The Irishman slammed his laptop shut, not caring about the obvious cracking that came from it.

His green eye blazing with anger, he pulled out his phone dialing the first number that came to mind.

His jaw clenching and unclenching as he waited for an answer. He was trying to control his anger, which he was never good at.

Finally his friend? answered. "What do you want, Anti? I was sleeping," A gruff, tired voice came from the other end.

That did it, "I've told you how many times to not call me that! That's not my name!"

"Did you just call to bitch at me? If so I'm hanging up."

The Irishman was silent.

"Ant-" He cut himself off, not wanting to get an even worse headache from the hothead, "Andrew?"

After a few moments Andrew spoke quietly, "I'm assuming that since you were sleeping, you didn't see?"

"See wha- You were watching his stuff about you on again weren't you?"

"Its part of our rules, Derrick, what the fuck else am I supposed to do?" Andrew frowned.

"Not watch them. I stop watching Mark's videos including me back when he played that game with me supposedly being a girl," Derrick responded, "Besides, all the videos have just made you angry, more than usual anyway."

"One, I will teleport over there and slap you. And two, I'm not you. I can't just ignore our world's rules."

Derrick chuckled, knowing he'd shock the other before he could get a hand on him, but let the other continue speaking.

"What if we get rid of them? Then we won't have to deal with those stupid videos anymore and we won't ever have to speak to each other again."

There was a pause from Derrick's end. Andrew thought the other had fallen asleep, "Der-"

"But wouldn't that be against the rules?" If Andrew didn't know any better he'd have thought the other sounded upset, he did though. It was probably just his anger combining with Derrick's tiredness.

"It's not breaking the rules if they're in our world," Andrew smirked.