A few weeks went by without a word from Dad or my brothers. I was sitting on the couch, clutching a bucket when I heard a truck rumble into the yard. Bobby got up and went to leave the house.

"What's going on Bobby?" He had received a phone call this morning and had been quiet ever since.

"Your Dad and brothers got into a car accident last night. They got the car towed here. Stay on the couch Kiddo, your sick and not gunna be any help." He slipped outside and I went to the window to see what was going on. I watch as a young man over six feet slipped out of the tow truck. He had shaggy brown hair and looked a little like Dad. It had to be one of my brothers, though I wasn't sure which. They both stood around the car talking, before Bobby handed him another set of keys and turned to come back into the house. I quickly settled myself back onto the couch as I felt my stomach beginning to rebel once again. Bobby entered the house shaking his head.

"Which one was that?" I didn't hesitate in my question, knowing that if I was anything like Dad, Bobby knew I had been watching.

"That's Sam. He's the closest in age to you, twenty-three by now I think. Dean's not doing so good. And that car is deader than a headless vamp." He shook his head as he headed to his desk, falling into the chair.

"Dad's okay, though right?" Bobby nodded just as I felt my stomach lurch. I brought the bucket up and heaved the tiny amount of water that I had been able to drink back up. I wasn't sure if this was a stomach bug or the baby but either way I didn't like it.

Once I was done, Bobby took the bucket out back and rinsed it before giving it back to me. I lay myself down, needing to rest but I didn't have the energy to drag myself upstairs to my bedroom. I quickly fell asleep to Bobby's mumblings and sank into the peace that sleep brought.

A loud knocking on the door ripped me from my sleep. I slowly sat up, watching as Bobby shot out of the chair, gun in hand. He gestured for me to stay put and I laid back down, not wanting to throw up again. He slowly opened the door, freezing when he saw whoever was on the other side.

"You idjits scared the life out of me. What you boys doing here?" I froze, terrified that Dean and Sam had showed up without Dad to explain what was going on.

"He's gone Bobby." A voice I didn't recognize spoke, breaking at the last moment.

"Well Balls. Before you come in, I've got someone here. No, you haven't met her and I will explain more in the morning." I watched as two young men stepped into the hallway, closing the door behind them. One was Sam, who I had seen earlier. The other was around my height with short black hair spiked up. He was wearing a leather coat like Dad's old one. I stayed where I was, not wanting to startle them. "Sam, Dean, this is Kenzie. She's crashing with me for a while."

I slowly sat up, wrapping my arms around myself as I took my two brothers in. I watched as they glanced at each other, obviously confused as to why Bobby had a teenage girl in his house. I nodded at them, waiting for them to say anything.

"Hey." Sam gave a small smile before turning to Bobby. "I think we are just gunna go to bed." I watched as they both walked upstairs. I glanced at Bobby before laying back down to sleep for the night.

Sam and Dean were up early the next morning. I think they forgot that I was there because around five, they both came downstairs without being carful to stay silent. Thankfully I was already up with Bobby and nibbling on some toast.

"Morning boys. Come in and sit down." Bobby waved them into the kitchen and they sat on either side of me. He nodded towards me before turning back to breakfast. I took another small bite, hoping that they food would stay down. I glanced at Sam as I felt Dean eyes booring a hole into my back. I turned to face him, glaring.

"Got something to say playboy?" I watched as his face flashed shock before he quickly shook his head.

"Nope. Nothing. So, why you here?" He grabbed a beer from the fridge behind him and flipped the top off before taking a big swig.

"Dad dropped me off here for a little while. Said he had a job to do so I couldn't come. Too dangerous or something." I grabbed my glass of milk, taking a small mouthful before looking up at Bobby. He nodded, knowing that this had to happen sooner or later.

"Who's you dad Kenzie? We might know him." Sam gave a small smile as he took a plate from Bobby.

"Um, you know him." I looked down at my toast, not really wanting to have this conversation.

"Oh? What's his name?" I quickly glanced up at Bobby who gave a massive sigh and came over to stand behind Dean. He nodded as he set his hands on my oldest brother's shoulders.

"John. John Winchester." I set my toast down as I waited for shit to hit the fan. Sam quickly flinched back, completely unsure how to process this while Dean growled and tried to shove his chair back. I watched as Bobby slammed him back down and smacked him across the back of his head.

"Stay seated boy. It's time the two of you listened. This is Makenzie Mary Winchester, born to Tris McDonald and John Winchester. Her momma's been raising her with your father occasionally going up to Canada. He was planning on doing these introductions himself but seeing as he is gone, I guess its up to me. Dean, leave your anger at the door boy. She's sixteen and you two are all the family she's got. So, suck it up and look after each other!"

I watched as Dean glanced back at Bobby, almost contemplating arguing before glancing back at me. Sam was silently sitting in his seat, most likely trying to process everything that had just been thrown at him. Dean slowly looked me over, trying to gage if we were telling the truth.

"Why didn't Dad tell us?" Sam was the first to speak, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I knew about you and Dean. I even got to see pictures of you when I was younger. I remember asking Dad and he said that you two wouldn't understand. I was angry at first but I figured that what little time he spent with me wasn't worth me wasting with anger. I, I wish he had told you before he, died." I swallowed hard realizing that I was now an orphan. Sam reached over and placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze before looking over at Dean.

"Where's Tris now?" Dean had a demanding tone about him, not wanting to beat around the bush. I had a feeling that we were going to butt heads quite a bit.

"Dead. John and I believe it was vampires so we got Kenzie out of there as fast as we could. I've called a few other hunters who live up in Canada to go have a look around." Bobby went back to the stove, dropping a plate in front of Dean before leaving the three of us alone in the kitchen.

"You know?!" They both glanced at me almost in shock. I nodded before grabbing my toast and continuing to eat it. "Who told you?"

Dean pulled a gun out and dropped it on the table before digging into his plate.

"Mom. I was a rather perceptive kid and Dad always seemed to look the same. I think I asked why I couldn't go with him and she told me. They actually met on a job." I felt the anger beginning to fill the room once again and I turned to Dean, knowing that he was going to be the one to cause trouble. "Look Dean, I sure as hell didn't ask to be born. Dad and Mom made the choice as two consenting adults to sleep together. As far as I know, I'm the only other sibling that you have but Dad sure as hell wasn't a monk so who knows. I didn't ask to be brought here or for both my parents to die within weeks of each other. I sure as hell didn't ask to be dumped on the two of you. So, we can either learn to get along or try to kill each other for the next two years. It's up to you." I carefully watched Dean and the moment I sensed that he was going for the gun. I had my foot tucked under me and used it to propel myself forward. I grabbed the barrel, flipping the gun in my hand while loading the chamber. I raised it to him and glared, needing him to know that I could handle myself if it came down to it. He quickly raised his hands, a look of shock crossing his face. In seconds, I had the bullets clattering on the floor before throwing the now empty gun at his chest. I shoved my chair back and quickly stocked from the room, needing to get some air. I yanked on my boots, not even bothering to tie them before throwing the door open and bolting from the house.

I took a deep breath before allowing myself to run. I slammed each step into the ground pouring my emotions out with every step. I knew that this wasn't the best way to be dealing with everything but what other choice did I have? I ran down the curvy driveway and continued down the road, unsure of where I was going. The air was cool, ripping my hair behind me as I continued to push myself at my fastest pace. I felt a stitch beginning in my side as I took a moment to slow the pace. As soon as I stopped, my stomach lurched and I left my breakfast on the side of the road. A clunky engine slowly came into hearing as I began to retch once again. Within moments a hand was on my back, gently guiding me to the vehicle. I sat down, making sure to keep my head down, not wanting to vomit on whoever had come after me. As soon as the nausea faded enough, I glanced up and saw that it was Sam sitting next to me, holding out a cloth while watching me. I took it and quickly cleaned myself up.

"Bobby thought that it would be a good idea if I came to get you. He went out after Dean after you took off. We both figured I was the best bet. How you feeling?" He reached around me and pulled out a bottle of water, quickly handing it to me. I nodded my thanks as I took a sip before taking a deep breath.

"I'm fine. I must have picked up a bit of a bug. You didn't have to come. I'd have wandered back eventually." I saw him shaking his head beside me. "What?"

"I have to say, you're a lot more like Dad than I expected. You have his temper and a lot of his mannerisms." I glanced up at Sam, completely thrown off but what he was saying. Sam laughed before handing me a phone. "It's a new one that Bobby had laying around. All our numbers are in it just in case. Did you want to walk back or come with me?" He stood up, taking the front door handle before hesitating.

"I'll come back with you." I slide fully into the seat, sliding the van door closed behind me. Sam drove us back to Bobby's house. I quickly made my way back upstairs, falling into bed.

The next week went by rather lonely. Dean worked on the car, the impala that Dad had left him and that had been destroyed by the same crash that had lead to Dad's life. My stomach slowly began feeling better as each day went by. Sam continued to try and talk with me but I tried to stay away. I knew that I only had to make it two years before I could be on my own. Dean avoided me, my presence most likely making his anger towards our father worse. Bobby went about his normal business, only stopping to take me shopping as I ran out of almost everything. Food went quickly too, as Dean and Sam ate like horses. Apparently the only food that Bobby knew how to cook was breakfast, so I took over with the meal planning. By the end of the week, Sam decided to confront Dean.

I stood in the living room, watching as Sam tried to get through to him. I wrapped my arms around myself, unsure how to even begin finding out what to do with this baby. I had been given two boys as parents and no real way out of anything. Shortly after their talk, they borrow the van and left. I knew that this was the one chance I had to go find a clinic to see how far along I really was and if an abortion was at all possible.

Digging through my suitcase, I waited until Bobby fell into a drunken stupor to call a cab. I had it meet me at the end of the driveway, not needing any reason to awake Bobby or give my brothers anyway to track me. When we got into town, I had him drop me at the hospital, beginning my search from there. It did not take me long to find a women's clinic, an area that I could go without having to give my identity or worry about being sold out to the feds. Walking in, the front area was cool and simple, with three couches' in the waiting area. A television was playing something I hadn't seen before and had two kids completely entertained. I approached the front desk and waited until the motherly woman got off the phone.

"Good afternoon sweetheart. What can I help you with?" She smiled encouragingly at me as I hesitated, not entirely sure what to say.

"I, I um, I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive." I began fingering my sweater having no experience with pregnancy.

"Do you need to speak to a counselor or are you looking for an ultrasound?" She handed me a form and a pen. "Fill this out and then we can go from there. Feel free to take a seat."

I went over to the couch furthest from the door and quickly sat down. Glancing over the form it seemed to be straight forward. My name, age, the last time I had my period. Things that I assume they needed to know. I quickly jotted down my information before returning to the lady. She took the info and glanced it over.

"Alight, the doctor will come out and get you in a few minutes. Take a seat." I nodded, returning to my seat. I began twiddling my thumbs, realizing that I should have brought a book. Within moments, the doctor came out and called me in. She didn't ask too many questions, she simply took down a few dates and got me to lay on the table. After the ultrasound, she handed me an information sheet and said that I appeared to be around four months along. She gave me some pamphlets about adoption and told me to set up an appointment with a counselor. When I got back to the entrance, I thanked the receptionist and quickly left.

By the time I walked through the back door, I had been gone for over three hours. I tiptoed into the living room, sighing in relief when I saw that Bobby had not moved. I was in luck! I quietly walked upstairs to me room, gently closing the latch on the door before flopping onto the bed. Four months. How on earth was I going to tell my brothers that oh ya, by the way, I'm fucking pregnant! I felt my stomach squeeze and quickly bolted to the bathroom, barely making it before my stomach decided to empty itself. I heard footsteps on the stairs and a hand was suddenly holding back my hair. I felt a sob tear through my retches as Bobby stood behind me. When I finally sat back, he handed me some water to rinse my mouth and a towel.

"Come on kiddo, lets get you back to bed." He wrapped an arm around me and half lead, half carried me to my bed. He helped me out of my boots and sweater. As I slide under the covers I felt my body begin to shake. Bobby quickly left the room, returning with more water and gravol. I raised an eyebrow, confused as to when he had had time to go get the medication. "Sam got it last time he did a grocery run. Figured you might need it." I smiled in thanks, took it and lay my head down, closing my eyes.

A couple days later Sam and Dean returned, having completed their hunt. Dean seemed to be in a worse mood, if that was possible. Sam worked on giving him his space, as did I. I knew that soon enough I would wear out my welcome at Bobby's and would have to start traveling with my brothers. I wasn't sure how to smooth out my rocky and new relationship with Dean but I damn well had to try. One afternoon, after Sam stormed back into the house, I slowly made my way to where Dean was working on the Impala. I could hear something slamming into metal over and over again, before a loud thud. Without hesitating, I moved a litter faster, worried that something had fallen on him. Coming around the corner, I saw Dean standing with his head in his hands and a crow bar on the ground. The impala, which had been coming along well, was not in disrepair once again. I put two and two together and made my way over to the tool box.

"Want some help?" Dean jumped, not expecting anyone to be around. He looked at me and I saw the sorrow in his eyes, knowing that he felt Dad's death just as much as Sam did.

"Do you know cars?" He cleared his throat before scooping the crowbar off the ground. I shook my head looking down at the tools before looking up again.

"No but I know my way around a toolbox. My boy-, I mean my friend was teaching me how to fix cars when mom..um." I hesitated, not wanting to think about Mom no longer being around.

"You've got a boyfriend?" I heard a hint of anger? No that wasn't right. It seemed that my oldest brother was already feeling like he had to be in the role of Dad. I laughed before swiping my hair out of my eyes.

"Had being the key word. Pretty sure he won't be sticking around considering he is in Canada and I'm not." I took the elastic off my wrist and tied my hair back, being careful to not catch any of my earrings. "So, what can I do to help?"

Dean pointed out several tools to me and told me that he would need them to get the now ruined hood off the car. For the next several hours we worked together in silence, except for the occasional order. By the time the sun began to set, the Impala seemed to be almost in working order. Dean clapped me on the shoulder as we walked into the house, covered in grease from head to toe. As we walked through the door, Sam and Bobby immediately stopped talking. They both turned to stare at us as I shoved Dean into the wall and took off for the shower. Laughing, he chased me, barely making it to the top of the stairs when I locked the bathroom door.

I stripped off the dirt coated clothes and climbed into the shower. After I quickly scrubbed off all the dirt, I washed my hair and hopped out, not wanting to waste all the hot water. I bolted over to my bedroom, having forgotten my clean clothes in my rush to get into the shower first.

"Dean, showers free!" I hollered down the stairs before I slammed my door closed. I quickly dug through my clothes, pulling on jogging pants and a large t-shirt. I ran a brush through my hair and then tossed it up, heading downstairs to find some food. Sam was still sitting at the table, sipping at a bottle of beer when I opened the fridge.

"I got some take out if you want it. There's a plate in the microwave." I slammed the door shut and turned the microwave on, my mouth watering at the idea of food. "So, it looks like you and Dean had a good afternoon."

"We did. I helped him with the Impala. Learned a lot." I grabbed a fork from the drawer and set my plate on the table, sliding into my seat. I crammed a mouthful of food into my mouth as Dean wandered in, sitting in the third and final seat.

"So kiddo, I guess Sammy and I need to talk to you about what you wanna do." I raised an eyebrow, completely confused but too hungry to bother talking.

"Good lord Dean, she's a garbage can just like you!" Sam laughed and dodged as Dean tried to swat him.

"I meant, we were wondering if you wanted to stay here with Bobby or start traveling with us." I hesitated, not entirely sure what I wanted to do. I set my fork down, making sure that my mouth was empty before speaking.

"If you and Sam don't mind your little sister tagging along." I shrugged not wanting to get my hopes up in case they decided I was too much trouble.

"Of course, we don't mind!" Sam glared at Dean and I laughed at the look of confusion on Dean's face. "Right Dean?"

"Yeah. You're not gunna be trouble are ya?" I watched as it just dawned on Dean that he was now my father figure. It was almost a look of horror.

"No Dean. I'm sixteen and I've been looking after myself for a few years. If you and Sam wanna leave me here that's fine. But I am more and willing to come along and help." I returned to my plate, deciding that Sam and Dean needed to figure this out themselves. After I finished my food, I washed everyone's dishes and then headed upstairs to bed.