Song is Halsey's Strange Love

This fic was pretty much just so I could practice writing smut ... I've only written it once before and it was an utter disaster. Hopefully though, this comes out a lot better. I feel decent about it, not confident, but decent.

Not all of the lyrics will show up like I do in some of my other songs fics, but just enough to keep the story in line with the song

The thing about keeping a secret, Kuroko thought to himself, was that everyone wanted to know it.

Everybody wants to know

If you come to school with a new bruise, or if you have a new hickey on your neck. If you seem a little more dazed and out of it than usual.

But truth was, it was none of their damn business. He could do what and who he wanted, when and wherever he wanted.

If we fucked on the bathroom sink

The first time he had slept with Aomine Daiki, it had been at a party that Takao had dragged him to. He'd had a little too much to drink, and had found his way, fallen quite literally, into the lap of the star basketball player of his university's team. Well, truth be told, they were all quite good, and were all stars in their own rights, but Kuroko had always found Aomine to be the sexiest out of them all. So he wasn't complaining too much. He just grinned up to the, very much, larger man and asked with hooded eyes; "This seat taken?" He had gotten a deep baritone laugh in response, one that Kuroko could feel in his chest as he was still splayed across the guy's lap.

"Not yet it's not." He had smirked back. And that was the exact instant that Kuroko knew he was going to get in this man's pants by the end of the night. "But since you're already there I don't see why you can't have it." The rest of the table was a mix of groans and whoops. "What's your name cutie? First time at one of these parties?" God that smirk should be illegal.

"Kuroko Tetsuya, but you can call me a premonition." Kuroko smiled, and moved his body so that he was now sitting upright, "Because you must be blind if you can't see me in your pants later." and then scooted to seat himself in Aomine's lap properly this time. Aomine chuckled.

"Oh yeah? Is that a promise?" And oh , if it wasn't a fact by that point. Kuroko had to hold himself back from moaning. That laugh, when he had his chest to Aomine's chest like this, knees on the floor on either side of Aomine's very impressive thighs and back to the rectangular glass coffee table, he could feel it reverberate in Aomine's chest and it sent chills straight through his own and down his spine.

"Well if you're even half as impressive in bed as you are on the court, it'll be a fact."

"Shit, that sounds like a challenge." That smirk was pure sin, and Kuroko loved it. Loved the way it looked on Aomine's lips. Loved the promise it held. Loved the way it worked against his skin when that tan skinned face came down and licked up his neck, sending more pleased shivers down his spine and straight to his crotch. He was suddenly very glad that Takao had forced him to come to this thing, even if he really didn't know where his friend had run off to anymore. He knew that last groan hadn't just been in his head when he felt Aomine smirk against his neck, he had been working on that one spot for a minute or so now, and Kuroko was pretty sure he'd have a pretty noticeable hickey there the next day. Oh well, Shigehiro wouldn't pry, and he was sure word would reach Takao before he even had a chance to be the one to tell him about it.

"Fuck." he breathed out, his arousal making itself more and more apparent.

"In a minute, I'm enjoying teasing you for now." Aomine's tone was teasing, and Kuroko felt like he was melting. This man radiated heat. Not even Kagami ran this warm! He fet himself sink closer against Aomine's chest.

"Would you two please just get a room already, I don't want to be here when you two decide to up the ante." came a voice Kuroko knew he recognized, but he really couldn't find it in himself to give it enough thought as to try and figure out a name to put to the familiar voice right now.

"Aw come on now, it's dinner and a show." Snickered another voice at the table.

"Shut up Kise, but I guess Midorima is right, should we take this somewhere else kitten?" Aomine pulled away, looking down at Kuroko's deeply flushed form. Midorima? Well, he supposed Takao would be finding out a lot sooner than he had thought then.

"Hmm, I don't mind an audience, but if you're uncomfortable …" He drawled, leaving the taunt there and he drug his hands down Aomine's well chiseled chest and going straight for the prize. He cupped Aomine's growing bulge in his hand and gave a teasing squeeze, rubbing it through his denim jeans. The smirk on his lips never felt more at home than it did in this moment.

"Fuck." Aomine shuddered at the unexpected touch.

"Yes, that was the plan."

"Kuroko, please move this somewhere else." Midorima asked tersely. His tone left no room to take the request as such. It was a demand. Kuroko let his now molten body lean backwards against the glass table, arching his spine to lay back flat against the cool surface to look at Midorima, apparently across from him- them, upside down.

"Hmmm? Fine, but no complaining if you walk in on us if we do find somewhere else." his hand still at work on Aomine's dick, strokes lighter with the strain to keep his hand in place while in the awkward position, and slower.

"Is home not an option?"

"Takao drove, and I don't know where he went."

"Of course Takao brought you." Midorima rolled his eyes behind his glasses and Kuroko smirked.

"I actually hadn't wanted to come, originally. I figured a party at your house would be lame. And it is. But your friends are pretty hot, so I'm glad he made me come."

"I'll come if you don't cut your shit." was Kuroko's only warning before he felt Aomine's hand pull his own hand away and pick him up. His legs instinctively latching around the other man's waist as he's hoisted from the table and into the air, held against a very soft cotton shirt.

"Well, can't have that now can we, at least, not yet anyway." Kuroko managed to reply lazily.

"Kise, got any condoms?"

"You don't have any? That's rare."

"Satsuki raided me before we came in. Something about not wanting to hear about sexual harassment tonight or some bullshit. She probably just wanted to get lucky tonight and forgot her own." Aomine grumbled. If he had anticipated his good fortune tonight Kuroko would have brought his own. As it stood, he probably wouldn't have even cared if the bronze god holding him tight decided he wanted to take him raw. But then figured, sober and hungover Kuroko wouldn't be too thrilled at that idea. But it seemed the yellow ball of smiles next to Midorima had them covered.

"I doubt that's the case, but yeah, I got you." Kise laughed. If he didn't seem like the clingy type Kuroko might have thought that he could be round two, but there were rumors about Kise Ryouta getting too seriously attached entirely too soon. And Kuroko wasn't too into the idea of dating.

Aomine pocketed the small packages and before Kuroko knew it they were on the move. Well, might as well put this new position to good use. Kuroko grinned to himself and latched his mouth onto Aomine's shoulder, pleased when he felt Aomine's stride falter, even if for just a second before he got it under control again. Kuroko began to lick and suck at the salty skin more earnestly, loving the shutters and shallow breaths he pulled from the other man's throat. He almost couldn't even be bothered when they came to a stop and Kuroko was pinned between that well toned body and a closed door. Almost. But when he lost Aomine's support under his ass, he had to begrudgingly acknowledge that the position he was currently in wasn't going to last.

He dropped his legs from Aomine's waist, sliding down the door back to the floor, and continued on down to his knees, his hands trailing down not far behind him, feeling every quivering muscle under that pesky shirt under his fingertips. As his hands caught up to the rest of his body, he hooked his fingers in the waistband of Aomine's jeans. Leaning forward to take the zipper of his fly into his mouth. Kuroko pulled it down with practiced ease, taking both the power forawrd's underwear and pants to the ground with him. At one point he might have tried to tease him by sucking him into his mouth through the fabric of his boxers, but right now, Kuroko knew he was just as high strung and needy as he was. So that was out. He smirked at the now naked flesh before him, using one hand on Aomine's hips to steady himself, he brought the other to the heated length bobbing slightly in front of him. Wasting no time, he held it firm and began to pump his hand.

He licked at the tip, earning an impatient hiss from his new partner. Stilling his hand Kuroko brought his face closer to the warm flesh, opening his mouth wider and swallowing Aomine nearly whole, his hand working the base, making sure none of it was feeling ignored. He ran his tongue up and down the underside, sucking his cheeks hollow as his bobbed his head on Aomine's cock. He tasted salty and smelled of sweat, but it was a welcome sensation. He felt the hands on his shoulders move to his head. Before Aomine could grip any of Kuroko's hair though he swatted them away. He was in control here, and as much as he loved a little hair pulling, right now wasn't the time for it. He set to work once again, though pulling his hand away from Aomine's cock to try and alleviate some of the pressure against his own, undoing his pants and reaching inside to stroke himself in time with the bobbing of his head.

Before long though he had needed to stop, grumbling as he stood to pull his own pants down just passed his knees before he managed to kick off his shoes and push them off the rest of the way. Aomine used that moment to surge forward and kiss him, to wrap his hand around Kuroko's incredibly hard cock and pump him a few times. Kuroko mewled into Aomine's mouth as he melted once more against that hard chest, his hand going back to pump Aomine in time before Kuroko pulled away, breathing hard. He needed more than some heavy petting and he didn't want Aomine to cum before he got what he needed out of this arrangement.

"I need you, hurry up." Kuroko thought that maybe he had been a little too rude at the sudden blank look that crossed Aomine's face, but it soon turned contemplative as he turned his head to look around. They were in a bathroom it looked like. "What are you looking for?" He didn't mean for his voice to sound so annoyed, but he really was. What was his problem?

"Looking for where Midorima keeps his damn hand lotion, it's gotta be here somewhere, he has that shit in every room, I swear." Then it clicked. They didn't have any lube. He sighed and leaned against the wooden door.

"He probably keeps it either in a drawer by the sink, or in the cupboard above the toilet if it's not on the counter already." Those were the most logical places to keep something like that if it hadn't already been out by the hand soap. Not that Kuroko was moving to help find it though, he was still reeling. Aomine was big, not the biggest he'd ever had, but by no means was he anywhere near the smallest either. He could still feel the weight on his tongue, taste the pre cum, smell the sweat. His lips still retained some of the heat from the flesh he had just been sucking, leaving them with that tingly sensation that he had grown to love.

"Ah! Found it!" and suddenly Kuroko was being pulled towards the sink. "Come 'er Tetsu." Tetsu? His brow knitted.

"That's not my name."

"Yeah well, Tetsuya is too long."

"That may be, but that is my name. Not 'Tetsu'."

"God, it's just a nickname, I'm sure Midorima's boytoy calls you nicknames, doesn't he?"

"Takao is a friend, I don't mind him shortening my name, you, are a one night stand."

"With that lousy attitude I will be." Aomine grumbled as he hoisted Kuroko up on the lip of the bathroom sink, reaching behind him to pump some of the hand lotion before moving his hand to finger his hole. Kuroko felt himself jump slightly as Aomine's now slicked and cold fingers prodded at his opening. Cold wasn't what he wanted, but the fingers were, so a concession was made. He rocked his hips back against the intrusive digits, hands scrabbling for something, anything, to anchor himself with as they stretched and prodded at him. They found Aomine's strong arm, braced against the counter and that irksome shirt. Why were either of them, specifically Aomine, still wearing their shirts? Kuroko wanted to feel the muscles under it, wanted to suck at Aomine's noticeably hard nipples. But God, did he just want Aomine's dick in his ass more than all of that right now though. He tried to hold back that strangled groan of impatience. He moved his hand to the counter between his legs and edged himself towards the edge of the counter, leaning back, and bracing himself on his hands on either side of the sink. Porcelain was not sexy right now. It was cold, and distracting.

"Enough, I'm ready, just fuck me already." He growled low in his throat. Aomine didn't need any more prompting than that. Soon he had bent back down to grab the condom from his jeans pocket, opened it, and rolled it on, Kuroko marveled at how quickly he had managed that, but didn't have much time to dwell on it as he felt the head of Aomine's cock press against his opening. He sucked in a breath and slowly let it out as he felt his partner sink into him inch by inch. God he felt so full, so stretched, so complete. This was definitely worth the wait. Worth all the teasing touches. Worth coming to this stupid party. He'd have to come with Takao to these things more often if it meant sex with guys like this.

"Shit, Tetsu." Aomine breathed out, voice strained. "You're so hot inside, it's like you're melting my dick off. Fuck, fuck, Tetsu it feels so good inside you." Aomine, it seemed, was a rambler.

"My name isn't Tetsu." He snapped, wrapping his legs back around Aomine's waist, locking their hips together, he flexed his ass a bit, wanting to feel more of that delicious stretch.

"Shit! Tetsu!" Aomine's hips snapped forward more as Kuroko tightened around him "So tight!" Aomine moaned, bent in half over Kuroko's upper body, and Kuroko moaned too, long and needy, he needed more. So much more.

"Just shut up and fuck me already!" he moved his hips as much as he could in his position, but it wasn't much. Apparently it was enough to remind Aomine that there was more to this that just staying still though. Aomine pulled back his hips, and snapped them forwards again, starting shallow and working his way up. The pace was slow and Kuroko desperately needed more, but they were deep and powerful, stealing the breath from his lungs, making it impossible to voice his complaints. He tipped his head back, not minding the cool feeling of the mirror against his scalp as he let loose a moan.

"Fuck, Tetsu, you're so pretty, so sexy" Aomine breathed, his mouth seeming to be closer to his neck than he remembered. Before he could even register the sensation of hands on his chest he felt the breeze of air cool on his skin, and the telltale feel of fabric bunching up under his chin. Aomine moved his mouth down, hot air coming out in puffs as he picked up speed with his thrusts. Kuroko moaned again, louder this time. Aomine's mouth found one of his nipples and licked it, blew cool air on it, before taking it into his mouth. Kuroko couldn't help the arch in his back, couldn't stop the small half broken pleasure filled scream that was ripped from his throat in response to the conflicting sensations that he was sure even the blaring music outside the door couldn't swallow up. With new air in his lungs, he managed to open his eyes, when they had closed he wasn't sure, nor did he care really. He heaved his head back up, looking Aomine straight in the eyes before opening his mouth again;

"God dammit, Aomine Daiki, if you don't fuck me harder and faster right now-" He didn't get to finish as Aomine took the bait, thrusting his hips with more force. Kuroko lifted his right leg up to hook over Aomine's shoulder, giving the larger man more room to thrust. He was reaching deeper now, faster repetitious movements. In and out, a twist here, in and out, a jerk there. Kuroko wanted to touch himself, wanted to pump his cock in time with the savage thrusts, but if he let go of the counter he wasn't sure he'd be able to keep himself up. He needed some attention, his cock was weeping, he was so close yet so far away. Deciding to do something about it, Kuroko used what little strength his body had left and kicked at Aomine's shoulder, sending him stumbling back a few steps, pulling out of Kuroko's abused hole. He keened slightly at the loss, but steeled himself to move, sitting properly on the edge of the bathroom counter.

"The fuck Tetsu?!" Aomine exclaimed, obviously upset by the action. Kuroko rolled his eyes, the nickname battle would have to wait.

"Go sit on the toilet, I'm gonna ride you." he pulled his scrunched up shirt the rest of the way off before hopping down off the counter and walking up to Aomine, who had still yet to listen to him. He gave the man a sharp push in the direction of the toilet. Which seemed to snap him out of whatever daze he had been in long enough to comply. Kuroko grinned, and sauntered over towards the stunned basketball player. He put a hand on either of Aomine's shoulders and straddled him again, positioning himself over Aomine's dick, before sinking back down on it. He moaned. Fuck, this was such a better position.

"Yessss." He hissed out as he raised and lowered his hips, head dipping forward to pant hot, uneven breaths against Aomine's neck. Aomine's hands moved to grip Kuroko's hips, helping to slam him back down with more power, and slow the rise of his hips back up. The rise was torturous, but the fall was bliss. Aomine's mouth found his neck again, his fingers gripping ever tighter at Kuroko's hips. Kuroko felt that with the extra help of those hands on his hips that he could afford to move one of his hands. He brought one hand from Aomine's shoulder to his own neglected cock, moaning wantonly as he pumped himself in time with his up and down thrusts. He felt himself getting closer. He just wanted a little more. He clenched his muscles and thrived on the appreciative sound Aomine made against his heated flesh in response. His grip tightened, bruising by now, and his thrusts became erratic. His maddeningly slow pace breaking to help Kuroko slide up and down on his dick as fast as he could. Kuroko cursed loudly, tossing his head back, giving Aomine more room to mark up his pale neck. The hand still on Aomine's shoulder clenched the fabric of his shirt tight. He really needed to take that off.

"Why aren't you naked yet?" He moaned in frustration, tugging at the offending article. Aomine pulled away, crossing his arms at the hem of his tee he pulled it up and over his head. Kuroko fet his unbalance before the hands even left him and scrambled for some sort of hold to keep him up. That wasn't quite what he had been hoping for when he'd asked Aomine to finish stripping.


Kuroko glared at him from where he'd fallen, hands held against the rim of the bathtub, his spine twisting awkwardly as he tried to keep his hips in place. "This position isn't working anymore." He answered pointedly.

"Why are you all the way over there?"

"I was leaning back and you let go of me you dumbass! Where else was I going to go?" Aomine winced a bit, giving a sheepish grin. Kuroko's glare only intensified. He may be hot, but Aomine wasn't too bright it seemed.

"Sorry. Wanna change?"

"Yeah." Aomine took Kuroko by the waist and helped him get back upright before he helped him off of his lap. Kuroko felt himself being pushed back towards the counter and though he felt wary of Aomine's decision making skills right then, he complied. He was still hard, but not nearly as close anymore having just narrowly avoided a concussion. His frustration with this gorgeous man kept growing the longer he knew him. He was a good fuck, but maybe if they ever did this again, Kuroko would have to recommend a bed. Or a couch. Something the athlete couldn't fuck up. He braced himself against the curved edge of the counter, grateful that it wasn't a sharp edge that would be digging into his hip, Aomine behind him, rubbing back up against his ass. He leaned forward a bit more, sticking his ass out towards Aomine, his arms were starting to ache, but he could manage that much if that was the only ache he came away with. Aomine kept rubbing against him though, his dick sliding between his cheeks as he rutted against him.

"Are you going to keep humping me like a dog, or are you actually going to finish fucking me?" The annoyance overtaking any of the sexy he had been feeling up until that point.

"You're so demanding." Aomine groaned as he ground harder against his backside.

"Well excuse me if I'd actually like to get off sometime this century."

"No need to be a dick about it. I'll get you off, don't worry."

"I wasn't worried until you dropped me, then I started wondering if this might actually be your first time."

"Geez, I said I was sorry about that, I thought you would be fine." Kuroko glared at him through the mirror that they were both faced.

"Obviously, I wasn't." He felt Aomine growl in frustration, chest flat against his back and he felt his eyes roll back. That rumble was just so nice, and Aomine's voice was just so deep. "Would you just fuck me already, I'm getting cold over here." he managed, not nearly half the venom left in his voice. Aomine gave a resigned sigh and pulled back, thrusting back into Kuroko's heated body. Aomine's hand came around to pump at his neglected cock, he could practically feel Aomine's ego swell as he worked him back up to the brink, just close enough, and then pulled his hand back. Kuroko wanted to scream, what was his problem?!

"Nooo." He moaned out in distress. "I'm so close, let me cum!" He'd have used his own hands, but the new position that he was in didn't really let him. He heard Aomine chuckle behind him and he really just wanted to punch the smug bastard right in his sexy face.

"You're so much cuter when you're begging than when you're demanding." He could see the smirk on his face in the mirror in front of him. He lowered his head down to the counter, laying it on his now folded arms, trying to focus on Aomine's thrusts. They had become shallow and steady, slow. He needed more, this was just torturous! But his voice was betraying him, he couldn't protest. He was strung out so thin, he just needed a little bit more to push him over the edge. Just a little harder, a little faster, a little deeper. Anything. All of it. He needed Aomine to stop teasing him. And then he was seeing stars, his head reeling, and his ass clenching as Aomine hit his prostate. That was what he had needed the words spilling from his mouth now were gibberish as Aomine continued to abuse that sensitive bundle of nerves inside him. It only took two more powerful thrusts before he was cumming, a cry of Aomine's name on his lips as he spilled against the white cabinets in front of him. He moaned as he rode out the rest of his orgasam, reveling in the feel of Aomine still thrusting into his quivering and oversensitive body. A few more thrusts though and Aomine was done as well.

"Despite the mishaps, that was pretty good." Kuroko grinned as he moved to push Aomine off of his sweaty body. He complied, pulling out of the smaller man slowly. Kuroko bit his lip at the feeling of the condom slipping out of him, and then opened the cabinet he had just sullied, looking for some sort of towel or washcloth. "Do you know where Midorima keeps his towels?"

"Um." He turned and saw Aomine looking around, and then both of them noticed the little silver handle on the door that blended in with the wall almost perfectly. That must be the linen closet. Aomine walked over as Kuroko shut the cabinet and opened the door, pulling out a small hand towel and a washcloth, tossing the towel over to Kuroko to dry himself off. Kuroko was sweaty everywhere, and if it was his own or Aomine's he wasn't sure, but he was grateful. After drying off and dressing once more he took the now slightly damp towel and wiped Aomine's chest down for him.

"Thanks." Aomine grinned down at him. Kuroko had to stop that sappy moment before Aomine got the wrong idea.

"Yup, and now that you're all dry, you can clean off the cabinet." He smirked as he gave a short wave of his hand before opening the bathroom door and exiting. He chuckled to himself as he heard Aomine curse him;

"You asshole!"

So yeah ... That was a thing, I dunno how I did though ... so if anyone wants to give me a heads up on what they thought that'd be fantastic. Otherwise I'm just gonna go sit in this corner and hate myself ...

~ Evi