Pitch Black. A fearsome character, but he does have his redeeming qualities. Or at least, that's what they thought. They thought that, until they saw this...

Jack Frost stared around him in wonder as he emerged from the ice. What is this, he thought. A world so cold and, and beautiful. Little did he know that Pitch was watching him. A nightmare had alerted him to the strange goings on at the lake, so he came immediately. An slightly evil smile graved his lips as he stared at the mischievous young winter sprite stumbling around, trying out his new powers. His astonishment at the world around him amused Pitch. Soon my pet, he thought to Jack. Soon.

Many years later

Blizzard of '68, Easter Sunday

Jack grinned as he raced around, spreading snow through the town. The beauty of the sparkle of the freshly fallen snow made him love his job even more than normal. This burst of happiness gave his powers an unexpected boost. The look of joy in his eyes was replaces by one of fear, his staff adding and adding snow clouds to the skys above, slowly creeping across the moon. The snow clouds started doing what they were meant to do, snow. Meanwhile, k was trying to switch off his staff. "Come on you stupid thing," he growled though gritted teeth. "Come on!" With one last surge of fpocus, it stopped snowing, but the damage had been done. Snow covered everything. It muffled all spoumd, so that all Jack could hear was the in and pout of his breath.

It certainly did not let him hear the soft padding of footsteps behind him until a voice said, "What do you think you're doing mate? Its Easter! Not one of your silly 'snow days.'"

With a frightened look in his eyes, although he did a good job of masking it, he said, "Oh, really?"

"Yes really," the oversized bunny growled from behind him. He grabbed Jack by his shoulders and spun him around, grinning when he fell in the cold, wet snow. "I can't believe you ruined this. I get one day a year, one day!, and you take it away from me. Soon, all the kids will start their egg hunts, only to relize that there are no eggs." This last bit he hissed, leaning toward Jack and ignoring the flinch away from him. "There will be less believers, and it will be all. Your. Fault."

Jack flinched again, hearing this. "I just" he started to say before being cut off again.

"No! Stop. You are an idiot. Worthless. Wanted by none. And that is all you will every be!" The Easter Bunny turned around sadly and walked away, leaving Jack with his thoughts.

"Idiot. Worthless. Wanted by none. And that is all you will every be," the Bunny's voice echoed in his mind and he started to cry. Not just a few tears, but a cascade of them running town his face, none of them reaching the ground before freezing.

Pitch grinned as he listened to the crying. "Now is the time!" he said, rising from his hiding place and wrapping Jack up in a stand of nightmare sand. But before he but put a gag on, Jack cried out. "Bunny! Help! He-" he screamed until he was once again cat off. He whimpered in his gag and, refusing to look at Pitch, he closed his eyes shut and repeated endlessly in his mind, 'Bunny will come. Bunny will come. Bunny will come.'

The Easter Bunny spun around after hearing the crys for helping. "Idiot," he mumbled under his breath, but he couldn't ignore a child's fear, so he started moving fast-ish towards Jack. When he arrived, he took a sharp intake of breath. "Let him go," he shouted at Pitch, leaping towards him with all his power, but Pitch simply laughed and dragged Jack into a shadow and they disappeared. The one thing that Bunny remembers the most is the mixture of pleading to be helped, and surprise that Bunny actually came. That broke his heart.

Hey people! I'm so sorry about my other stories, but I am discontinuing them for now. Nomne of them really interest me, so I really am sorry.

On a nicer note, I got a much longer chapter done! 689 words vs. 55? I would really like to hear what you think!

(What makes me really happy is that all this was done on mobile!)