Stephen walked to the back alley of the sanctum with two trash bags. He could open a portal to the alley directly but he needed the walk to clear his head. He was still a doctor and he knew exercise was usually good for the body, mind, and he reluctantly added the spirit.

He remembered the times when he didn't need to do any chores. His housekeeper would make sure his penthouse apartment was immaculately clean. She sometime even prepared dinner although he usually just dined out when he remembered to eat.

He sometime missed his old life but he was not that kind of self-centered arrogant jerk anymore. At least he tried not to be. His old lifestyle was not suitable for the new-ish him.

He was deep in thought as he opened the dumpster. He nearly jumped out of his skin when a moan erupted from the dumpster. There was a man dressed in a devil red suit in the dumpster.

He closed his eyes and counted to ten. When he opened his eyes, the devil was still there. So it was not a dream. Sadly, with his new life, this scenario was not even in his top ten of weird.

Except for the occasional moaning, the devil seemed to be unconscious. He checked on his pulse. It was quite weak. This devil needed immediate medical help before he died from exsanguination. Nobody would die on his watch either as a doctor or a sorcerer!

-So apparently Stephen and Matt had met in the comics and were friends.

-I know I shouldn't start a new story given I have a lot of WIP but this relationship draws me in.

-It's unbetaed. Any feedback is welcome.