lungs. If he noticed that there was a screaming sound sometimes in his ears, he didn't care.

"Kanda, please…I need some…" he moaned and looked up at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Berry, fuck, you just hit up two hours ago," Kanda muttered as he took a drag off a crack pipe. "You're going to break me buying shit for you. I mean, your ass is sweet and all, and I like fucking the hell out of you, but dammit. You gonna have to wait at least four hours before I give you any more."

Ichigo gasped. He couldn't wait that long. He felt like his insides were on fire and his head was going to explode with the pain. He crawled over to him and looked up. "Please, I need it…it hurts, daddy."

If anyone had told Ichigo Kurosaki two years ago he would be here, he would have laughed in their face. He was in a drug house, begging his supplier for a hit, and he would literally do anything to get it. He had done anything to get it. Sometimes, when he was with it enough, he'd wonder what the hell happened to get here.

It was simple. He was cutting, a lot. One night he was sitting in the park on the swing near his house and a guy came up and asked what he was doing. He didn't remember the conversation, but he handed him a pill in a packet marked with a white dragon with devil horns on it. Ichigo had kept it a long time before he took it. He felt…good. He hadn't felt good in a long time, so he'd called the number the guy gave him. He got some more, and then he asked if Ichigo wanted something better. Ichigo hesitated. He was talking about more than a narcotic now and then now. But…it wasn't taking the edge off so well anymore. He figured he could handle it. After all, he'd just use it to sleep like he had the hydrocodone. So that's how he got his first packet of heroine, marked again with that white dragon with the horns on it. Then he almost got caught by his sisters, so he told his dad he was going to Tokyo University. He wanted to do that anyway, so it wasn't a big deal.

He had to change dealers, of course. He didn't think about how wrong it was, this reliance on a chemical to help him make it through each day. It relieved the incredible depression he'd been suffering with since his powers were taken from him. Backs, his first dealer, introduced him to Micks, and Micks started providing it. He had great prices, he thought, better than Backs had, so he didn't have to worry. He just used the money his father sent him to buy it. He didn't really need much else. Then he started to feel weird when he'd hit up and then he needed it so bad. He had no idea why, but it was messing with his head so much, and he just only could focus on one thing: getting more. That was when he left school, trying to find Micks down where he said he worked in a red light district of Tokyo. He found him but he refused to sell at the same price, instead increasing it five times. Ichigo didn't have that, and he had needed a hit right then. He begged him, and Micks said maybe they could have a trade.

Ichigo didn't understand what he meant until he was halfway into his clothes. But Ichigo didn't have the strength to even resist him if he wanted to. He was weakened by the withdrawal, and something else that he couldn't understand. All he could feel was need to get it. Micks had tossed a large packet at him and laughed. "Welcome to the Rinkan-bō," he'd said, but Ichigo hadn't heard him, he was scrambling to get his kit out, not caring that he was still half dressed. He needed it, right then. There was not anything else in the entire world.

Almost a year had passed, and it had only gotten worse. He'd shoot, and then go into a stupor of a sort where he felt wonderful and couldn't even think. Then, as soon as he came to reality, all he could do was think about getting another hit of it so he could make the pain go away. That's all he wanted, to make the pain go away. That had been all he wanted to start with. But now, he was in a constant haze of pain and bliss, and he couldn't get out of it. He didn't have the thought to even try.

"Please, daddy, you know I'll be good to you," he said and rolled his eyes up at him.

"I just nutted, bitch," Kanda said and backhanded Ichigo soundly, sending him to the floor.

Ichigo started to worry, kneeling up and watching him walk toward the door. His cheek stung but that was nothing unusual. Kanda was rough most the time. Kanda turned back, seeing the desperate expression on Ichigo's face.

"Fuck, I can't say no to you with that face," he said. "Tell you what, entertain the boys while I'm gone, and I'll bring you back enough for three more hits today."

Ichigo's eyes went wide. Three more would last today and tonight if he was careful with it. "Yeah, sure, whatever they want, just hurry back with it…" he said, still sitting on the floor where he'd fallen.

Kanda shook his head and went to the door, beaconing toward his men in the area. "Hey, Ichi-Berry here wants to work to get his hits, and I'm nutted out. So you guys can have some fun while I go pick up another stash from Micks."

Ichigo was somewhat aware of his surroundings when he realized he was being picked up by the arms. He blinked and realized it was Tomi and Sukowa who were lifting him up from the floor and throwing him onto the bed.

"You will do anything, any fucking thing, for that shit, won't you?" Tomi said as he pushed open the yukata Ichigo was wearing. Wearing was a subjective statement in that it was technically on his arms still. Other than that, it was rather a moot point.

"Yeah," Ichigo said, his mind completely focused on the need and nothing else. He felt the hands, he always did, but he honestly didn't care. He'd done this so many times it didn't really matter. All he wanted was to chase that devil dragon down the hole.

However, when he found himself sitting on Tomi's cock and being roughly shoved forward onto him, he wondered just what the hell they were doing. Actually, he didn't even remember when Tomi pulled him onto him; honestly hadn't felt it after Kanda's rough treatment. He winced as Sukowa wrenched his arms behind his back and pushed down.

"The fuck…" he muttered, pain lancing through his shoulders that was eclipsing how much he needed a hit right then. "What are you doing?" he gasped as he felt Sukowa move up behind him. Too late, he realized what he was doing.

Ichigo didn't think he'd screamed in a long time, but when he slammed into him alongside Tomi, he did scream. He gasped and tried to get away from the pain that was coursing through him up his back and down to his feet.

"Fuck, no, don't…stop…" he gasped out as both Tomi and Sukowa laughed at him.

"You are the best, you know, Ichi-Berry. You know why?" Sukowa said as he slammed into him hard, again and again. "You feel as fucking tight as a goddamn virgin every fucking time. Your ass never gets loose and open like those other pussy boys. Never seen anything like it. No matter how much you get fucked, it seems like your cunt goes back to being nice and tight."

Tomi groaned. "Fuck yes, that's why Kanda wanted him here. Fucking hell, I'm glad he likes to share."

Ichigo was gasping for breath at that point. They were right, of course. Ichigo's body healed abnormally fast, returning to normal in very little time. Other injuries seemed to heal faster too, but he didn't realize it, or if he did, he didn't understand it. He had never had that be the case during the time he had no power until he started using the new stuff Micks gave him.

Of course, that meant this hurt like hell, and he could feel blood running down under him. He was actually sobbing from it, and he hadn't cried in a long time. He prided himself on being able to take whatever they could give him. Before, when he was on the street, he'd done a lot he would never thought he'd do just to get the money for a hit. He couldn't even count how many times he'd been slammed into the side of a building, or worse. But this… It was so much worse than anything he'd ever done.

He then was moving, and not under his own power, as he felt the bed under him. He blinked, staring up at the ceiling, his ass burning from them both taking him at once. It was like fire lit in his guts, to be honest. But that could have been the need to get hold of the drug, too. Or maybe not, because he was bleeding pretty damn well if the dampness under his ass was any indication. He moaned and curled in on himself. Fuck that hurt so much, he thought to himself. He heard a couple screams that sounded like the guys, but he didn't understand why they would be screaming. He heard someone's voice and he looked up and blinked. He had to be hallucinating. No, there was no way this was real…

"Gr-Grimmjow?" he stammered finally before he passed out.