I don't own FF7 or its characters and make no profit from writing these stories.

It was a beautiful wedding where no expense had been spared, the champagne literally flowed from a fountain and the most expensive chef had been engaged to create a special menu for the occasion and the beautiful bride and handsome groom looked as if they were modeling wedding clothes rather than being the real deal.

She wore a full white lace mantilla veil that flowed over her unbound chocolate brown hair, paired with a white lace, form fitting wedding gown that was strapless and had a sheer lace back. White medium height peep toe high heels adorned her tiny feet, the dark red of her pedicure peeking out. The contrast between her red rose bouquet against the virgin white decorum made her look positively endearing.

The groom wore a classic black tuxedo with white shirt and black bowtie. He looked absolutely regal as it offset his extreme paleness, fall of silver hair, and green slit-pupil eyes.

Visually, they looked stunning together though complete opposites with his fair pigmentation against her darker one. All they shared common ground on… was they both had unusual colored eyes. Yes, they were both beautiful and went through the ceremony that legally made them a couple in the eyes of the law and public, yet neither looked elated. They said all the correct ceremonial vows when prompted and agreeing to be with each other in sickness and health and death being the only parting. They placed the exuberant and costly rings on each of their wedding fingers but neither glowed as a genuine couple should on their special day. Instead they stood side by side, stiffly going through the motions and looked as if they were going to their executions.

They both looked beyond contrite when prompted to kiss and did little more than a rushed peck on the lips to make it legal.

She threw the bouquet… as directed, not at all into the joy of it.

He fumbled beneath her gown searching for her garter until she impatiently took it from her own thigh, pressing it into his hand to throw to the prospective future bridegrooms, all the while wearing a look of resignation that this… man was now her husband, and it surprisingly hurt.

They were stoic throughout the dinner, abnormal for her, not so much for him. Each scrumptious course was heavily praised by their guests, but tasted like ashes in their mouths. Their first dance was anything but intimate. They danced as far as possible from each other until they were announced as Husband and Wife and they immediately scattered from each other.

While people got progressively drunk at the open bar and Danielson packed the dance floor to tunes spun by the most sought after DJ in town, they just watched as they sat side by side with neither touching each other. Sometimes Tifa would venture to talk to her new husband, his answers were given politely but clipped short as if impatient for things to come to an end and not for the usual reason a new groom wishes them to.

Being alone with her was something that he was dreading. In fact, in view of what was expected of him he resented it. Of all the people that could have been chosen, why did it have to be someone who hated him so much; that he wronged so much?

He would be lucky if she didn't slit his throat in the night which as his spouse she would have ample opportunity to. He had hoped at least to have someone in this role who he might be able to develop at least a friendship with, but the Goddess wouldn't have that, not with his luck. She had to provide him with someone who hated him from the first. Sometimes he felt like he was the unluckiest man on the planet and this made him depressed and he found it ironic that he was depressed at his own wedding and thought about the folly that brought them both to this point and how he was seated beside one of the most beautiful women he had ever met, who was legally his spouse and he felt lonelier than he ever had in his life. He hadn't cried save for one occasion since he was five years old, yet as a 34 year old, he'd never wanted to so badly in his life as of right now.

How had it come to this?

Tifa sat beside Sephiroth and wondered why it had to be him, him of all people, the last person she had expected it to be that she had had to marry. It was too late, they were legally wed and she wore his ring and had taken his last name as per what the contract insisted and soon they would go to his bed and...she couldn't even think that far ahead.

Yes he was just as attractive as she had found him to be as a fifteen year old girl who had insisted on going with him, Zachary Fair, and the now known grunts Cloud Strife and Kunsel, acting as their guide through Nibel Mountains, where all normality ended.

She had been instantly smitten with the silver haired General until her world ended that day when he went insane. Her father's death, Nibelheim burning to the ground, even that lovely scar he'd given her while being controlled by that cosmic bitch… and now he was her husband as she had been duped into not knowing it was him. Tifa's hands tightened into fist over and over again as angry tears burned at the back of her eyeballs. She glanced once at him in reserved but nonetheless seething anger fueled by hurt and just as quickly it was washed away taking in his full visage. Tifa felt her face heating and turned away from him.

Sephiroth caught her glance at him and turned his head to gaze back at her and she blushed and averted her gaze, not noticing his answering blush. Not realizing there was a virgin at the sweetheart table they were both seated at, prominently placed and on a dais...and it wasn't her.

Sephiroth knew the steps on how to prepare a woman and how coitus was achieved and had blushingly watched the recommended porn videos which he was assured were very tasteful but not to his minds eyes. It was gauche and undignified no matter how well filmed to him. He tried to get excited about the idea of having his first woman but again: why her?

Sephiroth had to sleep with her at least the once in order to make their marriage valid. Sleep: that was such a quaint way of putting. Dress is up and call it making love. Dress it down and call it fucking. Call it what you will, he had to do it with Tifa. How ironic and whimsical that his first time would be on his wedding night as if he had planned it.

He was about to do something he never dreamed of actually going through with. He had certainly never had the urge to have coitus before and now he was going to have to. So much depended on it. He had been outraged as it was learned that he wasn't even a citizen of his own planet because his birth had never been recorded on any data bases. He didn't legally exist, well one phone call to a very crafty and expensive lawyer, later turned friend, one Dexter Andrews, Esq. had taken care of that.

But while he had dug into his affairs, it had been discovered that he was the last heir to his late mother's estate that included a title and vast wealth. This was something that the friendless, homeless, and almost penniless man needed, his bank account long having been frozen during his trips in and out of the Lifestream. He needed it simply to survive, even if he was to be lonely forever on a Planet that would never forgive and certainly not forget.

He had been relieved when Dexter had opened his home to him until they got it all sorted and had found in the older man an unexpected ally. It was him who learned of the condition his own mother had placed in her will and had found the remedy for it and now beside him sat the woman that made it all possible.

"I would like to thank you" he ventured.

"Save it" Tifa snapped as she watched her friends leave when it was revealed who her mystery groom was and she had gone ahead with the marriage, until only Yuffie, who knew the whole truth why she had gone through with it and Vincent, who was the loyalist friend she had ever met and surprisingly enough, Tseng, remained. She had known how bad things were when Cid had yelled "what the fuck!" when her trip down the aisle on Dexter's arm had revealed her intended groom to be Sephiroth. She had stopped not wanting to continue and Sephiroth, to his credit seemed equally as nervous but Tifa then realized that she could not turn back, the damage was done and proceeded forward and allowed the priest to bind her to her mortal enemy.

Sephiroth turned away, feeling a little hurt but not surprised. What had he expected? She clearly didn't want to be at this glittering display of falsehood, forcing smiles anymore then he did. He didn't understand why they had to have this huge display, a simple ceremony in a courthouse would have had the same effect and would have been a lot less embarrassing.

Yuffie felt sorry for a hurt looking Tifa as their friend filed discreetly out after shooting her looks of disappointment, not knowing the reason why she agreed to marry Sephiroth after discovering him as her groom. The details were too personal to impart to them so instead of trusting that Tifa had a reason, dark and deep, they were turning their backs on her.

She almost felt sorry for Sephiroth at how uncomfortable he looked as well as everyone seemed to be enjoying the wedding but them. She had been the single bridesmaid/maid of honor while Sephiroth had only his lawyer as groomsman, who also walked Tifa down the aisle. Soon all of Tifa's friends had departed but Tseng, Vincent and herself, leaving them with a bunch of people who barely even seem to know either the bride or groom. All of them seemed to care more about the free flowing booze and the cute catering girls circulating with trays of finger foods.

"Tseng" she half whispered when he walked by.

"Hai Hime" Tseng greeted in Wutaian, saying 'yes, princess' , knowing her the few times he acted as her bodyguard in Wutai at Rufus's behest that she have someone he could trust with her.

"You know I hate being called that" she said with a frown.

"Who are you guarding tonight?" she asked out of curiosity.

"I'm a guest like yourself. Rufus has pretty much filled this wedding with anyone who ever had so much a nodding acquaintanceship with Sephiroth. I'm here mainly because of Tifa of course" he explained.

"I was wondering if there was some way to speed things up? They don't look like they are having fun" Yuffie indicated to the ill at ease looking couple.

"Leave that up to me" he said and went up and whispered to the DJ and then accepted the mike from him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the groom and his wife thank you for coming. They are anxious to start the new chapter of their lives. Please have a safe drive home" he said in a friendly tone, sounding quite unlike the emotionless man he normally was.

He couldn't resist a smirk in Sephiroth's direction when he caught him flinching ever so slightly.

"We have a tradition in Wutaian that we escort the newlyweds to their nuptial chamber. Sephiroth if you will pick up your bride, we will proceed" he suggested to the man.

Tifa stood up with the courage of a person determined to take their dignity to their execution, her face flamed when Sephiroth flung her over his shoulder to everyone's laughter. "Not like this you silly ass" she hissed.

He set her down "how then?" he hissed back at her.

"Like how you carry a bride Captain Romance" she said hotly. "One arm around my back and the other under my knees."

"Oh very well, I don't understand why you can't just walk there" he groused softly as he swept her up in his arms.

The DJ grinned and chose a song and Tifa turned beet red when George Michaels 'I want your sex" came on.

"Let's go" she ordered him as if he were a horse and he complied while blushing as well as the entire wedding danced and sang them to the master bedroom of the mansion they where would be spending the night. He closed the door behind them with what sounded like an ominous clang of a jail cell slamming shut to everyone's drunken cheers.

"Could you put me down?" she requested, feeling ill at ease.

"Of course" he said setting her on her feet and couldn't look at her.

"Do you need to use the washroom first?" he offered.

"Yes, thank you" she said, keeping her head down as she nervously played with skirt of her dress.

"You intend to use birth control?" he asked her with his face flaming at having to ask such personal question of a relative stranger.

"Yes, I'm wearing diaphragm prescribed by my doctor. I was told how your condition doesn't allow for condoms" she said.

"Condition?" he asked her.

"That you're allergic to all types because of your skin" she explained.

"Yeah, if you want to..." he suggested, pointing to the ensuite washroom.

"I won't be long" she said and he looked questioningly at the cry of frustration coming from the washroom.

"Are you okay?" he asked, knocking politely on it and it flew open.

"I would have to be a monkey to get all these tiny buttons open" she said, showing him the back of her dress.

"Do you mind if I help you?" he asked her, his long fingers hovering close to them.

"Please" she said as she pulled her hair out of the way.

His nimble fingers easily parted each satin covered nuisance until the back gaped open to reveal her pearly skin and Sephiroth found the moment uncomfortably, erotic. He felt the urge to place his hand and stroke it along the velvety looking surface, which made him feel dirty for having that urge. He had seen her wearing far less, she didn't wear much normally, but somehow just this portion of her revealed against her conservative dress, was salacious. "I'll leave you to ready yourself for...bed" he lamely said.

"I won't be long" she said, glancing at him, her face almost matching her eyes.

"Let me know when you're done" he said, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "I'll get ready while I wait."

"Let me know when you're ready" she said, closing the door.

He scrambled to get out of his tuxedo right in the walk in closet and pulled on the grey kimono Dexter had given him and advised him to use. He explained he would only have to take it off to get into bed with her, do the deed and put it back on; it would make him feel less vulnerable. He belted the waist and felt like an idiot wearing the silken thing and wondered how it was supposed make him feel less vulnerable, obviously under its voluminous folds, he was naked beneath. He was going to have to take it off and breach another person's body for the first time in his life and doubted this was her idea of heaven either. She was obviously just as nervous as him.

"I'm coming out" she said and he went apple red when she stepped into room wearing a diaphanous peignoir set that might as well have been invisible.

"Why are you dressed like that?" he asked her.

"It was in the contract" she said with a frown.

Sephiroth's eyes went wide and wondered what else was in the contract that he had missed in his distraction. "Would you like to sit down?" he said, taking a seat on the bed. She did almost a foot away from him and nervously removed her robe.

"If you would rather wait another night, I'll understand. I've heard it hurts women to lose their virginity" he offered, trying not to stare at her almost complete nudity.

"I'm twenty eight" she said looking at him like he was incredibly naive.

He looked away, six years younger than him.

"I was just trying to suggest" he said.

"I would rather get this over with" she firmly, yet bravely said.

Sephiroth suddenly found the carpeted floor of his family mansion fascinating, he could actually feel the unfamiliar prick of tears: that she would refer to what she didn't know was his first time, as something to be gotten over, like it didn't matter. Why was he acting like such a child? If teenagers could have causal intercourse, so could he. It would only have to happen the once and then they would find out some way to get along until they served out their sentences. It's not like anything would be born from this night; she had seen to that.

"How do you want to start?" he asked her.

"What are your favorite positions?" she asked him.

"The usual ones, I'm not picky" he lied as his face flamed.

"Why did you agree to this?" he asked her again.

"I would rather not discuss them tonight, suffice it to say, it was dire circumstances that brought me here and I'm a woman of my word. I will be a wife and companion to you in every way, including this way. I will run your household and take care of you" she said with resolve in her voice.

"I was given to understand one time is all that is required to make it legal" he said with a frown at her impassionate speech.

"I guess we should start by kissing" she suggested and both groaned when their first attempt bashed his nose against her forehead. Their next attempt had them struggling to find out where their noses would go. Until she caught his face in her hands, forcing him to become still and firmly pressed her silken lips against his and showed him through her own motions how to kiss until he caught on. Soon it was like he was excelling at how her hands fisted into the loose material of his robe while his own arms were tightly around her.

Sephiroth's mind was a whirl of confusion as heat suffused his body for the first time and he was rock hard from only a kiss, suddenly he was very willing to consummate his marriage and was borderlining on impatient, yet he didn't know how to proceed, so kept kissing her, waiting for some kind of sign from Tifa, while she was waiting for him.

Tifa needed a release after so many years of abstinence, if only to stop her dwelling on the misfortunates that brought her to this point. She didn't really care for him, but could not deny how attractive he was and intended to use him as a means to end her frustration if only briefly.

Sephiroth's eyes went wide with shock as her hand unfastened the tightly belted sash at his waist and her hands parted it.

"What are you..." He said as he blushed a painful red color in confusion as she started kissing her way hurriedly down his body and then swallowed hard when she reached his groin.

Tifa could only stare for a few seconds, taking the sheer size of Sephiroth's massively swollen erection, from the sheer girth of the shaft from the severely flared head, he looked impossibly big.

She had only ever had one man and although she had been certain he was well endowed, Cloud looked puny in comparison. However, her need to for release and that she was a woman of her word caused her to preserve. Shrugging her mental shoulders, she engulfed as much of him in her mouth as possible and suckled on him for all she was worth while her one hand stroked the neglected part of his shaft she couldn't reach and her other hand tickled his pale testicular sac.

Sephiroth head lulled at the strangely pleasurable sensation as he received his first blow job ever. His eyes slammed shut and his face flushed hotly at how unspeakably good it felt. He let out a half whimper before covering his mouth to stifle any further emittances, he wanted to be repulsed that anyone would want suck him there, but instead his other hand held on weakly to the back of Tifa's head as it bobbed in his lap. It felt so decadent that it was all he could do not to feed her his essence, it was taking every ounce of his will power not to. He didn't resist as the hands on his shoulders forced him back until he lay prone on the bed with the material of his kimono spread beneath him, his arms still in the sleeves.

Tifa looked up to see what effect she was having on Sephiroth and frowned to see that he was stifling his cries and then leaned up and grabbed the hem of her nightie and pulled it over her head and tossed it from her. "I want to hear you" she said as she gently drew his hand away and was slightly surprised as that his visage showed a mixture of lust and nervousness.

Sephiroth tried to say something but his mouth had gone dry at the beautiful body hovering above him, her breasts were a thing of beauty, large, pendulous, yet completely firm with long hot pink nipples that he longed suck on. He could only stare up at her like a dumbstruck mooncalf, he put up no resistance when she leaned forward to capture his lips again and he could feel the sweet weight of her globes against his chest. He gasped against her lips as her hand wrapped around his swollen organ and he wondered for a second a the feeling of dampness at the tip of his penis and then threw back his head into the cradling pillow as with one lunge, he was fully impaled to the root inside Tifa's taut body. He could only lie there in shock in response to Tifa's strangled scream at being stretched full to bursting, she trembled upon him, she was so impossibly stuffed and her body struggled to accommodate his thick bulk.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth was beside himself, he was no longer a virgin. He has breached another person's body, wait his wife's body and didn't know which weirded him out more, that he had or that he had a wife. Certainly nothing in his life had prepared him for this either physically or emotionally as neither had been expected of him at how he had been intended only as a weapon. However as he trembled beneath her from where they were connected as she trembled herself, he could only marvel at how hot her core temperature was and how her walls clung to him, it was like his penis was surrounded by clinging hot silk. He was the first one to move as he experimentally nudged himself upwards and gasped when that deepened the angle.

Tifa gasped back and her hands splayed open on his chest and she began to slowly ride him and he forced himself to remain still. Her breasts bounced gently with the agonizingly slow rise and fall of her hips, as she rode him and he reached for them and cupped them, toying with the nubs of her nipples and this caused her to moan.

His body tightened in need, the urge to take over, almost unbearable, but he forced himself to watch her climb and only his self discipline kept his own harsh cries at bay, however that melted away when she increased her pace until her hips were a blur. Their shared cries were so carnal as they filled the room.

Little beads of perspiration formed on her silky soft skin. Her lips parted and breath came out in pants as she galloped towards her crest, that seemed so impossibly huge she doubted she would survive it. She found out why some women preferred well hung men as his organ found and activated and ignited every nerve ending in her, every pleasure center, filling her up impossibly so she was drunk on pleasure and shrieked at the ceiling when the would-be world destroyer made it shattered apart for her.

She was barely sensible when he flipped them without disengaging them, took ahold of the ornate wrought iron headboard and started hammering into her still orgasming body, spiking it for her, drawing it out while the silken material of his kimono was half twisted on his body and his hair draped them like a silken tent.

Tifa shrieked and caught ahold of his flexing biceps, needing to hold onto something while his body heaved over top of hers, connected to her only at their groins as each hard thrust caused her to sob out in ecstasy and her body to flop beneath his as he sought his own release. She just managed to recover from her first one when his almost brutal thrusts sent her over the edge again and she shrieked out his name this time and the wild pulsations of her passage sent him over the edge. His eyes rolled back in his head and his toes curled as his first bodily orgasm burst heavily from him. He wailed in release and only his hands on the groaning headboard kept him upright, his eyes flew open and he looked wildly down at his new lover.

Tifa opened her own sex clouded eyes to find Sephiroth gazing wildly down at her and she almost flinched at the raw emotions she saw there, she had never seen him so emotionally vulnerable. It was like he realized that he was revealing too much of himself to her and tugged himself from her body, she blushed when his white essence leaked from her. He wrapped the kimono back around himself and went to the washroom and brought back a warm cloth to hand to her.

"You can get cleaned up and then you can go to your room, it is through that door there. We have adjoining rooms in the old fashioned way that royalty did back in the day. It does lock. I had the maid unpack for you already" he assured her.

"You don't expect me to sleep with you?" She asked him.

"I wouldn't presume to ask anything of you" he said not even able to look at her, feeling so strange, as if his heart hurt.

"What I said stands" she said, wondering why he was acting so strange. It had been a long time for her, had she been that crummy in bed?

"We can discuss this at a later time. It is late and I find myself tired, I am not used to sleeping beside someone and could accidently hurt you in your sleep if you touch me. It is best I sleep alone for the time being until I get used to other sleeping arrangements. I rather doubt you would willingly have taken me to your bed in any other circumstances" he said with a trace of bitterness in his voice.

"I know more about what happened to you than back then, we all do now and are trying to accept that you're no longer..." Tifa said as she got into her skimpy nightie and robe and frowned on how to phrase it and went to touch the shoulder of his averted back, concerned by his behavior.

"Kindly don't touch me" he said shrugging her hand off. When he turned to her, his face was neutral as ever and his body language gave nothing away.

"Go to bed Tifa" he said and went and opened the door for her.

"Good night Sephiroth" she stiffly said, wondering how cold he was acting after they had sex.

"Tell me, was I just another notch in your belt?" He suddenly asked her.

"What?" her response in surprise, not sure if she had heard him correctly as it had been asked in such a low voice.

"Forgive me for acting foolish, it is getting late and I must be tired. Good night Tifa" he said bowing slightly to her, not able to offer her a single touch at how emotional he felt, it felt like he was about to break apart and would rather kill her than let her see him do that.

He closed the door behind her and leaned against it, feeling like his legs were made of rubber. He gasped as he collapsed on the floor and bit on his fist as tears streamed from his eyes and was forced into the second crying jag he had ever had as an adult and wondered why. The only other time he cried like this was when his friends deserted their commands and he was ordered to hunt them down and kill them. He had had a similar breakdown on his bed in the privacy of his apartment on the night he received those orders.

Surely coitus didn't make everyone feel like this? His virginity had been neither precious to him nor a burden. Sex hadn't been something he had ever sought or craved, his aversion to touch had seen to that. He vowed he would never do this again if he would have this extreme reaction, perhaps his body wasn't meant for this? He reasoned as he cried himself to sleep while still wrapped in the kimono, the treacherous scent of their coupling still detectable to his sensitive sense of smell, this just made him cry harder before succumbing to slumber.