In one universe, a sixteen year old girl died when hit by a car. In another, Katniss Everdeen gets fatally injured in a hunting universe. In one the girl is someone who the world won't go to hell without, in another the fate of the world rests on a one girl but you cannot, no matter how important, return a dead person to their body. So the powers to be decide to put the young car accident victim in Katniss Everdeen's body. They however, forgot to wipe her memories. Now she is Katniss, with Katniss' personality and memories and a bunch of different memories of a different world, years into the past when she had read a series called "The Hunger Games." Brace yourself world, shit is about to go down.

Chapter One

The last thing I saw was a pair of lights speeding towards me and the next thing I know is the gentle sound of rain drumming on the roof of a house. Someone runs their hands through my hair and I am swaddled in a pair of blankets. This scene is foreign to me. My Mom and Dad died when I was five and I was shipped off to live with my father's Aunt, my only living relative. She blamed me for my parents' death, as if the survivor's guilt wasn't bad enough and thus loathes me. Maybe someone found me half dead and are taking care of me. Good. I will have food till I recover and able to pay these people back. Then, I will think about others things. I should wake up though; it seems the person is speaking. Hmm...Sounds like a young girl and she is calling for her sister to wake up. Maybe, they are taking shifts caring for me. Wow. Now, I feel bad, a child has to stay up taking care of my lazy ass.

"Hey," I say softly as I open my eyes, so as not to startle the young child. From what I can see, she has blonde hair and blue eyes along with a not so pale face. Hmm...Must like the outdoors.

"Katniss! You are awake! Mom, Katniss is awake!" She says as she hands me a glass of water. Who is Katniss and why is this kid so happy at her waking up, which coincides with mine?

"Prim, how is she?" a blonde haired woman enters from a small room in the side. I look around and see that the house is small, with just a ground-floor and a bedroom.

Prim?! And yes, my mind chose to register that after taking in the house. Katniss, Prim, what's next Gale? Peeta? The Hunger Games?

"She is awake, Mom, but she is not saying anything," Prim informs her mother.

"Well, that's an improvement, when Gale dragged her in, you know how it was Prim. You did an amazing job at healing your sister?"

Sister? Gale? Oh please, let this be a bad dream I can wake up from. I mean, I would love to go to any book series, any, but the Hunger Games! And that too as Katniss Everdeen! No, no, no. Maybe these people are joking or something. I love the books but no, this is one series I definitely do not want to live. Nope. Nada. Well, maybe if I sleep this will all be a bad dream and it's not like I can help myself. The exertion must have taken a toll on me because I a once again, out as a light.