So I always thought Richelle Mead made a mistake of getting Rose and Adrian together right after she 'killed' Dimitri. Adrian shouldn't have pushed her into a relationship and Rose shouldn't have accepted until she had a chance to morn Dimitri. So I was thinking of ways to change that. What would be needed for Adrian not to pursue a relationship with Rose at this point and Rose not to accept. Taken together that every writer has a 'Rose came back from Russia pregnant story' this is what I came up with. I sort of wanted to keep the interactions between Adrian and Rose sort of intimate without it being romantic. I hope you guys enjoy it. I know it might not be so original but I had to get this story out of my head.

I don't own any of the characters. They and Vampire Academy all belong to Richelle Mead.


Adrian's POV

I walked into her room and saw her sitting on the floor crying, whaling. When she heard me come in she turned her head towards me and all I could see was pain in her eyes while tears streamed like rivers down her face.

I closed the distance between us and sat down next to her holding her and letting her cry into my chest. She grabbed onto my shirt as if holding on for dear life. She kept crying until she finally cried herself to sleep. Her body relaxed into me indicating her consciousness had left her body and her hand when limp. I saw something slip from her hands onto the floor. When I looked at the thing she dropped, my heart stopped for just a moment.

Rose had been back from Russia for two days now. Although I hadn't seen much of her, Lissa had. I knew she had spent the first day with Lissa crying in Lissa's room. I decided to give her some space. I had not forgotten her promise to me that when she would be back she would give us a chance. But I would let her grieve first. I saw by the empty look in her eyes she had succeeded in her quest. She had killed the man she loved, well what was left of him anyway. So I would wait until she could get past this.

That had been two days ago. I had thought she was taking all this rather well. She was a brave girl and rarely cried. I even heard Alberta took her back as a student. Which is why it was strange she was balling her eyes out now. But I understood. This wasn't about Dimitri anymore. Her life was about to change dramatically. Because the thing that had fallen out of her hands and onto the floor was a pregnancy test. And it was positive.

Chapter 1:

Adrians POV

I was awake with all these questions, while still sitting on the floor of Rose's room. It was morning by now. Well Vampire morning. I could see the darkness through the window. Rose was still asleep against me. But my mind was racing a mile a minute.

What the hell had happened in Russia? Who was the father? Lissa told me she stayed in a Damphir commune there. Did she sleep with someone there? I knew all about 'angry' sex and 'just need to feel something' sex, so I won't hold it against her. But that will cost her dearly. How was she going to graduate now?

I texted Lissa to meet me in Rose's room.

I felt her stir in my arms. She slowly awoke and she looked at me with heavy bags under her eyes, her mascara all smudged, her hair a mess. I ran my fingers through her hair trying to get some out of her face. I lifter her up and placed her on the edge of the bed. I sat in front of her on my knees, my hands on hers.

"Rose, please tell me what happened."

She looked at me and for a moment I thought the waterworks would start again, but Lissa walked into the room.

Lissa sat next to her on the bed, her arms around her shoulders. Rose leaned into her and let her head lean against Lissa's shoulder.

"Rose talk to me."

She looked at Lissa for a moment. I saw her hesitate.

"I am pregnant."

I saw Lissa was visibly shocked.

"What? Who is the father?"

Rose cocked her head to the sides a bit and raised her eyebrows. Understanding showed on Lissa's face.

"Oh God, How? What Why? What? How?"

Okay. Now I was confused. I knew Lissa was raised sheltered but I assumed she knew were babies came from.

"Okay, want to fill me in here?"

Rose looked at me and I saw her take a deep breath.

"Dimitri, Dimitri is the father." Okay now the exclamation points from Lissa made sense.

"Rose Damphirs, can't have children together, you know that."

I thought about it for a minute. I knew Dimitri and Rose had been together before he was turned it was clear on their faces and in their aura's. Normally Damphirs couldn't conceive. But Rose was not an ordinary Damphir, maybe being shadow kissed had something to do with it. But that would mean she was pregnant the entire time she was in Russia. All that stress can't be good for the baby.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when she shook her head.

"Dimitri wasn't a Damphir when I got pregnant." Her voice sounded so small. She leaned back into Lissa's shoulder. Lissa didn't find all of this half as shocking as me. I guess Rose at least told her that part. But I couldn't wrap my head around it. She slept with Dimitri when he was Strigoi. Wasn't she supposed to kill him?

I was feeling a little angry. Here he was an evil son of a bitch and she still loved him and I guess some part of him still loved her too. How can I ever try and match that? But now wasn't the time for accusations. Rose looked so fragile.

Rose started crying hysterically again.

"I killed its father. I killed the father of my own child. And what if someone were to find out. What will they do to this child. People will think its evil. Oh my God what if it is. What if I give birth to a demon child." She was freaking out.

I started to hone in on her stomach. If I looked careful I could see some aura flashing that didn't belong to Rose. They were faint, probably because the baby was still very small. I looked closely and smiled.

"Rose, there are only bright colors in the baby's aura. Even some gold for some reason. The baby is not evil." She sighed feeling relieved.

But now I could see her freak out over the other thing that had her worried. She was right if people found out that the baby's father was Strigoi, they wouldn't accept it. Worst case scenario they would try and eliminate it. I wouldn't let it happen. I had felt something when I looked at the baby's aura. A connection. I wasn't going to let anything happen to this child. I only knew one way of protecting him or her.

"Rose you listen to me. No one is going to find out about that. We will keep this quiet for now. And in a few weeks you will let Dr. Olendski know you are pregnant and that I am the father. We will just say we had a one night stand when you came back, you know both of us happy you were back."

Lissa and Rose looked at me shocked.

"Adrian. I can't ask that off you."

I grabbed her hands in mine and looked her straight into her eyes.

"You are not asking, I am offering. We both know people will believe it. This way the baby will be protected."

She started crying again. But this time she flung herself at me and I held her. After a few minutes I pulled back. I cupped her face in mine.

"Now tell me what happened in Russia."


So I told him everything I told Lissa the day before. About finding Baia, about Dimitri's family and funeral, about leaving with Dennis and the others. And finally about Dimitri taking me prisoner and us sleeping together again.


We were talking about his family, he had picked up my spirit ring and was playing with it in his hands. The fondness of which he spoke about his family startled me. It was almost like hearing the old Dimitri again.

He put the ring on his pinky finger and reached down towards me. He kissed me. It was the softest sweetest kiss he had given me since being Strigoi. When he kissed me before it was forceful and hungry, but this kiss, this kiss was filled with love.

Normally he would stop now. He would pull back and drink from me. But this time he kept kissing me. He moved his hands under my shirt and pulled me closer to him. He was lying on top of me now and he was leaving my lips to move his own lips downwards. To my neck to my collarbone. His hands leaving my back to also move down towards my hips. I was wearing one of the new dresses Dimitri had gotten me and his hand moved up the dress and up my thigh.

I loved the way his hands felt on my skin, setting it on fire. His hands still rough. I almost wondered if they would stay that way. I don't think Strigoi developed calluses. Those rough hands released me from the constraints of my dress by ripping it off my body. I removed his shirt.

His lips find mine again and his hands move towards my back unclasping my bra. The bra was flung across the room. I unbuttoned his jeans and he kicks them off. My hands grip his hair and I hear him groan into my mouth. His hands move down my almost naked body towards the apex of my legs. He brushes his fingers over the still covered skin and I throw my head back and moan. He grips my hip with one hand and the other hand goes towards my hair. He brings my lips, which were dislodges from his a moment earlier, back to his. He removed the last bits of clothing standing between me and him. He hovers over me for a moment. Looking me in the eyes. He was asking a silent question.

I uttered the words, that to the day I die I will not regret, no matter how screwed up my life will become because of it.

"Don't stop."

He didn't. He slipped himself between my folds and I gasped at the sensation. It had been a while since the cabin and I didn't know how much I missed him inside of me until that moment. He started moving in and out of me, setting a vigorous pace. One hand lifted up my leg so he could reach deeper inside of me. I let out a whimper. He smiled against my lips. He switched us around so he was on the bottom and I was on top. We were in sitting position. I was grinding my hips into his, needed the friction. One of his hands reached behind my back and pulled my hair away from my neck. He was sucking and licking and kissing the spot he usually bit.

His pace became more frantic as was mine. He placed us back unto the bed and he was now looking at me, one hand desperately holding onto my thigh keeping me in place and the other near my head steadying him on top without letting his full weight crush me. I knew he was getting close, so was I. I could feel the coil tighten in my stomach and my moans became louder.

Then I felt the skin on my shoulder break. The pain mixed with the rush of endorphins together with Dimitri releasing himself into me send me over the edge and I screamed. Part of me couldn't help but feel guilty, the best orgasm I ever had was with a Strigoi when he was biting me. I guess I could no longer deny I was a blood whore, I thought sarcastically. It was the one thing that reminded me that Dimitri wasn't the person he used to be. But up until that point it had felt like Dimitri. I had needed him. I had needed the last piece of him that existed in this world. I fell asleep in his arms and I relished the feeling. Knowing it would be the last time.

The next morning he was gone from my bed and the ring was on my nightstand.

End Flashback

Adrian took all of it in. I knew he was intrigued about Oksana and the rings effects, but wisely decided to keep those questions for another day.

He was about to open his mouth when there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door.

"Package for Rosemarie Hathaway."

I took the package and closed the door again sitting down on the bed. I opened the package and I felt inside of it. I could feel something smooth and metallic in there. I knew what it was before I pulled in out. A stake and not any stake, the stake I used to kill Dimitri.

Along with the stake was a note. I recognized the handwriting immediately.

You forgot another lesson: Never turn your back until you know your enemy is dead. Looks like we will have to go over that lesson again the next time I see you- which will be soon.

Love D.

My world spun. I was recalling the moment on the bridge over and over again. I hadn't put the stake in far enough. His last minute dodge preventing me from pushing it far enough in. A million things going through my mind. To my surprise the first thing was relief. Although I had failed in my quest to set his soul free, I couldn't help but feel relieved knowing I hadn't killed the love of my life, and the father of my child.

But that did bring us in a bit of trouble. If Dimitri found out about the baby I don't know what he would do. It's ironic. I knew Dimitri would have loved a family of his own, but we both knew that us being together would prevent him from having that. And yet here we are and he couldn't even enjoy it.

"Rose, Rose!" I looked up to see Lissa gently shaking my shoulder. I am guessing it wasn't the first time she called my name.

"Rose, you look pale, are you alright? What is in the note?"

I handed her the note. She gasped before handing it off to Adrian. Both of them trying to take in this new information.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. He's coming here?"

I shook my head.

"He can't cross the wards, but he will keep an eye on me and I will have to leave the wards at some point, and he will be there waiting. He said that we couldn't both exist in this world."

But something occurred to me then and there. Maybe we could. Realization must have shown on my face or in my aura because Adrian seemed to notice my change in demeanor.

"Rose, what's wrong?"

"Do you believe in fairy tales?"

Lissa and Adrian both looked at me as if I was crazy. So I explained what Mark had told me. I knew Dimitri had been different when he was wearing the spirit infused ring, so there must be something to the story.

"Even if that is true, how are we going to find this Robert Doru, you said he is a little off the wagon and you have no idea where he is." Adrian asked.

I looked at both of them a bit guilty. They weren't going to like this bit, especially Lissa.

"His half-brother knows where he is. We just have to ask him."

I was stalling, I know.

"And who is his half-brother?" Lissa asked suspiciously. She knew me so well. She knew I was hiding that part and she wasn't going to like it.

"Victor Dashkov."