Hey everyone! I know...sorry it's not another chapter update XD Just wanted to give a little shout out of thanks to all the readers! Special thanks to all those who gave comments so quickly on the recent two chapters I loaded! I enjoy hearing from you all! To all those who gave advice on herbs, thank you very much! I really don't know a lot about natural herb remedies and just looked something up really quick :) I promise to take note of all of everyone's advice and put in what I think is the best option when I post the edited chapter. And carelessxmistakes... Oh my god... XD hahahahahaha I can't believe I did that! That's embarrassing XD Don't worry I went back and changed it. Think I got them all XD Knew that looked weird when I wrote it for some reason... XD Thanks! Promise to give everyone a real chapter update soon! Hopefully by the end of the week or maybe next week at the latest, look forward to it! :)