Author's note: So I watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and HAD to write something for the fans who share the same love and adoration for the film as well as the Harry Potter world. I'm sure that you, like me, instantly searched for any fanfics with Newt Scamander's odd yet charismatic character. I wanted to make it juicier by making it a reader's POV. (HOW FUN!) So these words are literally spilling onto pages as they bubble in my mind so don't burn me on technicalities and just enjoy it for what it is. If you have suggestions on what should happen next, feel free to message me. But for now, enjoy the ride!

Chapter 1:

I sighed contentedly as I sipped my tea slowly, a massive book laid out before me on the empty wooden table. The light of the afternoon sun spilled in hazy rays through the intricate patterns of the castle windows. It was a fine Sunday, spent free of clamoring classmates with my mind immersed in a book bursting with life within its pages. My serene sanctuary was quickly disrupted once the massive library doors flew open with force, revealing a tall, lanky man clutching his briefcase for dear life. My startled and sarcastic comment soon forgotten as I noticed his odd behavior and interesting choice of attire. A dark bowtie adorned his white collar beneath a fitted gold vest, clashing boldly with his cobalt blue trench coat.

The entirety of this man seemed a bit unconventional - but I digress...his disposition was incredibly adventurous and daring. I observed him for a moment, face contorted inquisitively as he held the doors closed behind his back and exhaled with relief. What I found most striking about his features were his stunning green eyes that peered through his rebellious curtain of wavy hair. His body went rigid when his eyes met my gaze. He acknowledged me with a lopsided smile, and haphazardly disappeared into the back aisles of the library. I never believed that my heart could skip a beat and jump into the back of my throat; but my oh I've been mislead. I opened my mouth to speak, but quickly refrained once I heard the rush of footsteps, hushed whispers and giggles of other female students as they passed by.

"Did you SEE him? He is absolutely gorgeous!"

"I cannot believe he is filling in for Care of Magical Creatures this term!"

"-His smile is so dreamy"

"-I would so love to jump on him and-"

"-Hey! We should try to get a piece of his hair for that, you know, 'secret' potion?"

"-What?! Are you crazy?!"


"-Hurry along! We need to find where his chambers are, and quick!"

"-I saw him go this way!"

"-We need to catch up to him!"

Heat rose to my cheeks as the realization hit me that this man was as attractive as he was forbidden. Shaking away my thoughts I focused my attention back to my book. This is no business of mine. My imagination once again tugged back into reality when I heard a strange sound echo from the restricted section; one that did not sound human. Furrowing my eyebrows, I slowly rose from my seat, closing my book softly as I cautiously made my way to the aisle directly next to the restricted section. I feigned indifference as I caught sight of the young professor from the corner of my eye, looking like a child trying to hide a great mess that he made. Maintaining my distance in every aspect, I tore my eyes away from his briefcase and returned my book to its rightful place.

"Excuse me, miss?"

His accent,

Startled, I turned my attention towards him, noticing that my voice failed form words-even a noise. Any evidence of articulation. My hair cascaded down my back and swayed at my sudden movement, lips slightly parted in silent wonder.

His breath hitched as his viridian eyes danced over me, and I felt heat rising over my cheeks quickly. Why was he observing me like that? He seemed to have snapped out of a trance as he struggled to initiate a conversation.

"D-do you happen to know where I can find the Lion's Staircase? I am a new professor here and I am trying to find my chambers, you see." His avoided my gaze and offered a gorgeous smile that faded as instantly as it came. For someone so good looking, he was incredibly awkward.

"Oh, well, it's just outside those doors, to the left and all the way down the hall past the knight's portrait."

He stared, crestfallen, as the route to the staircase led him straight into the bustling crowd of schoolgirls that he so desperately made to avoid. His face was irresistibly adorable, looking almost apologetic.

"If you want," I began. His features lightened as he anticipated my next words. "I can show you the secret passageway from here. Only teachers use it as well as school prefects. Would you like me to show you?"

He nodded eagerly, picking up his beloved suitcase and straightening up before reaching out his hand. "I am Professor Newt Scamander. P-pleasure to meet you. Yes. A great pleasure." He then flinched as if he disapproved of his own words.

My heart raced at his airy voice and choice vocabulary. "I'm -. I'm a seventh year here. And pleasure's all mine." I replied, my tone almost mimicking the delicacy of his own. Smiling politely, I took his hand and I felt a jolt of intense electricity run through me as he tightened his grip. I immediately sensed that he was a powerful wizard, one in particular who should never be underestimated.

I broke contact quickly and walked past him, hearing his footsteps follow from a considerable distance. Goodness, he smelled amazing. I scanned the bookshelf until I spotted a particular red and gold book. I playfully brought my finger against my lips and smiled at him, indicating that I was up to some form of mischief, and ran the tip of my wand delicately down the spine. The shelf parted quietly, revealing a dimly lit corridor and he glanced over at me in disbelief. I continued down the corridor with extra sway in my step, Professor Scamander's company filling me with newfound excitement. He rushed to walk at my side as the bookshelf resealed itself behind us. His deep voice echoed against the cobblestones.

"What do you know about lions? I noticed you r-reading a book with a lion on the cover. Have you seen one in...person?"

I stifled a laugh at his obvious fascination.

"Oh, that wasn't exactly a book about lions, it was just the cover. But yes, back home I wanted to be a veterinarian or a zoologist. Travel the world and study animals. So I did my fair share of studying lions with a substantial amount of books and articles. I know that lions are considered the Kings of all animals. But I'm sure you already knew that."

"I don't know much about them at all to be honest," he smiled sheepishly. "How amazing. I am actually a Magizoologist, so I specialize only in magical creatures."

"Really?!" I gasped, my eyes twinkling.

"Yes." He replied, pride swelling as he noticed my piqued interest.

"Lions are fascinating creatures, aren't they? Would you mind telling me more about them and your experiences? I would like to include them in my muggle creatures research." he asked, confidence growing in his voice.

I quirked an eyebrow. "Muggle?"

"Yes, what we consider non-magic persons."

"Oh. No-Maj. That's what we call them here. I was born with No-Maj parents. For some reason I was lucky enough to be born with magic power. "

"Is that so?" He asked, intrigued. "So you must be exceptionally skilled to control your magic powers, h-having to adapt to them after entering wizarding school."

Hearing him compliment me and my magical abilities as if it were second nature gave me a sense of belonging, if only for a moment. How foolish, being so easily affected by a complete stranger. I averted my gaze and changed the subject, afraid my secret elation to his flattery would go unnoticed.

"Um, Professor, I find it rather strange that you are asking me to educate you further on lions. Shouldn't it be the other way around, since I am the student?" I said playfully and he forced a laugh. "So what are you teaching us this term?"

"Care for Magical Creatures." He answered, oddly with a hint of hesitation. I was unsure why.

Oh man, that was my favorite subject. I refrained from raving about my adoration for Care for Magical Creatures and struggled to hide the butterflies wreaking havoc in my stomach. I can't let him know that the class he will be teaching is practically the highlight of my school life. He just provided the affirmation that he was officially my professor for the remainder of my seventh year.

"I can teach you what I know and bring some of my No-Maj books on lions." I said thoughtfully. "But it would be in your best interest if other students or teachers didn't see me 'teaching' you about 'muggle' stuff. Please take no offense, but you look so young for a new professor. You don't want to give them any reason to lose any respect for you. And like I said, it's a bit strange that you are asking a student to tutor you, when you should be tutoring me." I whispered, a smile tugging at my lips.

He chuckled and fidgeted with the back of his ear. That smile could get any girl to drop her panties. "I suppose learning from others is refreshing. I wouldn't choose anyone else to role-play with. I-I I mean! In an educational sense. No-I mean switching roles with you. Wait no, that does not sound right. What I am implying is-"

"I get it, Professor. No need to explain." I cut him off, saving him the embarrassment.

"Not that I ever engaged in-"

"Okay! Professor Scamander, I get it!" I exclaimed, my mind treading dangerous waters at that point. Why does he have to be so adorable? Although I admit that this was refreshing.

A blush dusted his masculine cheeks and he cleared his throat as we kept walking.

"My apologies, _."

"It's okay. Well, back to lions. I'll give you a quick introduction. So, within the animal kingdom, they are considered the kings because of their raw power and strength. Hence, their given nicknames 'King of the Jungle' as one might say," I began.

Reaching our destination, we came to a stop in front of two statues of lions that stood proudly on their hind legs on either side of the wide staircase. I ghosted my fingertips over one of the lion's fangs as I continued.

"You see, that's why I adore them so much. They are fierce hunters and skilled protectors."

"Interesting. Go on." he softly encouraged.

"Also, they are extremely territorial. Especially with their mates."

My eyes made their way back to his, only to realize that his own were traveling from my fingertips, to my chest, and up to my lips. In that moment, I was slowly coming to terms that I was, in fact, captivated by this man.

"And most importantly..." I resumed with finality, "they fear nothing. And no one." Something flickered in his eyes at this, the hue of viridian irises darkening into an ethereal evergreen. I blinked rapidly when I noticed my breathing had become shallow. Something was stirring inside of me and I had to break away.

"So, um. I assume you are due for some much needed rest. Your chambers should be the last one down the corridor after the stairs. Good day to you, Professor Scamander. I'll see you around." Forcing a sweet smile, I attempted to make my escape, but his eager response prevented me from leaving.

"Wait-where do you suppose we can continue this at another time? you have study areas in your dormitory?" He inquired, innocence evident in his voice.

I found the courage to face him again, his tall form towering above me. When did he get so close all of a sudden?

"Unless you want to be hexed to the next century the bewitched staircase will not allow you near my dormitory." I replied playfully, inwardly thanking his prominent shadow for hiding my blush. "Also, the library wouldn't work because the students will think you've gone mad, studying next to your student." He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded, studying the glimmering torch light to the far right.

I bit my lip in silent contemplation. His steel green eyes flickered once again to my lips until I spoke again. "Perhaps your chambers? Teachers have suites that have large study areas and personal libraries."

His serious expression faded into a grin and he nodded. "Yes, of course. That will work. Well, since you're my st-student, it should be appropriate that we can arrange a tutoring session. I...I can owl you."

"As you wish, Professor Scamander." I said as gracefully as I could muster, noticing his jaw tense behind his smile.

"Please, call me Newt, _. You can skip the formalities if it is just the two of us."

"Newt.." I hummed. "I like it. But I like calling you Professor Scamander better." Turning away, I walked the opposite hallway from where we came and paused in my steps when he called out.

"Wait a second-_-!"

I turned to face him. "Yes, Professor Scamander?"

"How do you know all of this information and this secret passageway if only teachers and prefects use them?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

I beamed at him and tugged on the torch light above me, the brick wall melting into another hidden corridor.

"One, I'm good at keeping secrets. And two...I should have you know that I earned the title of Head Girl last year. Don't let my dirty blood fool you, Professor."

Before he could respond, I skipped through the secret entrance and charmed the wall to reseal into its original state, leaving Newt to gape at my departure in astonishment.