For the next few days, Molly did nothing but work, eat, and sleep. She and Stephen barely spoke to each other, neither sure what to say about the fact that Molly had a husband somewhere. Sex was no longer possible, without Molly feeling like she was cheating on someone she didn't even remember. Despite all this, they were still in love and refused to give up on their relationship.

One day, Stephen came back to the apartment to find Molly laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. He placed the books that he'd been carrying on the table.

"What's all this?" Molly asked, sitting up.

"Books about brainwashing, power of suggestion, and-"

"Stephen, I know you want to help, but if something was done to memory at Kamar Taj, then there's no chance I'm going to remember."

"That's the thing, we don't know what they did there. It may be magic, or it may have just been some form of selective hypnosis or brainwashing. That can be reversed, if we can find the right trigger. We've just got to reprogram your brain to remember." Stephen explained.

Molly sighed and started to flip through the books. When she was done, she looked at Stephen and shrugged.

"Even if it is possible, we wouldn't know where to start." Molly said.

"Yes we do. We know that you went to look for your husband at Kamar Taj. I just happen to have something."

Stephen left and returned with a pile of sketches of Kamar Taj. Molly gasped at how intricate and beautiful the drawings were.

"So, you're an artist, too?" Molly joked.

"It was a pretty awesome place. Didn't have my cell phone, so I drew these pictures. Now, tell me if anything looks familiar."

Molly started to flip through the sketches slowly. She suddenly stopped and dropped the pictures.

"What is it, Molly? What did you see?" Stephen asked.

"S-She did it. She made me forget about Kai."

"Who did?"

Molly lifted a shaking finger to point at one of the fallen sketches. Stephen's eyes grew wide when he saw that the drawing was of the Mystic One.

"Mol, there has to be a mistake."

"It was her, Stephen! She wouldn't let me see him! She made me forget about Kai! It had to be. She told me that I wasn't no good to him anymore, that I'd only interfere with his training. The bitch even changed his name."

Stephen faced Molly. "What was that?"

"She changed his name. She said it was better for him to have a new name, so he could fully embrace his new powers."

"What was his name? Do you remember?" Stephen asked.

"I don't know. Kailecious. Something like that, I think."

Stephen felt his heart go into his stomach. "Kaecilius?"

Molly snapped her fingers. "That's it! That was the name she gave him."