AN: So... what the heck is this story? Make no mistake, it's exactly what it looks like. A 100% OC fic about characters that are practically completely separate from the Canon cast. The only connection in this is Violet Arc to Jaune, but he won't be in this story at all, aside from mentioned in passing.

This was originally intended to be an omake series in my other story, Spectrum, if you read that, but it turned into seventeen chapters, too long to bog down the story with. So either I just never post it, or I do this as an alternative. Which means that really, this is for my own self-satisfaction. I wrote it, so I'm going to share it, dammit.

As for the posting format, I think I'm gonna take a page from College Fool's book and just update once a day until completion. He has a point when he says it's just weird to see someone post a bunch of chapters all at once. It's also a way for me to shamelessly feel like I'm doing something when really I'm just hitting a post button at the end of the day.

Jefardi agreed to look over every chapter before posting, so I would also like to thank him for that. And I'm using a picture Natzo drew for Spectrum as the cover art.


Welcome to Beacon


Violet Arc hated airships.

Why did Beacon have to be located at the top of a freaking cliff? What kind of insensitive whack-job picked this place as the location for a prestigious academy? Probably the kind that wasn't aware of the fact that motion sickness was a much more common problem than people let on.

Pulling back stands of purple hair and righting her ponytail, Violet shakily pulled her head out from the depths of the trashcan located at the edge of Beacon's docks, right next to where the airship had just let them off not five minutes ago.

The other prospective students gave the eldest Arc sibling a wide berth. Orange eyes scanned them all, most quickly averting their gaze and hastening their pace. So much for making a good first impression. New school, new faces, and right off the bat she was only going to be known as "Vomit Girl" or some other equally humiliating nickname. At least she hadn't met any old faces from Signal yet.

"Well if it isn't Miss Pride herself." She just had to think something. "I see you plan to continue your usual morning ritual here at Beacon too."

"Sylvia…" Violet practically spit the name, a small string of vomit rolling down her lower lip and to the base of her chin. She turned and looked at the approaching girl, who was already wearing her Beacon uniform.

"It's Rue. Calling me Sylvia makes me feel like my mom." Rue Sylvia stopped short several feet from Violet, one hand resting on her hip, the other coming up to flick one of the two braided loops her white hair was tied into.

The last time Violet had seen her was before they graduated Signal. At the time, she hadn't even been sure if Rue would end up continuing her Huntress training at all, let alone come to Beacon. Yet here she was.

"Calling someone by their first name is a right I reserve for my friends and siblings." Violet pushed off the trashcan, standing up straight and bringing a hand to rest on the hilt of her katana, Ostrum Tempus.

"So just your siblings, then?" Rue shook her head in mock pity. "I thought you would be more happy to see me here, seeing as you practically begged me to stay."

Violet felt her face heat up. "I did no such thing." The only thing she had done was have a duel against her, not unlike the dozens they had before. Rue was the only one that never kept trying to defeat her in combat, after everyone else had already given up.

Then she just may have given her some advice when she was feeling down after that duel. Whatever Rue made of and did with that advice was up to her. Violet had little else to do with whatever choices she made.

"Sure, sure." Rue waved a hand dismissively. "Well, how about we have a different kind of match? Seeing as we're both starting with zero friends here at Beacon, let's see which of us can actually make a friend first."

"You're on." The words left Violet's mouth before she could stop them. Damnit, she just didn't have it in her to turn down a challenge. Even one as impossible as that.

A fact Rue was well aware of as a cocky grin occupied her features. "Good, I look forward to seeing the results of your efforts when we all meet up in the amphitheatre."

"Likewise." Violet straightened herself out and began to walk, determined to get away before she said something that would put her in deeper trouble.

"Good luck, Arc! You're going to need it." Rue called after her, if for nothing else than to get in the last word.

Violet didn't have a response. If she was actually going to make a friend, she really did need all the luck she could get.

Chapter End