Synopsis. One faithful call turned everything around for you ,a chance call between two strangers, one seeking help from his hopelessness and insecurities. Your words are his only hope to rid him off his darkness and pain. Everything falls onto what you say. How far would you go to help someone?

Authors note- Age restriction rating to this is at high, mature audiences only. Sexual and Suicidal themes are used. Characters, Dialogs and Ideas are loosely based on the game of Poison Apple Tale's "Don't take this risk". I place no claim of with any of the used characters within this fiction. DTTR is a virtual novel game created by poison apple tales, its free to play and I recommend playing it. I find it interesting and very fun despite the theme, having said that, There be SPOILERS. Also the game reminded me of AMNESIA (anime) soooo we'll borrow the concept! One more thing, before proceeding to the actual fiction. I would like to remind everyone that romance and word play aside.

Depression and suicide are NOT games. People suffer because of it and are in dire need of support and love.

If you or someone you know of is dealing with emotional / suicidal crisis. Call the Lifeline hotline:


Be careful everyone, stay safe and know that all is not lost. There is always the sun behind the clouds. You can get through this shadow, we believe you could. Do it for us and everyone you care for. Most importantly, do it for yourself.

We all love you.