It had been weeks since Akihito had gotten a job. As time went on and Akihito and Asami got closer he started to work less and rely on his dark haired lover more and more. Asami seemed more than ok having Akihito home more often where he could be easier protected from Asami's dark world. With a wistful expression on his face Akihito started to make a lunch that he planned on bringing to Asami as a surprise. He had already cleared Asami's schedule with Kirishima and knew that he had no plans for lunch that day.

Quietly humming under his breath he started making sandwiches not only for Asami but for most of the people who work for him, Akihito's cooking was a poorly kept secret among Asami's men and if they were given any warning that he was going to be there ahead of time they would often intercept him on his way to Asami's office. They would of course claim it was to look after him and made sure he made it to the office ok, of course the only problem with their excuse was even Asami thought more than eight guards following Akihito in Club Sion was overkill. To top it off they never failed to get more than one sandwich early because they followed the food.

Akihito would just laugh and shake his head when he pretended not to notice one of them putting their hands in the container of sandwiches. He smiled at his multiple containers of sandwiches with various meats. He didn't always bring sandwiches sometimes he would bring meatballs or even full course meals depending on his mood and time of day. He chuckled thinking about the look on Asami's face whenever he walked in with a parade of Asami's guards following him his eye brows would hit his hairline and his eyes would go wide, a few times his jaw had even dropped marginally.

Having finished the sandwiches he walked out with the 7 containers in his hands as well as four sandwich baggies. When he saw his guards standing outside the door he greeted them and gave each one of the baggies "I made these for you, I am heading to Sion next."

They nodded and when he made it to the parking garage in the basement Souh was waiting there with the car for him. On the way to the club Souh had the radio playing quietly Akihito was content allowing the radio host's voice to be meaningless background noise until he heard "You heard right fans Carina sole singer and aerialist of the legendary group Twin Dragons is coming home for performances in Japan. Her first concert her in 5 years tickets are quickly selling out as fans of the influential group have been camping in front of box offices." '

Souh parked the car in one of the VIP spaces and opened the door for Akihito whose hands were still full of sandwiches. He walked with him to the front door and Akihito shook his head fondly when he saw even in the middle of the afternoon Asami had a line out the door, most of whom shot him dirty looks when he was allowed through immediately and the guards at the door both managed to snag a sandwich. He knew he didn't look like much wearing a T-shirt and faded jeans but he supposed there were some perks for bringing food every time you come to visit.

Sure enough as he walked he handed out food to all the guards always in suits following him around like a litter of lost puppies. Finally after a good twenty minutes he made it to Asami's room he had two boxes left one he gave to Souh so he could share it with Kirishima. He walked into Asami's office with a smile and no knock. Asami looked up and his eyes softened warm with affection seeing Akihito standing in the doorway. Asami and Akihito had been together for four years now, and Akihito would always love how open they had become with one another after the fiasco in Hong Kong and the shoot-out on Asami's roof when Akihito had refused to leave him. "Hey Ryu, I thought you might be hungry." Akihito greeted.

Asami showed him one of his rare smiles "Thank you Aki, why don't you come in."

Akihito felt the burst of warmth that he always did when Asami used his nickname and without another thought sat on the edge of Asami's desk he wasn't sitting there long before Asami pulled him into his lap and gave him a soul searing kiss that left him breathless. "So what is for lunch today, Kitten?"

"Sandwiches we have chicken, bacon, ranch. Toasted ham and cheese, or Turkey, bacon and guacamole." Akihito laid feather light kisses along his jaw and neck as he spoke he whispered a quiet "Dig in." lightly biting Asami's neck just below his ear.

Asami let out a quiet groan as he found the nine neatly stacked sandwiches and Akihito turned his gentle biting into suction. After a few more moments of biting and sucking Akihito released the flesh from his mouth and grabbed one of the sandwiches by now Asami was panting slightly and his eyes were burning with lust. He enjoyed that very much if the erection pressing into Akihito's butt was any indication.

With a chuckle Akihito fed Asami a bite of his sandwich "Good?" Akihito asked quietly a hint of insecurity creeping into his tone.

Asami hummed in appreciation they had a slow lunch and after they had finished Asami had pulled Akihito close and they spent endless moments just basking in the feeling of their bodies crushed together. Asami was the first to break the silence "You know before you showed up I was having a terrible day."

Akihito just hummed he knew already after all Kirishima called and told him that Asami needed some special attention.

Asami continued quietly "I am almost completely calm and relaxed something that I would definitely need if I'm going to deal with my next meeting without killing anyone."

Akihito nodded slightly and waited for Asami to finish.

"So who was it that told you I needed your special touch, Kirishima or Souh?"

Akihito smiled "Kirishima told me and Souh helped me get to you."

Asami nodded "I am somewhat calmer not enough for if they do something stupid which they probably will but much better none the less."

Akihito's brow furrowed momentarily before a thought occurred to him standing up he turned toward Asami "I guess than I'll have to try harder after all I wouldn't want Kirishima to be disappointed in my work."

Asami's brow furrowed momentarily before arching up toward his hairline when Akihito kneeled down and pushed Asami's legs apart to make a place for him. "Akihito?" Asami questioned.

Akihito just gave him a seductive smile and undid his fly "By the time I'm done with you, that meeting will be the last thing on your mind. If you can think straight at all when I'm through with you."

Asami gaped as Akihito reached inside his underwear and started to pull out Asami's cock and balls "Akihito I'm not complaining but this isn't like you."

Akihito looked up at him and said "Don't get used to it, I just know that this meeting is with a Kyoto group that is growing rapidly and has been bothering you for weeks. I decided to try and help, so I brought you lunch and blackmail to use against the leader he is cheating on his wife with anything that moves as long as it's male, and his right hand man has a problem with necrophilia which works well for them since all the people the leader sleeps with die. And this is because you don't want them to see you sweat or get stressed and you're most relaxed after you cum so you just sit back and I will blow your mind."

Asami whispered "Why would you do all this for me Aki I never even asked for help.."

Akihito ran his tongue in one long swipe up the underside of Asami's dick stopping just shy of the head "Because I love you that's why."

Before Asami could comment Akihito pulled on of Asami's balls in his mouth and sucked gently Asami groaned as Akihito lavished his balls in attention taking each in his mouth to suck and lick them. Asami's erection from earlier was returning in full and Akihito didn't waste much time in taking the head in his mouth. Asami couldn't help but throw his head back in ecstasy when Akihito's right hand played lightly with his balls before slipping into Asami's slacks and giving his perineum a firm press and stroke before doing it again with a feather light touch.

After a few moments of suckling on the head of Asami's cock Akihito started to slowly bring more into his mouth knowing with the massive equipment his lover possessed anything other than slowly would definitely make him gag. Akihito was almost at the root of Asami's massive length went Asami bucked his hips unconsciously and Akihito gagged hard tears coming to his eyes he pulled back quickly to calm the pesky reflex.

Asami seeing his discomfort ran his hand through Akihito's hair soothingly with an apologetic look on his face Akihito started working him back into his mouth and throat again slightly faster this time around. Asami's gasps and restrained groans letting him know he was doing a good job. His throat adjusted to having Asami's thick member there after a few moments and Akihito's iron will forced down his still barely their gag reflex. Once this happened Akihito didn't hesitate to speed up his movements taking Asami deep in his throat each time before pulling back to suckle and lick the tip giving the slit special attention.

It only took a few moments of this before Asami's breath hitched and the hand in Akihito's hair had a near iron grip "Aki…I'm going to cum." Asami warned Akihito hummed in acceptance around Asami's rigid length pulling Asami over the edge, Asami nearly doubled over as Akihito continued to suck his rigid sex prolonging his orgasm as long as possible. Before long Asami slumped back into his chair panting seeing this Akihito released Asami's rapidly deflating member and licked it clean as well as rubbing it down with a moist hand towel he had smuggled in, inside the lid of the sandwich container and gently put Asami back into his trousers and zipped the fly.

Standing up Asami pulled him into another searing kiss his eyes dreamy and nearly alight in the afterglow seeing Akihito's ridged hard on in his jeans Asami looked at him questioningly "Would you like some help with that?"

Akihito just shook his head "Nah that was for you babe, besides you only have a few minutes before the Kyoto head and his right hand show up."

As they had heard Akihito speak Kirishima knocked on the door to let him know the meeting would begin in about three minutes.

Akihito gave Asami a sweet and chaste kiss "Show those wannabes where they are on the food chain Ryu."

Akihito walked out of the room knowing Kirishima would take care of the box and towel left behind after all Akihito had done his job.

On the way to the car Akihito got a text:

[I'm back and I want us to meet it's been too long brother C]