So this is it, the rewrite to my first story.

I made some adjustments to the story in general. Hope you like it. Though i must say "The war within" made the ideas kinda write it self.

As allways the little disclaimer bit: I hold no sway over the rights on RWBY or Warframe, these belong to their owners, namely Roosterteeth and Digital Extremes.

Legends, myths, stories whose origin lie in the unknown depths of the past. Thought by most to be nothing more than romanticized, twisted tales of beings long since faded from existence.

But as with most, if not all, of these tales, there is some core of truth to them. As is the legend of the guardians of balance. Though forgotten by the majority of the populus, some still remain to follow their example. The legend of the guardians describes them as beings, warrior-gods even, cast in steel and aura, masters of both obliteration and stealth, both gun and blade. Deadly. Honored. Feared.

And with that in mind it is not all that surprising to find a certain silver haired coffee addict bend over his desk, his mind focused on the papers in front of him.

The man in question was Ozpin, headmaster of the prestigious Beacon Academy for huntsmen and huntresses.

Dressed in his usual outfit, consisting of a green shirt under a black vest and a open black suit and dark pants with black shoes. On his desk was the seemingly never-empty cup of coffee he was famous for by the older students.

The papers he focused on at the moment, consisted of reports from the atlesian military regarding the cleaning of the tunnels that lead to the ruins of Mountain Glenn, the infamously failed expansion of Vales territory. One week had passed since the breach orchestrated by the criminal Roman Torchwick, that let Grimm pass the defences of Vale City using these tunnels.

Most of the reports were simple recon files about the progress of the cleaning, use of material and the likes, tough one in particular stood out.

Report File 03-56


While clearing one of the deeper areas of the caves below Mountain Glenn, Unit 47 found a sealed pathway. On the presumed door was the stylised emblem of what appeared to be a flower or leaf. The CO ordered to leave the path in order to file in his report.

Pictures of the door are attached.

Ozpin looked at the pictures, absorbing every last detail.

The mentioned emblem was golden, contrasting the background of the dark stone that made up the door. the closest resemblance Ozpin could think of was that of a maple tree. With the three spikes being the most prominent feature. Below the emblem was a scripture, though it was a type the headmaster was unfamiliar with. Yet he couldn't shake the feeling to know the symbols and what the meant.

'I will have James open that door and inspect the insides' , he thought as he reached for his scroll to call his friend General James Ironwood to handle this situation.

It didn't take Ironwood long to answer the call, he was never too far from his scroll.

"Yes?", sounded Ironwoods voice from the Scrolls speakers. It was a voice that indicated experience and authority.

"James, it's me. I will skip the formalities for now. You probably read report 03-56, right?", Ozpin asked, though more of courtesy than actual confirmation.

"Yes, i did. So you want to open that door, Oz?", replied Ironwood, not really expecting a different answer than 'Yes'.

Ozpin and Ironwood knew each other long enough to know what the other was implying in certain situations.

"I would appreciate you doing so, but be care full. I have the feeling that whatever is sealed behind that door could be dangerous.", urged Ozpin in honest concern.

"Don't worry, Oz. I'll be sure to react accordingly to the situation.", reassured Ironwood.

"Good. I look forward to whatever you find. Bye", said Ozpin.

"Bye", reciprocated Ironwood, ending the call.

A few hours had passed since the call between Ozpin and Ironwood. The general acted immediately and sent a unit of 6 atlesian soldiers a dozen atlesian Knight-200 units, armed robots about the size of an average man and an atlesian Paladin-290, a about 12 ft tall mechanized battle suit.

As the group reached their designated destination, the human soldiers were in awe at the beauty of the simplistic sigil that span the majority of the door.

"So how are we going to open it, sir?" asked a soldier, turning to his commanding officer for orders.

"Simple, son." the officer replied, a slight of joy in his voice, "Get the explosives, a want a nice big hole in that wall."

"Yes, sir." answered two of the soldiers with a salute of confirmation before leaving to get said explosives.

5 minutes later.

"Sir, everything is set up." stated a soldier who worked on the wiring of the explosives.

"Good. Now get out of the blast zone. You know i hate to write accident reports.", commanded the officer, as his subordinates hurried to get behind their CO.

The moment he was sure that no one remained too close to the explosives, he ordered his troops to take cover and pressed the ignition button and the explosives were set off.

After the dissipation of dust and smoke allowed for it, the soldiers went and inspected the door, or rather the hole that replaced it.

It was big enough for the paladin to duck through and gave view to a large chamber.

Gold and white were the dominant colors, though roots and vines had dug through the walls and the ceiling in a few places. The soldiers were awestruck again at the splendor of the chamber.

In its center was something that looked like a coffin, only it was seemingly made out of glas and the same golden metal that adorned the chamber.

Two soldiers glanced at their CO who gestured them to inspect the assumed coffin.

"This looks like tomb of a king or something like that.", said one of the other soldiers as he let his glance drift through the chamber, awestruck and eager to absorb every last detail.

"Might as well document this for the General and that headmaster friend of his." commented the CO, "They would probably be intrigued by this."

A soldier lowered his rifle, took out a camera and began to make photos of the chamber, the walls, the floor …

He hesitated as an other object caught his attention.

It was placed on the far end of the chamber. A large ship with a tapering front whose tip pointed to the entrance of the chamber and if viewed in a direct line from there, right behind the coffin the two other soldiers inspected.

Speaking of the two.

"Sir, you might want to call General Ironwood.", called one soldier out to his CO.

"And why is that, son?", the officer demanded in slight annoyance at his subordinates words.

"It would be better if you see it yourself, sir.", replied the other soldier, hints of fear swinging in his words.

"What would terrify you two this much tha-", the CO faltered as he reached the pod and saw its content, shock written clearly over his whole body language.

Inside the pod was a figure, humanoid in shape, male judging by the overall build of its body.

I was hard to tell because ice seemed to cling to the inside of the glass planes.

"I'm gonna call General Ironwood. Stay alert we don't know what this is.", ordered the CO, which was answered by a quick salute from the soldiers.

Thirty minutes later outside the caves.

"The fact that you called me indicates that you found something.", said the voice of Ironwood over the scrolls speakers.

"Sir, we used explosives to open the door unit 47 found earlier and found a big chamber behind.", replied the officer hastily.

"Who big are we talking about, officer?", asked the General with genuine interest in the details of his subordinates report.

"You could probably fit a bullhead with some spare parts in there and still have room for a motorcycle or two.", stated the officer matter of factly.

"And its contents?", questioned Ironwood, his voice showing signs of concern.

"Sir, we found an object we thought of being a coffin of sorts. At least there seems to be something or someone inside it." reported the officer.

He continued "We also found an airship, we believe, though the design doesn't match anything i've seen before. It is about the size of a civilian business transporter"

"Interesting, you are to retrieve both objects and bring them to Beacon Academy, understood?"

It was more of an order than a request.

"Yes, sir. We will probably require a bullhead for transportation for the airship.", replied the officer.

"Affirmative, i will send an additional bullhead to your location, stay alert of the Grimm, i don't want to lose any soldiers.", added Ironwood.

"Yes, sir"

And with that the call ended and the officer returned to the chamber to prepare his team for departure.

Luckily the Paladin was strong enough to lift the airship so that it could be transported to the extraction point. Six of the Knights were carrying the pod as it was less taxing to the soldiers stamina.

One Hour later, extraction point above the cave system.

Three bullheads closed in on the, already waiting, group of soldiers and robots.

Two were for personnel, such as the soldiers and the Knights, the third was designated for the additional airship. Now visible in its full glory the soldiers, who couldn't take a closer look before inspected the arrow head like design of said ship.

The Knights were busy securing the pod inside the transport bullhead alongside the paladin to guard it, just in case. Meanwhile the ship was strapped into a covered net, to avoid curious eyes when they flew to Beacon Academy.

After everything was set and done, the bullheads took off to their ordered destination.

The trip itself was rather uneventful. A few Grimm could be spotted from the crafts windows, running through the lands. Some birds minding their business, sittin in a tree.

Time for the soldiers to lower their guard and relax after a comparably stressful day.

Two hours later, Beacon Academy, Vault.

The large hall was almost empty, except for some kind of machinery as well as the findings of the atlesian military.

Both pod and ship had drawn some curious eyes from the present students -some resident, some visiting for the vytal festival that should occur just a week shy from now.

In front of the pod stood three figures, two men of quite different builds and a woman.

These were, of course, Professor Ozpin (the smaller of the men), Professor Glynda Goodwitch (Ozpins' assistant) and General James Ironwood.

They all were focused on the object, that stood in front of them, looks of concern and curiosity on their faces.

"This is what your men found, James?", asked Ozpin, receiving a nod of confirmation from the General.

"They also made a few pictures before packing things up.", Ironwood added, not shifting his view from the pod.

"What are you planning to do, sir?", questioned Goodwitch with a look of sorrow on her face.

Ozpin turned his head towards his assistant, a small smile garnishing his face.

"Have i ever told you the legend of the guardians, Glynda?", he asked, joy swinging in his tone.

"Is it the one about the warriors made from metal and aura?", Glynda hesitated. She had heard quite the number of legends and stories from Ozpin over the years, it was easy to lose track of them.

"Yes, that one.", he replied, earning a look of confusion, that turned into shock from clarity from Ironwood.

"You think these are true? The tales of beings powerful enough to decimate entire hives of Grimm in a single hour?", demanded the still shocked General.

The mere thought of a being powerful enough to achieve in hours what took a team of experienced huntsmen and huntresses days was mind boggling, to say the least, and clearly displeased him.

"Every legend, every campfire story, every whispered myth, no matter how small, has a truth that lies at its core. Though some are more distorted over the years than others. I believe the being inside this pod is a guardian.", replied the headmaster in his everlasting calmness as he focused on the pod before the trio again.

As Beacons headmaster began to move towards the pod, Glynda eyes widened as she caught up on what her friend and employer was about to do.

"What are you doing?", she screamed, determined to stop him.

"Oz, you know a can not allow you to risk the life of every person in Vale, even the whole of Remnant like that.", added Ironwood, fear lacing his voice, as he tried to stop his friend by grabbing his shoulder.

"I don't believe it is our call to make, to open that pod, James.", Ozpin replied his evercalm appearance disturbed by a hint of shock, his eyes fixated on the pod.

Ironwood followed his glance after he heard a gasp from Glynda who did the same before he could.

His eyes widened in shock as he saw that fog leaking from the center point of their discussion.

The pod was opening, leaving the three spectators to do nothing but watch the inevitable unfold.