A/N I do not own Labyrinth

I write for fun and I hope you enjoy the story I tell even if the grammar isn't so good.

CH 3 New and Old

The midwife had left Sarah with her new-born son. As she gazed at him in wonder she just couldn't believe he was hers. The past months of upset and hardship, the hours of pain all melted away in that one moment. Her eyes focused on the small child in her arms. His beautiful blond hair and those piercing blue mismatched eyes that stared back at her.

"I think I'll call you Jareth" she smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead "You have his eyes"

"That could get confusing"

Sarah would know that voice anywhere. She grasped the child closer to her chest as fear ran though her. She looked up to find the Goblin King and a strange woman, whom she thought to be his new wife, watching her.

"Hello Sarah" he smiled

"No, NO, you can't take him, I won't let you" she began to sob

Jareth stepped closer to them and Sarah held the infant more tightly moving to the opposite side of the bed tears falling down her face.

"Please Jareth, please don't take him".

Jareth froze in shock the fear in Sarah's voice cutting through him. Would she think him so cruel that he would steal the child from her? Just then the High Queen spoke in a calm gentle voice.

"Sarah, we are not here to take the child from you. My son is not as cruel to take what is not wished away".

Her son, Sarah realised that this woman was Jareth mother. She began to relax as she let her gaze fall back to Jareth she could see the hurt in his eyes the look of worry and sadness on his face.

"Sarah, I'm so sorry, if I had known".

"I tried to call for you, I tried so hard".

Jareth shot his mother a piercing glance. As he sat on the bed.

"May I see my son?"

Sarah let her arms relax and removed the blankets that covered the baby before nervously placing him in Jareth arms. Tears began to form in his eyes as he looked at the child before him.

"he is perfect Sarah".

"Yes he is"

Sarah's heart filled with love and joy as she watched the man she loved cradle their son in his arms for the first time and as it did jareth felt it.

"Sarah, where are your family" Jareth asked surprised not to see them there.

He saw the sadness in her face as she cast her eyes down.

"They threw me out when I told them, they want nothing to do with him or me".

Jareth filled with rage she had refused to com". home with him due to a love and loyalty for her family and when she needed them they had turned their backs on her. The baby in his arms began to whimper and he quickly calmed his anger. They would pay for this he promised himself. Sarah saw how Jareth reacted to the news.

"Jareth, don't hurt them please for Toby's sake" she pleaded

"Sarah, I promise I have no intention of causing physical harm to either of them although I most certainly would like to" no he thought the suffering will not be a physical one but what nightmares are made of.

"Return with me Sarah, come home with me"

"You have a wife I."

Jareth cut her off before she could continue

"not yet I don't, there are four months of courtship left before I have to offer to wed. And as the mother of my child and the champion of my labyrinth the only one I will pledge myself to is you. So Sarah I ask one last time and never again Fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave if you will be mine".

"Forever" Sarah replied smiling

"Forever isn't that long at all".

Jareth's mother stood watching the two who had become unaware of her presence. She had no doubt the girl would make a fine Queen and was secretly please the Elven Princess would not be joining her family as she like Jareth found her very tiresome.

"If you are both ready I think it is time we returned home. I am sure there are many people eagerly waiting to meet this new one.

Sarah Jareth passed the baby to Sarah before picking them up bridal style. She looked at her son then back at him.

"Take us home my King".