Author's note: Sorry for the late update times; I've been busy

Ezra grabbed all the stuff he needed for the mission as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. He walked into the commomns room just to see Kanan and Sabine talking over wasn't sure what to think about this. Just something about this mission just rubbed him wrong.

"Welcome to the Spire on Stygeon Prime, the only Imperial detainment facility in the Stygeon system. And it's impregnable." Sabine said gesturing to the holo as Ezra bit his lip at that. Now his cornerns went up several degrees. He shifted nervously. Kanan did give his friend a concerned look.

"That's never stopped us before"Kanan began as Ezra looked over the holo the last prison this advanced he went to was to rescue a Jedi. He was about 9 years old at the time but he insisted on coming with his togruta friend to tag along on the mission

Sabine chuckled lightly before continuing."Trust me, we have never faced anything like this. It's a real work of art. Blast proof, ray shielded, protected by anti-ship weapons, TIE fighters and short and long range scanners."She continued. "Well that's just great" Ezra grumbled saracastically.

"We can fool the scanners." Hera said speacking up as Ezra leaned agianst the wall. He just couldn't stop thinking about the vision he had earlier. Ezra was often prone for visions because of his strength in the force. It seemed like the force was trying to warn him about something.

"Eh, maybe. But that just leaves an army of troopers and guard posts on all the walls. Look, even if we get into this beauty, the hard part's getting out. 'Cause, you know, it's a prison." Sabine said matter-of-a-factly.

Ezra went up and pointed at one of the lower landing platform. "What about going in low and sneaking onto this landing platform?" the 25 year old suggested. Knowing it probably wasn't the best idea but it might be there only chance of even coming close to rescuing the Jedi Master.

"Mm-mmm. Platform has a heavy trooper presence and reinforced blast doors. Impossible to get in or out that way." Sabine said with a sigh shaking her head slightly as Ezra's frown deepened. He looked to Kanan to see if he had any ideas.

"Here. There's only room for a couple guards. We take them down, make our way to the upper level isolation cells, free Luminara and come back out the way we came in." Kanan suggested. "Kanan we both know that plan is mediocre" Ezra said thinking that the number of concussions his friend has had must've fried his brain or something as Chopper beeped in agreement.

"Yeah. You'd have to be crazy to try that lousy plan." Sabine said agreeing with her friend and the droid. She didn't see how this plan was ever going to work.

" Let's hope the Empire thinks so too." Kanan said. He did know something was definately bugging his 'younger brother' but ignored it for now.

Chopper chripped a objection. "Oh, I'm sorry, Chop. We just don't need your damaged logic circuits on this one." Zeb told the droid as Chopper replied annoyed with these unbearble organics.

"Kanan can we talk?" Ezra asked quietly unsure what to do to convince his friend that this was a bad idea but he had to try.

"Sure" Kanan said as the two Jedi walked out of the commons room.

"Kanan I'm not sure we should go on this mission" Ezra started as he crossed his arms.

"Why not?" Kanan asked looking at his 'younger brother'. He knew that Ezra was usually right about these things but the mission was already all set up.

"Just nevermind...but we need to be careful" the raven-haired man said before hearing Hera's annocement.

" Thirty seconds. Good luck." She said as Ezra sighed. adjusting his belt lightly.

" Luck? We're gonna need a miracle." Zeb commented which earned a small chuckle from Ezra. Sure he has been on risky missions before but none really like this. They really where idiots for even trying to attempt this.

Sabine held up some gernades showing them to Ezra and Zeb. "Here are three" she said as Ezra looked towards Kanan.

"Try to stay focused." Kanan scolded he sometimes swore these three acted like 12 year old's from time to time. Ezra rolled his eyes playfully at his friend.

"I thought there was no try" Ezra said watching his friend jump down. Ezra really didn't know what happened he lost his balanace and fell off the shuttle. He looked at his friend shrugging as he helped him take down the stomrtroppers.

"What the heck was that kid?" Zeb said to the young man as Ezra bit his lip. "I lost my blance" he said simply as Kanan just shook his head. He knew something was bothering his friend but he didn't mention it.

"I hate to interupt but the kid has to open the door" Sabine to the others as Ezra rolled his eyes.

"I'm only 2 years younger than you" Ezra said as he knelt by the lock as Sabine did chuckle at that as the man worked on lock.

"Ezra..." Kanan began hoping his 'brother' knew how to slice like in the old days.

"Quiet I'm Focusing..." Ezra said as he undid the lock. "Okay let's go..." he finished getting up.

"Luminara's here. I sense her presence, but it's clouded. Where's Master Unduli?" Kanan asked Sabine as the other Jedi lowered his head. "Yeah I sense her too...but she doesn't feel like she did in the clone wars" Ezra muttered shaking his head lightly.

"I know...but we don't have time...let's go"Kanan said as the younger Jedi sighed and followed his friend deeper into the cells finally making it to the cell. "Master Luminara..." Kanan said before walking up to the Jedi master.

They recived no response as the Jedi master got up walking to a old corpse walking into it as Ezra's eyes widened he knew this was a trap. Igniting his saber just to see a pau'nun walk in igniting his own saber a toothy smile forming on his face.

"Two Jedi? Hmmm? well it should be easy besides that... I am the Inquisitor. Welcome. Yes, I'm afraid Master Luminara died with the Republic. But her bones continue to serve the Empire luring the last Jedi to their ends." The inquistor said as Ezra got out his com. "Spector you read me? it's a trap!" the young man said as Kanan attacked the inquisitor all Ezra received as a response was static.

"There will be no reinforcements. Interesting. It seems you trained with Jedi Master Depa Billaba..." the inquisitor said receiving a look of shock from both of the Jedi. "How? Who are you?"Kanan demanded as Ezra blocked a blow meant for Kanan.

"he temple records are quite complete. In close quarter fighting, Billaba's emphasis was always on form 3, which you favor to a ridiculous degree. Clearly, you were a poor student." The man said continuing to taunt Kanan as Ezra tried to push the inquisitor away. "And you...I expected more from the Jedi supposedly trained by Master Kenobi" he said turning his attention from Kanan to Ezra.

Ezra simply grinned. "I have some tricks up my sleeve" he said as he threw the detonator at the inquisitor running out of the cell Kanan following after. This didn't slow the Inquistor down for long quickly throwing Kanan aside.

"Aren't you paying attention?; the Jedi are and your pitiful friend have no chance" The man said as Ezra glared at him taking this oppunity to attack as Kanan did the same covering Ezra's weak spots. They where both thrown forward as both of them grunted in pain.

"Ready to die?" The inquisitor said to Ezra as Ez held his saber in front of him preparing to make his last stand until he heard his friend yell "NO!". The Inquisitor was suddenly pulled to the ceiling. "Run!" Kanan yelled to him once more as Ez ran to his friend helping the other Jedi up. A second blade was ignited as Ezra couldn't help but face palm.

"Why do the Sith always get the cool lightsabers?" Ez said as Kanan simply rolled his eyes. "Come on! we have to move!" the Jedi said to his fellow as the two ran forward just to spot a young woman and a laust that could only be Sabine and Zeb.

" Guys! This way!" The mandolorian yelled. Kanan and Ezra followed her down one of the hallways.

"You figured out it was a trap?" Kanan asked. Sabine nodded.

"Yeah; Luminara?" Sabine asked noticing that Ezra and Kanan both looked exhuasted.

"Long gone. Our new exit?" Kanan answered scratching the back of his head knowing his should've trusted his friend's judgement and now they where stuck in this mess.

"Landing platform" Sabine said as Kanan gave her a weird look raising a eyebrow.

"Well, let's hope the Empire thinks so too." Sabine said making it to landing platform.

"Secure the facility. Full lockdown." said a PA message as Ezra groaned.

"Why can't something be easy?;just once?" Ezra groaned.

"Can't do this all day!" Zeb yelled taking down some more stormtroopers that came through the front of the door.

I've got it. I-" Sabine started but didn't finish when the thing shocked her and she groaned. "I'm locked out of the system. Ezra?" She said looking towards the young man who knelt down and tried the lock but didn't seceed. "Sorry" he told the others getting up.

"Ezra...just like old times?" Kanan asked as Ez grinned and nodded getting up as the two Jedi used the force to open the doors.

Sabine got on her com once agian contacting Hera. " Spectre-5 to Phantom. We're on the landing deck, ready for pickup." Sab said as she entered the docking bay the others following soon after.

"On my way, Spectre-5. And I'm bringing the fleet." Hera said through the com as Zeb and the others had a confused look on their faces. "We have a fleet?" Zeb asked. Ezra shrugged not sure what to think and wondering what Hera did while they where gone.

"We do now." Hera said as she arrived some native wild life just on their tail as they rushed inside the ship. Zeb looked back to see the inquistor before looking at Kanan and Ezra. "Do your guys sabers do that?"he asked earning a glare from both of them as the lausat shrugged as the ship took off leaving the falacity behind.

"Master Luminara?" Hera said looking up at her friend noting the disappointment in his eyes.

"Gone. We'll have to find a way to spread the word." Kanan said shifting lightly.

"How's Ezra taking it?" Hera asked him with a frown.

"Not as bad as I am...I guess me and him are really the last of the Jedi" Kanan said.

Later,Ezra sat on the ramp knees pulled to his chest as Kanan came out sitting beside him.

"Kanan there's no need to apolgize...even Jedi visions are wrong sometimes..." Ez said secretly hurt by this whole ordeal.

Kanan bit his lip looking downward. "But yes I do...I should've trusted your judgement" he said.

Ezra nodded slightly. "We haven't worked together in a long time Kanan; I get it...there's a learning curve but all I'm asking is that you have my back...and I'll have yours" Ezra said as Kanan smiled.

"That I can do" he said.

There done...sorry for not being able to Update sooner.