Disclaimer~I don't own Harry Potter or anything of that sort, it's all J.K Rowling's work, but you can always dream, right?

A/N~This story was written on November 11th, also known as Remembrance Day. I just thought it was a good day to write this story, you know? Please review!

Remember Me

Chapter 3:His Return

When Hermione finally found her voice, she said quietly


"Yup, it's me, I'm back." replied Harry still amused at Hermione's jaw that had dropped.

"But- but, what..how? What, but-but… so, the Resurrection Stone is real?" asked Hermione she finally came to her senses.

"Yeah. My cloak was from the story and the wand that Voldemort dropped was the Elder Wand." answered Harry.

"So...they're all real?" asked Hermione again. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that the Deathly Hallows were real.

"Yes Hermione, they're all real." Harry said patiently. He knew Hermione was in a daze but her next action surprised him.

"Why did you have to leave? WHY? I've been having nightmares every night I've been able to get some sleep." she collapsed and started sobbing. Harry went to her and tried to put his arms around her but remembered he couldn't so he just sat down beside her.

"Harry, why are you just sitting there and not holding me?" asked Hermione once her sniffles subsided. From his sad look she knew. She scooted over to him and tried to touch him but she just went through him. She gasped. Harry just continued to give her a sad look;he knew that she knew, she was the smartest witch of her generation, after all.

"I can't touch you… I can't touch you… why…?" Hermione mumbled, trying to think of an answer while biting her bottom lip. Her eyes widened suddenly. She looked at Harry in the eye when she asked her next question.

"Can anybody else see you?"

"Nobody other than you and me."

"So...are you my imagination powered by the stone?"she asked, looking at Harry questioningly.

"Yes, and no. Only you can see me because you're the one using it, but my soul is actually here. You just, let's say, 'pulled' my soul from heaven and frankly, I don't mind." said Harry, proud of Hermione knowledge.

"Can you stay with me forever?" asked Hermione hopefully.

"In the story of The Three Brothers, the second brother went mad with longing, right? I tinkered with the stone so that you can only use the stone once a week for 5 hours so you don't go mad and suicide to join me. You didn't tell anyone about the ring, right?" asked Harry and Hermione nodded her head in positive.

"So just make sure that no one else is with you when you use it unless you choose to tell everyone. You can set a password to the ring if you want." continued Harry.

"But Harry, I want you to be here with me every hour everyday." interrupted Hermione sadly.

"Hermione, you have to understand. I don't want you to go insane." Harry pleaded. Hermione nodded her head slowly, showing she accepted the idea but didn't like it. Harry sighed in relief and smiled. A thought came to Hermione's head and she needed to be released from it.

"Harry, in sixth year, how did you feel?" she asked tentatively. He immediately stiffened and sat straighter. His face was emotionless. Hermione regretted asking but he answered carefully and patiently.

"I have to admit, I was disappointed, but I wanted you to be happy, so I left it as is. You just looked so happy with Ron by your side. I just wish that I was the one standing beside you while making you so radiant." he admitted. "But remember I want you to be happy. Nothing will change that, even if you hurt me. You didn't of course." he added immediately when seeing tears start welling up at the corners of Hermione's eyes. Hermione lowered her eyes to her watch to avoid Harry's gaze and to see how much time she had left. She gasped when she saw they had five minutes left.

"Time passes quickly when you're having fun doesn't it?" Harry inquired once he saw how much time too. "That also applies to our years together, apparently." he continued after seeing that Hermione didn't want to answer. Suddenly Hermione said

"I love you Harry." After those words Hermione just sobbed and tried to hug Harry, completely forgetting that she couldn't touch him. Imagine her surprise when she felt something solid. Harry put a hand under her chin to make her look at him. He gazed into her brown eyes with affection.

"I didn't mention one thing. I also changed it so that when you admit that you love me without lying, I would be here. But, the five hour rule still applies."

"Oh, Harry!" Hermione replied, pulling him in an embrace that could shatter ribs. Harry just chuckled and continued

"I can't get injuries because I'm not actually alive, my soul is here and it's solid, that's all. See, I can try and get injured, but look." he said, demonstrating to her. He tried to kick the wall and he did, but didn't end up jumping around and howling in pain as normal people would be. He just lowered his foot and looked at Hermione. Her eyes were shining and she replied

"Oh, Harry, that's great, you can't feel pain anymore! Merlin knows that you felt more pain than necessary in your life." Hermione skipped around the room but stopped mid-skip. "But should I tell them? The Weasleys?" she looked at Harry. His look was passive.

"That's your choice. I'll just support you with whatever choice you make." Hermione just bit her lower lip and her eyebrows wrinkled like they always did when she was thinking hard.

"I think I'll keep this a secret. I know this is incredibly selfish, but I want you all to myself. They were grieving for you way less than me anyways. They already got over it." Harry's eyes just shined and nodded in positive to show he supported her choice. Suddenly his body started shimmering and he tried to calm her down when she started panicking.

"Hermione, this just shows that our 5 hours is up. Just remember me untill I see you next time, ok?" Hermione just nodded, tears swimming in her eyes. "Alright, I love you. See you next week." and Harry disappeared, leaving her alone in the vault. She immediately burned the letter for secret precautions. If anyone found that letter, they might know how to use the ring. Without her knowledge of it happening, the ring became invisible.


Hermione spent the next years of her life considerably content. She met Harry every week, making small talk and telling each other they loved the other. Hermione became the next Minister of Magic and quickly became the most liked of history. Ron became his dream, a Chudley Cannons keeper. He felt guilty being an auror without Harry there. Harry wanted to be an auror, and it felt like he was betraying his memory without him there beside him. Ginny became a chaser for the Holyhead Harpies, the all female quidditch team. Ginny married Neville and Ron had asked Hermione if she wanted to marry him, but she declined. She still felt guilty about breaking his heart, but Harry smiling at her was worth it. She had lived to the age of 127 and left the world happily and willingly. She was joining Harry in heaven, and that was a gift in itself. Before she left, she gave the Resurrection stone to Ron and told him what Harry had told her 109 years ago. She met a smiling Harry in heaven and he told her

"Welcome to Heaven, love."


A/N~Thanks for reading!