An eerie silence settles upon the unfamiliar room that Woo Hee and Baek-Ah shares in the northern palace. Not a single lantern is lighted anywhere. The furniture are overturned. The curtain is sort of falling to the ground. The bed was turned inside out.

Behind a byeongpung (traditional folding screens normally depicting sceneries or poem/prayer in chinese characters) Ha Jin is drenched in cold sweat, flattening her back to the walls. Her heart is hammering on her chest, keeping her senses alert. Her arm unconsciously hug her midrift protectively and she stops breathing the moment she heard the door thrown wide open. She holds herself still, unable to hear any footsteps. She says a prayer to the gods.

Please… please…

She bites her tongue in an effort not to scream when the byeongpung was thrown aside and reveals her to a man who is holding a bloody sword, his clothes had been tattered from fighting. Blood trickles down from a sword wound on his left leg.

"Agassi, what are you still doing here? I thought you already left?" Ji Mong takes a hold of Ha Jin's arm, pulling her from the wall, panic still on his eyes.

Ha Jin exhales, releasing the breath she's been holding, "I was scared. I haven't found Woo Hee yet."

"Forgive me, you had to go through this again." A father worried for his only daughter, "Kath-i ga, yeogi-e meo-mul sue ops-suebnida. (Let's go. We can't remain here.)"

He pulls Hae Soo by her wrist, through the door. Stepping out of the foyer, Ha Jin involuntarily halts, shock to see her surroundings. She looks up to see a flake of ash lands on her cheeks. Everywhere is soothe gray. Ashes are falling like snow coming early on a winter night.

How long had she stayed inside the room that the palace grew quiet and the battle had stopped. Not completely though but far enough for their quarters to be left alone.

"Kath-i ga. (Let's go.)" Ji Mong draws Hae Soo out of her shock. They walk silently together.

Soldiers and servants both from the king and from the consort are lying dead on the ground, their blood mingling with the ashes at the cobblestones. She tries not to trip over the bodies and as they exit the private courtyard of guest quarters and saunter to the next courtyard, they start to hear a clash of iron sword against each other and their surroundings are starting warm again. Somewhere not far, some quarters are still being ravaged by fire, their ashes blown to the inner gardens of the guest quarters. They hear shouts, commands and servants running away.

"We need to go back to throne hall, Woo Hee might have been taken there." Ha Jin insists, "Please!"

"Agassi, we can't. The king's forces are concentrated in the throne hall, we can't avoid being seen there. It's like walking straight into a trap." Ji Mong will not have this non-sense from Ha Jin.

"All the more that we need to take a look!" Ha Jin pulls her wrist from Ji Mong's grasp and runs the other way, going to the throne hall.

Cursing, Ji Mong runs after her, "Agassi!"

Reaching the courtyard of the throne hall through the side gate, Ha Jin stops just at the edge where the grasses and the cobblestone meet. There are no infrastructure or bushes around where she can take cover. Spread wide in front of her is a carnage more gruesome than the ones she passed by, arrows are embedded in the ground, on the bodies of the dead soldiers, pots of fire were overturned, the acres of silk canopy had fallen on one side, flags are burning, the cobblestone is soak in blood.

Standing in the middle of carnage is the 4th prince. He has gash on his forehead, his bun had come undone, smudges of blood where speckled on his black armor. He has a slash on his left arm, his sword bloody. He looks tired but otherwise fine.

"So Wangjanim!" Ha Jin calls out.

So turns at the sound of his name being called. He saunters foward trying to meet Hae Soo halfway.


They all herd it at the same time, a thick whistle of arrow and seconds after, it lodges squarely at the back of unsuspecting target.

A few days before…

Together with his lieutenant, who reported that the 10th prince' small party has fallen to the hands of Yeonhwa Gongju in the eastern capital of Liao Dynasty (Khitan empire), So race passed the terrain of leafy, broad cypress forest that Goryo Kingdom and Liao Kingdom share. In a record breaking two day ride, So and his lieutenant emerges unto the eastern capital, Liaoyang, [1]to the house of the third prince [2]who is a husband to his sister, Yeonhwa Gongju.

Finding the house of the 3rd prince is easy. After the fall of Tang Dynasty, the Khitans simply took over the palaces already standing and the 3rd prince happened to occupy the sprawling two blocks, capricious noble house in the eastern capital.

Announcing his presence to the double door gate manned by two soldiers, So and his lieutenant was ushered into the pavilion overlooking a pond, where he finds Eun and Soon Deok having a mid morning tea. They are both unharmed and seemingly enjoying the weather.

"Oh, So hyungnim." Eun stands from his seat the moment he sees his brother crossing the cobblestone pathway into the pavilion.

"Eun-ah, Soon Deok-ah!" So exclaims, surprised and relief to see them yet a nagging at the back of his head is telling him, something is wrong.

The two greets the 4th prince. Eun throws his arms around his 4th brother. "It is nice of you to come and visit us already."

Soon Deok stares passed the 4th prince, trying to see if there is anyone behind them and to her dismay, finds the visit odd also, "Where is Hae Soo and Woo Hee. Did they not come with you?"

"What do you mean?" So turns at his lieutenant, who is wearing the same shock as he does, "My liuetanant came back to our palace and reported that you were being held by my sister."

"They were held before," from the back, where the entrance is, a familiar voice that So hasn't heard for a year draws the visitors attention. Yeonhwa appears with her servant and Gen. Park. She is dressed in a one piece, white and violet hanfu dress that is tastefully accessorise with sash at the waist and wide sleeves on the arms, she looks the part of a princess from the Tang dynasty instead of the Khitan, "Caught between my husband and the queen dowager's power dispute over the throne. Good thing, it was my husband's men who had found them, otherwise, they will never reach the safety of wherever place they were going."

So sighs a relief, he can finally release the anxiety he had been holding all through out their two day ride. His face, though expertly looking normal, can't deny the rush of blood upon learning that his 10th brother and his family are alright.

"I wouldn't relax just yet, orabeonim." Yeonhwa inclines her head to the side, evaluating So's physical condition. From all sides, guards surround them and arrests So's lieutenant, "What is this?"

"Follow me," Yeonhwa commands.

Nodding at Gen. Park as he passes by, Yeonhwa leads So into another secluded garden, where a man-made mid rise falls cascade languidly into a pond full of orange and yellow carps. So's Lieutenant was drag to the far quarters of the courtyard. Now a prisoner.

So is tired, his eyes are bloodshot and his hair is sticking out of his bun in different ways.

Yeonhwa turns her back to So and stands facing the cascading water. watching the dragonflies fly over the pond.

"I am grateful for keeping our brother and his family safe, ku-map-da." So expresses his gratitude.

"What were you expecting?" Yeonhwa bitterly smirks, "That I would harm our 10th brother? Who would want to hurt our Eun? He knows nothing of this world."

"Forgive me, for thinking otherwise." So quietly apologizes.

Yeonhwa unexpectedly laughs, "After all this time, you still think low of me."

"I do not think of you –"

"—But you do." Yeonhwa cuts So mid sentence, "You and the rest of our brothers think I am nothing so you could use me and discard me whenever and however you want."

"Yeonhwa," So genuinely cares about his sister, just not the way she wants it, "I have apologize before and I will apologize again. I have done only what I had to. I'm sure you would made the same choices in my place."

So chooses not to explain further. He had sacrificed more than any of them did and that he doesn't regret if he chose his happiness at that time.

Yeonhwa closes her eyes, acknowledging So's words, "and are you happy now or any of our brothers? Even after you all discarded me here, our 8th brother and the consort seem to think they can still make a pawn out of me."

"What do you mean?" So asks, his voice dangerously getting low.

"My dear 4th brother," Yeonhwa turns to look at So, "How could you be lured unto my lair with just a simple pretense? I never thought you would be this stupid."

So remains silent.

"Our 8th brother wanted to get a hold of our 10th brother and your adopted mother conspired to have them intercepted by my husband's men. You've been betrayed." Yeonhwa stares at So's eyes.

"But you won't harm our 10th brother." It's not a question but a statement.

"Of course not." Yeonhwa agrees, "You've all discarded me here. Why would I give any of you my aid when my own husband is facing the same dilemma with his own kingdom? I'll put myself into use where I could benefit the most rather than be used as a pawn to a kingdom who never cares about me in the first place."

"What are you planning to do with us then?" So asks.

"Well…" Yeonhwa regards So, "you look tired. You can stay here, rest if you want or you can leave and take our 10th brother and his family back with you. Tell our 8th brother and the consort, they can all go to hell. Leave me out of their squabbling."

For the second time today, So finds himself grateful to the sister, he once knew, "Yeonhwa-ya, I truly wish for your happiness."

"Do not feel sentimental with me." Yeonhwa interrupts So once more, "I may not agree to become a pawn to your kingdom's game but as we speak, our 8th brother might have reached the northern palace already as an honored guest to the consort. Lady Shinjuwon had you unwittingly out of the northern palace for whatever benefit it would serve her."

So tenses, his mind piecing together the information. He bolts to his feet, looking for the general and his 10th brother.

"I hope you are not too late…" Yeonhwa tells herself as she watches So leave in a hurry.

A day before the feast…

The northern palace was originally made as a summer vacation palace for King Taejo. A place up north, built on the lands of Shinju, surrounded by mountains on three sides, it's location never seemed to get too hot even on summer. When Lady Shinjuwon married King Taejo and refuses to stay inside the palace at Songak, King Taejo opted to let his 3rd consort have the palace and govern the northern borders.

On the west part of the palace, a horse ride away from the throne room where Lady Shinjuwon holds assembly each morning, is a mini palace of its own, designed as the king's quarters. Sprawled in a hectare of land with it's own massive courtyard, a garden and a deep pond, where you can row a small boat. Two pavilions perfect for tea gatherings are situated on each side of the pond connected by a flat bridge for leisure walking. There are three arcs underneath it and its sides are carved with dragons meeting at the middle. Its courtyard contains sleeping chambers, study chambers, bath chambers with a mini pool, an ancestral shrine, and a sarangchae for receiving guests.

This part of the northern palace is never used because the king never visitd not even once. For the past week, its gates were finally opened. Servants and gungnyeo(s) were instructed to scrub cleaned the whole place and make it fitting for King Jeongjong's visit.

This afternoon, King Jeonjong is taking a leisure walk at the bridge, holding a private conversation with Lady Yoo. They stopped at the middle of the bridge, their entourage both left behind at each end.

"O-rae-man-i-da. (It's been a while, Lady Yoo,)"

Wook is looking older these days. Though he is only 29 this year, his eyes no longer hold the gentleness it once had. He had seen deaths, planned coups, had his heart broken and his soul hardened by each passing betrayal. A man of 29 years only and yet Lady Yoo can see a glint of madness on those stormy gray eyes, almost black now. Lady Yoo wonders if his second son, Yo, ever lived to take the throne, will he also hold the same glint of madness that Wook has. It seemed like an occupational hazard for every king who sits on that throne. She gazes into the water, both of their images reflected upon them. Her eyes are not an exception. It, too, contains the same wise treacherous glint. The kind that is hard too trust.

"Yii, it's been a while," Lady Yoo can't bring herself to call him, "… Pyeha."

She will never forget that this boy was the one who killed his second son. The address tastes bitter in her mouth.

"I never thought I would offer an alliance again with you." Wook looks far away, remembering the day he flew that arrow to his 3rd brother's chest.

"And I never thought I would agree." Lady Yoo purports the same stillness Wook is exhibiting.

Wook sighs, a smirk threatening to come out, "I don't suppose we trust each other, given our history. Why extend a hand now?"

"Nobody likes the Kang clan." Lady Yoo shrugs

"And no mother would trust the murderer of her son." Wook says it matter of factly causing Lady Yoo to glance at Wook.

"That is true."

Wook smirks this time, amused, "Why are you standing on my side then?"

Lady Yoo turns her attention to the serene pond, her face, a perfect mask of calmness, "Maybe to see you get crushed by the odd consort? We all know your forces are not up against Lady Shinjuwon. Why else will you court my clan to support your cause.

"We seem to be sharing several truths today." Wook is unaffected, "Shall I share another one?"


"I'll tell you why you will support my cause, my lady." Wook calmly proposes, "I know the Kangs of Shinju are formidable. Even the late king, my father, has known to not cross them. Entering their lair is as stupid as marking yourself for the grim reaper."

A lone dragonfly touches it's tail to the water, causing a small ripple upon it.

"But we both want the same thing and I am offering a choice for you to finally get rid your clan, a rival that has taken too much from you. Surely you wouldn't' t stomach seeing the Kangs in the throne I am sitting right now." Wook calmly offers.

This time, it is Lady Yoo who grins, "Who is to say that I don't feel nauseated, seeing the murderer of my son sitting at the throne. Besides, Lady Shinjuwon is offering the same thing, installing my clan back to the Chancellery if she wins this game."

"The consort is not above double crossing anyone," Wook chuckles softly, letting it carry for a bit,

"And so do you." Lady Yoo shrugs.

"But my lady…" Turning to look at Lady Yoo to make his point, "You're misunderstanding my proposal."

Lady Yoo is baffled.

"I am not offering you a chancellery seat…" Wook draws out every word, "I am offering to make my 14th brother a crown prince if you pledge your fealty to my crown."

Lady Yoo's ears perk up, confused.

"Yes, my lady," Wook further explains, "surely having a crown prince for a son is better than sitting in the Chancellery seat once again."

"And what about your heir. What becomes of your son if you ever one?" Lady Yoo asks.

"I don't think the people will take kindly to a crown prince born of a concubine." Wook toys with Lady Yoo, dangling the one thing she ever want for her son, "You see, after I get rid of the Kangs and I take Hae Soo for a wife, I will not make her my queen. I wouldn't want to further my humiliation."

Saying that Wook is still in love with Hae Soo after the humiliation he went through is like reaching for a far away redemption that had sailed passed the point of no return. Sure, he is obsessed with Hae Soo but he intends to punish her and his 4th brother by keeping her and degrading her for the rest of her existence. A perfect revenge to his 4th brother and Hae Soo.

"She will be an untitled concubine, trapped inside my palace, doing every command I wield on her." Wook looks sinisterly dangerous with his eyes, zeroing in his goal, "So yes, I will make my 14th brother a crown prince if you don't break faith with me this time."

Truly, the king had lost his mind out of obsession, Lady Yoo reconsiders her option. If her son is declared as a crown prince then it would be easy to stage an accident for an unstable king, "Have my son announced as a crown prince tomorrow in the feast and I will have my clan stand by your side."

Tomorrow will be the perfect opportunity to have her son crowned before Queen Shinjeong of Hwangbo Clan winds out about her son's stupid plan.

Wook smiles at this, "Not so fast, my lady. You'll have to prove your loyalty first. What does Lady Shinjuwon planned for tomorrow? Why did she invited me here?"

Lady Yoo thinks for a moment. The consort never shared her plan to her except that she is asking Lady Yoo to form an alliance with her after she gets rid of the king, "I only know she is luring you here to have you killed."

That's not much of a plan to Wook. They all know that him agreeing to visit the northern palace makes him a sitting duck, "That lacks creativity. I was expecting for her to be a better opponent."

"Maybe that works for the both of us." Lady Yoo explains, "We all overestimate the consort but I've known her since we were young. The Kangs had always played the stories about them. They encourage it so people will remain fearful of them. "

Wook considers that for a moment. The consort definitely seemed untouchable but maybe she isn't as scary as the stories about her. Wook squints his eyes, "Well then, we'll find out tomorrow."

The sun is dipping low into the sky. The orange almost red sunset is framing the backs of the mountain from the vantage point of the consort's poisonous garden. She is busy with her purple, deep violet berries when Guen Sun announces the 14th prince presence.

Looking up from her bushes, the consort straightens her back and welcomingly smiles at Jung, "My son's favorite brother, have a sit."

Leading to the tea table at the middle of the garden, Lady Shinjuwon appraises the 14th prince from head to foot, "I never thought you would be back so soon."

Jung gives a wary greeting to the consort, letting a gungnyeo arrange a cup of tea for him, "I wanted to apologize to my 4th brother."

"You're a good brother." The consort walks over the table, putting down the bowl of berries and taking off her mittens, "Will you also be only a good friend to my daughter?"

"I am always a good friend to Hae Soo." Jung answers with confidence, not minding his tea's tempting aroma rise in the air.

"Ah…" Lady Shinjuwon makes a playful sarcastic remark as she takes her sit in front of the 14th prince, "So between being a good friend and being a good brother, which one will you choose?"

"I do not understand what our consort is asking of me." Jung is being wise to choose his words.

"Drink." Lady Shinjuwon offers, "It's not poisoned. I wouldn't want you to miss the feast tomorrow..."

She takes her own tea from the same pot, Jung's tea was made to prove her words, "Who knows, we might be celebrating your engagement or the king's. It all depends on you. Why don't you indulge this lady for a bit."

Begrudgingly, Jung reaches to his cup and drinks slowly, "I know you made a deal with my mother and I'll be damned to think that it's the only deal you made seeing as the king is also here."

"Isn't that the plan with your clan? To lure the king unto our hands?" Lady Shinjuwon unexpectedly laughs, a sprightly one, enjoying Jung's passionate brevity, lacking his 4th brother's calmness.

"My 8th brother is not stupid." Jung looks away.

"Ara. (I know.)" Lady Shinjuwon shrugs it off and so is she, "I also suspect that he has done a deal with your mother. Everything is up for grabs, isn't it? All for the sole person who would take that throne next."

Jung doesn't answer.

Lady Shinjuwon takes a berry from the bowl and plays it on her fingers, "Are you afraid of me?"

"It would be unwise not to." Jung tightens his hand on his cup, tasting the tea's faded bitterness, light to the tongue. His hand is surprisingly not shaking even though a cold sweat is starting to break on his back.

Smirking, Lady Shinjuwon leans back to her seat, "I'm curious. That night you had a squabble with your 4th brother, was it you or my son who started the fight?"

Jung's eyes tighten by a minuscule. He doesn't know where this question is leading, "I did."

"Why?" A gungnyeo refills Lady Shinjuwon's cup with tea.

'"I don't remember." Jung lies.

"Did my son finally got into your nerves?" Lady Shinjuwon asks to which Jung remains silent, "Which one did it? The fact that the innocent girl kept trusting your deceitful 4th brother or the fact that your 4th brother kept the pretense of being a son while probably…"

Lady Shinjuwon holds Jung's eyes, hanging her words mid-sentence, hinting something. Jung feels nauseous, unable to not want and want to confirm his 4th brother's relationship with the consort. He abruptly rises, "I should go. You have been gracious to me, Shinjuwon Soyong, it was a nice afternoon. I shall see you at the dinner feast later."

Turning to leave but stops at Lady Shinjuwon's next question.

"I know you saw us that night in my room." Lady Shinjuwon is undeterred. Playing with people's mind is her favorite past time and this one doesn't fail her, "Why do you keep your silence in spite of losing the girl to your 4th brother?"

Jung balls his hands at his side in an effort to keep the bile on his stomach, "What do you want Shinjuwon, Soyong?"

"Na?" Lady Shinjuwon laughs again, this one is irritating to Jung's ear, "Everyone knows what I want. The throne. It's not a secret, my little prince. But how about you, Jung Wangjanim, what do you want?"

Jung turns to look at Lady Shinjuwon.

"Have you completely given up on that girl?" She squeezes a berry to her tea, "That's too bad, I was going to agree to your mother's deal of marrying you to her if your clan will keep their word but maybe I should just marry her to the king. I realize it's the easiest way to get to the throne. After all, your 8th brother is already seated in it. I only need to get rid of him once I'm declared the queen regent, isn't it."

"My 4th brother will never agree to giving away Hae Soo." Jung relaxes as if seeing the lie in the words of the consort.

"Are you sure?" Lady Shinjuwon stirs the juice of the berry in her tea, "Tell me, how many chances of marrying that girl did your 4th brother passed off already? Two? Three? He had plenty of chances to do so. Your father, King Taejo gave him a chance once. Your late brother, King Hyejong, seated for two years also gave his blessings to them. Why are not they married yet?"

Jung tenses. He once questioned his 4th brother's intention of marrying Hae Soo that ended up in a squabble but even then, So never gave him an answer. His trusts that he had been steadily building on his 4th brother comes crumbling easily as more seeds of doubt are sown on his head.

"I brought your 4th brother up. I know him… shall I say intimately… ? " Lady Shinjuwon takes her time and sips her new tea, " perhaps more than anyone else. Believe me, when I say, that boy perfected the art of deceit on her mother's knees. He grew up under my wing… made the bed for him…"

"My 4th brother … loves Hae Soo." Even as Jung say it out loud, his voice breaks. He stammers out of anger, "Stop, playing with… with … me. You should be ashamed of yourselves!"

"Remind me, why does your 4th brother always disappears when Hae Soo needs him the most? I'm sure this isn't the first time? Where is he right now? Do you not wonder why your 4th brother and that girl spend more time apart than together?" Lady Shinjuwon smirks, knowing she's getting in his nerves, twisting facts to her favor, "You all so easily fall for his words, isn't it."

"If my father had known, he would have put you both to death! -" Jung shakes in anger.

"- But your father is dead and the new king only wants my daughter." Lady Shinjuwon shrugs it off, "So shall I give my daughter to him or will you accept my offer and take her first."

"You disgust me!" Jung repeats the insult he spat on So, feeling the hair on his arm stand on it's end.

Lady Shinjuwon relishes at Jung's anger, "Do we have a deal?"

"And why would I want my 4th brother to sit on that throne after hearing everything you said?" Jung lowers himself to the table, bracing his arms at its edge, looking like he is about to lose his mind.

Lady Shinjuwon leans towards Jung, their eyes on level, "Because when your 4th brother takes the throne, we can all drop the pretense. Including this game his playing with that girl. We are only keeping her because she is the bargaining chip for everyone. I will release my daughter to you and you could take her far … far away… far from the politics of this kingdom… far from the crazy 4th brother who has been deceiving you all this time… Far… Jung wangjanim… Far… You can start a new life somewhere no one knows the two of you. She will stay on your side forever. Isn't that what you wanted from the beginning? A simple married life to the girl you gave your heart to."

Jung's eyes waver against the dream the consort is painting for him, "But Hae Soo… If Hae Soo finds out…"

He lowers his head and in a defeated voice, "… She will be broken."

"And you will help her heal." Lady Shinjuwon laces her words with silver lining, "She would forever be grateful to you. Do you not want that?"


The sound of the breeze playing with the leaves are the only thing that can be heard.

When Jung looks up to stare at the consort, his eyes are fueled with new resolve, "What do you need me to do for tomorrow's feast?"

Lady Shinjuwon breaks into a treacherous smile, "Tell your clan to keep up the pretense of alliance with the king and make sure he is at the feast tomorrow. When the time comes, I will need your clan's militia to help me dispose of the king and his army and if he unfortunately doesn't die by my poison, then we torch my kingdom to the ground and you can kill the king for me. Once the throne passes to my son, I will reinstall your clan to the chancellery seat and you will swear fealty to us, the new owner of the throne. You will not, in any way, break your support to the throne and will never instigate any coup. Your clan will stay loyal to us until the last of our blood… stand on this earth."

She doesn't need their help to assassinate the king. She needs the Chunju Yu clan after So ascends the throne, making sure no one will rise up against them afterwards. Or she could use the Chunju Yu's militia against the king so that when the throne changes hands, the Chunju Yu clans' militia will be diminished and they would no longer be a threat to her and since Lady Yu is taking too long to decide, what better way to control the Chunju Yu clan but by it's next heir, the 14th prince.

Two, no three birds with one stone. Lady Shinjuwon prides herself for always thinking ahead of others, "Shall I let you in on another secret?"

Begrudgingly, Jung listens.

"The tea I just forced you to have is an antidote to the poison I've been making everyone inhale."

Jung tenses on his feet, remembering that nauseating incense found everywhere in the northern palace. Can it be the same poison Lady Shinjuwon is talking about.

"The incense is harmless given in small dosage. It's hallucinogenic in nature, good for calming your nerves but it stays in your blood stream and can be activated by a seemingly innocent ingredient in our food. A bite or two can lead to a painful sleep, never to wake again."

Jung pales, "You're evil."

"Remember my good graces as you partake on the feast tomorrow." Lady Shinjuwon shrugs, "When my people say, I hold their lives in my hand, they have no idea how true that is."

In honor of the king, dinner for the night is thrown at the king's quarter's sarangchae. It opens on four sides, letting the cool breeze in, over looking a part of the pond. Stone lanterns, like small pagodas, litter the path towards the stone-elevated structure. Danchongs intricately lined the tile roof and beam ceilings. Exquisite landscape paintings from the late Tang Dynasty hang decoratively on the walls. In the corner, is another incense burner that burns the same incense the consort likes.

Ji Mong, who failed to find Hae Soo's quarters appears behind King Jeongjong, escorted by Lady Yoo and Wang Ryeom Shiek. While Lady Shinjuwon is led her right hand man, Guen Sun. Won comes with Woo Hee on his arm, looking rigid and pained. Minister Park Sul Hui, Won's grandfather walks behind him.

"Ah, Lady Woo Hee," Lady Shinjuwon greets, a dark smile on her lips, scrutinizing Woo Hee from head to foot, "Am I finally meeting the last princess of Hubaekje, the spy of the king."

Woo Hee averts her eyes away, bowing to the consort.

Lady Shinjuwon takes a step closer to her, inclining her head to the side and mocking, "I must say, you did a fine job of manipulating my daughter and the princes."

Woo Hee remains silent not wanting to be there.

Ha Jin skips the dinner and stays in her room. Her quarters is closely guarded by Guen Sun's unseen men, blending well in the shadows around the courtyard. She was pacing her room when a servant, the same girl who took care of her inside the ship, delivers her dinner.

"It's been a while," Ha Jin greets her, "I haven't seen you since we've arrived last spring."

The servant returns the greeting, "Yii Agassi, my apologies. I am a mere servant in the kitchen so I am not allowed to wander the palace."

Somehow the servant girl reminds Ha Jin of Chae Ryung, "Iruem-I mwo yeyo? (What's your name?) I forgot to ask before."

"Cheo? Chae Young-ibnida." The servant answers nervously.

"Panggabseubnida Chae Young Ssi." Ha Jin inclines her head to the side, remembering her manners.

"Yie, panggabseubnida Agassi." A little smile finally graces Chae Young's lips.

"Have you eaten?"

The servant looks up, a question on her face.

"Do you want to join me?" For lack of no one to talk to, Ha Jin asks Chae Young to join her.

"Andwaeibnida, Agassi." The servant bows her head, "I will be punished."

Ha Jin understands, smiling to not scare the girl away, "Araseoyo. Kuereom can you make sure that Baek-Ah wangjanim and Woo Hee Agassi eat on their cell. I know they are being held as prisoners and you might not be able to get close to their cell but just in case, I'm sure prisoners are still allowed to get dinner, right?"

"Algessuebnida, Agassi. Let me ask the other kitchen servants if they had been given dinner." Chae Young holds her tray to herself, "I shall take my leave."

The servant gives her greetings and leaves. As she is about to open the door she remembers the talk around the kitchen about the dinner held on the King's sarangchae.

"Kuende, Agassi," Chae Young turns to Hae Soo once more, not really sure if she should share it but she wants to make her mistress feel better so she tells her, "I heard Woo Hee Agassi is no longer being held prisoner. The servants say they saw her at the gathering a while ago."

"Jinjja?" Ha Jin sports a surprise look, "Are you sure of it."

Chae Young nods, "She was even dressed by her gungnyeo(s) on the 9th prince quarters.

"Eh? Won wangjanim?" Ha Jin asks, full of confusion. She never heard Woo Hee was freed.

"Yii, Agassi." Chae Young nods once more but seeing as her mistress's face falling into a baffled expression, she catches herself and stops, feeling that she might have shared too much, "I shall take my leave, Agassi, Joesonghabnida."

She opens the door and exits hurriedly before Hae Soo asks another question. Ha Jin was left staring at the door, wandering if she goes to Woo Hee's quarters, a few hanoks away, will she find her there later.

Late into the night, while the merriment is still on going at the King's sarangchae, Ji Mong sneaks out of the king's courtyard to look for the guests' quarters once more, discovering how far their quarters are from the guest's quarters. He couldn't ride a horse because his presence would easily be detected both by the palace' soldiers and the Kang's private militia.

He runs unto Jung as he reaches the courtyard of the guests' quarters.

"You didn't attend the dinner?" Ji Mong asks the 14th prince.

Jung covers Ji Mong's mouth with his hand, all the while pulling him unto the shadows of a deserted hanok, "You shouldn't be here. Lady Shinjuwon's men are guarding this courtyard. What are you doing here?"

Though the courtyard looks empty, Jung had long learned that there are eyes everywhere, always.

"I was wondering if I could put a blade on the 4th prince's chest for not heeding my warning." Ji Mong sarcastically answers, "Where the hell is he?"

"Mor-ue-gess-seubnida. (I don't know.)" Jung continues to look around, "Ha Jin told me, my sister Yonhwa gongju had intercepted my 10th brother and his wife on their way to Later Jin."

Ji Mong wrinkles his nose, smelling the alcohol on Jung, "Mwo?! Why are they going to Later Jin?"

Counting the kings Ji Mong had served for the past year, Jung surveys Ji Mong warily, contemplating how much can he trust the king's adviser. He knows Ji Mong had been on his 4th brother's side since So was welcomed back in the palace, "In case you weren't notified, the northern palace isn't exactly the best place for any of us. So wangjanim wanted to send my brothers and their wives somewhere out of the consort's reach."

Under the shadows, Ji Mong can't read the 14th prince face but he can sense resentment on his voice.

"At least that's what he says." Jung adds a tad a bit later, "Why are you here?"

"I need to see if Hae Soo, Agassi is alright." Ji Mong decides to trust the 14th prince since So is nowhere. His head is starting to come down with a migraine. The chilly mountain breeze not helping.

Jung turns to the adviser and examines him well, "Do you mean that?"

Ji Mong doesn't understand where the mistrust is coming from, "Of course I do. Haven't I been looking after Hae Soo, Agassi's welfare from the beginning?"

Completely leaving off the fact that he even came between Jung and Hae Soo just to make sure his little queen ends up in So's arms.

"Kue-rom do-wa-jul-kka-yo? (Will you help me?)" Jung is running out of option.

"With what?" Ji Mong returns the mistrust now.

"What does my 8th brother plan for Hae Soo?" Jung asks.

"Trust me, it's something that will make your stomach turn so if your plan is to make sure that your 8th brother doesn't get a hold of the lady then I'm all ears."

Careful of his surroundings, Jung tries to lead Ji Mong unto the quarters he and Baek-Ah shares, "Come to my quarters in a minute. We can't be seen together."

Shortly after, Ji Mong enters Jung's quarters a hanok away from Hae Soo's, finding Jung pacing the floor.

"What's the plan?" Ji Mong had to squint his eyes several times, to adjust. The brightness inside the room is in stark contrast of the dark surroundings outside.

Jung stops mid pacing, "What's yours?"

Truthfully, Jung doesn't have one yet. It's only been a few hours since his talk with Lady Shinjuwon and like Ji Mong, he wasn't expecting his 4th brother and the general will not be here.

"I don't know yet." Ji Mong admits, "I was counting on your 4th brother. I have no idea he left. I doubt he even got the messenger I sent a week back."

And in light of the things Jung had learned from the consort, his head is still in confusion, his emotional state unstable, trying to grasp his 4th brother's betrayal, "You put your trust on my 4th brother too much."

"Don't you?" Ji Mong wonders what happened in the north that he doesn't know about, "Wait, you said Hae Soo, Agassi, told you the 4th prince and general left, where were you?"

Of course Ji Mong never heard of So and Jung's sword stint that sent Jung back to his hometown.

"I've been living in my hometown since the end of Spring." Jung contemplates if he should tell the truth. He naturally lies for his 4th brother as always but he catches himself, his unstable emotional state making him volatile to fits of anger.

"What happened?" Ji Mong is confused, it's highly unlikely of So's group to break apart. Jung living in his hometown, the 10th prince and his wife on his way to Later Jin, Baek-Ah was thrown to the prison and Woo Hee shows up at the king's dinner escorting Won. Everything is in disarray.

Jung tenses, gauging the adviser, thinking if he could really trust him, "It seemed my 4th brother had us all fooled."

Ji Mong tenses, "What do you mean?"

"How well do you know my 4th brother?" Jung is conflicted. He had been hiding the secret for so long. He thought he could let it go, seeing Hae Soo happy with his brother for the past years but living in the north and hearing it first hand from the consort makes his stomach turn. He can never look at his 4th brother without seeing the consort's hand all over him.

Jung's head is in turmoil. Shutting his eyes closed in an effort to stay calm. He feels as if he's going mad. Then a fleeting memory comes in front of his mind, of him hearing Ji Mong call Hae Soo his daughter, of Hae Soo being someone of not this period. He almost forgot all about it.

Turning to Ji Mong with conflict in his eyes, "But then can I really trust you?"

Jung's hand closes upon the hilt of his word on his belt, brandishing it to Ji Mong. Ji Mong automatically steps back, guarded. Unlike the princes, advisers, servants, eunuch are not allowed to carry sword.

Advancing on Ji Mong, Ji Mong holds up his hands up wary of the 14th prince. He steps back until his back meets the wall, Jung's blade pointed at his chest, "I don't know what happened to any of you to make you think that I can't be trusted. I've always been the one who looks after Hae Soo, Agassi."

"Because she's your child?" Jung tightens his hold at his sword, remembering why his Hae Soo is no longer Hae Soo. His anger, misdirected.

Ji Mong is inclined to lie, "Don't be absurd, she's not my child but I do care about the lady."

"Liar!" Jung's voice rises into a shout and then lowers it, "I heard you calling her your daughter. She even plead with you to get back in her time. What do you mean by that? She's not Hae Soo, isn't she?"

Ji Mong is caught off guard, sensing how much he can deny it. No one really believes him when he tells the stories not of this period and yet he wasn't anticipating that Jung would get this close to the truth.

"If she's… she's your child…" Jung breaks, his hand shaking, "Then why would you hand her blindly to the Kangs! Don't you know how much they make her suffer? Of what the consort and my 4th brother plan to do with her?!"

"What do you mean?!" Ji Mong is shock, his face turning dark. He searches his memories of this lifetime, coming up with nothing. So had always been secretive of his adopted family and even when he had him followed by a spy years ago, his spy abruptly disappeared but not without telling him that their had been instances of servants being put to death for talking about anything inside the Kang household so no one could get them to talk even with a high price.

"Wang Jung wangjanim, what are you talking about?! Tell me!" Ji Mong repeats, suddenly grasping the blade with his hand, trembling out of surprise. His palm cut by the sharpness of the blade.

Sensing that the adviser really knows nothing about it, Jung hesitantly puts down his sword, his mind in chaos, "My 4th… my 4th brother…"

Jung swallows, "is having an affair with… the consort…"

He turns his back to Ji Mong, disgust curling at his stomach. Even the words taste awful on his mouth. He feels dirty all over.

Ji Mong quickly strides in front of Jung, taking a hold of him on both of his arms, his bloody palm, soaking Jung's sleeves, "Take it back! You're lying!"

"I… I… saw it with my own eyes." Jung doesn't want to say it, "So wangjanim… had… had… been sharing… Lady Shinjuwon's bed… since I... I don't know since when… But don't you think that would explain how he survived the Kang Household through the years?"

He lowers his voice, "Lady Shinuwon even admitted it to me."

Ji Mong shakes Jung as if shaking the revulsion starting to form on his stomach. The crown prince would never do that to the daughter of the moon. Never in any of lifetime did he ever meet the crown prince as treacherous and abhorrent as the 4th prince, "He could never do that to… to… my little queen."

"He wouldn't…" Ji Mong repeats, now sporting the same anguish and disgust that Jung had been reigning, "He loves my daughter!"

"He can't do this!" Ji Mong lets go of Jung, "He's ruining everything!"

Jung couldn't catch the last part of Ji Mong's incoherent murmurs, "So you need to help me now."

Ji Mong continues to mutter to himself, "After everything… I've done… done… for them… How could he undo our chances…"

This time, it's Jung who shakes Ji Mong to senses, "Get a hold of yourself! You need to help me get Ha Jin out of here!"

"Does my little queen know?" Ji Mong asks, his eyes starting to cloud with madness.

"No," Jung sighs, "It would break her if she does."

Ji Mong clasp at Jung's arms, "You can't tell her! Please!"

He begs, his mind still sorting through the mess he was thrown into. Ji Mong thought they are finally breaking out of their curse but then he winds out about this, how does he deal with the crown prince's betrayal? And can he really hand over his daughter to that kind of man?

In his anguish, Ji Mong voices what's going through his mind, "What was I doing wrong?! How can we ever get out of this curse?!"

Jung misunderstood his words, "It's my brother who was wrong now help me get Hae Soo out of here!"

Ji Mong looks at the 14th prince, Hae Soo's savior in this lifetime, "How lucky of you."

After everything I changed in this lifetime, it seems my little queen is still destined to end with you…

Shock and out of his mind, Ji Mong walks blindly out of the 14th prince quarters.

"Ji Mong seongsaengnim!" Jung calls after him. He would have gone after him but the adviser looks as mad as him. He can't blame him if he couldn't grasp what he had just heard.

Won stumbles unto his corridors, tipsy and in good mood. His quarters is also located inside the King's mini palace, a courtyard and a garden away from King Jeongjong's quarters. He is whistling while walking. Behind him is a subdued Woo Hee maintaining her distance. She couldn't taste the food or the wine pushed on her plate at the dinner. She was a sitting statue, looking oddly out of place among the royals who were sharing a happy dinner together.

Two gungyeo(s) who came from the palace and are part of the king's entourage flocked from behind her, waiting on her service. She doesn't want any of them. They feel more like guards instead of her own ladies who waits on her service.

As Won reaches his chambers, Woo Hee stops at the corridor, waiting for the door to close so she could go back to her own quarters. Minutes passed and the door didn't closed. Another servant who opened the door for the 9th prince comes out and escort an unwilling Woo Hee in.

Inside, Won pours another glass of wine by the table. He starts disrobing, abandoning his durumagi (outer coat) by the floor.

"If there is nothing else, I shall go back to my room." Woo Hee stands by the door, wary and refusing to look at Won.

Won smirks, "Shouldn't you be helping me with my clothes?"

"Your servants are waiting outside. I shall call them if you want." Woo Hee is about to turn for the door when Won puts his hands on it and closes it back.

"But aren't you a Sanggun, I'm sure you've dressed my brother, King Hyejong plenty of times." Up close, Woo Hee can smell the alcohol on Won, "What's the difference?"

Woo Hee focuses her icy gaze on the 9th prince, "The difference is that your late brother is the king and you are not –"


Won's backhand connects with Woo Hee's cheeks hard and fast, sending Woo Hee to the floor. Woo Hee touches her cheek, throbbing with heat and pain. She discreetly inches away as Won crouches to the ground, eyeing her with cruelty. He grabs her bun, "Ah… does leaving with my outlawed brothers grown you some horns?"

Woo Hee holds herself back from shaking out of fear. She reaches to Won's hand clutching her hair and struggles to free herself.

"Did you think that just because my 13th brother had registered you under his clan and promised to marry you, you could get out of our grasp easily?!" Won has that frenzied look on his eyes mixed with anger and contempt, "Well, where did that put you and him now?"

"Let go of me!" Woo Hee manages to push Won away and quickly backs away.

With rage, Won rises up and grabs Woo Hee by the overlapping folds of her jeogori and slapping her once more, drawing blood at the side of her lips. He pushes her to the floor, trapping her between his body and the hard wood, her wrist held above her head.

"Please stop." Woo Hee pleads, her fear showing with the tears welling on her eyes.

"Begging now, are we?" Won makes fun of her pleading, his rage sobering him up. He pulls at the ribbon holding together the overlapping folds of Woo Hee jeogori and unceremoniously opens it, revealing her heaving chest, "Let's see what my 13th brother had been fooled off."

"Please…" Woo Hee cries, struggling underneath Won.

Out of his head, Ji Mong wanders aimlessly on the grounds, neglectful of whose eyes are watching him. He ends up at Baek-Ah's withholding cell, being let in by the king's men. He sits by the wall separating Baek-Ah's cell from another cell. His back is hunch, his head lying on both of his knees as defeated as he was when he failed to save Lady Sewon.

"What's wrong with you?" Baek-Ah sits on the other side of the plank of wood separating him and Ji Mong, "Is everyone alright? Have you seen my wife"

It will be a long silence before Ji Mong answers in a whisper Baek-Ah almost can't hear, "When the fireworks starts tomorrow, someone will come to free you. Find my daughter and run with her."

"Huh? Daughter" Baek-Ah turns to Ji Mong, agitated, "Where can I find her? Please let Woo Hee Agassi know also so the three of us can leave."

"Your wife will be fine." Ji Mong remains hunch on his knees, "You should leave her. She betrayed you and Hae Soo Agassi. She doesn't need saving."

"What are you talking about?" Baek-Ah's hand crosses the space in between the wooden planks and clutches at Ji Mong's sleeves with anger, "Woo Hee will never betray us!"

Baek-Ah knows, he knew from the very beginning that Woo Hee is a spy for his 3rd brother but it was a long time ago. People's allegiance can change.

Ji Mong doesn't explain that after King Jeongjong and Hae Soo's failed wedding and the Manwoldae Palace was left in disarray, Ji Mong heard about Woo Hee's long time assistance that started out with the 3rd prince and carried on with the 8th and 9th prince. It was a quiet conversation between Wook and Won on the King's pavilion one afternoon. They were both musing if they made a wrong move to cast Woo Hee out in the game when they can still have a use for her.

Immediately sending a letter to So and Gen. Park in the north, Ji Mong let the two know about Woo Hee's betrayal but never receive any response to the letter. Seeing now as Baek-Ah, Eun, Soon Deok, Jung and Hae Soo are still unaware of it, either So and Gen. Park did not receive it or the two kept it from others, monitoring Woo Hee by themselves and trying to protect the others from her.

Ji Mong pushes Baek-Ah's hands away, standing-up and asking in a grave voice, "Please, it would be my last favor to you. Take my daughter away and run. Leave this godforsaken kingdom and start somewhere else. Don't tell anyone. Not even any of your brothers."

He closes his eyes, the strength leaving his body, "This is the last chance for my daughter."

"What do you mean?" Baek-Ah stands on his cell too, watching a disgruntled Ji Mong walking away, "Ya! Come back here. I don't understand what you're saying... Ya!"

In the morning, gungnyeo(s) of the northern palace announces themselves at Won's chamber to wake him up and help him get ready for the palace's affair, bringing with them fresh towels and clothes for the prince. Chae Young was part of the ladies who were sent to serve Won today. When the doors were opened by the guards, the gungnyeo(s) were horrified to see Lady Woo Hee lying at the floor, her clothes were torn in places, her hair is in disarray, and bruises are starting to darken on her lower lip, the side of her eye, her neck and even on her wrists. There's a dried blood on her lip and she look like she had been unceremoniously discarded on the floor like a pile of unwanted laundry.

The gungnyeo(s) look at each other, their eyes tensing, not knowing if they should attend to Lady Woo Hee first or go and wake the ninth prince. The oldest one with the same rank as the other three tells them, one should attend to Lady Woo Hee first while the other three will assist the 9th prince. Chae Young volunteers to help Woo Hee, falling in anxiety as she lowers herself in the warm floor while the other three approaches the prince's bed. They awake the prince first, his head swimming in sleep and haziness. A hang-over hanging on is head. He looks disgruntled and uncaring as they walk him on the other door of the room leading on the outside bath nearby.

"Agassi," Chae Young softly awakes Woo Hee on the floor, careful to touch a side of her bare shoulder, "Are you alright?"

Woo Hee wasn't asleep, she just close her eyes in the hopes of shutting the world around her. She's in a state of shock, unable to feel any part of her body. There's a stray of tears that escape the side of her eyes but no sound comes out of her lips.

"It's alright, Agassi. I'm here to help you." Chae Young assures her, gently arranging Woo Hee clothes and draping a silk robe around her, "Can you stand? We should leave before the ninth prince comes back."

At the thought that Woo Hee is finally free of Won even just for a few minutes, Woo Hee opens her eyes and let Chae Young help her up. Every muscle and joint in her body aches and without Chae Young to support her, she wouldn't be able to walk.

Upon exiting the ninth prince quarters, the northern guards look away as Chae Young walks Woo Hee out under the silk robe she put on her head, "Agassi, will you be able to walk back to your quarters? It's far from here?"

Woo Hee tightens her hands on Chae Young's arm, "Please, please don't return me to my quarters."

"Kuende, Agassi—"

"Please," Woo Hee insists on every last ounce of her energy, trembling.

"Alright," Chae Young doesn't know where would she take the lady, contenmplating if it is worth the punishment she will meet later. She leads her to her own quarters, to the one like the Damiwon of Manwoldae palace. It is still half a kilometer away but nearer than the guest quarters where Woo Hee and Hae Soo stays.

A horse and a eunuch was waiting outside Won's quarter by the time he finishes his bath and breakfast alone. He did not even asking where Woo Hee went after he left.

"Wangjanim," The eunuch holds the reigns of the horse below the steps of Won's chambers, bowing in greeting, "Shinjuwon soyong have heard of your skills in horse back riding and would like to extend an invitation to ride with her, if you would grant her so."

Won looking all pleased and important steps down of his foyer, admiring the brown horse, "This one looks like a fast runner, of course I should. Where will I be meeting the consort?"

The eunuch helps Won into his horse, if you turn left and go straight, you'll soon find yourself in the main courtyard of our palace. Shinjuwon Soyong would be waiting for you there."

"Very well, then."

Won rides his horse out of his courtyard and no sooner arrives at the main gate where Lady Shinjuwon is dressed in her riding black royal robes, soaking beautifully under the sun, already mounted on her own white horse and not a distance from her is her right hand man, Guen Sun on his own black horse.

"Is everything in place?" Lady Shinjuwon asks in a low voice so no one can hear her and Guen Sun talking.

"Yii, my lady. Our forces were already cut by two thirds. Only a third of them will be remaining tonight." Guen Sun stills his horse beside Lady Shinjuwon, "The other two thirds are stationed outside Shinju already, waiting for us to depart. The fireworks would be the signal."

"Joha. (Good.)" Lady Shinjuwon answers quietly as she sees the 9th prince come into her sight.

"What a pleasant morning it is, Shinjuwon Soyong." Won greets charmingly, "To what do I owe this invitation?"

"I heard you are a good rider, why don't I show you around my land?" Lady Shinjuwon smiles attractively in greetings. She pulls on her reigns and hits the side of her horse, springing it into a gallop.

Won snickers, urging his own horse to follow through.

Lady Shinjuwon's small entourage keeps their distance, trailing the consort in the shadows of the trees.

They passed the path going to So's secret refuge, turning deeper into the forest. Birds fly out of the trees as their serene nest is disturbed by the consort's entourage's gallop. The branches of the trees start to crowd together and what little road they were running into, turns narrower and narrower.

Won is unperturbed by this, enjoying the wind on his face and the adrenaline of the race. A mountain deer almost got trampled as it dashes out of the way, last minute. Just as when the dirt road appeared to have vanished, their company breaks into the outskirt of Shinju, welcomed by a busy colorful street market, where businesses are thriving and people are busy with their day's errands. There are stores of soft silks and ceramics from Song Dynasty, corlorful Arabian rugs that Won rarely sees in Songak, the finest calligraphy and books and other merchandise. Nobel ladies and men escorted by their servants populated the street. There are few gisaengs out in daylight too, merrily chatting with their patrons. Inconspicuously blending with the crowd are Lady Shinjuwon's private militia and failing at being unnoticeable are King Jeongjong's palace soldiers.

Lady Shunjuwon slows down to let the 9th prince catch-up. Guen Sun staying well behind them and taking notice of the palace guards.

"I haven't visited the outside of my palace for a long time." Lady Shinjuwon tells Won as he settles by her side, "I never knew, my people were these lively."

Won catches his breathe, trying to look unperturbed. They race through 15 kms probably and Lady Shinjuwon seemed to be unruffled in spite of her age and her statement that she hadn't ridden for a long time. Won finds her interesting. He had heard a thousand times that she is mad and quite ill and yet here she is, looking regal atop her horse. There's a discrepancy between the rumors and what he sees of his eyes, "I've never had the tour of the Northern palace and the town of Shinju. I must say, it is shaping to be different from the rumors we've heard in the capital."

Lady Shinjuwon's soft laugh mingles with the wind chimes in the craft store they pass by, "They won't be called rumors if they were real."

They pass by a bustling food stalls left and right, turned to another street were a rival gyobangs stood flourishing on both side of the street. Another street is filled with small colorful pastel banderitas as if a festival is happening. At the center of the market is a plaza where an eight tier pagoda fountain sprout clean water from a nearby spring. A group of ladies in passing, giggle softly from the covers of their durumagi as they looked at the 9th prince. They lower their eyes, blushing discreetly.

Lady Shinjuwon watches the 9th prince takes in the sight of her town, clearly enjoying the attention he got. She leads him further into the mountains, where they stop by a clearing with the breathtaking view of the town of Shinju and the northern palace below, the sun high up in the blue sky. From their vantage position, Won can see the extent of the series of mountain surrounding the northern palace making it a fortress that is hard to breech even for an army, unless they are willingly let inside.

"Impressive no wonder the northern palace is formidable." Won utters in amazement.

Smirking, Lady Shinjuwon let's her horse graze on the grasses where it stood.

"You could have won the war by just staying inside your fortress." Won continues.

Lady Shinjuwon laughs, the alluring kind, "Where's the fun in being safe? You, young boys should know any better."

"Courting dangers, are we?" Won looks at Lady Shinjuwon, studying her.

"I've outlive three kings, seen too many wars on my border and in our kingdom, I know enough to know when to gamble and when to keep still." Lady Shinjuwon answers with that delight stillness, Won can't help but admire on her.

"Why did you bring me here, my lady?" Won asks.

"I have a proposal that might interest you." Lady Shinjuwon trains her eyes on Won.

Won urges his horse to get closer to Lady Shinjuwon's horse, "I'm listening."

By night, a thick tension settles in the streets of Shinju and more palpable in the northern palace grounds. Though a big festival was advertised tonight, most of the common people are not attending. Only the nobles, palace soldiers and private militia of Kangs and Yu are seen. The soldiers and private militia are on guard, their swords on their sides, their spears and shields at hand. They outnumber the festival goers with ten to one ratio, identified only by the color of uniform they wear - black as a shadow for the northern palace soldiers, dark navy blue that is almost black for the private militia of Yu clan, dark purple for the king's soldiers. Their silver body armor glinting off against the warm soft glow of lanterns strewn everywhere. Every now and then are huge earthen clay that contains a healthy fire that helps light up the courtyard. Gradually, it gives off the scent of the sandal wood and musk incense the consort likes. Filling the open courtyard with it's powerful smell.

Underneath the colorful hanboks the noble and princes wore are their full body armor, occasionally showing when their sleeves fall back when they raise their arms in toasts. Their belts filled with a sword or dagger on one side.

The immense courtyard is decorated with red and black canopy of silks, reminiscent of the mask festival they throw in Songak. Theater troupes are performing at a make-shift stage made at the middle of the courtyard. Drummers with colossal gongs play a steady beat that makes every heart rate elevate.

Atop the steps, in front of the massive door of the throne hall is a seat occupied by King Jeongjong, flanked by two royal guards and Ji Mong, framed by two open corridors on both side. Each with a ceramic that burns incense and purporting the same smell those huge pots burns below. King Jeongjong's sword, rest on his side. His arrows and bow, held by one of his guards.

Three steps lower than him and on the same level, are Lady Shinjuwon, the 9th prince, Minsiter Park Sul Hui and Lady Yu's seat. Each has their own table, separated from the other. Jung refuses to seat at their clan's table beside his mother and his uncle, Wang Ryeom Shik. He chooses to stand with the nobles below, near the make-shift stage, pretending to enjoy the gathering, wrinkling his nose of the smell he had come to hate like his 4th brother, So. He can imagine the scent filling up each and everyone's body here and they have no idea, they are ingesting a poison. Everyone who partakes of the food will fall but which food can activate it, Jung has no idea. Lady Shinjuwon only gave him a cup of tea to make his mother and his uncle share. The rest, he can't save them even if he wants to. To poison the king, everyone will die with him.

It takes all of Jung's will power not to gag, staring at the consort with daggers.

The troupe in mask exits the stage, the drummers' beat coming to an end. Trainee gisaengs enter the courtyard to dim the lights and let their mistresses take upon the stage to perform a solemn sword dance native of the north. Every eyes of men in the courtyard are focus on the ladies in pastel orange silky chima and white jeogori, both hands holding a short narrow swords with beads hanging on it's hilt. When they move, the beads sway graciously with them.

Jung is about to turn his back when he hears a familiar voice.

"Let me go, please."

Ha Jin tries to shake the hold of two northern soldiers who are pulling her up the side stairs of the throne hall. She was staying in her room and was refusing to attend the festivities when the two northern soldiers came for her and drag her to the courtyard under Lady Shinjuwon's orders. She was unceremoniously plop to the floor, at the foot of King Jeongjong's throne.

Ji Mong tenses, holding himself back from helping Ha Jin. No one from the royal table pay attention to her, even the king. She tries to right herself and stands up when King Jeongjong commands quietly, "kneel"

Ha Jin thought she heard it wrong and raises her eyes to look at Wook, who refuses to look at her. Begrudgingly, Ha Jin kneels in front of the king. The two northern soldiers, goes back to their station at the throne corridor.

Minutes pass, the gisaengs finished their sword dance routine and automatically starts with a new one. Ha Jin is becoming nauseas of the smell of the incense. How they are able to stand the smell, Ha Jin doesn't know. She wonders if only she and So are the only ones who hate the scent.

Soon, the presentation ends and the people clap for the gisaengs. Some men even threw flowers on the stage. The servants come to grow the fire on the large pots and the troupes breaks into small groups to perform for the crowd in the courtyard and the royals resume their talk on their own tables.

The servants took away the main course and starts serving Gwapyeon[3], a traditional bite-size jelly-like dessert made from fruit juice, honey, sugar and starch.

"This one is native of the northern palace, shaped like a bell in a deep blue color" explains Ji Mong to King Jeongjong while the servant puts the plated dessert in front of him.

Ha Jin tactfully kneads her knee that is beginning to strain after kneeling for a long time.

"Have you eaten, my little queen?" King Jeongjong asks, his eyes trained on the desserts.

"Cheon bae-go-pu-ji anibnida, pyeha (I am not hungry, your highness.)" Ha Jin answers looking away, "Mang-geuk-ha-ob-ni-da. (Thank you.)

"So you still think you're my little queen?" King Jeongjong interestingly glances at Ha Jin.

Ha Jin catches herself too late and doesn't answer.

King Jeongjong goes back to his dessert, carefully slicing it in half and scooping it with a small spoon and trains it to Ha Jin, "Meog-go"

Ha Jin keeps her eyes somewhere else, refusing the food. It made King Jeongjong flare up in anger.

"Meog-go," He repeats, with a controlled anger simmering in warning.

Ha Jin slaps it away and King Jeongjong stands, pushing his table. Everyone's attention was instantly drawn to them. The tension rising and yet no one lifts a finger when King Jeongjong grabs at Hae Soo's upper arms and pulls her up.

Jung is stuck at the crowd, too far away to meddle but he hurries to the foot of the stairs,

"I've asked you one thing," King Jeongjong gets in Hae Soo's face too close, "Is't so hard to accept a little kindness from me."

Ha Jin struggles on her feet still refusing to look at the king. She won't even give her the satisfaction of getting her attention even at this situation.

King Jeongjong raises his free hand high up…

"Pyeha!" Jung pleads…

"Pyeha!" Ji Mong tries to meddle…

Ha Jin closes her eyes, anticipating the blow from King Jeonjong's hand but it never came.

King Jeongjong pushes her away and she falls to the ground. He could never hurt her no matter what.

"Bring her to my quarters!" he commands Ji Mong.

Ji Mong hurriedly gathers Hae Soo to his arms and helps her up, escorting her out.

Jung comes after them, disappearing in the crowds.

King Jeongjong sits back to his chair and waves the crowd back to the feast. Won makes an eye contact with him before resuming his place. The Gwapyeon forgotton at the floor.

Between the queen's throne courtyard and the guest quarter's hanok cluster, Jung catches up with Ji Mong and Ha Jin in an empty garden path, filled with bushes on each side.

"I don't think you should go back to your quarters. We need to find you a horse." Ji Mong keeps his eyes on the look out, seeing the 14th prince walking towards them, "Good, you're here. You need to take the lady now."

"I've tied a horse on my mother's quarters, we can use it to leave." Jung takes a hold of Ha Jin's wrist, "We need to reach it before they light the fireworks."

Ji Mong agrees, handing Ha Jin to Jung.

The fireworks is the signal for both Lady Shinjuwon's militia and King Jeongjong's soldiers to start the war, both of which have no idea that each side were planning to torch the northern palace. Hence, the unguarded wooden crates left all over the palace and the town. Both sides of soldiers thought it was theirs.

"Oleun ka! (Now, go. Hurry!)" Ji Mong pushes them away.

"Wait!" Ha Jin takes her hand from Jung, confused, "What are you both talking about? I can't leave, I need to find Woo Hee and we need to free Baek-Ah from his prison cell."

"There's no time!" Ji Mong breaks into sweat even when the weather is still on the cold side. Though he looks well on his adviser's uniform, he's slowly consumed by guilt and worry.

"No!" Ha Jin insist, "Jung wangjanim should free Baek-Ah from his cell and I will continue to look for Woo Hee.

Before Ji Mong and Jung can stop her, she runs towards the guest quarters, leaving the two behind.

"Agassi!" Ji Mong shouts after her, "I will go after her."

"Aniyo, I will do myself." Jung insist about to take off.

"Will you trust your brother's life to me?" That stopped Jung.

He can trust Ji Mong with Hae Soo's life but his brother, Jung thinks twice, "Fine, meet me at the back of my mother's quarters after you get Hae Soo."

Ji Mong doesn't like this plan, all he can think of is getting Ha Jin out of the northern palace as soon as possible. He won't take a detour.

While Jung disappears and Ji Mong comes after Hae Soo, a loud explosion is heard then series of wild fireworks light up the sky.

"Choi Seonsaengnim!" A king's guard followed a troop behind at his heels, calls after Ji Mong and approaches, "We are here to escort you out of the palace, please come with us."

"Idiots." Ji Mong scoffs to himself. He needs to get rid of this palace soldiers so he can send Ha Jin to safety. "Do I look like I have a crown on my head? Go do your duty and protect the king."

The head guard is confused for a moment but he stands his ground, "My order is to get the adviser and Lady Hae Soo out of the northern palace. Please come with my men and I will look for Lady Hae Soo instead."

Looking at the soldiers, Ji Mong calculates his chances.

At the courtyard of the throne room where the feast is being held, the royalties and the crowd had their wine raised in cheers, toasting happily under the light of fireworks.

As the fireworks reach it's climax, a successive burst of light that forms a lightning in sky, an immense explosion is heard at the southern part of the northern palace where the withholding cells and barracks of the consort's private militia is located, almost causing a mild tremor in the ground.

Spontaneous actions happen all at the same time. King Jeongjong doubles over, coughing hard and retches the wine he had just drank, his goblet on the floor. Two of his guards rush to his side. A gungnyeo's terrified scream rings out loud as the sound of explosion dies down. The king's soldiers turn their swords towards the northern private militia, while the ChungJu Yu soldiers stand on guard, waiting for orders on whose side they will help.

Guen Sun hurries to the side of Lady Shinjuwon. Won and Park Sul Hui minister stood from their chair. Lady Yu and his cousin Wang Ryeom Shiek back several steps from the other royalty. All six of them eyeing each other warily while King Jeongjong falls to the floor gasping for air.

On the grounds, the king's soldier take on the Kang's private militia and the nobles partying throw away their pretense, drew their sword and rallies behind the Kang's private militia. The performing troupes, gisaengs and ladies disperse in terror, tables are overturned, lanterns fall to the floor, their fires catching on anything they can burn.

"Gods, is it really this easy?" A bored sneer breaks into Lady Shinjuwon's face, turning to the king, "I thought you'd at least entertain me."

She puts down her goblet of wine on the table and throws a look at Won and Lady Yu before starting for the stairs. Guen Sun and three guards, the only guards from Kang's private militia at the throne hall, plank her side, her men on the walls cover her path with arrows as she saunters briskly at the courtyard, laughing and savoring the chaos around her.

Somewhere, another explosion rocks the grounds.

When Won is sure that the consort is far enough, he runs up to King Jeongjong's side, leaving his uncle alone at the landing of the stairs. Wang Ryeom Shiek takes this opportunity to walk towards Park Sul Hui Minister, holding out his hand in a diplomatic friendly gesture, "Allies?"

Lady Yu, hurries to the side of the throne hall, disappearing to the exit with a few guards of her own. The last thing she and the captain of her guards saw is the king on the floor.

"Like old times." Park Sul Hui Minister takes Wang Ryeom Shiek's hand and shakes it, a sly smirk appearing on his lips.

"Pyeha!" Won calls out to his 8th brother, dropping his voice into a whisper as he tries to cover King Jeongjong from Kang's private militia, "Lady Shinjuwon is almost at the gates."

As if on cue, King Jeongjong stops gasping for air and casually stands up, tossing his pretense. Won had warned him about the poison on his Gwapyeong.

Earlier in the day, after Won's ride with Lady Shinjuwon, he had a private talk with Wook and told him about Lady Shinjuwon's plan to have him poisoned but he conveniently left out the part where he also had sworn his allegiance to Lady Shinjuwon. Like Lady Yu, he decided to wait things out first before siding with the winner of this war.

At the landing of the stairs where Park Sul Hui Minister and Wang Ryeom Sheik are shaking hands, Wang Ryeom Sheik pulls park Sul Hui for a comrade shoulder tap, reaching at the side of his waist where he has a dagger, Wang Ryeom Sheik stabs Park Sul Hui Minister at his ribs, puncturing his heart, "For old times sake."

He then pulls away and let Park Sul Hui minister fall to the ground. He inclines his head to the side, grinning at the 9th prince before scrambling out of the throne hall stairs. Won stumbles to his uncle's side, drawing his sword on one hand while a dagger on his side, clangs to the ground.

King Jeongjong holds out his hand to his guard, who hands him his bow and arrows, personally made for him since he is left handed. While the whole courtyard is in disarray and the Kang's private militia is busy covering their mistress on the ground, King Jeonjong raises his bow, spotting Lady Shinjuwon casually walking at the center.

At the courtyard, Chunju Yu's private militia had joined in the fray, the order they got from their captain, who had escorted Lady Yu out is to side with their northern allies since the king has fallen. But even as the Chunju Yu's private Militia and the Kang's militia had joined together, they are still outnumbered by five is to three ratio. Most of Kang's militia is already at the edge of the town, ready to leave once the consort reaches them.

Several of the king's soldier go for Lady Shinjuwon's party. Guen Sun exchange parries with the king's soldiers, taking two at a time and while he and the other guards are busy with clearing the way for Lady Shinjuwon, King Jeongjong calmly takes his shooting stance, leveling his arms, closing his left eye, aiming at the unsuspecting moving back of Lady Shinjuwon. He breathes in, releasing all his focus with his arrow.


Lady Shinjuwon topples over, catching the arrow at her shoulders. Guen Sun and her guards immediately plank her side for cover. Her guards at the wall change target and aim their arrow to the opening of throne hall where King Jeonjong is standing but before they can shoot, the king's guards reached their wall and charges at them, overwhelming them in numbers.

"You're right, this is so easy." King Jeongjong lock eyes with a fallen Lady Shinjuwon.

"Burn them all." Lady Shinjuwon mutters, anger flaring as her wound throbs in pain, blood trickling out of her back shoulder. With the help of her guards, she stands up and commands, "Burn everything to the ground!"

Guen Sun hurries her to the gates, not taking chances anymore.

"After them!" King Jeongjong commands, "Don't let them get away!"

The king's soldiers push passed the northern forces and pursue Lady Shinjuwon's small party.

The battle among the soldiers scatters around the northern palace as a series of explosion shake the ground. Quarters are being torched, servants are running away, some have fallen, others are bloodied. The once cold northern palace is now being consumed rapidly by burning fire. Turmoil reigns everywhere and no soldier is confined to any of their station anymore.

Jung finds Baek-Ah's withholding cell unguarded and hurries inside before another explosion erupts on the other side of the wall.

"Baek-Ah hyung!" Jung smashes the lock on Baek-Ah's cell with the hilt of his sword.

"What's happening? What are all those explosion? Have you seen Woo Hee?"

Baek-Ah backs away from the door while Jung continually hits it with the hilt of his sword. After several attempts, the lock finally breaks. Jung kicks the door open.

"I haven't seen Woo Hee Agassi but Hae Soo is looking for her now."

The two escapes the prison cell and exits the quarters, Baek-Ah picks up a sword from a fallen soldier. Near the gate, Jung and Baek-Ah runs into a troop from the king's side, who automatically attacks them. The two defends themselves, slashing and parrying with soldiers two at the same time, drawing their backs to each other for defense.

Ha Jin docks to the nearest bush when another explosion is heard. She run into her quarters, the first time she heard the explosion from somewhere. The king's soldier pour unto the guests' quarters, opening each one and searching. None of the inhabitants of the guest quarters are at home, only Ha Jin was left. She had been looking for Woo Hee the whole day but she hasn't seen even a glimpse of her shadow anywhere.

Outside, the king's soldiers are searching and trashing the quarters thoroughly, no doubt looking for Hae Soo. Ha Jin quietly takes a peek at the back garden through her windows by the bedside. She can see something burning on the other side of the trees, probably the servants' quarters. She inspect the grounds below her window, a white azalea bloom welcomes her sight, swaying innocently with the breeze, looking out of place in the middle of chaos.

The king's soldiers are moving in on her quarters and she only has minutes left. She eyes the ground, not really a tall fall. It would have been easier if she isn't wearing a long chima or that she isn't sporting a little limp on her leg. Nonetheless, she sits by the window sill, swings her legs on the other side and jump, flattening the Azaleas to the ground. She docks her head, in time with a soldier kicking the door open to her quarters

Taking cover with the shadow, Wang Ryeom Sheik scrambles by himself, looking for side exits in the northern palace. Lady Yu would no doubt be out of the palace by now, escorted by their men. It's been so long since his blood quickens this much. He was never the soldier type, always on the assembly functioning as a diplomat but he must admit, putting his dagger on Park Sul Hui Minister's chest felt good. Though it would have been better if he was brave enough to attack the 9th prince or the king, himself.

As he leaves the cover of the shadow and turn to the forest, a hand jumps out of nowhere and clutches at the back of his robes. When he turns to look, his eyes widened in surprise that turns into fear instantly. Won plunges his sword on Wang Ryeom Shiek's chest, fatally wounding his heart before his brain can even process what happened. Won discarded him to the ground and continues on his way.

A carriage awaits Lady Shinjuwon and her party just passed the crowded trees on one of the hidden exits of northern palace, the same exit that the general, his daughter and the 10th prince took when they left for Later Jin. Guen Sun rushes Lady Shinjuwon to the safety of the carriage. His men already mounted on their own horses, ready to leave at his notice. Lady Shinjuwon sits up uncomfortably, her right hand applying pressure on her left shoulder. Anger and pain dance on her already mad eyes, "Make sure no one gets out alive."

"And lady Hae Soo?" Guen Sun asks.

"Let her perish in the fire." Lady Shinjuwon answers, "I have no use for her anymore."

"Yii, my lady."

At Guen Sun's command, the soldiers' arrowheads were lighted spontaneously, starting from their position forming a fence around the whole northern palace. Apparently majority of their forces are hidden in the dark forest.

Guen Sun mounts his own horse and as he turns to lead their party out, he command, "Release it."

Chains of blazing arrows were released in the sky, a flaming wave of death arced over the soldiers' position, straight into the northern palace. The fire floods down on the outer chambers closest to the walls, finding indiscriminately what's left of the discarded boxes that hasn't ignited yet or any soldiers still fighting in the range of these blazing arrows. In a sequence of explosion, the northern palace is finally engulfed with fire, licking it's way to the courtyard of the throne hall.

Almost near his secluded lake, deep in the heart of the forest, keeping to the side of the mountain, the horses of So's party neigh in a halt upon the shattering sound of the explosion, rocking the ground.

General Park's back is drenched in sweat and tension as he and So exchange a terrified look. Behind them, Eun and Soon Deok halt their horses too.

So pacifies his horse and then urge it towards the northern palace, no time to waste.

Soon enough, they encounter a few of Lady Shinjuwon's men. General Park handles the fight, together with Eun and Soon Deok, forcing So to leave them since he is needed more inside their northern palace.

When a blast momentarily turns the courtyard of the servant's quarter into day, Chae Yeong docks to the nearest pillar she could find and wait it out. When the light dies down she rushes to her room and sees Woo Hee huddling in the corner, hugging her knees close to her chest, her head bowed on her knees.

"Agassi, gwaenchanhayo? (Are you alright?)" Chae Yeong lowers herself to the floor, "Can you stand? You need to come with me. We have to leave, the palace is falling apart."

Woo Hee raises her eyes, searching Chae Yeong's face if she can trust her.

When Chae Yeong didn't get an answer, she grabs Woo Hee's wrist and pulls her up, leading her out of her room, "Joesonghabnida, I don't know where Lady Hae Soo is but I can get us to safety through the forest."

Woo Hee quietly follows, biting down her lower lips in an effort not to scream as bodies of soldiers litter the garden. Somewhere, there are shouting and blades clashing, making that ringing sound.

They cross the gates, running in the open until they see a nearby hanok and hide at the cover of darkness of the concrete walls. When they turn the corner of the hanok, a sword flashed on Chae Yeong's neck, halting the two of them.

"Ah, this is where you've been hiding the whole day." Won comes out of the corner, his sword leveled at Chae yeong's neck, but his eyes are on Woo Hee, "I've been waiting the whole day."

Chae Yeong steps back, pulling Woo Hee behind her.

"A servant protecting a traitor, you really have a way with lowly people, aren't you?" Won sneers at Woo Hee. In a quick flash of hand, Won advances a step and hits Chae Yeong at the side of her head with the hilt of his sword, causing her to fall unconscious to the ground.

A terrified Woo Hee steps back but Won catches her wrist and pulls her to him, "Running again? Wait a second, I haven't finished your new friend here."

Won raises his sword about to impale Chae Yeong but Woo Hee catches his arm, "Please, don't kill her. I… I… will come with you."

"I see, you can be reasonable with proper motivation." With his free hand, Won pulls at Woo Hee's hair and abandons Chae Yeong, walking with Woo Hee in tow.

Arriving at the same gate that Lady Shinjuwon used to escape, scorching trees, a lot of fighting and blood soak ground welcomes So in the northern palace. So rubs his eyes in an effort to see through the once clean breeze, now hazy because of so much burning. The colors of the soldier's uniform are indistinguishable anymore and they hack indiscriminatingly against anyone in their way.

A spear flew past So's ear, missing him by an inch. He waded forward, joining the squabbling, hacking and slashing against anyone who dare to cross his path. His horse gallop in full.

In the middle of sword clash with another soldier, Baek-Ah slams his foot at the soldier's stomach causing the soldier to topple to the ground, his sword sliding away. Baek-Ah brings his sword down, finishing the soldier. He looks around, finding Jung adjacent not far from him. Jung rises catching his breathe, he too just finished off the other two soldiers he was clashing with.

With no moment to waste, the two skirt the ground, avoiding the bodies of the fallen casualties and burning quarters, going towards the inner palace where the throne hall, the guest quarters and the consort's chamber are located.

Passing the garden that diverges to the throne hall and the guest quarters, Baek-Ah and Jung hears a scuffling from behind them. They went sideways, hiding to the nearest trees.

Emerging from the open gates, Woo Hee struggles to free herself from Won's clutches while they walk.

"Ya!" Baek-Ah shouts, coming out from the their hidden post with Jung, "Hyung, let Woo Hee go."

Won responds by grabbing Woo Hee, his free arm encircling Woo Hee's neck, holding her hostage. Woo Hee feels the dagger on Won's side pressing to her back.

"Ah my useless brothers, come to retrieve your traitor of a servant?" Won levels his sword against Baek-Ah and Jung, warning them to not make another step. Mockingly, he smells Woo Hee's hair, relishing on her tensed up nerves, "I'd be glad to give her back… if… she wants to come back to you… Do you, Woo Hee Ssi, want to come back to my brother?"

Woo Hee stops struggling, her face darkening upon Won's insinuation. She freezes in silence, every nerve in her body wanting to puke in revulsion.

"Why would she?" Won meets Baek-Ah's eyes, "When we've thoroughly enjoyed each other last night."

Then he laughs. Something on Woo Hee's head click and the world shifted, tightening her sense of anger. Woo Hee sinks her teeth on Won's arm.

Won yelp in surprise, slackening his hold upon Woo Hee's neck and even before any one can make a move, Woo Hee manoeuvres herself below Won's arm, grabbing the dagger at his side and in a quick arc, Woo Hee stabs the dagger on Won's neck once, twice. In the midst of this chaotic scuffling and Woo Hee's days of illness, everyone had forgotten Woo Hee was once a trained assassin. She can be deadly when she wields a dagger on her hand.

Won falls to the ground caught in a surprise. Blood splatters towards Woo Hee's face, on her pristine hanbok but she wouldn't stop. She brings the dagger down at Won over and over, unleashing her anger. Won wouldn't have the time to struggle. Woo Hee won't give him that reprieve. Madness consumes Woo Hee as Won's life ebbed with his blood making a pool around the two of them.

Baek-Ah runs to Woo Hee, pulling her back in a tight embrace. Woo Hee frays against Baek-Ah, a sob starting on her chest until Baek-Ah restrains her fully and she falls on his arms, crying, "It's alright, Woo Hee. It's alright. It's over."

He struggles to take the dagger from Woo Hee's hand and cradles her.

Jung takes to Won's side, still stunned, his eyes darts from his 9th brother to Woo Hee. Fifteen stabs, Woo Hee would have made more if Baek-Ah didn't pull her away. Shakily, he kneels by his brother's side. They might not be close. Won might have been a slinking snake among them but he was still his brother. Jung closes Won's eyes to death, frozen in mid surprise and mortification.

Heaving with a heavy chest, his lungs scorching from the blazing wind around him, Ji Mong flattens himself on a wall beside a hanok, hiding from the soldiers who were pursuing him. It has been a while since he brandished a sword, he picked it up from a dead soldier. His position as the king's adviser afforded him safety from having to be in the front line of battles and never had to hold even a dagger but his training from his childhood days along side the late King Hyeonjeong takes over after his survival instincts kick in.

About to leave the safety of his cover, two soldiers from the side of ChunJu Yu clan finds him and with orders to stand beside the Kang clan, the soldiers of ChunJu Yu point their swords at Ji Mong, threatening to kill him.

Reaching the gates of the courtyard of the throne hall where Wook is still sitting in his throne, watching the carnage in front of him, enjoying the view of the northern palace burning, So halts his horse, making an eye contact with the king.

King Jeongjong smirks as his eyes meets his 4th brother, a frenzied excitement dancing on his stormy grey eyes. His soldiers finally seize control against the northern forces.

"Ah my 4th brother finally grazes us with his presence." Wook grins in that twisted sneer.

So had never hated his 8th brother more than now. Truly, the power of throne had corrupted every inch of him, he can no longer see his 8th brother on the king anymore. He isn't even fighting the war he launched, "Where's Hae Soo?"

King Jeongjong shrugs.

So unmounts his horse and soldiers automatically surrounds him. He takes a step, standing in steel defense, his left foot forward, his right hand holding his sword pointing down, observing his enemies. The dagger Hae Soo had given him, tucked on his belt. His eyes narrows to the king and like a shadow melting in the darkness, he quickly side steps and eludes the first slash a soldier lunge on him then turns into a circle, slashing below the rib cage of the soldiers surrounding him. He takes them all together at the same time. He hacked, knocked a soldier on his feet, parried a strike, feint on his side only to bring his sword down at the back of the unsuspecting soldier. In a few heart beats, he succeeded in defeating the soldiers on his path. More come his way.

Soon enough, Gen. Park, Eun and Soon Deok catch up with So in the courtyard, lending a hand to So. Their horses nowhere to be seen. The three look worst for the wear. Soon Deok's bun had come undone, a gash on her left temple. Gen. Park sports a slash on his front armor but otherwise looks untouched. Eun has a bloodied lips and as much as he wants to fight, Soon Deok seemed to be defending him most of the time.

The remaining palace soldiers at the wall, trained their bow to the four outlaws. One releases his arrow to Soon Deok that she successfully deflects but Eun isn't as lucky as she is, catching an arrow at his thigh.

Gen. Park rears his attention to the archers and lounges for the stairs on one end. Soon Deok runs to Eun and immediately takes him for the cover of the massive arc of the gate. So saunters forward, clearing his path to Wook.

Ji Mong reaches the courtyard of the guests' quarters no sooner after evading his soldier escorts and running through some northern guards. He looks one for the wear, his clothes tattered, his arm drenched in his own blood coming from a slash on his upper arm.

The courtyard seemed untouched by the fire everywhere and yet, doors are widely open, overturned furniture litter the ground and ashes from nearby burning hanok had settled everywhere. The whole courtyard where searched, rethinking whether he's too late or not. He runs to So's quarters first looking for Ha Jin.


He comes out of the quarters and goes for Gen. Park's next and then Jung's and finally at Woo Hee's room, whose door is faintly closed. He throws the door wide open, systematically going through under the bed, the cabinet, anywhere that can be a hiding place. He eyes the unsuspecting byeongpung (traditional folding screens normally depicting sceneries or poem/prayer in chinese characters) in the corner of the room, praying that Ha Jin wouldn't be stupid enough to stay. He was about to leave when he turns and goes for the byeongpung, casting it aside and revealing a terrified Ha Jin flatten against the wall.

"Agassi! Why are you still here?" Ji Mong asks, reaching out to Ha Jin's wrist, taking a hold of it.

"I was scared and I can't find Woo Hee anywhere." Ha Jin sighs a relief.

"Forgive me, you had to go through this again." Ji Mong pulls her unto an urgent embrace, a father worried for his only daughter, "Kath-i ga, yeogi-e meo-mul sue ops-suebnida. (Let's go. We can't remain here.)"

He takes Hae Soo by the arm, pulls through the door and out of Woo Hee's quarters. Stepping out of the foyer, Ha Jin involuntarily halts, shock to see her surroundings. She looks up to see a flake of ash lands on her cheeks. Everywhere is soothe gray. Ashes are falling like snow coming early on a winter night.

Ji Mong trudges forward, pulling Ha Jin with him.

"We can't leave yet, we need to find Woo Hee." Ha Jin shakes herself to matters at hand.

"The lady might be with Jung wangja and Baek-Ah wangja. I haven't seen anyone come this way. I'm sure Woo Hee ssi is fine." Ji Mong trudges forward keeping Hae Soo with him.

Soldiers and servants both from the king and from the consort are lying dead on the ground, their blood mingling with the ashes at the cobblestones. Hae Soo tries not to trip over the bodies and as they exit the private courtyard of guest quarters and saunter to the next courtyard, they start to hear a clash of iron sword against each other and their surroundings are becoming warmer again. Somewhere not far, some quarters are still being ravaged by fire. They hear shouts, commands and servants running away.

"We need to go back to throne hall, Woo Hee might have been taken there." Ha Jin insists, "Please!"

"Agassi, we can't. The king's forces are concentrated in the throne hall, we can't avoid being seen there. It's like walking straight into a trap." Ji Mong will not have this non-sense from Ha Jin.

"All the more that we need to take a look!" Ha Jin pulls her wrist from Ji Mong's grasp and runs the other way, going to the throne hall.

Cursing, Ji Mong runs after her, "Agassi!"

Reaching the courtyard of the throne hall through the side gate, Ha Jin stops just at the edge where the grasses and the cobblestone meet. There are no infrastructure or bushes around where she can take cover. Spread wide in front of her is a carnage more gruesome than the ones she passed by, arrows are embedded in the ground, on the bodies of the dead soldiers, pots of fire were overturned, the acres of silk canopy had fallen on one side, flags are burning, the cobblestone is soak in blood. By the gates, Eun and Soon Deok had taken cover while Gen. Park and some of the northern forces takes back the control of the walls.

Standing in the middle of carnage is the 4th prince. He has gash on his forehead, his bun had come undone, smudges of blood where speckled on his black armor. He has a slash on his left arm, his sword bloody. He looks tired but otherwise fine, succeeding into killing the soldiers sent his way.

Wook notices Hae Soo first, hearing her shout, "So Wangjanim!"

Rage upsurges inside him as he watch his 4th brother turns to Hae Soo's voice and saunters towards to meet her half way. Wook rises from his throne, drawing his bow at hand. He trains it at a running Hae Soo. With his eyes narrowing to his target he releases his arrow.


They all heard it at the same time, a thick whistle of arrow and seconds after, it lodges squarely at the back of unsuspecting target.

Ji Mong's weight presses to Ha Jin as he uses his back to shield her from the ambush of arrow flown her way. He falls to the ground and a shock Ha Jin clutches at him, "Ajeossi! Ajeossi!"

By the time So reaches them, Ha Jin is already cradling Ji Mong's head on her lap turning him to his side, inspecting his arrow wound. It lodged quiet deep into his ribs, puncturing his lungs.

Ji Mong coughs blood.

"Andwae, andwae, andwae…" Ha Jin repeats, trying not to panic, "Ajeossi, stay awake, jebal."

Wook reloads his bow with another arrow and shoots once more.

So deflects the incoming arrow with his sword.

"Nae dalya… (my daughter…)" Ji Mong's eyes are becoming unfocused, his consciousness being pulled in a different period, "Mianhaeyo, I failed you again."

"Please don't say anything." Ha Jin applies pressure to the wound but it's useless, blood keeps oozing out.

Ji Mong reaches his hand to Ha Jin's cheek, "I wish… I could re-return you… to-to your world… but alas… I am a me-mere sinner… and only the daughter of the moon… can make it happen…"

So doesn't understand what Ji Mong is saying.

Consumed by rage, Wook throws his bow. He exchanged it with his sword and saunters through the stairs.

So momentarily leaves Ha Jin and Ji Mong's side to meet Wook but Ha Jin reaches out to his hand, stopping him momentarily, "He is still your brother, please remember."

So heard her plea but his focus is already at the inevitable battle at hand.

Ji Mong coughs his last breath, staring past Ha Jin's face. The full moon looks big and ominous behind her and for a moment the world became silent.



The hiss of two swords meeting rang in the burning courtyard, both brothers aiming to strike at each other. Their swords cross and each presses with their force, reminiscent of their first duel at the grounds of the mountain, some years ago.

"Your palace is burning and I will make sure you burn with it." Wook taunts at So.

So pushes forward, breaking their stand still, both of them turning into a circle for balance only to end up facing each other several meters apart.

"Abdicate the throne, Wook-ah. It is not yours." So warns Wook, "if you do so, I will make sure you get a fair trial."

"Hah! You make me laugh, traitor!" Wook advances, striking as he come closer, "Not a chance. Not while I am still alive."

So deflects the strike and returns with a parry. Wook's specialty is bow and arrow but with So's current condition, days without sleep and singlehandedly sauntering passed troops of soldiers, he's dead tired and only adrenaline is keeping him up. Wook has an easy advantage against him right now.

Wook keeps advancing with a strike and So is trying to keep Wook in check rather than striking with an intent to kill. Wook senses it and takes advantage of it.

"I never knew you had compassion. There is no space for compassion in a middle of war, my brother." Wook bends his knee, attacking from below. He brings his sword up, slicing through So's armor from stomach to chest.

So is forced to step back. If not for his armor, he would have sustained a slice on his upper body. He pulls the armor out, discarding it to the ground, "Last warning, Wook-ah, surrender while my Hae Soo is still pleading for your life."

"Your Hae Soo?" Wook's face darkens, "She was promised to me from the beginning and I intend to make good with that promise until the end!"

He taunts, "Admit it, you did something to her isn't it? There is no way someone can love a lowly dog like you. She was going to marry me if your stepmother did not interfere."

So's eyes narrow. It wasn't the first time he was insulted like that. At some point he does share Wook's possessiveness. He would do anything to keep Hae Soo, "You're delusional, Wook-ah."

"Maybe." Wook shrugs, "Who wouldn't be delusional once you get a taste of her?"

Wook grins in an insulting manner, implying something "She did promised to be my queen, ask her."

So will not hear any of Wook's nonsense anymore. He advances a step and this time when he strikes, he's isn't holding back.

The fire rages around them, catching with dead bodies strewn in the ground. Gen. Park reaches Hae Soo and Ji Mong, helping her to carry Ji Mong's body to the covers of the gate where Soon Deok and Eun are hiding.

So and Wook best each other with strike, slash, parry and hack. Both unaware of their surroundings anymore, locked in a deadly fight that only ends when one of them falls.

Wook strains to keep up with So, now starting to feel the strain against So's sword skills. When they break apart from the cross of their swords, he uses the momentum to a stride, holding his sword with two hands, he puts in his force to slash but So reads his moves and sidesteps quickly, turning into a circle and brings down his sword to Wooks's back, slicing from shoulder to waist. Wook falls to his knees.

"Andwae!" Hae Soo's voice rang loudly in the courtyard, breaking into So's concentration and in that small break, Wook turns and slices upward at So's sword arm making him lose handle of his sword.

Wook rises, wobbly on his feet while So clasps at his sword wound on his right arm. With the last of his strength, Wook raises his sword and brings it down in an arc. So quickly turns and gets inside Wook's drawn space from below. He catches Wook's sword arm upon the wrist and with his free hand, he takes the dagger Hae Soo gave him from his belt and plunges it below Wook's thorax, grazing his heart. Blood seeps out of Wook's chest and he topples to the ground.

Ha Jin runs to where Wook and So are but even before Hae Soo lowers herself to the floor to check on Wook, So stops her and encircle his bloody arms on her waist, "Stay with me, Soo-ya."

Wook lies on the floor, his sight dancing on dark spots. He is starting to feel cold, the pain subsiding against the shock his body is going through. In a few minutes, he would die out of blood loss. The last thing he sees is of the full moon, high above the starry sky.

Editor's note:

[1] In the year 947, Emperor Shixong of Liao Dynasty had just came to power. Lifting a few historical facts, my story is taking a creative license to diverge from the original history so this is not accurate ^^. I don't know how far Liaoyang is from Shinju but according to map estimation, Kaesong (where Songak is located) is much farther to Shinju than Liaoyang is.

[2] Or the 3rd son of Emperor taizu was poised to take the throne after his father died but much to Empress Dowager Yingtian, the military leaders rallied behind Yelu Ruan, (son of Yelu Bei, the oldest son of the late Emperor Taizu)

[3] Upon research, Gwapyeon was originally served in the royal court during the Joseon dynasty but for the sake of the story, let's say, it's existing in Goryeo already ^^

I'm sorry it took a while. I hope everyone is doing good under this pandemic. Please stay safe and healthy.


B. We do another chapter where we see our 4th prince to his destined throne and become King Gwangjong, an official wedding in Songak, we deal with Lady Shinjuwon and Guen Sun and then epilogue, where we meet Sol.