Alaric Shinrog awe thank you! :)

I did promise a bonus chapter, did I not? Well, here it is! Apologies for it being so short but let me know your opinions any way! There's a lot of Percabeth fluff and I hope this clears up any questions you all have but if not than don't be afraid to PM me and I'll answer as best I can :)

Also, I said this in the previous chapter but I'm having trouble coming up with ideas for my next Percabeth fanfiction so PM or review your suggestions!

I love you all! *Virtual Hugs*

Ro x



Percy and Annabeth sat on the grass hill that had sprung in the middle of the park and watched the sun fade as they chatted over nothing and every thing. The subject of their essay had come up, the essay that changed their lives.

"I can't believe we got a B- on that essay," Annabeth mumbled and rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "That's your fault Seaweed Brain. Poisoning my mind with kelp."

He laughed and pulled Annabeth closer, "My Mum was actually pretty surprised when she saw that high a grade on my report card. Took me out to dinner and everything."

Sally had gotten her first novel published and was now a recognised, rising Author. She and her son had a pretty good income and now that Gabe was out of their lives, they didn't worry about a thing.

It was silent for a while, Annabeth watched Percy intently. His eyes shone brighter than ever now that Gabe was in prison. He was as carefree as he was when he was little and seeing that side of him made Annabeth love him more than she thought was possible.

He wasn't so guarded nowadays, his eyes that were once secretive and defensive were laughing and Annabeth couldn't look away from his emerald orbs without forcing herself to.

"I love you," She smiled.

"I love you too," Percy kissed her forehead.

"Well, I love you more," Annabeth said because she always had to beat Percy. Even if it was something as small as who had the sharper pencil, Annabeth had to win.

"I love you most." He countered, Annabeth pulled away from Percy and crossed her arms over her chest. She'd play this game. And she'd win.

"I'd give up my books for you." She smirked.

"I'd show everyone my scars for you," Percy hated showing Sally and Annabeth his scars so that statement really meant game on.

"I'd get an F for you."

"I'd study for you," Annabeth growled.

"I'd wear heels for you," Annabeth was fairly sure she'd won with that one. She had worn heels once in her life, she fell on her face into a mud puddle and couldn't get up without slipping.

Percy laughed the whole way through.

"I'd eat red food for you," Percy never ate any food other then blue food. There was a story behind it but Annabeth never fully understood it.

"I'd hold a spider for you," Annabeth had a deathly fear of spiders so that was pretty big for her.

Percy laughed, "Annabeth, I'd go into the depths of Tartarus for you."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Looks like someone's been revising their Mythology," She snuggled back into Percy's arms and smiled at the familiar scent of the ocean.

"Drilled into my head from my very own Wise Girl," Percy huffed. Annabeth smiled and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Percy looking at her with love in his eyes and when they were together, Annabeth knew that the same emotions reflected in her own orbs.