'Just an oil change, my head light and my AC fixed... Hope they don't cost too much, that'll suck.' A blue haired woman by the name of Lapis Lazuli thought to herself as her car pulled up to a rather large garage. It was operated by the new local mechanic, Olive Odelet. She had moved in last June, but up until early October, she had kept to herself, Lapis didn't really care, the people of this city were insignificant to her. Sure faces had names and lives, but to her nobody TRULY mattered. None of them realized they were being tricked and fooled and lied to. At least the money was nice, in the end it would all be worth pretending to be a normal, law-abiding citizen WITHOUT blood on her hands.

She stepped out of her silver car, there was a small wooden sign on the garage door. The sign said 'if it's not open, just knock!', she took a well manicured hand and lightly tapped on the door. Whoever was inside must have been waiting, because the huge door lifted instantly. Inside was the tiniest woman Lapis had ever set eyes on, she even beat out Amethyst! She was pale and tired looking with fluffy, wild blonde hair and glasses over her bright green eyes.

"Oh! Hello ma'am, my name is Olive Odelet... But you probably knew that, a-anyway, I'm kinda new in town but I've never seen you around before... What's your name?" The woman spoke with a high-pitched, nasally voice, most people probably thought it was obnoxious, Lapis thought it was endearing.

"Lapis Lazuli. I'm here for maintenance on my car." She responded without any sort of tone in her voice. Olive nodded and pointed to the shiny silver vehicle.

"Just bring it in, and yourself as well, it's gonna be a while and it's getting chilly, I get nagged for leaving the door open... That and you look kinda cold." Said the blonde as she scratched the back of her neck, Lapis went back to her car and drove it into the garage. She stepped back out and watched as Olive went to work.

"Y'know, you're actually my first customer today... It hasn't been busy lately... Actually it's kind of lonely. All I have to pass the time is testing out tools, that gets boring after an hour." Olive started to speak once again. Without a word, Lapis lifted her head to watch the little mechanic work.

Funny enough, despite claiming to be lonely, she had a bright smile and her eyes were filled with joy as her little hands seemed to fly from place to place, Lapis gave a crooked smile.

"Well... You seem happy now." The blue haired woman spoke from where she had sat down on an old chair and without even looking up or missing a beat the blonde responded.

"I'm not alone anymore, I have you." She told Lapis, and actually did look up at her with a warmhearted and innocent smile, Lapis could feel her cheeks turn pink just as Olive looked back down at the car.

"So, what are you doing with the... Parts and stuff." Lapis asked the blonde, who sprang up and ran over to her, Lapis could have sworn she saw stars in the woman's pretty green eyes. She looked ready to explode with happiness and Lapis actually started to laugh.

"I could show you if you want I know it's a lot of tech babble but I think it's pretty neat like this one part is super small but tough to get out and..." Olive's 100 mile a minute speech trailed off and she looked down a bit, Lapis couldn't see her eyes, "I'm sorry, this probably sounds dumb, you just wanted to know what I was doing with your car..." The young woman's voice was filled with apology.

"No!" Lapis' voice was rather loud in the empty building and Olive jumped and flinched back, Lapis regretted raising her voice, "S-sorry, it's just... If you love this stuff, then why would you ever beat yourself down for liking it? I mean, you're smart, and sure I don't get it, but would you explain it to me?" She asked and Olive nodded joyfully. She started to guide the taller girl over to the car, borderline skipping.

"I'd love to! Come on, over here! See, this part right here is for making sure..." Lapis watched her blissfully, taking in every little thing the little nerd had to say, occasionally Olive would turn around, as if to make sure the blue haired woman was still listening.

Lapis thought this was adorable, Olive (Lapis didn't like that name) working diligently and happily taking the time to explain everything to her, even answering the occasional question. Lapis always liked how people looked when they were talking about something, but for some reason, this girl was different from others. Her mess of blonde hair was, in Lapis' eyes, absolutely adorable and her vibrant green eyes were enchantingly beautiful.

Olive stopped talking, it had been 3 hours, Lapis didn't care. The mechanic stepped back to show off to Lapis what she had done. Even Pearl would be impressed, and Lapis was convinced that woman had a pole up her ass since the day she was born.

The blue haired criminal sighed, "So? How much do I owe you?" She asked as she prepared to get her wallet out, she did bad things, but she liked this woman, and Olive deserved money. She could hear the blonde opening the door, she could also hear a small 'Nope.'

"For sweet and pretty girls, free of charge... Thanks for listening to me." She said, and despite the cold air and her brain telling it not to, her face burned. What was wrong with her?! Here she was, a hardened killer with little empathy... Blushing? Over this nerdy little woman who was currently giving her a smooth (cheesy) grin and finger guns? In this city, everyone was dark, everything was corrupt and goodness did not, could not last... Except here.

"Uh, are you okay?" The short woman asked her, and before she could stumble out a response she heard a snicker. "You should go get some rest, it's almost 8:30."

"Um, yes... Thank you." She responded, her tone ALMOST devoid of emotion.


Lapis made it all the way to her (and the others) house, for some reason, she felt... Like there was more of her... Talking with the charming woman had made her forget everything. As if she wasn't a psychopath, like she had a purpose. She wanted to keep that feeling forever.

She quietly made her way into the house, it was dark, Lapis flipped on the light switch, and wasn't surprised to see a tall woman with pale skin and a long nose glaring at her. She was supposed to be home 2 and a half hours ago.

"Where have you been?! It's been hours I thought you were dead!" Pearl squawked at her, but she wasn't listening, "What's with the dreamy look on your face... You didn't take any-"

Lapis turned to the older woman and snarled "I'm FINE! I met someone, someone I need you to... 'Keep Watch' over. You'll do it, right? I mean, you are in MY district, so you kinda have to." She told peach haired woman in front of her, she looked confused.

"You, met someone? What is this for?" Asked Pearl, her baby blue eyes quickly filling with worry, Lapis chuckled and Pearl seemed to grow even more fearful, none of the members had ever seen Lapis happy unless she was drunk. (And that one didn't count.)

Lapis closed her dark blue eyes, she could see the blonde woman's silhouette and hear her giggling ring in her ears, she opened them again and took Pearl's pale shoulders with her tan hands. She could hear Pearl ask "What was her name?"

"Yes, I met someone, a very special someone, I need you to get every bit of information you can on her. Her name WAS Olive Odelet." Lapis told her, Pearl's nodded and started to turn away, before she looked back at Lapis, the circular scar on her forehead was right in the shorter girls face as Pearl bent down to her height.

"What do you mean by was?!" She asked in a full on panic, Lapis smirked.

"From now on, her name is Peridot."