A/N: Hey sorry it took so long, but I had some test to take study for. Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter and read the bottom author's note for an IMPORTANT notice.

Ruby got up the next day, after getting back from Nora's house, ready to when the bet with her. She heard the shower shut off and the door open. A few seconds later Yang walked into the room wrapped only in a yellow towel that barely covered her nipples and ass, and said, "Morning, Sis."

Ruby didn't respond as she was focused on Yang's breasts as they bounced slightly with every step. Ruby noticed she was staring at Yang and quickly shook her head to clear her mind of some rather inappropriate thoughts about Yang and her breasts.

"M-morning, Yang," Ruby replied as she blushed slightly.

"You okay, Rubes?" Yang asked noticing the pause before Ruby responded.

"Yeah, I'm still waking up is all," Ruby replied, "I'm going to take a shower to wake up."

"Alright, I saved you some hot water," Yang replied as she opened her dresser drawer to get out some underwear.

"Thanks," Ruby said and decided to test out Nora's theory by giving Yang a quick peck on the cheek.

Yang quickly jumped away in surprise but tripped over her own feet and fell to the floor with a thud.

"Yang!?" Ruby cried out as she saw Yang fall.

"Are you o—" Ruby asked, but cut herself off as she noticed that Yang's towel fell open, revealing Yang's fit naked body.

Both sisters blushed a shade of red that put Ruby's name to shame and Yang quickly covered her breasts with her arms and crossed her legs to cover her groin.

Ruby quickly looked away and said, loudly almost shouting, "I'm sorry!"

Ruby swiftly grabbed her shower supplies and ran into the bathroom. She slammed the bathroom door shut and leaned against the door, panting heavily. She was still blushing deeply as the image of Yang's naked form was stuck in her mind and all she could think about was how hot Yang looked.

"Stupid, Nora," Ruby muttered, angry at Nora for putting the idea that Yang might be crushing on her in her head.

Ruby turned on the shower to cold before getting in.

While Ruby ran into the bathroom, Yang was left lying on the ground. After the shock of her sister seeing her naked then running off wore off, Yang slowly reached up and touched the spot where Ruby's kissed her cheek, and smiled widely.

After an ice cold shower, Ruby walked back to her and Yang's room, opening the door slightly to peek inside, in case Yang was still inside. Ruby sighed in relief as she saw that Yang wasn't in the room, not quite ready to face her sister yet. She got dressed and headed towards the kitchen, smelling the scent of pancakes and bacon, from her room.

Ruby stopped just outside the kitchen, staying just out of sight. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before she stepped into the kitchen. "Hey, Sis," Ruby said managing to keep most of the awkwardness out of her voice, and only blushing a little bit.

"Hey, Ruby," Yang said, blushing slightly as well, "Sorry about flashing you earlier, I didn't expect you to give me a kiss on the cheek. It kind of surprised me."

"It's fine," Ruby replied, "besides I should be the one apologizing since I was the one that kissed you. I won't do it again."

"No," Yang said a little too quickly, "it's fine. I didn't mind it; I just didn't expect it. Just next time don't surprise me."

"Oh, okay," Ruby replied, a little surprised by Yang response.

Ruby then slowly walked up to Yang and placed a hand on her shoulder. Yang looked at Ruby and Ruby gave her quick peck on the cheek before stepping back.

"How's that?" Ruby asked, her cheeks pink.

Yang blushed a rose color and turned her head away from Ruby, trying to hide her blush. "Yeah, that's fine, Rubes," Yang replied, "Breakfast will be ready in a minute, so you can go ahead and sit down."

Ruby nodded with a small hum of understanding and went to sit down at the table.

After the sisters had eaten breakfast in an awkward silence, they head to the garage where Yang parked her bike. Yang backed the bike out of the garage, turning it around in the process before Ruby hopped on. She handed Yang her yellow helmet before she put on her own red one.

Ruby wrapped her arms around Yang's stomach, feeling her sister's abs. "Wow, I never realized how ripped Yang is," Ruby thought to herself, blushing.

Ruby shook her head of the thought and muttered, "Damn, Nora."

"You say something?" Yang asked.

"No, nothing," Ruby replied.

Yang nodded and started the engine.

Yang drove them to school, where they arrived about ten minutes early, so they headed to meet up with the gang in the cafeteria. Team RWBY sat on one side of the table, and Team JNPR sat on the other. Ruby sat down across from Nora and kicked her in the shin underneath the table. That caused Nora's knee to slam into the underside of the table.

"You okay, Nora?" Ren asked in his usual calm tone.

Nora just gave Ruby a wide, smug smile and said, "Yeah, never better. It was just a muscle spasm."

Ruby glared back at Nora, who just giggled.

School started a few minutes later and the gang headed inside.

When third period came around Ruby headed to her favorite class, English. When Ruby walked into the English hallway, she was hit with a wave of hot, stuffy air. She headed to Glynda's class and was already starting to sweat, though she wasn't sure if it was because of the temperature of the air or if she was nervous about seeing Glynda after what happened with Yang that morning.

When Ruby walked into the class, she saw Glynda sitting at her desk with the top two buttons of her usually, fully button blouse unbuttoned. Ruby sat down at her desk in front of Glynda and asked, "Why is it so hot in here?"

Glynda sighed, "The air conditioner is broken."

"That sucks, and it's like ninety degrees outside," Ruby said and pulled on her shirt collar.

"Just be glad you don't have to be in here all day long," Glynda replied with a small smirk of amusement.

"Right, sorry," Ruby replied, smiling apologetically.

"No need to apologize, Ruby," Glynda said smiled softly, "It's not your fault that the air conditioner broke."

"Do you know when it's going to be fixed?" Ruby asked

"They said, they'll get it done after school today, so hopefully they'll have it fixed by tomorrow," Glynda answered.

Ruby was about to answer, but the bell rang to signal the start of class.

"Guess I should start class now, hmm?" Glynda asked Ruby rhetorically, with a small smile.

Ruby made it through class easier than she thought it was going to be, but then again, it was so hot Glynda didn't have the energy to do her subtle seduction tactics on Ruby.

When the bell rang to end class, everyone almost cheered in relief that they could finally leave the hot, stuffy room to one with air conditioning. Everyone got up from their seats and rushed out of the classroom, but Ruby stayed behind for a second. Ruby pulled out her water bottle, which was red with a black outline of her rose symbol on it, from her backpack and sat it on Glynda's desk.

"What's that?" Glynda asked.

"It's my water bottle," Ruby replied, "I figured you could use it more than me."

"Don't you need it for track practice today?" Glynda replied.

"It's fine; Pyrrha always brings a few bottles of water in case someone forgets to bring theirs or runs out," Ruby answered. "Oh, and you don't have to worry about germs, I washed it the other night and hadn't used it yet."

Glynda smiled sweetly at Ruby, blushing slightly, and said, "Thank you, Ruby. I really appreciate it."

Ruby blushed slightly at how pretty she thought Glynda's smile was. "It's no problem; I'm glad to help." Ruby replied, "Anyways I have to get to my next class. I'll see you later."

"Alright, I see you tomorrow Ruby," Glynda replied, "And I'll return your water bottle back to you as well, clean."

"Okay," Ruby replied giving Glynda one last smile before leaving.

When Ruby walked out of the room, Nora was waiting for her just outside the classroom.

"What do you want?" Ruby asked, not stopping as she didn't want to be late for her next class.

"So, finally going to admit that they have a crush on you?" Nora asked following Ruby and making sure not to be too specific in case someone bothered to hear what they said.

"No, but thanks to you, now I think I might have a crush on them." Ruby replied.

"Really?" Nora asked, not expecting that answer at all.

"Yeah. Earlier today, I decided to test out your stupid theory and gave Yang a quick peck on the cheek." Ruby answered.

"So?" Nora asked, "Siblings give each other kisses on the cheek all the time. I've seen Yang do it to you several times, and Jaune's sisters do it to him almost daily."

"I know that," Ruby replied. "But I've never done it to Yang; I always just hugged her. It was probably the first time I kissed her on the cheek since I was like eight."

"Okay, but still I don't see your point." Nora said.

"Well, when I kissed Yang on the cheek she had just gotten out of the shower, and I was about to head into the shower. But when I kissed her, she jumped away in shock... and she fell… and the towel came loose..." Ruby said.

"Yang flashed you?" Nora asked and saw Ruby's face redden before she started laughing.

Ruby waited with an annoyed look on her face for Nora to finished laughing. Nora's laughing died down to giggling after about thirty seconds, and Ruby continued. "Yes, she did, and I couldn't get the image out of my mind until I saw Glynda today. And do you know how hot Yang is? Or how gorgeous Glynda is?"

"Yeah, Yang is smoking hot and ripped as fuck." Nora replied, going off into a little daydream about Yang.

Nora was quickly brought out of her daydream by Ruby loudly clearing her throat. Nora turned to look at Ruby, who was giving her a death glare.

"I thought you were in love with Pyrrha?" Ruby asked not easing up on the glare.

"I am, but that still doesn't mean I don't appreciate a beautiful body when I see one," Nora replied. "You don't have to worry about me going after Yang or Professor Goodwitch."

Ruby's face softened, and she sighed, "Sorry, Nora, I don't know what came over me there."

"It's fine, Ruby, I feel the same way every time I see Jaune kissing Pyrrha." Nora replied.

Ruby arrived at her class. "Well, I'll talk to you later, Nora."

"Yeah, see you later, Ruby." Nora said and headed onto her class.

When Ruby sat down in her seat, she pulled out her phone and sent a text to Pyrrha.

Ruby: You free tonight? I want to talk to you about something.

Pyrrha: Sure, what do you want to talk about?

Ruby: Just meet me at AH's Pizza at 7?

Pyrrha: okay

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. The important notice that I was talking about in beginning author's note is that someone who is reading my stuff said that he/she will report my stuff if add any smut to it. And although I haven't added any yet, I plan on doing it later in the stories. So instead of waiting till I add smut and him/her reporting, and having to change my stories over to AO3( archieve of my own) I'm just going to go ahead and change them over. I will be leaving the stories up and adding author's note letting you know when I update it on AO3. And if you don't want to leave comments and stuff on AO3 you can always live it here as I'll still be pretty active on this site in terms of reading stuff. Also, before I forget I'll be adding a link to AO3 page with all my stories on it in my bio, so you can just go there. I'll start putting the stories up right after I post this chapter.