Hi, I'm new in the Zootopia fandom. I love the movie and I love the first plot of the movie with how every predator's wearing a shock collar, so here is it. However, this plot will be different with the first concept of Zootopia. Nick will suffer a lot, so if you don't want to see him suffering, it is better to press the "back" button, okay?

Warning: AU Dystopia, NickxJudy eventually (slow burn), full angst, OOC

Disclaimer: I don't own Zootopia and everyone knows that.

A Good Deed

Life is not fair.

It doesn't mean you have to give up, it means you have to try your best to make the best of your life. And that means, you have to try everything to make your dreams come true.

That is what Judy Hopps believed. She is a not-so-normal female bunny from the small town of Bunny Burrow. Where every bunny becomes a carrot farmer, except her. Since she was little, she always dreamed of becoming a cop. No matter how everyone tried to change her mind, or even to go as far as to crush said dream. Even the difficult tests and harsh training could never waver her from her dream.

It wasn't easy, it took more than her time, efforts, sweat, blood and tears until finally she graduated as the best from her class in the police academy. She would work at Precinct 1, at the center of Zootopia. As she waited for the train to take her to Zootopia she gave her parents one last hug and kiss on their cheeks.

"I will miss you guys so much!" Judy hugged them both with small tears threatening to fall.

"Oh Judy..." her mother said with tears threatening to fall from her amethyst eyes.

She smiled to her parents and her siblings. She felt a little bit heavy to leave her hometown, but she had to do this. Because her dream wasn't just to be a police officer, but she wanted to try her best to make the world a better place.

"We will miss you too honey, take care," her mom looked at her with teary eyes.

"Yeah, and with all the predators in Zootopia... oh Judy... you sure you don't want to bring anything else to defend yourself? I have bought a taser for you," added her father with a nervous face. He offered her a bag full with many 'legal weapons' against predators.

"Guys... please, you know how predators in Zootopia wear collars right?" asked Judy, she shook her head at how her parents were acting. But then again, all parents are the same.

"You do have a point, but there are many predators collar-free too, don't forget that," replied her father, his nose twitching with worry.

Judy sighed. "And that means they are 'good' predators, dad."

"Well, it might be true. But a predator is still a predator, as a precaution I think you should-"

"Okay, here, I'll take this one," Judy took a pred-away spray from the bag, "to make you stop talking."

"That's good! Everyone wins!" her father finally smiled. Judy just shook her head, her dad is always overreacting and at times way to overprotective.

Judy turned to see her mom had been looking at her with a strange expression. Like she wanted to say something but it was hard to say it to her. But finally she opened her mouth. "Judy, will you... uhm... release a predator from-" she was cut off by her daughter.

"The trains coming!" Judy shouted. She grabbed her bag fast so when the train stopped not far from them she could jump on.

"I love you guys, really," she hugged her parents before sprinting onto the train. She waved to her family, especially her mom as the train moved. She knew what she wanted to ask, but she didn't have any time to answer it, because she had to explain it too. She wondered why her family had been so afraid of predators. For sure they will go against her, again, if they knew what she had in mind.

The grey bunny sighed as she lost sight of her family. She skipped toward her booked seat in the medium to small mammal car. The train was rather empty today, it turned out she would sit alone in the small train car.

She put her bag under her seat. She wanted to go up to the upper floor so she can see the view better. But a pamphlet on the back of the seat in front of her caught her eye. She took and read it.

"Give A Predator A Chance to be Free!" it said on the front page. Judy knew what it was, she had studied hard about the laws so she knew better than what was written on the pamphlet. Nonetheless she took it with her as she moved to the second floor of the train.

The collar system. It was a classic topic at class along with the history of how predator and prey buried the hatchet. Not to mention of how she had to study the different laws between predators and prey. So Judy had a deeper knowledge than most of the mammals.

But still, at her hometown, the collar system wasn't applied since centuries ago. The ratio between prey and predator at Bunny Burrow was like 1 to 100 so eventually the villagers thought there was no need to apply the collar system in their peaceful village anyway. So, Judy never saw any predators with collars. Well, besides from TV, movies or online videos.

But of course, in Zootopia, where the crime rate was still high, they still used the collar system for every predator. It was very unfair Judy thought. She shuddered when she remembered how predators had to use the collars from the age of three. It was just like imagining her little siblings having to use the scary collars that could shock them at anytime.

She felt glad for the 'Freedom from Shock-Collar Program'. Not all of the prey were afraid of or cruel toward collared predators. For decades, many activists had fought to give predators freedom to be as equals with the prey mammals. It had a long journey before the program was accepted. Unfortunately, the collar system hadn't been erased yet. But the counter program had been made, and that was the freedom from shock-collar program.

Mammals just called it 'The redemption' or 'a deed' for short because the context of the program.

Basically, every predator had a chance to be freed from the collar. It required a good deed to a prey mammal. A predator needed to do a good deed to any prey mammal. It could be anything, as long as the deed helped prey feel grateful and thankful enough to free the predator from the collar.

But it was more complicated than that. This kind of program could be easily manipulated and corrupt, so after many trial and error, there was an official organization to manage this program. It was called the 'Do-Gooders Org.' 'Not a good name', Judy thought, but their work could easily rival the police so Judy won't complain.

The prey and the predator had to submit a report to the organization, then the staff, or it was usually called 'the inspector', would investigate to prove that the deed had been done. It was a lot like how the police investigate a difference is they investigate a deed. They need to prove whether the deed was true or fabricated.

With those proofs, then the prey and predators would go to the court. The court would decide whether the predator deserved to be freed from the collar or not.

It was a lot of work to free a predator from a collar, so not a simple help would move a prey to go through so much pain to payback a predator. But it was still a good system to avoid any manipulation or corruption. It also encouraged all predators to treat prey better and do good things.

A prey only had one chance to free a predator. Since the ratio of prey and predator are 10 to 1 in Zootopia, it was fair enough.

And it also means Judy had a chance to give a predator their freedom.

That's what her mom wanted to ask her at the train station! The answer was of course, yes. Judy knew her parents would be against it. Maybe they thought, once she freed a predator from his/her collar, then she would be mauled to death. Her parents of some really ridiculous things.

A predator could be scary, Judy knew that. She rubbed her cheek where she the three claw scars beneath the fur. It was a gift from a fox jerk when she got from Gideon Grey when she was nine years old.

Her parents had been so horrified, they even went as far as to go to the mayor of their village to request the collar system for Bunny Burrow. Judy was glad the village Mayor just thought it was plain nonsense.

True, she had a little bit of a phobia toward predators, especially foxes. But she couldn't be a good cop if she was biased about that. Everyone deserves freedom, everyone deserves a better life. So, Judy swore as a police officer that she would try her best to make the world a better place for all mammals. That means she would free a predator, just like he/she deserved.


Life is not fair.

No scratch that, life is a LIVING HELL!

No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, life would simply laugh at you then knock you on your ass.

That's what Nick Wilde believed.

He was on the verge to just give up. It was just to painful to keep living day by day like a cursed mammal.

Still, he needed to fulfill his promise to his late mother.

So no matter how hard it got, he would still try and damn the consequences! Even though he knew life isn't fair, not toward predators especially a fox like him. Though he knew whatever he tried he would just fail at the end, he would still try.

This was the last time.

If this was to fail, then it was better to just end his miserable life.

Nick snickered to himself. Death would be a sweet escape for him, how he had been longing for it for years.

The red fox zipped his bag. His paw trembled a little, then he took a deep breath.

He would do this. A final plan to get rid off this damned collar.

"You are fucking crazy..."

Nick turned to see a fennec fox, not so far from the door. The taller fox just smirked while he shouldered his bag.

"I know you care about daddy~" he jested.

"You're fucking garbage...," the little fox growled but then stopped. "You will fail, just go with me to the pack."

"I know, but you know I won't go back to that shitty pack," Nick replied with a colder tone.

"It's indeed a shitty pack, but it makes life easier."

"I WON'T GO BACK TO THOSE DAMNED FOXES WHO HAD REJECTED MY MOTHER AND LEFT HER TO DIE ALONE, NEVER!" Nick screamed letting his emotions get the better of him. He took a few deep breaths because he knew better than get all worked up. He had to calm down his nerves.

"You don't need to forgive them, do it just for your own fucking sake, to live better than this."

Nick smiled at Finnick. It was good to know at least one mammal still cared about him. But still...

"Then I will just end this life," he said casually.

"Nick, you-"

"I have to go or they will cancel the plan."

"You are fucking conned!"

"I know, Finnick. But still, I have to try. Bury me beside my mother's grave, 'kay?"

"You fucker-"

"Farewell," the red fox whispered.

Then he ran.

He heard so many colorful curses behind him, it made him smile.

At least, if he fails, someone would make sure his corpse won't just rot away alone in a dark alley.

"Whatever happens, I will say goodbye to this damned collar, even if I need to cut my head off," he mumbled to himself.

Because he needed to fulfill his promise to his mother. His only reason to keep living this far.

And it will end soon.

To be continued

Not much story progression, this chapter feels more like it needs something extra…

And I can't get a good name for the program, the organisation and et cetera, well... whatever.

I'm sorry if Nick's part is not clear. It must be confusing. It will be explained in the next chapter, if I ever have time to continue it.

So, please review, follow and favorite to boost my mood to continue this fanfic please.

*A light suddenly shines brightly as a figure walks out of it, standing in the now dim lighting is a tall Fulf with grey fur, arctic blue eyes and red tribal markings on his legs, arms and back*

WHAT'S UP EVERYONE IT'S ME BACKDRAFT AKA THE ZOOTOPIAN FULF! I'm going to be helping Dark Calamity of Princess with his/her story! Please give this story a chance I promise you won't be disappointed