Heyo! I'm back. After a long. Long. LONG. Hiatus.

I'm back, and with some Voltron legendary defender material!

SHIDGE. Because.

So please, enjoy!

- nerdyredhead

As Pidge ran down the hall, he muffled a sob. He hated seeing, no. Hearing Shiro screaming through the comms. Then, Rover. Pidge quickly ducked into a side wall, setting a hologram of himself up to get Sendak's attention. He saw it, and raced after his hologram. Once he was out of view, Pidge raced for Shiro.

"Shiro, hold on, I'll get you out - ACK!" Pidge cried as Sendak's arm grabbed him and wrenched him away. He turned as Keith and Allura ran into the room. "Put him down!" Allura yelled. Sendak smiled and threw Pidge like a doll against the wall. There was a sharp crack as Pidge gave a scream and collapsed on the floor.

"PIDGE!" Allura screamed. "Pidge, no!" Shiro yelled, throwing himself at Sendak. Keith used the distraction to throw his sword at Sendak, severing his bionic arm. He screeched in anger and grabbed the bayard. Keith jumped forward, grabbing his bayard and kicking Sendak. He fell into Allura's trap and the force field banged on the walls in fury.

Keith rushed to Shiro, cutting his bonds. Then, he knelt beside Lance and helped him up. Allura raced to Pidge, cradling his head in her lap.

"Oh no.." Allura took Pidge's helmet off, feeling for injuries. The back of her Paladin suit slowly stained a rusty red and a small streak of blood made it's way down her forehead. Shiro rushed over and put his ear to his chest. A faint beat was hear and he gave a sigh of relief. "He's not dead." Keith slowly hobbled along with Lance.

"Keith, take Lance to the pods. Allura, run ahead to ready the pods." Shiro said, gently picking Pidge up bridal style and following them to the cryogenic pods.

Keith gently set Lance in the pod and Shiro did the same to Pidge, taking their helmets and suits off, leaving the black bodysuits behind.

Once they finished, Allura scanned their injures. "Lance seems ok, just a few burns. Pidge, though…" Allura whispered. Shiro was at her side in an instant, scanning the screen. "What?"

"Two fractured ribs, a bruised spine, a concussion, and maybe a fractured wrist." Shiro's eyes widened as Coran and Hunk came in. "What happened?" Hunk asked nervously, eyeing the blue and green paladins in the cryo chambers. "Well Sendak attacked, you know that. But Pidge tried to save Shiro and Lance, and well…" Allura started. She couldn't finish her sentence.

"Sendak grabbed her and threw her." Shiro said, keeping as straight of a face as possible. Hunk and Coran gasped. Sure, all of them had been hurt at one point but Pidge. The smallest paladin. The runt of the group.

And the worst part?

Shiro felt like it was his fault.