Author's Note: I know I probably shouldn't upload this story just yet since I still have two other stories that I'm working on BUT I just really needed to post this because I have several chapters already done. This is a slight Dramione story, but it will not be the main focus. It is an AU so be prepared for something new!

And I would like to stress to you all that this story is nearly exactly like the movie: Would You Rather. I have only changed a few things so by all means everything belongs to the makers of the movie. All Copyrights belong to them and if you haven't watched it yet I would totally recommend it.

So remember this is Really Really REALLY similar to the movie but I wanted to incorporate the HP characters as well. So I own nothing.

The Malfoy family were known for being generous people-some of the best one could ever know if they were privileged enough to know them. The only thing was that no one knew what price had to be paid. It wasn't unusual that hefty amounts of people walked into their doors, it was just strange that not everyone walked back out. H&D


Chapter 1:

The morning sunlight poured through the open curtain, lighting up the enormous master bedroom. It was enough for Draco to wake up, which he had been for a few minutes now, but it wasn't until he felt his wife's soft caresses on his lower back that he opened his eyes. He lifted his head up off of her lace covered breast to meet her gaze-his icy blue smoldering into her honey iris'.

She was always a sight to see in the morning with her chestnut curls sprawled aimlessly across their pillows like a halo to signify that God himself had sent her down to earth for his enjoyment only. She was a goddess in his opinion, and the one and only person that he had ever truly loved. Sometimes he felt as if he didn't deserve her, which he probably didn't, because he was an arrogant ass that enjoyed using his wealth and power over others. She on the other hand was kind, and compassionate, and he had no idea what she was doing with him. They were total opposites, but they were inseparable.

They had been married now for three years, but they had known each other since birth. Their father's had been close friends so it was only natural that the two had done the same. But with every occasion that they saw each other, their feelings for each other had grown stronger and stronger until they had started dating at the early age of sixteen. And now here they were, happily married with a six month old son in the next room over. They may be parents now but they were still heavily embedded in the honeymoon stage that never seemed to die between the two. It was almost as if it were the opposite for them-as if the more time they spent together, the more deeply in love they fell. Their love for each other was wild like a flame and filled with nights of passion that made romance movies fall flat. So in all, it was safe to say that Draco and Hermione Malfoy loved each other beyond imaginable.

"Good morning, love," she purred into his ear, using her hands to bring his head down to her lips. Her morning kisses always made it feel like he was coming home. She was everything to him and brought him happiness that no one else could give. She had birthed his child, the next Malfoy heir, and it was only the beginning of their journey together. They had many more years to come, and the possibilities always made him swoon. He was blessed beyond anyone else he knew but it was because of his family's hard work and ambition dated generations back that had gotten him where he was now. He could do and say whatever he wanted, and no one could tell him otherwise. Having the Malfoy name certainly did have it's perks.

"Good morning," he hummed into her mouth in response. He kissed her deeply, pulling her body closer into his until he felt every inch of her silky skin mold into his. He moved his kisses to the side of her lips and face then sloppily left open mouthed licks down the side of her neck and continued downward between her sinful cleavage that made him fall apart every time he laid eyes on it. He used his hands to grasp ahold of each of her rounded breast through the thin lace that covered them. There wasn't an inch on her body that he had never touched before, or kissed, or sucked to leave his mark on, but it had never stopped him from feeling her as if he had never felt her before. Her body was his treasure and his alone. He was her first and would undeniably be her last. He was the one and only man that would ever make sweet, sweet love to her perfect body, and there was nothing else he could ever ask for. She was his perfect wife, and he was her devoted husband that enjoyed treating her like the queen she was.

He moved his kisses lower, passing by her flat stomach and navel, until he traced the edge of her lace panties with his tongue. He felt her shiver in anticipation, but then a pair of soft hands gripped his shoulders to halt his progression.

"Draco," she whined, "we both know that we cannot do this right now. Your father is probably downstairs already waiting for your presence."

He groaned into her skin before lifting himself up to stand on his knees with her petite body between them. He reached up to stretch his muscles, still keeping her trapped beneath him. "Leave it to my father to be such a cockblock," he complained.

She turned her head to the side to muffle her laughter into the pillow. He always loved listening to her laughs-sounding like dedicate windchimes to his eardrums. He lunged down once more to capture her lips before he swiftly rolled over her to make his way to one of the many dressers.

"How many people have you already chosen?" she asked him as she watched him from the bed.

He turned around to glance at her from over his shoulder, somewhat surprised to hear her bring up what he and his father had been working on for the past few weeks. In the former years she had avoided ever talking about the dinner that they hosted once every year, but now he could hear the slight curiosity that lined her voice. He faced her and grinned devilishly at her. She was lying on her side, her head propped up by one of her hands, and her barely covered breast where exposed as the blanket rested at her hips. She was so damn tempting, and he could barely control the animalistic urges that were demanding him to pounce her like she was his next meal .

"How about you join us tonight to find out?" he shot back at her, his eyes full of mirth. He had always wanted her to join him and his father at their annual dinner party, but she had always cringed at the idea. He could still see the vague apprehension that clouded her vision, but as he looked closely he could see that she really was interested. It made his insides tingle.

She huffed slightly, turning to lay flat on her back. "I don't think I should. It would be better if I just had mommy time with Scor."

He moved to buttoned up a pair of black slacks, keeping his eyes trained on her. "One night away from him won't kill him, I promise. Mother will be more than happy to take him off of our hands for a few hours."

She seemed to continue thinking it through. He wasn't going to push her on going because it needed to be her choice entirely. He knew how...tense the first dinner could be and he wanted her to be at ease. He could still remember his first time when his father had urged him to go. He had been seventeen, just shy of his eighteenth birthday, and he had enjoyed it beyond belief. There was only a certain type of person that could manage to make it through the night, and he had been the perfect one to do so. Hermione on the other hand...he could see where she might have some objections and he didn't hate her for it. Of course he would love it if she went but he was leaving the decision entirely up to her.

She sighed heavily. "Maybe next year."

He nodded silently and watched as she got up to slip into her black silk robe. She used her fingers to gently untangle her hair as she walked to the adjoining nursery and disappearing behind the thick wooden door. In the meantime, he walked to the closet and pulled out the matching suit jacket with a white button up to go underneath. He could hear her soft voice as she cooed their son awake, and it was only seconds later until she reappeared with his look alike nestled in her arms.

He watched her through their large mirror as she walked back to the large bed. It was a sight that he had dreamed of when he was a young teenager and he smiled fondly at how perfect everything had turned out. He glanced at the clock and rolled his eyes as he read the time. By now his father was probably cursing inside the limo, and Severus would be seconds away from being ordered to march up here and retrieve him. This afternoon would be the last meeting before dinner was finally held, and it was a relief to know that they would have their final guest in a few hours tops.

He strided across the room to join them on the bed. Knowing that his time was running, he swooped up his son in his arms and placed a gentle kiss upon Scor's pale blonde locks. Hermione had melted into his side, kissing him on the cheek, as she wrapped her arm around his back. It was small moments like these that made him realize that even though he had all of the wealth in the world at his fingertips, true happiness could never be bought.

He turned his head to share one last passionate kiss with her before he returned Scor back to Hermione and said goodbye. He always hated leaving her but he knew that it would only be for a few hours. He had quickly closed the door behind him and it wasn't long before he was opening the door to the sleek black limousine to join his father.

"Son," Lucius' strong, aristocratic voice called out. "Horace has informed me that he has found the excellent person to be out eighth and final guest. He's called her in for a meeting and she should be arriving there shortly after we do."

Draco grinned, "Excellent. I would've hated it if we were going to have to spend over two hours there. I would very much enjoy if we come home sooner than later."

"I'm sure you would," Lucius smirked. "Driver onward, we don't want to dally!"