Living in a World Built for Men


Please read below or you may not understand the story!

This fanfiction will be quite different to what I usually write. Each chapter will be a small section/scene from a TM episode (so 30 chapters) but they'll also include Annabelle, my OC. Annabelle is a 13-year-old girl, who is Aramis's little sister. She came with him to Paris where he became a musketeer, and they met Athos and Porthos, who count themselves as Annabelle's older brothers as well. They also met Treville who, like he is to Aramis, Athos and Porthos, is more or less a father-figure to Annabelle. And, as you will see in this chapter, they also obviously meet d'Artagnan, who will come to consider himself part of their family in due time. :)

Description of Annabelle: Annabelle has light hair and pale blue eyes (let's say she takes after her mother in her looks, whereas Aramis takes after his father with his dark brown hair and eyes). Unlike other ladies her age, Annabelle doesn't wear dresses, unless it's for a formal occasion. I guess she basically dresses like her brothers, but without the musketeer shoulder-pads, less leather and more… feminism to it! XD She's brave when she has to be, she wants to becme a musketeer like her brothers, but she can also be shy.

(No, this will not be a 'Mary-Sue', whatever that really is. The boys are very protective of their sister, as any big brother is, but they don't baby her… too much ;D. I also hate romance, so there's no 'OC falling in love with the main character and them living happily ever after etc etc'… plus, she is only 13! ;))

Well, thank you for reading this far. I have no idea how this will turn out, but let's give it a go!

Annabelle smiled as she patted her horse's neck, giggling when the strong animal whinnied and lowered his sturdy head to blow in her hair.

It was another normal day in the Garrison. She was in the stables with her white stallion, Beau, Cadets were training outside, Captain Treville was somewhere in his office, Porthos was at the tavern, Athos was probably also at the tavern, trying to ensure Porthos didn't get into trouble there by fighting again (which he usually did), and Aramis… Aramis was most likely in a bed somewhere sleeping with a woman.

Annabelle sighed and leaned against her horse. Aramis had woken early that morning and left her a note, telling her that he was off to do 'important business', and she was to go to Treville's as soon as she woke up, not trusting the people of Paris to not break into their room and kidnap her while he was gone. He had also added an 'I'll be back soon' at the end of the note, but she really didn't expect that to be at all true.

She and the musketeers all knew who Aramis was seeing… Adele, the Cardinal's lover. They always worried he'd get found out one day, and the Cardinal would do something… not exactly nice to him, but Aramis honestly didn't seem to care. They got used to it, seeing as that was just who he was. The hopeless romantic.

"What is it, Annabelle?" asked a familiar voice, and she glanced up to see Treville standing there, a fond smile on his face.

"Nothing," she said, walking towards him, "just thinking."

"About?" the Captain asked. He frowned as he picked straw out of her hair.

"Aramis. He'll be okay, won't he? I know he's not supposed to be sleeping with the Cardinal's lover."

Treville looked into the girl's blue eyes, swirling with clear apprehension, and sighed. "Of course," he said, though he knew the reality was not as simple as that, "only we know about Adele and as long as it stays that way, your idiotic brother will be perfectly fine."

Annabelle nodded. Treville was always right. Everything would be fine.

"Come on, you." He pat her shoulder and turned to walk out of the stables. "Your brothers will be back, soon."

"What do you need to speak to them about?"

"They've gotten themselves into trouble." He turned his head slightly with a small smile. "Again."

"I've had complaints. An allegation you've been duelling with the Cardinal's Red Guards. Is it true?"

Athos, Porthos and Aramis stared at their Captain, slightly guilty looks on their faces.

"Let me think… no, because that would be illegal," Athos said slowly.

Annabelle rose both eyebrows slightly from where she was sitting on the edge of Treville's bed. She knew her brothers had been fighting with the Red Guards. They didn't exactly keep their boasting about winning to themselves. She also had enough brains to know that their actions were illegal, even before Treville had confirmed it, but she didn't quite understand why. Those guards were very annoying after all, even to her, and it was usually them who started the fights, anyway. Either that, or they managed to provoke her brothers into drawing their swords first.

"I can't protect you from the Cardinal if you keep fighting his men." Treville heaved a sigh, gazing at the three of them. It was silent for a moment before he spoke up again. "On another note, Captain Cornet and his troop have gone missing. I need you to find out where they are."

Athos frowned. "I thought you sent him to Chartres?"

Treville bobbed his head. "I did. He should have been back yesterday, but there has been no word."

"Well, what was he doing there?" Porthos asked.

"He was carrying a number of confidential items to an important meeting in the monastery. Don't bother asking me more questions, because I can't answer them. He was engaged in the King's work – that's all I can say. Just get yourselves to Chartres and find out what happened."

Athos nodded in understanding. "Yes, Captain."

Annabelle stood as her brothers walked towards her, arms crossed and eyes fixed on Aramis.

"Good morning," he greeted with a charming smile, placing a kiss on his sister's head as they walked out of the door. "Sorry for leaving you this morning, I had-"

"Important business. I know."

"Important business?" Porthos asked. "Like sleeping with the Cardinal's mistress?"

Aramis turned, pulling Annabelle closer to his side. "The Cardinal holds no love for Adele compared to me," he said confidently.

"But what if he finds out about you? He's not exactly the nicest man," Annabelle told him, not at all discreetly attempting to hide her concern. She glanced at the courtyard, where men were holding out their horses' reins.

Aramis stopped walking at this and turned to face his sister, bending down to her level. He frowned. He knew that his brothers were worrying about him – there never was a time that they weren't – but for his little sister to be anxious about his affair with Adele… he was meant to be the one worrying about her, not the other way around!

"Belle," he said, placing his hands on either side of her face so that she was looking at him. "You're right. The Cardinal isn't a very nice man. But what I'm doing isn't against the law. If he found out about it, which I assure you, he won't, he'd be angry, but he couldn't hurt me without punishment. I'm safe, okay?"

Annabelle hesitated. She loved Aramis, of course she did, but she knew him well enough to know that, when in a situation concerning one of his women, he'd often say whatever he needed to to ensure the arrangement he held with her stayed as solid as the very ground. Nevertheless, she smiled slightly and nodded, pushing his hand away when he ruffled her hair and following him down the stairs.

"C'mon, scamp," Porthos called from where he was standing next to Beau, ready to help her mount. Annabelle grinned, forgetting her previous worries, and ran to him.

Athos appeared at Aramis's side once she was far enough away to be out of ear-shot. "She's right, you know," he told him, putting on his leather gloves. Aramis glanced at him. "It may not be against the law, but that won't stop the Cardinal. You know how dangerous he is, and for our sister's sake, please be careful."

They had journeyed to Chartres quickly, hoping to find something of use that would tell them where Captain Cornet and his men had got to. They hadn't found out much, other than the fact that something was seriously wrong. Cornet was highly-skilled, and according to Treville, he had taken his best men with him. So, for them to suddenly disappear like this was quite worrying. They had swiftly made their way back to the Garrison, hoping to get their news to the Captain as soon as possible.

When they arrived, Athos dismounted, handing his reins to one of the stable boys. "Feed the horses and make sure they are well rested," he ordered before turning to Annabelle.

"I can do it, you know," the girl protested, but the musketeer only smiled in response, lifted arms beckoning for her to move into them.

"I'm looking for Athos!"

At the sound of his name, Athos turned, eyebrows only slightly raised as he stared at the man – or was it more suitable to call him a boy? – striding into the Garrison.

"You've found him," he called out without any hesitation, setting Annabelle on the floor.

The boy pointed his gun unwaveringly at him, and Annabelle felt her eyes widening as Aramis pulled her behind him. This wasn't something she saw every day… and she saw a lot of strange things.

"My name is d'Artagnan of Lupiac in Gascony. Prepare to fight. One of us dies here." The boy seemed a little over-confident as he drew his sword and swung it.

"Now, that's the way to make an entrance," Aramis chipped with a grin, despite the protective hand still on his sister's shoulder. He watched with excited eyes as Athos brandished his sword and walked into the middle of the courtyard.

"Can I ask why?" he questioned, gazing curiously at d'Artagnan.

"You murdered my father," the boy replied simply, but with a hint of anger and distress.

Athos narrowed his eyes slightly. What was he on about? "You're mistaken," he said, "I'm not the man you're looking for."

A dark fire raged in d'Artagnan's eyes as he rushed forward. "Murderer!" he yelled, bringing his sword down just as Athos blocked it. "Do you deny you shot Alexandre d'Artagnan two days ago in cold blood?" He stared angrily at Athos as he pointed his sword towards him, not feeling intimidated in the least as the musketeer did the same to him.

"I usually remember the man I kill – that name means nothing to me."

"Then you're a liar as well!"

Annabelle stepped to the side, peering around her brother to watch the fight. She hadn't the slightest clue what was going on and how exactly it had come to be so quickly, but she felt slightly better at the similar looks of confusion on both Aramis and Porthos's faces, too. Either way, she was sure Athos hadn't committed the murder this d'Artagnan was accusing him of. He was a musketeer, yes, but musketeers didn't make killing people a habit of theirs.

"Remarkable," she heard Aramis say as he slackened his hold on her shoulder slightly, "he's keeping up with Athos."

"Rubbish," Porthos scoffed, "he just doesn't want to hurt the lunatic."

The two fought still, the sound of metal hitting metal echoing throughout the Garrison until Athos backed d'Artagnan up against a wooden beam and stuck his sword above him. Annabelle stepped forward at that, eager to see how it would play out – and the smallest bit concerned for the safety of Athos, of course – and feeling for the most part privileged when Aramis let her stand beside him.

"Enough!" Athos shouted. He breathed out as he glanced up at the sword. "That could have been your throat," he told him. "Don't make me kill you over a mistake. I didn't kill your father and I don't want to kill you."

The musketeer turned, walking towards his friends before he heard a warning shout of "Athos!" and a sword rushed past him, wedging itself into a wooden beam… right above Annabelle's head.

Annabelle froze. Slowly lifting her eyes up to see the sword stuck in the wood, mere inches from the top of her head, she swallowed thickly and let out a staggering breath. She wasn't quite sure if it was just pure luck that she hadn't been hit, or the boy had very good aim, but if she had been that bit taller…

She felt Aramis tug her towards him, his brown eyes turning accusingly to the boy.

"And that could have been your back," d'Artagnan told Athos who, much like Aramis, stared a little shocked at the sword before flicking his darkening gaze back to him.

"Or my sister's head," Aramis growled, readying to walk towards him.

Porthos acted quickly, reaching out and grabbing his friend's arm before pulling him back. "Leave the boy, 'Mis," he said, "Athos'll take care of him."

D'Artagnan seemed undeterred by Aramis's attempt to lunge at him, keeping his eyes locked on Athos. "Now fight me or die on your knees! I don't care which," he said, anger returning to his voice.

Athos stayed where he was, looking at the boy. He was so confident and poised, and he reminded him of himself when he was his age. He was a great swordsman, though not quite as good as him, and his fighting style was unique; he was graceful, but also feisty, and he could see that when d'Artagnan was mad, he wasn't in complete control of himself. Or perhaps that was grief, having just lost his father… but right now he didn't honestly care, being on the receiving end of his sword.

Athos tilted his head and gave d'Artagnan a clear look that spelled 'no'.

"No?" the boy asked, before giving a loud cry and running towards him again.

Aramis narrowed his eyes and drew his own weapon, all too ready to shake off Porthos's hand should he try to stop him again. He rushed forward and brought the sword down on d'Artagnan's. "He said enough," he told him, that residual anger clear in his voice.

Annabelle watched as d'Artagnan looked up at her brother, dark hair covering his eyes. "Very well, I'll fight both of you," she heard him say before he lifted his sword again and hit Aramis's.

She rose an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't concerned at all now for either of her brothers; if d'Artagnan couldn't beat Athos in a fight, he definitely wasn't going to beat both Athos and Aramis, and most likely Porthos, since he was bound to join in any time…

"Three of us? Now, for God's sake, put up your sword."


She was interested in how this would turn out. Obviously, her brothers were going to win – d'Artagnan had no chance now – but would he give up?

"You'll have to kill me for it."

Hm. Clearly not.

"Lively little bugger, aren't ya?" Porthos bellowed over the noise of clashing swords. Annabelle could hear amusement in his voice, and realised he was enjoying it. She huffed out a small laugh. Of course he was enjoying it. Porthos could be fighting for his life and he'd still find amusement in the situation.

The four fought on, never once being even a little close to beaten or overwhelmed, until the musketeers finally got d'Artagnan backed onto the steps leading to Treville's office. Their swords were pointed at his throat, and Annabelle walked closer to them, wondering what they'd do next. They wouldn't kill him – at least… not in front of her.

"Stop fighting! All of you! Is three against one fair?"

She knew that voice, and she smiled as she twisted around, watching as Constance Bonacieux stormed into the courtyard in all her Constance-like glory.

Athos sighed and turned, walking away from d'Artagnan. "We weren't going to kill him," he told her.

"Weren't we?" Porthos asked, pulling his sword back and glancing over his shoulder.

"Next time, let us know," Aramis said.

"Madame Bonacieux, what are you doing here?" Athos asked, attention fixed on the woman but eyes discreetly glancing over at Annabelle. Despite her obvious intrigue in what had happened, she still seemed to be quite tense, and so he motioned for her to come to him, putting his arms around her shoulders when she did. "Are you alright?" he asked her quietly before Constance could reply to his question, and she nodded once with a small smile of reassurance.

Constance ignored Athos and made her way over to d'Artagnan, looking at him disapprovingly. "I followed him because I knew he was going to do something stupid."

"I don't need a woman to protect me," d'Artagnan told her, standing up and walking away from the musketeers.

"Don't say another word," Constance all but ordered. "If only men would think instead of fight; there might be more good ones left." She looked at Annabelle and frowned. "And you were doing it in front of your sister, too?" She glared at their remorseful – though Annabelle, who was smirking at Constance's obvious affection towards her, doubted they were genuine – faces and rolled her eyes, mumbling something about 'stupid musketeers'.

"Him I'm not sure about. Her I like," Aramis decided, grinning, before turning at the sound of men entering the Garrison.

"What's going on?" Treville asked confusedly as he looked at the unfamiliar face of d'Artagnan. Annabelle felt herself tense at the sight of the Red Guards which surrounded him. He shook his head. "Never mind. Did you find Cornet?"

"He never made it to the monastery," Athos replied, removing his arm from Annabelle in favour of walking towards the Captain. "Give us twenty men and we'll search the road to Chartres."

Treville sighed as he looked back slightly, and two Red Guards walked forward. "Athos, I'm sorry. These men have come to arrest you."

Annabelle's head snapped up to Treville and her eyebrows furrowed. She shook her head, rushing up to stand between him and Athos. "Why?" she asked, "he hasn't done anything! This man just strode in shouting false accusations!"

"No, Annabelle. Shush." Athos shook his head in clear warning.

Treville looked regretfully towards Annabelle. "I don't know what happened here, but the arrest has nothing to do with it," he told her. He turned his attention back to his musketeer. "You are to appear before the King immediately, charged with robbery and murder."

He glanced at Aramis and Porthos, noticing their hands dropping to their swords' hilts as the Red Guards moved to make the arrest. "I promised them there'd be no trouble," he said. The two glanced at each other before reluctantly letting go of their swords. The Captain took Athos's sword as it was handed to him and sighed, turning around to walk back out of the Garrison.

Athos turned at the last moment, pushing Annabelle gently towards Aramis. He stared at d'Artagnan. "I'm not the man you're looking for," he said.

"Why did my father name you before he died?" d'Artagnan asked, stepping forward after Athos turned to walk between the guards.

"I don't know."

Annabelle watched as the men walked out of the Garrison, hundreds of thoughts whirring erratically in her mind. She stared up at Aramis, shaking her head in what could only be questioning silence. Questioning what was going on. Questioning what they were going to do.

Aramis glanced down and clenched his jaw. He took her hand in his and smartly began moving out of the courtyard, Porthos at his side. "It'll be alright, don't worry," he told her as confidently as he could, but she could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

She looked back at d'Artagnan as they were rounding the corner and noticed longingness on his face. He wanted answers. He wanted to know who had killed his father. But it wasn't Athos!

She turned her head back around to stare ahead, eyebrows knitted together.

Something was definitely wrong.

*huge sigh of relief* Well, I thought I'd never get it finished! XD So, here's the first chapter. It was a little longer than I expected, therefore it took more time, but I've finally got it completed! I think it went okay, though obviously I'm not the judge of that! Hope you enjoyed, and please review, otherwise I won't know if I've done a good job or not and can't post more. Thank you for reading! ~ Gre3nleaf