
"Horatio, I love you."

Horatio just smiled and chuckled as he continued to brush his teeth. "What do you want?"

Ryan shook his head. "No, I'm serious. I just love you. That's all."

"Well I love you, too."

"You know I would do anything for you, right?" Ryan questioned. Horatio spit into the sink and then rinsed his mouth out. "If something bad happened, I would want you to know that I would do anything to help or protect you."

"I would do the same for you. Is something wrong? You've been acting strange since we got back from court today." Horatio's voice was laced with worry. He had noticed Ryan seemed off today, but he wouldn't tell him what was wrong. Still, Ryan shook his head. "If you wanna have one or two more kids, I would do that for you. If you wanted a whole basketball team, I would give that to you."

Horatio smiled again and gave Ryan a hug. To his small surprise, and comfort, Ryan had wrapped his arms tightly around Horatio. A lot more tight than usual, but not tight enough for it to hurt either one of them.

"Ryan, just tell me what's wrong."

But Ryan didn't say anything. Instead he just moved his arms from around Horatio's waist, to behind his neck instead. And then Ryan kissed him. Hard. And of course, Horatio kissed him back. Not quite forgetting that something was up, but just pushing it to the back of his head for now.

When Ryans arms disappeared from the back of Horatio's neck, he immediately missed the contact. But that was replaced when he felt the towel that was wrapped around his lower body being pulled off.

Horatio smiled and stopped Ryan, who seemed a little startled. He hadn't expected Horatio to stop him. That was just something he didn't do.

Horatio was still grinning at Ryan. He sighed out. "Bedroom, Ryan?" His voice echoed in Ryan's mind. Ryan nodded eagerly and took Horatio's hand. Horatio led him back into their bedroom. The bed was made already, as Ryan hated not having a made bed. It was his OCD. But he didn't mind messing it up for this reason.

Ryan briefly thought about getting down on his knees, but seeing that he was pregnant, he had to think of the consequences- getting back up. But it seemed that Horatio had been reading his mind. He told Ryan to sit on the bed instead, and of course, he did as he was told. Horatio barely had time to position himself the right way before Ryan had already grabbed the man and pulled him closer to him. Ryan immediately pressed his lips against Horatio's stomach and started kissing the skin lightly.

But those light kisses started turning into hard bites and sucking, leaving behind harsh, angry looking purple and red marks on the lieutenant's body. And Horatio in turn, seemed to be enjoying it. He was breathing slowly and looking down at Ryan, all the while his lips were pursed tight together.

Then when he felt warm, soft hands touching his cock, Horatio sucked in his breath. Which of course, Ryan took as a sign to keep going. He started rubbing it starting off with slow, long strokes, then progressing to shorter, more vigorous strokes. As Ryan moved faster, as did Horatio's breathing.

Ryan stopped moving his hand, causing Horatio to instantly want the warm contact back. But that was replaced with something warm and very wet. Horatio breathed out, shuddering and gripped onto Ryans hair. Horatio's breathing was increasing, getting more harsh and more rapid. It had been a long time since he had felt Ryan's mouth on him. And he would be an absolute liar if he had said he didn't miss the contact.

Horatio pushed Ryan down further onto him, holding him there for what felt like forever. Ryan's eyes closed tightly and Horatio could hear the soft sounds of him breathing. Or, trying to take in air to breathe.

When Horatio released his grip from Ryan, he gasped out loud and had to wipe his mouth off, to keep the saliva from running down his chin. But Ryan didn't have enough time to recuperate. Horatio had already grabbed his arm and was forcing him to stand up. Horatio didn't even bother with taking off Ryan's shirt. He just went for his pants. And luckily for him, he wasn't still in his suit pants. Nor was he in jeans. Ryan was in the sweatpants he owned specifically for sleeping. Because he had already had a shower, and now after this he would definitely need another one.

Horatio yanked the sweatpants down, and Ryan put his hands on his shoulder to stable himself as he got them completely off. The second they were discarded on the floor, Horatio was telling him to lay down.

Ryan of course, did as he was told. Horatio wasted no time in getting onto the bed with him, lifting Ryans legs and wrapping them around his own waist.

Horatio had spit into his own hand and started rubbing himself with it. Ryan smiled at the man. "No fingers this time?" He questioned.

Horatio shook his head no, as he started wiping the remainder of his saliva onto Ryan's hole. Ryan tensed up, but Horatio was kissing him, to relax him.

Ryan always loved kissing Horatio. It was familiar. But it was far from boring.

In between kisses, Ryan's voice was muffled as Horatio slowly inserted himself inside of Ryan. He stopped kissing Horatio back, and instead stilled, with his eyes shut tight and his mouth was wide open.

Even though all Horatio wanted to do was to just fuck Ryan senseless, he decided to take it slow. They hadn't had sex in 6 months, and now here they were. And they didn't even have lube or lubricated condoms. He didn't want to hurt Ryan. That was the last thing he wanted.

Ryans voice was soft, as he let out little whimper-like sounds each time Horatio pulled almost completely out, and then pushed back, onto the hilt. He had to close his mouth and bite his lip to be sure that their sleeping daughter wouldn't hear them.

Horatio also had to keep his voice low. He had always loved the sounds Ryan made when they had sex.

He could feel Ryan starting to grind himself harder, and his legs were bringing Horatio closer to him, though he couldn't go any deeper. But he could certainly go faster. He started to pick up speed, along with Ryan. Every time Ryan pushed himself closer to him, Horatio would slam into him, causing loud gasps that Ryan just couldn't control.

Each time Ryan got too loud, Horatio would give a quick smack to his ass. Which only seemed to make Ryan moan out more.

Soon, Horatio could feel Ryan tightening around him. His breathing sped up and he was full-blown moaning and crying out for Horatio to go faster. Horatio started speeding up, as much as he could at least, not even caring about Ryans volume at that point. And when Ryan started orgasming, Horatio didn't slow down.

Ryans own stomach was coated in cum and Horatio finished soon after, filling Ryan up.

Horatio watched as Ryan closed his eyes again. He was definitely breathing heavily.

"You okay, Ryan?"

Ryan quickly nodded, his eyes still closed. "Yeah, I'm good." But Horatio wasn't so sure. And he had no idea if the man was just tired after their having sex. Or if something was wrong. But he decided not to press. He figured if he kept asking, then Ryan would have just gotten annoyed. And he knew that if it was serious, Ryan would tell him. Eventually.

Horatio grabbed a wet cloth and wiped Ryan's stomach off for him, as he couldn't be bothered moving. Ryan mumbled out a thanks, but his eyes remained shut. Horatio watched him for a while. He decided to lay down next to Ryan. Slowly, Horatio reached over and lightly touched Ryan's hair, running his fingers through it. Ryan slowly started to smile and he finally opened his eyes.


"So, I was looking into this poison theory you had, Ryan."

Ryan was sitting at his desk when Walter came over to get him. He said he had something he needed to talk to him about. So Ryan followed him into one of the lab rooms.

"What'd you get?"

"No gases or poisons. But a drug." Walter handed Ryan a piece of paper. Even though it was all spelled out, he still explained it to him. "Clonazepam. Usually used to treat panic disorders and seizures. But in this case, mixing it with alcohol can cause someone to pass out and not have any or hazy memory."

"Is it hard to get?"

"Only prescribed by doctors."

"Someone at the party had it?"

Walter shook his head. "Nope. Actually, the effects of clonazepam vary, but it usually takes 2 to 4 hours from ingestion in order for it to actually make someone pass out."

Ryan frowned. "So that means someone had to have given it to Holly hours before she came to the party."

Walter handed Ryan another paper. Ryan glanced at it once, looked at Walter, then back to the paper. He even blinked a few times to make sure he was reading it correctly. "Wait, wait. She took it herself? It's prescribed to her."

"Exactly. Clonazepam isn't always detected by drug and alcohol tests. Since the hospital tested her for date-rape drugs, it didn't show up in her system. She must have taken it before the party, and then passed out. Someone saw an opportunity to hurt her and they did."

"This still doesn't explain who hurt her and why. Or why the reports came back clean for alcohol in her system." Ryan sighed. "Thanks Walter."

Walter nodded. But then he stopped. "This is just my hunch- could be completely unrelated though."

Ryan was listening. "What's up?"

"Remember a few weeks back someone sent the lab a virus? Took Dave days to get rid of it."

"Yeah. It was sent in an email as some prank to the lab by some bored college student."

"Well, the college student in question's name was Brian Park." Walter told him. "And I remember interviewing him. He's a med student. I know that med students shadow doctors and have internships at the hospital. Could just be a coincidence, but-"

"Nothing in our line of work is a coincidence, Walter. You should definitely have Eric look more into it with you. And see what else you can find out about Brian Park."

Ryan nodded and handed the papers back to Walter, taking in the information that he was just told. Even though he wasn't technically on the case, since he was just stuck on desk duty, it still meant a lot to him that Walter was still keeping him involved in the case. Ryan hated not knowing what was happening or what was going in.

He started to head back to his desk, when he heard the distinct sound of the elevator chiming. Ryan looked over, and saw Rick. He had started to exit, but when he locked eyes with Ryan, he stopped. Then he pushed a button on the elevator. All the while, he just stared.

Ryan looked to their receptionist, who was busy sucking down a smoothie and looking at her phone. She wasn't even paying attention to Ryan. So he thought, but then again, she never seemed to know much. But as it turned out last time, she knew everything.

There were 3 officers standing around talking. And he could see Eric walking toward the elevator as well. But of course, he stopped when he saw Rick Stetler. He would probably wait for the next elevator instead of getting onto one with him.

Ryan felt his heart quickening as Eric looked at him. But Ryan pretended not to notice, he just quickly moved his feet until he was standing next to Rick. Then Rick pushed another button, and the doors shut, and they were moving up.

Rick and Ryan walked passed the people on the floor. They all shot Ryan knowing glances. It could have all been in his head. But he was sure that it wasn't. When Ryan was in Rick's office, he waited for him to shut the door.

"You were coming for me?"

"Yes, and luckily for me I didn't have to go far." Rick answered. "Now, quickly, before anyone comes and looks for me- I've been in meetings all day."

Ryan nodded and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a sheet of paper, all of which were filled up with Ryan's own handwriting. "Here it is. I wrote it all down for you." He told him. "But Rick, I think we both know how much that I stress that it cannot get out that I gave this to you. Horatio would-"

"Relax, Ryan. I won't tell Horatio." He assured him. "Besides, why would I tell him that you're helping me to help Ron Saris? Why would I tell anyone for that matter?"

"I don't know, but I'm serious, Rick. You get Ron Saris out of Miami and out of our lives. You promised."

Rick grinned. "I do believe you also promised me something in return."

Ryan almost rolled his eyes. But he sighed and shook his head. "And I intend to keep my promise, so long as you do as well. You get Ron Saris out of Miami, and I will tell Horatio the truth."

Rick hummed in response. He was still smiling.

Which made Ryan glare at him.

"You just want me to hurt him. You don't like seeing him happy." Ryan told him.

To which Rick nodded. "I care about my happiness more than his. So sue me." Then unexpectedly, Ryan was pulled by Rick. Ryan stilled as Rick wrapped his arms around him. Was Rick Stetler hugging Ryan? Ryan gave Rick an awkward pat on his back. Then when Rick let go of him, Rick had chuckled. "I'm sorry, was that too soon? Or maybe you're just not a hugger?"

"It was just kind of different."

"Well, you need to get used to it. I know it's awkward now, but give it time. Unless you don't want me to. Then just let me know and I won't do it again." Rick went to his desk and sat down. "You know how I feel Ryan, and I wouldn't do something to intentionally make you feel uncomfortable."

Ryan nodded his head, feeling slightly confused. He had started for the door. He turned the handle and poked his head out. Still paranoid. When he deemed it safe enough, he exited the room. But not before turning back around. "Rick, it's not," he paused, trying to find the right word. Rick looked at him curiously. "It's not unwanted, I guess. I'm not uncomfortable. I just wasn't expecting it. Give a guy some warning before-hand."

He left the office as quickly as he could, and got right back on the elevators to go back downstairs.

Rick looked over the paper Ryan had given him. He even started mumbling the words to himself as he read it. After he read the paper maybe 3 or 4 more times, he picked up the phone and dialed a number. It rang 3 times before a voice was on the other line. Rick leaned back in his chair. "This is Rick Stetler, I'm calling for Ron Saris."



What do you guys think is happening? Or are you totally confused? Haha, I would love to hear your guys' thoughts! Thanks so much for reading.

I'm still not great at writing smut.
