Author's Note: Hi guys, I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY there hasn't been any update lately. School took up most of my time. Actually, I'm updating now because in case I can't finish this story now, I'm putting it up for adoption. If anyone's interested, read my author's note at the end of the story. Thanks for your reviews.


Chapter Three

Marinette looked at the stars above her, happy that there wasn't an akuma attack and that the moon is shining bright above her. She was walking on the shore since they decided to stay on Adrien's family beach house for the night. Adrien thought about Marinette's reactions at the cave today, he was at the balcony overlooking the sea, clueless about Marinette's presence on the beach in front of him. Adrien was just so deep in thought that he didn't see her.

"Adrien, could you call Marinette? It's time for dinner," Alya asked. Adrien snapped out of his thoughts with a jolt and cursed under his breath before walking out.

He saw Marinette lying down on the beach. His eyes widened in panic, why? He'll never understand but it felt the same as when he knows Ladybug is in danger, it felt like the same worries, the same fear. Adrien ran to Marinette, relieved to find her only asleep.

"Marinette, it's time for dinner," he said.

Marinette stirred awake. "Sorry, the surroundings sound so peaceful and I guess I was just tired," she explained.

"It's okay, just don't worry me like that again. I can't lose my first friend, right?" Adrien asked.

Friend, that's all I'll ever be to him. Marinette said to herself. Tears were threatening to pour from her eyes. "I'm sorry, please tell Alya I'll skip dinner. I'm not really that hungry," she said before running back inside and leaving a dumbfounded Adrien alone.

For the next few days at school, Marinette kept her distance as Ladybug and as Marinette. The distance was doing her good. However, Adrien was completely confused. Since they come back from the beach, Marinette would keep her answers to his questions quick and her smiles just halfway. Same goes for Ladybug. He asked Alya about Marinette, though but she just shrugged her shoulders and say she doesn't know and that Marinette wouldn't tell her. So Adrien decided to confront Marinette about it.

"What the hell is your problem?!" he demanded after school when he knows that everyone has left.

"Nothing. Don't mind me," Marinette said coolly.

"It isn't if you're avoiding me!"

"Damn it, Adrien! What would you have me do?! I'm still your friend so stop feeling guilty about something your didn't do because it really isn't something you did! Just leave me alone!" Marinette yelled.

"No, I won't! Just like what you said. I'm your friend so if something is bothering you, I'll help you!" Adrien yelled back.

"You can't stop this from happening, Adrien. Sooner or later, you'll find out that a pathetic little fan girl of yours is actually Ladybug and Ladybug knows who you are under the mask! You'll know it's me! So why should I delay the inevitable?! After all, I'm your friend, right?!"

And just like that, Marinette once again left a dumbfounded Adrien.

Somewhere in Paris, Hawkmoth has already detected Marinette's anger and it wasn't long after she was akumatized.

Adrien was watching the TV when the breaking news interrupted the program he was watching. It was about an akuma attack!

"Plagg, claws out!" he yelled before transforming into Cat Noir.

As he jumped from one roof to the next, he hoped it was not Marinette. He can't do this without Marinette as Ladybug. When he arrived, he realized his prayers were for naught as he immediately recognized Marinette. Although her back was to him.

"Marinette, you're stronger than this. You have to fight the akuma, please," he begged. At that, Marinette turned to him, he face void of emotion and her blue eyes dull. Adrien's heart broke at that. He did this to her.

"Marinette, please. You and I know who deserves this most and it's not you, please, Marinette. You have to fight it for Alya, Nino, our friends, your parents, me. Please, Marinette. I can't do this without you. Who's going to listen to my puns, if you're gone," Adrien hugged her this time. "Please, Marinette, I love you for who you are, not as Ladybug but as you. Please.I'm sorry, so sorry. I love you."

Adrien had tears in his eyes now as he continued to hug Marinette. Then he felt arms wrap around his torso. He looked to see Marinette smiling at him and her eyes filled with emotional tears.

"I love you, my cat."

"I love you, my lady." Adrien kissed Marinette's lips and hugged her close.

Marinette caught the akuma in her yoyo and deakumatize the butterfly. "Bye-bye little butterfly."

After that, Marinette and Adrien walked though the streets hand-in-hand. Both were perfectly contented in their little bubble of happiness. Neither of them even noticed, Alya and Nino when they passed by.

"I guess they're finally happy." Nino said.

Author's Note: Well, it looks like I won't have to put this for adoption. Anyway, don't forget to add this to your favorites, follow it, or just review.
