Chapter 16

"Rukia, wake up!" Shirayuki called from the other side of the bedroom door.

Sleepily, Rukia looked over to the side to see an imprint of Byakuya's body. He had stayed with her the entire night holding her.

"RUKIA!" Shirayuki yelled higher as she entered the room tearing Rukia from her thoughts of Byakuya.

"What? You know I need coffee to wake up…" Rukia commented as she hid her head under her pillow. "Mornings are evil."

The white haired woman laughed as she bounced on the bed. Rukia sighed. She just wanted to wake up first and process her life. Last night had given her a lot to think about, and she did not need the loud, bouncy distraction known as Shirayuki to disturb her thinking.

"Rukia, are you okay?" Shirayuki asked as she watched Rukia burry her head further under the pillow.

"No, so go away." She replied, but all Shirayuki hear was mumbled words.

Placing her hand on Rukia's back, Shirayuki gentle rubbed it. "Well, I guess I can always let you go back to sleep if you're this tired."

A faint "Thank you!" was heard from under the pillow.

Just as Shirayuki was about rise from the bed, she noticed an indication too big to be Rukia on her side of the bed, then, she caught a whiff of Byakuya's scent. "He was here! Is that why you are faking being tired, or did he wear you out last night?" She asked in a suggestive tone.

This caused Rukia to emerge from her hole. "Byakuya was here for a bit, but he didn't stay all night like you think."

"Liar! This side still has a large imprint in it!" Shirayuki screeched in excitement as she set off in search of Byakuya.

Sighing in defeat, Rukia asked as she hugged her pillow to her chest, "You know we are trying to make this marriage work. Why is it usual for us to talk away from prying ears?"

Shirayuki was about to search through the closet by then balcony, but Rukia's tone caused her to turn around. Her friend was hiding something by the grip she had one the pillow. "Rukia, I can see and hear the sexual tension coming off you two when you are together. Byakuya staying or even visitng late at night is a big deal."

Rukia glared at Shirayuki's assessment. "Yuki, you are reading too much into this. Byakuya was just here talking about the galas preparations and fell asleep. Now, can I please go back to bed, oh great interrogator?"

"REALLY? What did you decide on so far?" Shirayuki's squeal sent Rukia's head into over drive. It was way to early for all of this loud chitter chatter.

Next thing the white-haired woman knew, a pillow smacked her on her head. "Damn, you really are not a morning person still, huh? I figured you would have out grew that." Shirayuki asked laughing.

"No, now go get me coffee if you want to continue this conversation... PLEASE!" Rukia whined. She needed to get rid of her half sister to figure out some things in the peace and quiet.

"Okay, okay. I will get you your coffee on the condition that we go shopping when you return to the land of the living." Shirayuki countered.

"Fine, whatever you want Yuki, just coffee first. Okay?" Rukia said as she pulled the cover over her head.

"I won't let you forget!" Shirayuki sung from the door, which caused Rukia to grunt.

"You really are not a morning person, are you?" A smooth, familiar voice asked. Rukia could tell he was over by the closet near the balcony. The one place she stopped Shirayuki from looking.

Without lifting her head, she asked, "Did you hear her coming and decide to hide?"

"Maybe." A handsome smirk was on Byakuya's face as he watched his wife with amusement.

"Stop that." Rukia told him as she turned to stare at the ceiling.

"Stop what?" Amusement laced his voice.

"You're smirking, and I don't like it." She replied as she finally mustered up enough energy to sit up.

"Oh well. You should be used to it. Didn't you live with my twin for years?"

"You smirking and Zakura smirking are two different things. With him, I expect it. He's a flirt and a playboy on the outside, but you are all business. You keep that poker face of indifference on… Usually" Rukia said looking off to the side as she remembered their conversation in the car.

"I may have to change your opinion of me then." Byakuaya murmured as he approached her bed. He gently turned Rukia's face to meet his glaze.

"Sorry. You are ingrained in my head as the bossy twin." She replied as she noticed a little tick above his eyebrows. The man of steel's mask was slipping.

Surprising Rukia, he replied, "I may be the bossy twin, but I am the bossy twin who is your husband." His raven eyebrow arched, daring her to challenge his words.

"True, but you're bossy none the less, so it's sticking." Rukia replied with a smile. Dark grey eyes roamed her small figure before he got off the bed abruptly.

"Since you are going shopping today, you need to buy a dress and accessories for the gala. Money is no option, so get whatever you want." Byakuaya told her as he handed her his credit card.

This was the seen that Shirayuki walked in on. She could just see hearts floating around the couple, unbeknownst to them. They thought no one noticed their sexual tension when they were together, but she could see it clear as day.

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't realize you had company." Shirayuki's spoke when both eyes turned on her. Rukia could tell that Shirayuki's underlying meaning "I knew he was here the entire time!"

"You didn't interrupt anything, Shirayuki. I was just dropping by to see if Rukia was up, and she just informed me that the two of you were going on a shopping trip." Shirayuki nodded at Byakuya's words. "Can I trust you to make sure she has a stunning dress for the gala?" He asked.

Rukia stared wide eyed at her husband while Shirayuki was nodding her head up and down like a crazy person. "Good." Byakuaya murmured before giving Rukia a knowing look.

"Ah, before I leave, Shirayuki, you need a dress for the gala as well." He told the women before vanishing into the hall way.

"Ru, he is perfect. If you don't keep him, can I have him?" Shirayuki asked Rukia wistfully.

"What happened to Zakura?" She asked with a laugh.

"A girl has to have options." Shirayuki replied with a smile, both women knowing that this was a joke.

"Why not?" Rukia said with a shake of her head. "Now, where is my coffee?"


All day, the women roamed the boutiques down by the river. Rukia was never a fan of dressing up to please others. She thought you should dress to please yourself. If others did not like it, then they could go to hell, but that's not the Kuchiki way. The always had to have a stick up their perfect asses.

A sigh of frustration escaped Rukia's lips. Shirayuki had dragged her through store after store only to stop for some dango and tea.

Finally, they had reached the last high end shop in the River District. The owner, Rangiku Matusmoto, ran in high circles, but she was unique from what Rukia heard. Throwing off misgivings about coming here, Rukia and Shirayuki entered the building.

"HELLLOOO!" A loud, busty strawberry-blonde boomed towards them. "Oh, you are just too cute!" Rangiku squealed as she grabbed Rukia into a hug before setting her down.

The shell shocked, petite woman looked at the amazon. "Do you greet everyone like that?"

"Of course not! But you are too cute! Just like my little brother, Toshiro! Well, he is my step-brother, but still..." Rangiku told them.

"Wait... Toshiro Hitsugaya is your brother?" Rukia asked in shock while Shirayuki was containing her laughter at the expression on Rukia's face.

"Oh, do you know Shiro?" Rangiku asked with bright blue eyes beaming for information.

"He works with my husband." Rukia stated. Most people already knew that she married Byakuya since their announcement was televised to her horror in some places.

"Ah, that's why you looked so familiar! You are Rukia Kuchiki. I hope he is treating you well. He can be a stick in the mud half the time."

"Your brother or my husband?" Rukia asked cautiously.

"Your husband of course!" Rangiku shook her head. "I am sure Byakuaya told you the elders were throwing women left at right at him, and unfortunately, I was one due to my ties with the Hitsugaya Clan and merchant family." The blonde rambled on.

"You're not one of his fan girls waiting to kill me while I try on clothes, are you?" Rukia asked as she sent a worried glance to Shirayuki, but the blonde surprised them both with a laugh.

"Oh, honey, you have nothing to worry about! I am and have been in love with the same man for years. We just can't get married yet." Rangiku told the women detaila like they were only frieds.

A sigh of relief escaped Rukia. "Now ladies, tell me what you came in here looking for." Rangiku asked them.

Shirayuki stepped forward, "We need dresses for a gala."

"Ah, the annual Kuchiki one I am assuming?"

"Yes." Shirayuki said.

"You know, I didn't get your name." Rangiku told the white haired woman.

"Shirayuki, Rukia's cousin." She stated simply.

Rukia wrapped her arm around Shirayuki's shoulders. "Yes, you see I asked her to the gala as Senbonzakura's date. You understand how dreadfully boring those things are without someone to talk to, especially when the men talk a shop."

"I understand completely! I hate going to the Hitsuguya functions unless there is going to be a ton of alcohol! There are always too many stuck up people in those places." Rangiku sympathized with the women.

"So, can you make us the fabulous bells of the ball?" Shirayuki asked in challenge.

A devious smile spread across Rangiku's lips. "I think I know just what you need then!" Rangiku said as she ragged with women behind her.

She sat them down in front of the changing rooms before disappearing into the back, humming to herself.

"Should we run?" Shirayuki asked Rukia.

Rukia thought about it, but shook her head. "No. We need dresses. Byakuaya will skin us if we don't come back with some."

"You should really listen to your beautiful cousin, Rukia. You never know who you'll meet in a shop, especially when your bodyguards are not here." A silver haired man appeared from out of nowhere. Rukia froze as shivers ran down her spine as she saw his smile.

"Who are you?" She forced out as she reached for her purse.

"Do I look that different without a gun in my hand?" He asked, forcing Shirayuki to rise and place herself in front of Rukia.

"Gin, what are you doing here?" Rangiku asked as she emerged from the back with several dresses in tow.

"I came by to surprise you with lunch, but I didn't realize that you had customers." Gin replied.

"Oh, how sweet! Can you wait for me for about 30 minutes then we can go?" Rangiku asked hopefully.

"Sounds wonderful, love." Gin leaned over and gave Rangiku a kiss before he left.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Rukia asked as she forced some fear out of her voice.

"Yes! Gin is handsome, isn't he? He's a police officer, a detective, I think. We don't get to spend a lot of time together due to his busy schedule." The blonde kept on telling the women about her wonderful lover until she remembered the dresses in her arms.

"Ah, here we go. Sorry about the scattered brains. Gin does that to me!"

"I know what you mean," Rukia muttered as she plastered on a smile. She figured that they were at least safe with Rangiku in the building, unless she was an expert at deception, but Rukia didn't get that vibe from the blonde.

"So, are those the dresses?" Rukia forced out cheerfully, like she just didn't see one of Aizen's henchmen who tried to kill her or kidnap her before.

Rangiku said, "Yes! I have a few for you to look through, but these two are my favorites."

The blonde handed Shirayuki a lavender mermaid dress with the sweetheart necklineneckline. The dress had a deep purple band in the middle and a matching mermaid tale. "This should emphasis your curves and enhance your lovely skin as well as bring out your eyes. Senbonzakura isn't going to know what hit him."

Then, Rangiku handed Rukia a unique strapless evening gown. It was a dark sapphire blue that faded into teal and gold whirls towards the middle of the dress and extended downwards until it resumed the sapphire blue. The colors blended perfectly like an oil painting. "It's beautiful." Rukia murmured.

"How did you know I wanted something different?" She asked the blonde.

"It's not everyday that Byakuaya gets a wife, but one he seems to like as well." Rukia gave her a questioning look. "Honey, I have known him a long time. He would have bought you a dress if he didn't like you. Instead, he trusted you to find one that makes you both look good. That's how I can tell he liked you."

Rukia's glaze softened at Rangiku's words. "Now, I hope that this dress represents the change in the Kuchikis. Someone needs to remove the stick up their asses." Rangiku said with a smile.

"Thank you." The two women said as they went to try on their dresses.

Rukia stepped in the dressing room, still in awe of her dress, but the nagging feeling that Gin was nearby never left her. Quickly getting out her phone, Rukia sent a message to Byakuya. "We met Rangiku and found lovely dresses at her shop, but we also met her boyfriend."

It didn't take but a moment for Byakuya to reply. "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Stay with Rangiku until then. Gin will not try anything in front of her."

The petite woman let out a deep breath. "Are you okay? I heard you sigh." Rangiku asked from behind the door.

Forcing a slight laugh, Rukia replied. "Don't worry! The dress is beautiful on. It was just a sigh of admiration."

"Oh good! Would you care for some champagne to celebrate then? It's complementary to all my customers." The blonde told her.

"No. Byakuya will be here soon shortly to get us. Something about women taking forever to shop, but you know what I could use your help with? Finding accessories and killer shoes for the dress."

"Oh, I'll go grab some! I'll be right back!" Rangiku chirped happily.

Once the blonde was gone, Rukia slipped into Shirayuki's room. "Byakuya will be here in less than 10 minutes. We need to keep her occupied until then."

The white haired woman nodded. "No problem."

The women quickly changed back into their afternoon attire. Rangiku emerged from the back with four boxes of shoes and a tray of accessories. "I hope I have enough. I guessed the shoe sizes, but we keep any size from a 5 to an 11 in stock."

Ten minutes passed by quickly.

Byakuya walked through the front door to see his the two women with a dress bag in one hand and a bag of accessories in another.

"All set?" He asked Rukia who nodded.

"Byakuya Kuchiki! How dare you not come say hello to me after I helped outfit your lovely wife!" Rangiku scolded him.

Steel grey eyes glared at the noisy woman. "Hello, Ms. Matusmoto. Thank you for taking care of these lovely ladies. Now, if you excuse use, we have a dinner we need to go too." Byakuya told her as he ushered the women to the door.

"Kuchiki..." Gin greeted the raven haired man as he blocked the doorway

"Ichimaru..." The men stared at each other while Shirayuki moved in front of Rukia once again.

"Mr. Ichimaru, you need to move. We are going to be late." Shirayuki broke the tension.

"Ah, I am sorry for delaying you then." He told the trio as he moved out of the way so they could exit. Gin turned towards Rangiku, "Are you ready, love?"

"Yes! Can we go get lunch at the new French place?" Rangiku asked.

"Anything for you." He replied as he followed her out the door, his eyes never leaving the trio slipping into the blacked out SUV.


Thank you for still following the story! I hope to have another update next month. But never fear! This story will be finished even if the updates are sporadic.