The screen not to far from Logan crackled and popped and a weird picture of Eyes Only came up on screen only it wasn't Eyes Only.  The Eyes phased between a man and a woman's and Logan looked up to recognize the woman's eyes instantly.  They belonged to Max.  The voice wasn't just his either.  It was hers as well talking right with his.  The chorused voices spoke the words as one while the phasing eyes matched the scrolling background.

          "This is a streaming video bulletin.  This satellite hack will be the last thing the terrorists hear before they die..." several men and a few women had gathered around the television sets as the hack played out.  "It cannot be traced.  It cannot be stopped and it is the only free voice left in this broken country."  A picture of the hanger warehouse appeared over the phasing eyes of Max and Logan.  "By now, your guards are dead and we are in the building.  You have been compromised by the very ones you seek.  You are at a disadvantage as you stand there mesmerized.  You tortured the wrong man.  You will be punished.  You will all be killed and your reign here in the broken states will end violently."  Logan could hear something behind him.  He dropped his head and noticed a large lanky man climbing out of the sewer.  "This has been a streaming freedom video bulletin from the Eyes Only Informant Net.  There will be no peace for any of you.  Out."

          An explosion and then another one tore up the north half of the hanger and Logan lifted his head to see someone that looked like Max drop down onto the crates not far away from where he was hanging.  The group of twelve or so men and women were standing stunned in front of the TV as other members of the terrorist cell ran for weapons.  Logan could see Alec in the rafters with a rifle sniping targets one by one.  The main torturer moved past Logan as he noticed Zane lifting himself out of the sewer and Logan pulled his legs up and wrapped them around the guy's neck pulling his head at an impossible angle until it snapped.  Immediately Logan felt the electricity burning through his body and he began to black out from the intensity of it.

          Zane pulled himself up and looked toward Logan.  He was using his legs to snap the neck of a guy that had spotted him and Zane could hear the man's neck snap just before Logan started to convulse.  No doubt from an electrical surge tripped when one of them saw Zane.  He had expected this.  He hated being right.

          Zane moved into the assembled group with precise movements.  Two fell with snapped necks under his big hands instantly.  Behind him he heard Logan sizzling under the electric.  In front of him, four attackers in his path, was the generator powering the electric.  Zane moved to the side dodging a blade attack and snapped a third neck.  He punched another soldier and threw the fifth into the cargo container to his right side.  The man crumpled to the floor as Zane sent a kick into the gut of the soldier he had just punched.  A bullet whizzed by him and took out a guy moving behind his position.  Another one dropped the guy in front of him and a third dropped the woman pointing a gun at Logan.  Zane turned on the remaining three.  They quickly fell dead at his feet.  He picked up a gun and shot up the generator leaving Logan's limp frame hanging from the chains holding him.  He was breathing but it had been close.

          Max jumped down from above and killed another soldier that had come around the corner behind Zane.  She moved through the maze of boxes and took out three more terrorists with little or no effort.  When she got to the drug lab three men opened fire on her position but she wasn't there when the bullets hit.  She moved on the two packing money and drugs into a suitcase and snapped both necks before moving on the first gun.  He fought back but she made short work of the soldier with a squatting spin kick and chop to the throat.  He was still gurgling as she reached the second gunman.  He died as Alec put a bullet into the third.  Max waved her thank you and moved back toward Zane.

          Alec yelled that he saw no more.  Syl yelled from somewhere.  The new charges had been set in the commotion.  Krit and Jondy had stayed outside to make sure no one came out of the building.

          Max held onto Logan's limp body still somewhat charged with electricity as Zane reached up and yanked the chains loose.

          "We can't go down the sewer.  Let's get out of here.  MOVE OUT PEOPLE!"  He yelled as Alec took a shot at a lone gunman showing his head for the first time.  Zane pulled and Max pushed Logan over her brother's shoulder as they both headed for the door.  Alec launched himself up through the roof where he had come from and slid down beside the door Max and Zane ran out of.

          "Clear!"  He shouted.

          "Syl.  Light it up!"  Zane ordered.

          "You got it."  She said as the group linked up near a hillside not far from ground zero.  The explosion lit the night sky and blew debris hundreds of feet in all directions.  Water spewed from damaged lines and a secondary explosion rocked the ground when the gas lines exploded. 

          "Logan?"  Max said.  She wasn't paying attention to the explosion.  She was holding Logan's head in her hands.  She was whispering to him but he was still unconscious.  Zane stood and the others followed as they headed back to the safe house.

          Fifteen minutes later, Max was sitting on a stool at the head of the table Zane and Krit had set Logan on.  Jondy and Krit then began tending to his wounds.

          "He's lost a lot of blood but I don't think it is really affecting him that much.  He seems to be more in need of having his bones healed where they have been broken."  Krit explained as he pressed his fingers gently into Logan's ribs.

          Zane walked up behind Max and put his huge hand on her shoulder.  "He's a hell of a man, Shrimp.  One of them saw me climbing out of that sewer pipe and charged but Logan used his legs to snap the guy's neck while he was being electrocuted no less.  He gave me the time I needed to get the rest with a little help from the sniper over there."  He nodded to Alec who smiled and waved.

          "I'm heading out."  Alec said.

          "Why?"  Syl asked.

          "I figured I'd go get my car and head back here so we can get Logan back.  It's going to be kind of hard with only four bikes even if he is healthy enough."

          "He can drive my baby.  I'll ride with him.  He's driven my ninja before."  Max said.

          "That's all well and good but let's face it, Max.  He might not be in complete shape for a few days.  His injuries are extensive.  We should make the ride as comfortable as possible for him."

          "Besides," Jondy added.  "We don't even know when he is going to wake up.  He's going to need a few days to recover from this trauma anyway."

          "He'll wake up.  I know he will."  Max said.  Zane squeezed her shoulder and nodded to Alec to leave.

          "I think I'll head into town and get some supplies.  Food and Stuff.  Jondy, Krit need anything specific?"  Syl asked.  Krit offered to go with her.  Zane made some excuse about doing some Recon to see how the sight was being mopped up and headed out the door.  Max looked at Jondy and both knew immediately the other was worried.

          "Tell me he'll be all right."  Max said.

          "I wish I could.  Tell me more about the genetic stuff Deck did to him.

          "I can't."  Max said.  "The truth is I haven't seen Logan for over a year."

          "Why?"  Jondy asked.  "Aren't you two…"

          "We are, I mean, we were but this ancient cult of inbred losers got in the way.  They were hunting Transgenics and then the whole Terminal City thing happened.  We… he… it was all my fault but in the end he took out the cults leaders with some knowledge he got from one of them.  I've been living in his place since Deck lost control of him.

          "Deck lost control of him?"  Jondy asked.

          "He escaped from Deck after he learned exactly what Deck did to him.  Like I said, only Logan, Deck and the doctors know what they did to him.  Logan.  You have to be okay."  Max said.  "Promise me you will fight this.  I did this for you so if you screw this up..."  Logan coughed and turned his head to the side.  Max just stroked his hair.

          A few minutes passed and Jondy monitored him closely.  The girls looked back and forth between Logan and each other.  "It seems like I am always standing over his body unharmed and he is always bearing the brunt of the pain and suffering."  Max said suddenly.  "I can take a lot more than he can in the pain department and yet he is always the one hurt protecting me."

          "It is the way men are.  They have to prove themselves over and over because they can never really believe in themselves.  Having a lover can give a man strength he didn't otherwise possess.  I've noticed it before in a certain guy myself.  Look at Zack and how he protected us all those year.  Even you Maxie although he never let you in the loop, he was still there watching out to make sure you were okay."

          "You don't understand.  Even in a wheel chair in a poorly defended position with numerous entrances he defended me and a child against four armed men who knew the terrain better than we did.  Another time he put himself in jeopardy and almost got tossed off of a roof FROM his wheelchair trying to save me from Lydecker and a radical group called May 22nd."

          "I've heard of them.  Didn't they all die at a hotel in Seattle?"

          "Logan and I did that.  Well mostly me because after he lost his wheels, he was stuck in a hotel room.  He protected me and he saved my life while still confined to a wheel chair."

          "But now he has the transgenic blood compound in his DNA.  He heals faster and regenerates quicker than he used to.  You know as well as I do we can do nothing about the pain."  Jondy said.

          "I know."  Max leaned down and kissed his forehead.  "I love him Jondy.  I will not lose..."  A tear fell on his cheek.  His head jerked.

          Logan felt moisture on his cheek.  It startled him and he realized he was in a dark place.  He could hear something muffled coming from around him somewhere and his head felt like it was in between two portals sifting energy between them where Max held him in her hands.

          The words became clear and things started to brighten slowly.  He turned his head and the energy rode with him.  'Was that my name?'  He thought.  'Did I hear my name?'

          "Logan."  Almost a whisper.

          "Logan?"  Louder now.  He tried to open his eyes.

          "Logan!  Can you hear me?"  That was Max.  It was Max.  It is her voice!

          He tried to pry his eyes open but only one would open this time.  He looked up with his right eye and saw Max.  Tears in her eyes rained down on his face, each drop charging him with her energy.  She was smiling.

          "Max."  He whispered through a dry cracked throat.

          "It's okay.  You're safe.  They are all dead.  We won."

          "Are you okay?  Did they get to Jondy?"

          "Everyone is safe.  You rest now."  She said.  "You need to rest."  She insisted.  "Jondy is here with me.  We got you covered.  You're safe.  Please rest now."

          He smiled weakly and closed his good eye.  He moaned some sort of affirmative and let himself fall back asleep.  He only felt a few more tears before he was asleep again.

          Time passed.  Jondy and Krit checked on Logan regularly.  Zane relaxed and tweaked the Ninjas for the girls to pass the time.  Syl cooked meals with Jondy and puttered around with Zane working on the bikes.  Alec returned with his convertible sometime during the first night.  Max never left Logan's side.  She didn't even sleep.  She just sat there and talked to him.

          She was returning from the bathroom when Logan opened his eyes to see the sewer guy standing over him.

          "Hey.  He's up."  The guy yelled.

          "Hey, buddy.  Gave us quite a scare there at first."  He looked over his shoulder and leaned down.  "Thanks for taking out that guy.  Impressed the hell out of me.  I don't care what Zack says about you Maxie couldn't have found a better man.  I'm Zane, by the way."     

          Logan vaguely remembered grabbing some guy with his legs, but wasn't too sure about it.  "You'll have to tell me about it sometime."  He said trying to sit up.  Zane gently held him down.  Logan winced once he started to move and gave up under the pressure of the giant hand.  Jondy ran up and grabbed his wrist.

          "Lie still Logan.  You still have some broken bones.  You have only been here for two days."

          "Jondy?"  He asked.

          "Yeah.  Max is coming."  She said.

          "Are you okay?  They didn't get to you did they?"

          She looked at Zane and then at Logan.  "You knew?"

          "They showed me your picture.  I don't know where they found it."  Logan said.  "They kept asking me where you were not who you were.  They weren't asking the right questions."  He said before starting to cough.

          Max ran to the table and grabbed Logan's free hand.  She leaned down close to his face.  He pulled his hand from Jondy to touch her face.  He also saw Krit and Syl and Alec follow her in from the other room.  Alec tapped Syl on the shoulder and counted down.

          "Stop worrying about me.  I'm fine.  You were the one tortured for information you didn't have."

          "Uh, Maxie."  Zane started.  "This guy is tougher than I thought.  He actually had the information.  Jondy.  You still have that envelope on you?  That package from Seattle?"

          "In my bike pouch, why?"  Jondy asked.

          "You knew where she was and you didn't tell them."  Max said to Logan.  Krit whistled.  Zane laughed.

          "You sent me that envelope.  How? Why?"

          "Ever since Zack got captured, I've been tracking all of you.  I've been using my resources to keep the Colonel away from you.  I've also been working on taking down the familiars when I can find them.  Zack used to look out for all of you.  We lost him at the DNA lab and I felt almost responsible." Logan explained.

          "Logan, you weren't responsible for that.  Deck was in command."  Syl said.  Deck screwed that up."

          "Maybe, but I was so caught up in finding Rio Brazilia that I didn't pay attention to them when they tried to intercept the package at Jam Pony.  I didn't know they were watching me until they went there and I didn't see them coming.  It was already too late."

          "Nobody's perfect."  Jondy Said.  "Not even us."

          Everyone laughed.  Logan grunted.  Max looked worried.

          "Why didn't you ever tell me it hurts this much?"  He asked her.  Everyone laughed again.

          The next day Zane and Krit walked down from the second floor to find Logan sitting on the couch.  Max was curled up against his chest talking quietly.  Logan nodded and Zane smiled.  Krit waved and headed into the kitchen.  When Logan joined him in the kitchen Krit knew they rest would be leaving soon.  Jondy came up to him and directed him back to the living room where she checked him over.

          Krit and Syl waved from the porch as Logan and Alec pulled out of the lot following Max, Jondy and Zane to Seattle.  Logan seemed fine when they got to Fogle Towers but when he tried to walk to the elevator himself, Max and Jondy propped him up on their shoulders insisting on helping him into his apartment.

          "You were hurt pretty bad Logan.  You have nothing to prove.  Let them help."  Zane said.

          "You don't know Logan."  Max said.  "He is as stubborn as they come sometimes and has always had this need to do things himself whether he can or not."

          "I am not stubborn; just push myself too hard sometimes.  Sometimes it is for Max but mostly it is for me."

          Cindy had been expecting them when they arrived and she had the door to Logan's apartment opened when the elevator door opened.  She took bags from Max and Jondy as they entered making it easier for them to situate Logan on the couch.

          "Can I get anyone anything?"  Cindy asked.  Everyone asked for some liquid and said thanks.  Zane followed to help.  Max sat down on the arm of the couch beside Logan and Jondy sat at the other end watching the two.

          "I like what you've done with the place."  Logan smiled as Max joined him on the couch.

          "You two are meant to be together."  Jondy remarked.

          "What do you mean?"  Max asked.

          "I have never seen a couple that compliments each other more.  Both as stubborn as mules.  You fit into each other without pause.  You both have enormous burdens and tremendous secrets to protect and you are both stubborn.  Did I mention the stubborn part?"  Jondy asked smiling.

          "I have a question.  Who bathed me while I was unconscious?"  Jondy cleared her throat and stood up.

          "I should see if they need any help in the kitchen."  She said as she ran out of the room laughing.

          "Can I take her reaction to mean that you did?"  Logan asked.

          "You were a mess, all dirty and bloody and you smelled horrible.  I just did what any good nurse would do.  I gave you a thorough sponge bath both nights while everyone else was asleep or out and talked to you.  You know, to make you comfortable."  Max said.

          "Are you blushing?"  Logan asked.

          "I am not."

          "Yes. You are, Boo."  Cindy said as everyone reentered the room.  "I have never seen your face so red before."  Logan laughed and Cindy joined him and soon everyone in the room was laughing.  Charlie nuzzled his nose all over Logan introducing himself.  Logan rubbed his head behind his ears and Charlie barked before disappearing to where he had come from.  It seems the dog had already claimed a spot in the apartment for himself.

          "So what's next?"  Zane asked.  "For the one and only Eyes I mean."

          Logan looked up at Max remembering the phasing background of his and her eyes and their chorused voices.  "I guess I will run a closing piece about Rio Brazilia then move on to more important local stories like drugs in the Mayors car or something."  Max smiled at the inside joke.  "It's a broken world and it's going to be broken for a while.  I think I can find something to do if someone is willing to continue helping me."  Logan said as he reached up and gently slid his hand down Max's cheek and cupped her chin with his fingers.  I'll have to secure the rights to Eyes Only's new look, though.  I wonder if the developer is willing to share her code with me."  Logan said.

          "I'll help."  Jondy said.

          "You both can count on me.  I've got a place in Denver now and I recently got in touch with Kai in St. Louis.  Didn't you say you knew where the other Rogues were?"  Zane asked.  Logan nodded. 

          "With Alec and the other Children of Manticore that are willing to help fixing a broken world doesn't seem like such a heavy task anymore."  Max said.  "He knows I'm in and with all the Rogues that are left we can make a lot of problems go away real fast."  She said with a look to Logan.  "Does this mean that we are okay?"  She asked.  Logan knew what she was asking.

          "There are issues that we have to deal with Max.  Like what Deck did to me for instance."

          "And what I did to you."  Max said.  Logan touched her face and she stared into his eyes.

          "I don't care about that."  He said.  "You just saved my life and right now I just want to relax.  You mind if I stay here for a few days?"  He asked.

          "I owe you for saving mine four or five times."  She giggled.  "I expect you to stay in our home for a long time to come."

          "Speaking of Relaxing."  Jondy said.  "I need something to drink and I want to unwind a little.  Cindy.  Would you show me around the city tonight?  Zane.  Care to join us?  Max?"

          "I'd love to Suga."  Cindy said.  "Zane.  You coming?"

          "Sure.  I could use a drink or five and Charlie seems happy here."

          They all turned and looked at Max.  Logan looked at her and nodded that he didn't mind if she went with them.  She smiled.

          "I might catch up with you guys later."  She said.  "I think I am just going to hang here and relax with Logan for a while.  I'll walk you to the door though."  She stood up and showed the others to the door.  She walked back in the room stretching out on the couch and rested her head on Logan's leg.  "I might doze off."  She said looking up at him.  He smiled and stroked her hair.

          "That's fine with me, Angel.  I might do the same."

          "I'm glad you're home."  Max whispered.  She purred softly until they both fell asleep.

The end…

Okay everyone.  There's another one finished.  Some of you wanted more so this was for you guys that made it clear that Max and Logan needed to find each other again.  This is also for Waterbaby who seemed worried that someone else would continue this story on another board somewhere.  I hope she likes what I've done.

For those that read Hunt for the Eyes and noticed the Jondy parallel, this is not a part of my Season One Future History.  This is a stand alone story set some time after the events of season two.  I have about a dozen stories introducing Jondy into the mix with Max and Logan.  They all stem from a long two week period of DA withdrawal and an obsession with Jondy's character one summer.  I will upload them as I get them edited.

Hope you all enjoyed it.  As always, let me know what you think.


    The Wyldegod