Hello! Welcome to the rewrite of "Hiding in the Present". Have you ever looked back on a story and just been embarrassed by it you couldn't even read it? My original plan was to just edit what I had written, but I couldn't handle reading what I had already written. I still love the general plot idea of Bella being a famous figure skater, so I hope this is better and I finish it! I also have no clue WHY I had Bella have a "stage name", or "ice name" as it was since there is no way USFSA would let someone compete under a fake name and some of the other things bothered me. I'm going to warn you now I don't update on a schedule. I'm also in college, working part-time at my rink (coaching and front desk), still skating, and my sister is getting married soon so updates may be sporadic, but I am going to try and finish this one. So, if you found the original and got the notice about this one, I hope you enjoy it and find it better written and realistic. Or as realistic as you can get with vampires. If you just now found the new one, enjoy!

Taking a deep breath, I skated onto the ice. "It's now or never" I thought as I readied myself. I knew even if I didn't win, even if I didn't place in the top three, I still had a chance at the Olympic Team because of my performance in international competitions lately. But I hadn't lost a major competition in over three years and I didn't plan on losing one now. I wanted to win. I wanted no doubts in anyone's mind that I belonged on that team. I took another deep breath as the audience stilled as they heard my music playing. This was my time and I was not going to blow it. It was halfway over before I realized it. I ready myself for my triple triple-double loop-double toe. I flung myself into the air and spun, coming back down and going back up before I even had a chance to breath, I went back down and stabbed my toe into the ice, but I could feel something was wrong. My tried to go in, but my toe stayed in the ice. And I fell. I fell hard. My wrist and knee were screaming at me to stop, but I got back up and kept skating. I hoped I could at least get credit for the triple salchow-double loop. I still had a chance. My body screamed at my again to stop, but I couldn't, not if I wanted to earn my spot. I was supposed to do a flying sit next, but knew I wouldn't be able to land, so instead I decided to go a combo spin with a camel and then broken leg sit into a cannonball. As I spun I thought about what big elements were left. One jump, another toe-loop, but a triple this time instead of a double and, unlike the spin, there was no way I could change it and still get the points. I took a deep breath as I exited the spun and skated into the jump, coincidentally the same spot as my big combo. I stabbed my toe-pick in with all the energy I had, but something went wrong. Again. I fell. Again. But this time I didn't get back up. One tear slipped out of my eye as my mind went black and I saw black.

I woke with a start, surprised as what I had been dreaming about. It felt so real. The last time I had a dream like that was right before I moved to Forks. Coming here had changed my life so much, leaving no time to think about my skating past, but Edward was gone and it was almost three years exactly since that distract day and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I usually hated when Edward and the Cullens were gone, but this past week I was glad because I still hadn't figure out how to tell them about my past. Carlisle knew I had an accident skating as he had asked me about my medical file once he started becoming more my dad than my boyfriend's dad, but I just laughed and told him "ice skating" and let him assume I had some terrible accident skating around with friends. They were all coming back today though, so I had to get my act together so they wouldn't find out before I was ready. And if anything, I was not ready to face the fact that my life-long dream of being an Olympic figure skater was never going to become a reality.

So, hope y'all enjoyed the little I have here. I'm probably going to change a lot more than even I think right now as I keep writing, but it's just a different flow than I had 5 years ago. Please read, review, and leave suggestions on where you would like this to head!

P.S. Never owned any part of Twilight and never will.