Number 101
Chapter 1
Moving Day

When I first met my husband Jimmy, I was only 16 years old and in high school. He was just so sweet and caring, he made me feel like a princess. It didn't take long for me to fall head over heels in love with him, so when he proposed just six months later I eagerly accepted. Everyone thought we were way too young and they were worried about is but my parents saw how happy I was with Jimmy, so they accepted the upcoming nuptials. Shaun and Maggie didn't want me to get married so young but they supported me and my decision but part of me thinks that my dad forced the two of them to be as nice as they were.

Two days after my 18th birthday Jimmy and I got married in a beautiful and small ceremony at the farm. That same night I left my family home and moved into my new home, with Jimmy. It was this tiny apartment but it worked for us and we were so happy. Jimmy got a job as a plumber and was earning enough money to keep the both of us, I didn't have to go to work so I didn't. I did have dreams of going to college and graduating high school but Jimmy convinced me that it wouldn't be good for us, we would never see each other if I was at college and he was at work. I didn't want to not see or spend time with my new husband so I agreed that I would become his housewife.

We had the perfect marriage for the first six months, then things started to drastically chance and it wasn't for the better. I'll never forget it. One night, Jimmy didn't come home from work and I was really worried about him so I called his friends but they hadn't seen him. I was up all night and was thinking about calling the police to report him missing but then he came home… at 3:30am and he was so drunk he couldn't even stand up on his own, I don't know how he managed to drive home. I tried talking to him but he didn't make any sense and we ended up arguing and he did the last thing I ever expected him to do, he hit me. He slapped me with the back of his hand across my face. He pushed me over so hard that I fell to the ground.

That night he went to bed as if nothing had happened and the day after I had decided that I was going to leave him. Whilst he was sleeping, I packed my things but before I could leave he woke up and apologised. He even started crying and he brought me flowers. For some stupid reason I forgave him for what he did and I agreed to stay with him so we could work on our marriage, things went back to normal after a week but then things turned bad again.

He accused me of having an affair and he became so demanding. He completely changed, I told him I was going to leave him but all that did was make him more angry. He beat me, real bad and then just went to work, he wanted to make sure I couldn't tell anyone about what he did so he locked me in the bathroom before he went with no phone or a way out. I had to wait for him to come home and when he did I wished he would go back again.

He beat me again and I was so scared of him, I've never been so scared of anyone or anything so much before. He called me names and made me feel like a piece of shit on the bottom of his show. After that he became worse, it became impossible to leave. I tried multiple times but he always seemed to know what I was planning and he always managed to stop me.

One time I managed to get out of the house whilst he was out and I ran to a neighbours house to call the police but Jimmy got hold of me again and scared me out of pressing charges and signing a statement. They knew what was happening and they tried their best to help me but it became too hard to leave. I know the two police officers were angry with me for not pressing charges and they thought I was stupid to stay with him but it wasn't as easy as just leaving. They said they could protect me if he ever got out of prison but there was no certainty that he would go to prison. For all I knew he could have been found not guilty in court and things would have been ten times worse for me. I couldn't risk that.

The same officers have been back to see me time and time again to try and get me to change my mind but they knew the outcome before they even knocked on the door. I would answer it covered in bruises and they would tell me about all of the things they could do for me, I would tell them everything was fine and I didn't need their help. It was just one vicious cycle.

I'm 21 years old now and I've been married to Jimmy for just over three years and things are worse then they ever have been before. I get beaten on a daily basis and I don't speak to my family anymore, I don't have any friends. Jimmy has turned me into this housewife machine, I have to have his dinner ready and on the table when he comes through the door, I have to clean up after him and make sure the house is in tip top shape at all times. I have to do what he demands, if something is not perfect he loses control. The drink doesn't help, I don't like him drinking because that's when he changes and I know what drink can do. My father used to be a alcoholic before I was born and I've heard stories of all the bad things he done. He gave up when my sister Maggie was first born, he knew what sort of father he had to be. He stepped up and did what he had to do and I'm really hoping that Jimmy can change his ways… one day.

Jimmy has started thinking about children. He thinks that as we've been married for a few years now, it's time that we started trying for a baby but what he doesn't know is that I've had the contraceptive implant put into my arm, it lasts three years and stops me getting pregnant. I decided to go with the implant because I didn't want to have the pill laying around for him to found, it would cause too many problems and I knew he wouldn't take well to the news. Every month he buys me a pregnancy test and forces me to take it, we've been doing this routine for a few months now and he's getting suspicious. He keeps asking me when my period is due and how long it lasts.

One of the side effects of having the contraceptive implant is that my periods have stopped but so far I've been hiding it well, I buy tampons and so on but I dispose of them and pretend that they have been used. Jimmy is now becoming suspicious about everything and it talking about taking me to see a doctor.

Thankfully, over the last few days he hasn't really mentioned it because we've been so busy. We've moving into our new house today so the last has been hectic, we've been planning and packing things. Jimmy has been going to work every day and leaving me a list of chores that he wants completed by the time he gets home. Today he's not at work because we're moving into the new house and he doesn't trust me to drive there on my own. He thinks I'll go to the new neighbours or meet someone new. He doesn't like me meeting new people, he thinks I'll divulge our secrets to someone and he'll get caught out. He also thinks that I might met a member of the opposite sex, start an affair and leave him. If I ever left him, I know he'll lose his mind and I'm scared he might do something to himself.

You know, I want nothing more in the world then to have my old Jimmy back. I know people can change but I'm scared that it's too late for Jimmy, I can't give up hope that he can change because that's all that's keeping me going. I know he can be the perfect boyfriend and the perfect husband, I just don't know what is was that made him change into the Jimmy he is now. I have tried to find our but he doesn't ever speak to me unless he's demanding something from me, I just want to know what made him change so I can help him change back into the old Jimmy. All I want is my husband back, I want the life I used to have.

"Beth!" Jimmy shouted, his voice made me jumpy. I turned around and saw him sitting on the sofa with a beer in his hand "We gotta leave in an hour, will you hurry up and get your shit together," He told me angrily.

"I'm just finishing up the packing in the kitchen," I replied softly.

"For God sake woman! You've had all week to get everything ready. Why are you leaving it all until the last minute?!" He exclaimed.

I turned back to my task without answering him because I know that whatever answer I give him, it won't be good enough. I heard the chair creak as he stood up.

I heard his footsteps come towards me and I took in a deep breath as I waited for what was to come. Jimmy grabbed my arm and forced me to face him, I looked down so I didn't look him in the eyes, he was squeezing my arm really hard and I know it'll leave bruises.

"Jimmy, please. I'm trying," I pleaded with him.

"Look at me," He growled. I looked up into his eyes as a tear slipped down my cheek "You're not trying hard enough," He said in a low tone. He let go of my arm and took a step away from me. Maybe this was it for today, maybe he wasn't in the mood for fighting today because we had s much to do. Whack. The back of his hand slapped me across the face, my hand came up to the sore spot and tears fell freely "Why can't you be a good wife?!" He shouted and pushed me backwards, my back smashed into the side of the counter and I groaned in pain.

"I'm sorry. I'll get my things together," I told him.


I guess I thought wrong.

I walked into my bedroom and saw that I a few clothes laid out on the bed, they were ready to be packed into the awaiting suitcase. I started putting them away as quickly but as neatly as I could. If they were not folded right then there would be another fight about it. I can't take much more of this fighting, it's beginning to change me too. I find myself apologising for the smallest things, I'm always crying and I've just become a robot. This is not who I wanted to be, I wanted to be a successful woman with a happy husband and a beautiful house. I wanted to be like my parents. They were so in love and so happy, why can't Jimmy love me like my dad loves my mom? All this time I've been thinking that it's all Jimmy's fault but before he met me he was a wonderful person. Maybe, all of this is down to me and it's me that made him change.

There is no other explanation for it. I must be a horrible person to be married to, you heard him before… why can't I be a good wife? This was all down to me, I've turned him into this person and maybe if I found the strength to leave him, he will become the person he once was. He will be able to find someone better then me and they will be better for him. I don't need to leave Jimmy for me, I need to leave him for him.

Jimmy pulled into the driveway of our new home. It was a two story house that had a bigger backyard then we've ever had before. This was the biggest house we've had yet, I've not seen it before because Jimmy came home and just told me that he had brought us a new house and told me when we were moving in. He's shown me a couple of pictures from inside but I can't wait to actually get in there and see what it really looks like. Jimmy put his hand on my thigh, just under my dress, I looked at him and saw him smiling brightly at me.

"This new house may give us the baby we want," He told me and I nodded with a fake smile plastered over my face "We had no luck in the old house but I got a good feeling about this one," He added.

The two of us got out of the truck and Jimmy opened the door as I started grabbing the suitcases from the bed of the truck. I walked into the house and set the suitcases down by the door and I have to admit, I was surprised. The house was actually really nice and fully furnished, which is just as well, our last house was rented and we had to leave our furniture behind. Everything was newly decorated and the furniture looks pretty new as well, the place looks like no one has lived in it for a while. It needed cleaning but that was all that needed to be done.

"It's a beautiful home," I commented.

"Come upstairs with me," He said and grabbed my hand.

Jimmy dragged me upstairs and showed me our new bedroom. The walls were a light grey and the furniture was all white, including the bed, Jimmy sat down on the edge of the bed and he pulled me down to sit down next to him. As soon as I was sat down Jimmy put his hand back on my thigh and under my dress again. His hand started moving up towards my private area, I sucked in a breath when his hand started rubbing me on the outside of my underwear. Jimmy got his other hand to push me down lightly on to the bed.

"Jimmy, we've got so much work to do," I told him as he started pulling at my dress to take it off me.

"Well, I'm in the mood," He replied and placed kisses on my neck.


"Shut up." He mumbled as he started undoing his trousers.

I'm Back!

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