Final Exams P2

Sitting in their seats waiting for the next performer, Leo, Raph, Donnie, Splinter, Casey and April were talked quite happily together. "I think those last performers should have got at least an A- instead of a B, they were really good." Raph said leaning back in his chair.

"I think the B was reasonable considering they made a slight mistake." Leo commented remembering the two girls that had danced just now. You could tell they didn't like each other, and that it was a last-minute pick, but all in all they did quite well.

"I agree with Leo but I think you have a point. In my opinion they should have got higher than a B, not an A- though...I think a B+ should have been the grade they got." Donnie stated, from his usual scientific and logical point of view.

"When is your friend coming on April?" Splinter asked inquisitively.

"His performance is last, but those girls were second to last so he's coming on next." April informed them.

"Ok everyone. Our last performer is doing a peace he made up all on his own. The music and the dance performance is all his own. He has called it 'A Loved One Lost'. He has been working really hard, and is the highest graded student in my class. He is a very hard worker, he's always in early, he always stays late to practice, and for this peace he needed a partner like all the other dancers you've seen tonight. So not only has he been teaching himself but his boyfriend too and his boyfriend has never taken dance before in his life. Please give a big round of applause to Michelangelo Hamato and his boyfriend Leatherhead Smith." The dance teacher announced. Leo, Raph and Donnie were all really shocked to hear that name being called, and when they looked over to their father he looked really cross. They hopped for Mikey's sake they got the names wrong and someone else would walk on stage, but no such luck. Mikey, their Mikey, walked onto the stage with Leatherhead.

Splinter stood from his seat with anger. "Michelangelo Hamato how dare you disobey me! I told you, you were not allowed to take dancing and what do you do?! You go behind my back and do it anyway! You will stop this madness right now and take an English Literature class next year even if I must take you to the class myself! Now come down from there we are going home!" Splinter exclaimed at his youngest son, not caring that everyone was giving him looks. Some acquired, but most were appalled that he wouldn't let his son do what he wanted.

"No." Mikey said softly. "I'm not going with you. I am doing this. I will do English literature next year if that's what you want. I will do a million causes next year if it will make you happy. All I ask is that you let me do this now, and that you watch. All I've ever wanted is for you to give me a chance in showing you what I can do, and to prove to you that this is something I'm really good at. None of you have ever seen me dance, so please...all I ask is this chance and I'll give it up forever." Mikey spoke with conviction. His brothers looked at Mikey with sorrow, they never knew Mikey loved dancing this much. Splinter looked at his son with sympathy, he was no longer angry that his son had continued dancing, but he did feel upset that Mikey couldn't talk to him about it, and it was all because he never listened to his son. He also felt proud that his son followed his heart, even if that meant that he had to give it all up in the end. Splinter never noticed how much Mikey had grown until this moment.

"Very well my son, you may do your performance." Splinter told his son calmly making Mikey smile like nothing Splinter had ever seen before.

"Thank you" Mikey said. Splinter nods his head and goes back to his seat.

Mikey and Leatherhead got in their starting positions. "I'm very proud of you Michelangelo." Leatherhead whispered to the smaller male who loved being in Leatherhead's arms. Mikey smiled up at Leatherhead and mouthed a 'thank you' before the lights dimmed.

A light orange one on Mikey and a light green one on Leatherhead. The soft gentile music started and the two started to move. They danced, moving with such grace. The softest of movement that looked like they came so naturally. When Mikey was lifted into the air or jumped it was like he could fly and then he'd land with the softest of touch. The dance was telling a beautiful story, a story of love and lost. Two people so different bumping into each other one day and falling in love straight away. They were together for many years, until the room went completely black, a red light was on leatherhead who was now in different clothing, whilst Mikey's was still orange.

Leatherhead was now a bad guy, and even though they were dancing, you could tell it was a fight scene. Leatherhead was after Mikey. Mikey was doing all he could to fight back and get away. Then Leatherhead looked like he punched Mikey, and Mikey's light went red while Leatherhead's went off, as Mikey fell to the ground leatherhead came up behind him and helped him go down in slow motion. The room went dark once more before the entire stage light up.

Mikey was on the floor and Leatherhead came from the side in the clothes he was wearing before, pretending to look and shout for his love. He spotted Mikey on the ground and ran over to him, going on his knees behind Mikey's head, he lifts Mikey onto his knees and hugged him, using a facial expression to make it look like he was crying, just without any sound. After all, this was a dance not a play. Mikey woke with hooded eyes and touched Leatherhead check and smiled softly. Leatherhead grabbed the hand that was of his check and did his best to smile back. The words 'I love you' coming up on the board behind them. Mikey's eyes closed and his hand slipped away from Leatherhead's check. Leatherhead looked distraught and hugged Mikey as closely as he could, genially rocked back and forth. The music came to an end and the room went dark one last time before all the lights coming back on with Mikey and Leatherhead standing in the middle of the stage, hand in hand with big smiles on their faces, panting a little.

Everyone who had cried during the performance stood, cheering and clapping like there was no tomorrow, even the examiners. Leo, Raph and Donnie were doing all they could to cheer the loudest, and Splinter clapped his hand with a proud smile on his face, whispering to himself, "That's my son."

The boys bowed and the crowd of families and friends all sat back in there seat quietly. The three examiners held up the mark they thought the performance was worth. The first examiner held up an A+, the send was also an A+ and the last examiner looked at the boys on stage before smiling and held up another A+. Mikey had not only just gotten the highest grade in the whole dance class, he had gotten the highest grade in the year. He even beat Donnie who only got two A+'s and one A for a very slight mistake he had made, it was still enough to get an overall A+ but not a high one like Mikey had just got.

The first examiner who was a woman just had to say something and normally they don't. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. You've got a remarkable career in dancing ahead of you Michelangelo, and I hope to see you on the big stage and TV soon." She told him with a smile.

"Thank you." Mikey beamed, then everyone who had preformed before him came running onto the stage and gave him and Leatherhead a group hug, congratulating Mikey on his grade. Everyone was making there way out of the drama room and one by one people where walking of the stage and going home with there family. That when Mikey started to worry, what was his family going to say now? Then he felt a strong hand on his shoulder, so he looked up.

Leatherhead was smiling at him. "Everything will be ok, I promise. I'll protect you and stand by your side no mater what." He states confidently.

Mikey turned to him with a smile. "I know LH. I love you."

"I love you too." Leatherhead replies leaning in and kissing the smaller male.

"Michelangelo." They broke apart. Mikey recognised that voice. He turned to see his father who had a straight face and crossed arms. Mikey took a deep breath and jumped off the stage and walked over to his family, Leatherhead not far behind.

"I'm sorry I disobeyed you. I know I shouldn't have but I-" Splinter put up his hand, meaning he wanted Mikey to stop.

"I did as you asked, and wanted you dance. I can only say one thing to describe what I thought about your proformance." Splinter states, making Mikey look down. Afread of what his father would say, his brothers also worried of what their father would say. "You're incredible." Mikey looked up at his father with a smile. "You're right, you are an excellent dancer. I have decided that you my son, definitely have a career in dancing, and I'd love for you to fallow you dream." Mikey hugged his father tightly, his brothers, friends and boyfriend smiling as well. "I am disappointed that you when behind my back, but most I'm disappointed that I didn't listen to you when you tried to talk to me about your dancing. I am sorry my son." Splinter explained to his youngest son.

"Thank you dad. I know you where only doing what you thought was right to protect me. I never want you to stop doing that. I love you dad, and I forgive you." Mikey smiled at his father who smiled back. Then he was bombarded by his brothers and friends, telling him how amazing he was, making him blush like crazy. Once outside the drama room where all the families were with their children, having refreshments.

"Michelangelo." Mikey turned to his boyfriend. "You and I have been together since high school, and in that time I have come to love you even more everyday to the point where I can no longer describe how I feel about you, for there are no words that could describe it. I wish to ask you a very important question, but before I do I should tell you that I have asked Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and your father for their blessing and they all gave it to me. Now all I need is you answer." Leatherhead explained and hot down on one knee, pulling out a black box from his bag infront of Mikey whole class, the parents, the teaches and even the examiners who where still congregating everyone. "Michelangelo Hamato, will you do me the greatest honour of all..." He opened the box to revel a silver ring that had a little orange stone on the top with the words 'My Love' engraved on the inside of the ring. "Will you marry me?" He asked and Mikey gasped, for the first time in his life he couldn't speak, he was gobsmacked.

Happy tears roll down Mikey a cheeks. "Yes. Yes, of cause I will!" Mikey states with the biggest smile on his face. Splinter was wrong before, this was the biggest smile he'd ever seen on Mikey's face. Everyone clapped and cheered and Mikey and Leatherhead shared a very passionate kiss and the ring was slipped onto Mikey's finger. It was a perfect fit too. One year later, they got married during the summer, it was a small simple wedding, one with only friends and family and they lived together in their now shared home with the jobs they dreamed of. Leatherhead was an English teacher, who happened to be every students favourite teacher and Mikey got to dance on stage. Mikey didn't want fame, fortune or for his name to be lit up by lights, all he cared about was the dance. And, his family of course, which Leatherhead was now a part of.

The End