Today again, I stole a glance at her. She was cheerful as usual. Her pink tracksuit hung to her body in a way as if complimenting her agility. She called it "The curse". I liked it on her. I liked everything that she wore. She was just beautiful. I couldn't stop admiring her. The way she talked. The way she walked. The way she got nervous when I'd get strict. It all made me feel warm inside. I wanted her...

Yashiro and I walked out of the doors of LME. It was a chilly day. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and made my way to the car. I should think about the upcoming shoot. I should be revising the lines in my head. But all i could think about was her smiling face. I was smitten.

We drove to the shooting location. It was a new drama I was starring in; Turmoil. The male lead was a Korean businessman, Choi Ji Woo who had to move to Japan for a while to escape false propaganda against him. He was the serious, brooding kind of man whom no one will approach unless dire need forced them to. The story was interesting enough. It showed his struggle to build and protect his empire from his own flesh and blood who had turned on him. I found the script interesting and had chosen it. The shoot took most of the day.

Acting was my passion. When I acted, I would get immersed in the role and no other thought would be in my head than those of the character i was playing. It was the perfect escape. Escape from my issues. Escape from my worries. Escape from my desperation to have her. Escape from my fears of losing her. Escape from the truth getting out.

"That's it for the day. Good job, everyone!" The director called it a wrap and i headed to the dressing room to get changed. Yashiro followed behind me, reading my schedule for the next day. I had a shoot around noon tomorrow. I would've preferred an early shoot. I didn't like having free time on my hands. I didn't know how to stop my thoughts in that time.

I made an excuse to get him to fix the schedule but he didn't budge. Apparently it had taken him quite a while to get the schedule set for the month. He had no intentions of falling into my trap.

"Do you want to have dinner, Ren?" Yashiro asked.

"Sure. The usual place?"

He nodded. I got behind the wheel and the car reered to life. There was small restuarant run by a single mother. We discovered it a few months ago. The lady was nice enough to give us a private sitting area. The food was good too. We had a quiet meal. Just two tired men interested in going home and sleeping. I dropped him off to his apartment. It was just a few blocks away from mine.

I reached my building, parked the car and went inside. I didn't bother turning on the lights and just walked straight to the bed room. In a few minutes, I had changed into my nightwear and was ready to go to sleep.

I set the alarm on my cell and put it on the nightstand. I dimmed the lights and pulled the covers over me. All was set for me to drift off to another dreamless sleep. Except for one secret habit I had adopted recently.

From underneath the pillow, I pulled out a picture of her. She was wearing a flowery, light pink sundress. Her hair blowing in the wind; beautiful and lush black. Like her real hair colour. She was smiling while looking straight at the camera. I found this picture of her on Yashiro's desktop. It was for some advertisment for LME. It was the only picture of her where her amber eyes seemed to be fixed on me. As if she was smiling just for me.

I took it from his computer when he was busy, got it printed and put it in a sterling frame. I started putting it on the nightstand in front of me. It felt like she was right there. The nightmares lessened after she started watching over me at night. My beautiful Kyoko. Oh! how I wanted her in my arms...