Full name: Laverne L. Loud

Age: 18

Occupation: College freshman

Goal: Too many to count

Likes: Video games, nacho burgers, motorcycles, thrill seeking and his family

Dislikes: Sea urchins, traffic jams, coriander, semester papers and being manipulated

Skills: A jack of trades, but a master to none

Biography: Laverne is the oldest child of the Loud family. Having returned from boarding school for four years, he is an undeclared freshman at the Royal Woods Community College along with his best friend, Min. A man of many talents, the belief that he lacks an identity has somewhat made him somewhat unmotivated, lazy and apathetic. He chose to stay with his family for the duration of college and has taken up residency in the basement.

Personality: Laverne is a mellow, caring and friendly person who is willing to go through great lengths to make his family happy. However, he can come off as aloof due to his rather deadpan laziness. He tends to have a rebellious streak due to his thrill seeking tendencies and can sometimes go off on his own sometimes. Due to his many talents, he can be rather prideless on the inside because he believes that he lacks an identity of his own. However, he is very insightful and calm as he can give good advice.

Appearance: Laverne has white hair like his younger brother. The bangs are wavy, yet still bring out his feminine visage. He wears a white hoodie jacket with over a black skintight t-shirt and black cargo shorts decorated with some chains. He also wears black fingerless gloves and a pair of black shoes with socks to go with it. His body has a slim frame, yet still manages to retain a high muscle definition.