Disclaimer-Who said I own YYH? HUH? *Pulls out Duo's Double-Scythe from Gundam Wing* Huh?

Summary-Botan got a crush on Yusuke! Big problem: Keiko!


You know everything that I'm afraid of

You do everything out-shouted

Botan watched from her perch on her oar as Yusuke walked down the street his first day back from the dead. Everyone turned to stare at him in awe and wonder.

"He's back?!" almost everyone whispered.

Everybody wants you

Everybody loves you

Botan frowned as Keiko hugged Yusuke tightly, even though he fought against her grip.

"I hate Keiko," she declared out loud, though no one could hear her.

I know I should tell you how I feel

I wish everyone would disappear

"Who was there when Yusuke was dead?" Botan asked angrily, soaring off. "Me. Who helped him get back to the living? Me." Her voice dropped to a mumble. "Who had to suppress her feelings for the line of duty? Me."

Every time you call me

I'm too scared to be me

And I'm too shy to say

Botan turned around and headed back to the school. "Maybe I should stay a little while and keep an eye on him," she muttered. But she knew she didn't want to baby-sit him. She was falling for him.

Ooh, I got a crush on you

I hope you feel the way that I do

I get a rush when I'm with you

Ooh, I got a crush on you

A crush on you

But he was falling for Keiko. She knew it. She'd seen it with her own eyes; heard it with her own ears.

You know I'm the one that you can talk to

Sometimes you tell me things that I don't wanna know

Keiko. That name brought scorn in her eyes and anger in her heart. Botan wanted Yusuke. She wanted Keiko out of the picture.

I just wanna hold you

She gazed at the street to see Keiko giddily talking to Yusuke. He was trying to pretend he wasn't interested in what she was saying, but Botan knew that he was.

You say exactly how you feel about her

I wonder, could you ever think of me that way

Glaring, she pointed her finger at the sidewalk. Using her magic, she created a small crack in the ground. Keiko wasn't looking where she was going and she tripped over it, sprawling on the ground.

It had the opposite effect. Yusuke, instead of just laughing, helped her up. Well, he also laughed, but still…

I got a crush on you

I hope you feel the way that I do

I get a rush when I'm with you

Ooh, I got a crush on you

A crush on you

Botan angrily wished that she was a normal girl so she could just march right in and tell Keiko off. Or at least tell somebody about her feelings. But everyone she knew would probably just laugh at her.

Ooh, I wish I could tell somebody

But there's no one to talk to

Nobody knows

I got a crush on you

A crush on you

I got a crush

She flew back to headquarters, taking her time. She was thinking about Yusuke, his bluntness, his directness. She loved his headstrong attitude, even though she chided him about it. The only thing she hated was how he was cynical about a lot of things, including love.

You say everything that no one says

But I feel everything that you're afraid to feel

"Oh, good, Botan, you're back!" Koenma looked up at her. "I've got a new assignment for you. You're going to make Yusuke a Spirit Detective!"

"Really?" She tried to look surprised but she came off as eager.

"You seem happy about it," Koenma said.

Botan just blushed and listened to her orders.

I will always want you

I will always love you

When she delivered the Psychic Spy Glass to Yusuke, she wasn't that angry when he tried to see through her robes. It was mainly her sense of dignity acting that made her hit him on the head.

I got a crush on you

I hope you feel the way that I do

I get a rush when I'm with you

Ooh, I got a crush on you

A crush on you

She kind of hoped that he wasn't just being a lech when he did that.

I got a crush on you

I hope you feel the way that I do

I get a rush when I'm with you

Ooh, I got a crush on you

Yeah, yeah

Oh, yeah, yeah

When she flew off, she was smiling and thinking of Yusuke. If she ever got a chance, she'd make sure that he'd be hers and Keiko would be nothing.

Crush, babe

After all, it's not every day the Grim Reaper falls in love, is it?

I got a crush on you

Well, you like? I've only seen one other Y/B and I think there should be more. Since the first episode I saw, I thought Yusuke and Botan were good for each other.

Reviews are welcome. Rants on how Keiko is better than Botan are not, b/c they will not change my mind. If you have a valid reason on why Keiko is better than Botan, THAT is welcome. No yelling, please?