Hello! I'm working on this story with my friend Iz Nightwing. NEITHER OF US own The Hardy Boys or Young Justice, and though the picture was edited, we found them online. we don't own them either. enjoy!


Thunder boomed as rain poured down, and the dark clad figure stopped in front of the doorway marked Agents Taught Against Crime. ATAC. The figure knelt, and shoved the envelope they were carrying, under the door. They then backed away, hiding in the shadows to watch. Soon, the door opened, and a teen with black hair stepped out and looked around, holding the envelope in his hand. He closed the door with a shrug and the figure then left the scene.

Inside, the teen handed the envelope to another. "Read this then make it into a video. Then deliver it to Frank and Joe Hardy," he told him.

"You got it Vijay," the guy responded. He ran off to get the video made.

Hardy boys

Joe's POV

I was kicked back on my bed, listening to music. Frank peered through my door.

"Joe, I have pizza in my room. It's important," he hinted.

I jumped to my feet. That meant we had a mission from ATAC! I ran into Frank's room, where he was already popping in the disc. He looked at me.


"Totally! Start it!" The dvd started playing, and sign for a children's charity event popped up on screen.

"This is the charity event for the children's hospital." Our boss Q's voice spoke over the images. "ATAC received an anonymous note that someone is trying to Assassinate Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson. The charity event will be going on all week. We are sure someone is going to try to kill them before it's over. Your mission is to head to Rhode Island, and keep an eye on Bruce and Richard. we have no leads on who the assassin is, so keep your eyes open. There are plane tickets in the box, as well as fifty dollars to get into the charity event. There are also two taser guns that might come in handy. As usual, this mission requires your immediate attention. This disk will be reformatted in five.. Four… three… two…

Billy Joel's uptown girl started playing, and Frank shut it off. Then he turned to look at me.

"I guess we're headed to Rhode Island," he said. "It shouldn't be to hard to convince mom and Aunt Trudy to let us go," he said.

"No kidding," I told him. "Mom loves this kind of thing."


"I don't think this is a good idea, Laura," Aunt Trudy said frowning.

"Oh, your worry to much Trudy, it's fine," Mom said waving her hand and smiling. "I'm happy my children want to help sick kids."

"So we can go?" i asked hopefully.

"Of course you can!" Mom hugged us both, and Aunt Trudy snorted.

"These kids are always finding ways to go on vacation," she muttered. But she went upstairs without argument.

Soon, we were stepping on our plane. "Rhode Island, here we come!" I said grinning and high fiving Frank.

Young justice

Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne stepped out of their limo in Happy Harbor Rhode Island to the Children's Hospital charity event. Dick wasn't very interested in being around a bunch of adults all night, he'd rather be with the others on a mission or teasing Wally about his food addiction. They stepped onto the carpet and started up the stairs to the entrance.

"Bruce, why do I have to go to these events?" He looked down as Bruce signed autographs and took pictures.

"You know why Dick. We have to keep up civilian appearances so people don't get suspicious."

"I know Bruce, but can't I just skip one for once? I'm literally the only teen here."

"I'll think about it Dick, but for n-" A katana flew past Bruce's head, barely missing it and landed in the wall of the building with a note attached to it. Mass hysteria was underway already. Bruce pulled the note off of the blade and read it over, with Dick peering over his shoulder.

"This is your last warning. It will happen for real next time." Dick looked at Bruce in panic, a rare look for the Boy Wonder.

"Someone's trying to kill us. Not Batman and Robin, us."

"It's been attempted before Dick. But I think this person is serious. They're threatening us in public, rather than private," He looked up at the worried faces of the crowd around him, "Get inside Dick. I'll call Clark and have him do a perimeter check."