Being called to a crime scene at the crack of dawn on the sixth day of December, to inspect a dead body, was usually not how one pictured starting the Christmas season.

And yet here Kate was, trudging through the massive piles of snow left by the last major blizzard. She was clutching a coffee in her hands, one Gibbs had silently handed to her in the truck when he'd picked her up an hour before. He hadn't spoken a word to her since. She also couldn't feel her toes.

The Christmas lights of a nearby farmhouse were glittering through the chilly air, seen in between the gigantic pine trees weighed down with snow. The scene would have been peaceful… if not for what awaited her.

"Good morning Caitlin!"

She turned, to see Ducky trampling through the snow behind her, "Morning Ducky. Need a hand?"

"No, I think Mr. Palmer has a handle on our equipment. Have you seen the body yet?"

She gestured towards the flood lights set up ahead, and the flashing of the cameras, "I'm gonna guess that McGee and Tony are here already."

"Goodness," Ducky looked around, "What a nice morning it is. The only other sound's the sweep/ of easy wind and downy flake." As he quoted Robert Frost, he grinned. He looked warm, despite being in his autopsy coveralls.

"Aren't you cold?" she asked incredulously. She definitely couldn't feel her toes now.

"No, but Caitlin, you look freezing! Here, take my scarf."

"Oh Ducky, I couldn't!"

"I insist." She took the plaid scarf from him, and wrapped it around her neck, shivering a little as the wind kicked up again.

"Morning!" Tony called, as she got nearer. "This guy had some serious problems, Kate. Obviously."

"Why do you say that?" she asked, getting closer, and seeing the body, covered in a fine dusting of snow. It was a man- at least she thought so- lying face down in the snow.

"First of all, he looks like a powdered donut," he commented.

"Tony, please," Ducky sighed, "Give the poor man some respect. If that isn't too much to ask?"

"Sorry Ducky. Didn't have breakfast. Being called at the crack of dawn and being hungry… all I can think of is donuts."

"Yes, I took the liberty of grabbing breakfast sandwiches from a diner on the way out of DC. They're in the truck. I figured you'd all be hungry by now. And we deserve to eat after all." Ducky smiled.

"Honestly, Ducky you just became my favorite person," Tony grinned in relief, before glancing nervously at the body.

Kate was staring at it, arms crossed for warmth. Breakfast wasn't even on her mind. "And why does the victim have problems?"

"Because there's a strand of Christmas lights around his neck. Someone disagreeing with his decorating choices, maybe."

Kate rolled her eyes, as Ducky shot him a disapproving look. He kneeled down the body, making an indent in the powdery snow. "Definitely looks like strangulation."

"Death by Christmas. The Grinch would be so happy," Tony shook his head.

She looked over to where McGee was walking over to them, leaving Gibbs to deal with the local LEOs, "Any ID yet?"

"Yeah," McGee said, getting closer. He carefully avoided looking at the body, flipping his notebook over, "The LEOS found an ID on the body, so they called us. His name is Staff Sergeant Marcus Anthony Keyes, stationed at Quantico, he's from-,"

Kate, who had started kneeling, stood straight up, "From Carlisle, Indiana."

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

Kate suddenly felt a lot colder, staring at the body. She felt a lot colder now, as though she was being frozen from the inside out. She looked up at McGee.

Ducky, listening to the exchange, had noticed her silence, "Caitlin, do you know this unfortunate man?"

"Yeah, Ducky, he's from… my hometown."

"Why are we all standing around?" Gibbs walked over, "Do we gotta time of death, Duck?"

"Patience, Jethro, is a virtue. I've barely become acquainted with this poor man."

"Never had much patience, Duck. Thought ya knew that." Then Gibbs noticed Kate's face, "Somethin' wrong, Kate?"

"She knows the victim, boss," McGee said.

"And?" Gibbs asked, looking between them.

"He's from Carlisle… my hometown. He's my brother's best friend, Gibbs."


"What've we got on the victim?" Gibbs asked, as Kate hung up her phone again in frustration. While she was used to her entire family mostly ignoring her existence, this was one time she really needed them to pay attention. She noticed his glare, put her phone down, and stood up. She cleared her throat, and took the clicker from DiNozzo.

"Staff Sergeant Marcus Anthony Keyes, born April 11, 1969, age 35 now, born and raised in Carlisle Indiana. His father was also a Marine, but died in a car accident when Keyes was twelve. He was raised by his mother and stepfather, one sister, enlisted at the age of eighteen."

"Any incidents or commendations on his service record?"

"No boss," DiNozzo cut in, "I called his CO and got… nothing. He was right in the middle of the pack. Neither a fantastic Marine nor a terrible one. But the CO said he was well-liked in his unit at least. No known enemies."

"Does Ducky have a cause of death yet?"

"He said he'd call when he did."

"Kate, with me. We're going to autopsy."

"So much for he'll call, huh, Gibbs?" she asked, annoyed.

He didn't look at her as he led her to the elevator, and then once they got inside, he reached over and hit the emergency switch.

"What is it Gibbs?" she asked, looking straight ahead. She knew exactly what he had in mind.

"I want to know more about Keyes. You'd know him a little better than his service record."

"He was very proud of his father being a Marine. He was dedicated to the service."


"He was part of a group of guys from our high school who all enlisted together. There were about eight of them. My brother almost joined them… and then decided that maybe it wasn't a good idea."

"They're all from Carlisle?"


He reached over and flicked the switch again. "And your brother still hasn't called ya back?"

"You'll be the first to know when he does."

"Kate," his voice was a little softer, and she turned to him.

"What is it Gibbs?" He looked concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Gibbs."

"Because I don't want to have to take ya off the case."

She glared at him, knowing as she did that any argument would be futile. If he decided she was unfit to work the case, then his word was final. Infuriating man. "So it isn't about my personal wellbeing? Only the case? You don't want my personal life to interfere? Good to know, Gibbs. I'm fine." If she lacked conviction, he was too busy being distracted by his own slip-up to notice. Or at least, she hoped that was the case.

"Kate, that's not-," The elevator door opened as he tried to protest, and as she walked away, she found herself confused. Had Gibbs just gotten flustered? He was usually unflappable.

"Ah, Jethro, Caitlin, good to see you. I trust you've warmed up?"

"Don't worry Duck, she's fine. No frostbite."

Ducky looked her over critically. "I do hope so." She knew that Ducky worried about her sometimes. She saw him studying her when he thought she wasn't looking. All because of- she shivered again, completely unfazed by the chill of autopsy, and more by the memory- Ari. "I just finished up with the autopsy."

"I assume you found a time of death?"

"Yes Jethro. Your patience will be aptly rewarded. The lad expired around three this morning. He was remarkably preserved thanks to the chill in the air. Of course, he no longer felt it."

"And the cause of death?"

"The strangulation wasn't it, surprisingly. It was only used- I presume- to render our Marine unconscious before the real fun started. He died of exsanguination, after being stabbed six times in the abdomen."

Gibbs was about to ask another question, when a phone rang. Kate glanced at hers, but it wasn't ringing. Gibbs grabbed his own phone with a sense of confusion, and answered it.


Ducky and Kate exchanged a look, and Kate shrugged. He wasn't as cranky now that he had about seven coffees in him (She only mildly exaggerated) but she saw the irritation flicker in his eyes again.

"Yes Director. Of course Agent Todd and I will be there." He hung up the phone, and turned to Kate, "Director wants to see us."

"I figured…Did he say why?"

"Something to do with the Marine on Duck's table. Thanks Duck." Kate had thus far managed to avoid looking at the body, but now took a glance. She hadn't seen him in about five years, but he looked the same. She swallowed and looked away. Gibbs noticed, but she wouldn't look at him.

Ducky nodded, "It was a serrated blade that killed our Marine, Jethro. And the killer was left-handed. I do hope that helps."

Kate smiled, "Thank you Ducky." She reached over, and kissed him on the cheek, pulling the scarf out of her pocket, "and thanks for the scarf."

"My pleasure Caitlin. Keep an eye on Jethro, will you?" He nodded towards Gibbs's retreating back. "He has that look in his eyes."

"I noticed. But don't worry, I'll take care of him."

"And Caitlin?" She turned back, as she stared walking away.


"Take care of yourself too."

She nodded, "Will do."

As she left, she heard Ducky say to Keyes, "My good man, they say it is a season of glad tidings, but there was nothing glad about your demise…."


Walking up the stairs to MTAC, Kate chanced another look out the window. The snow was falling heavily now, which would make driving home a nightmare. What Kate really wanted was ten minutes to gather her thoughts and reconcile the dead body on Ducky's table to the man she had known for the better part of two decades. But there was of course, no way to bow out of a meeting with the Director himself.

Gibbs turned around to look at her, "Admiring the snow?"

"No." She replied shortly, scowling at his back. They walked into MTAC together, and the Director stood there.

"We seem to have a problem, Jethro."

"How so, Director?" Kate asked, and Gibbs shot a look her way.

"Agent Todd, this dead Marine is from your hometown, correct?"

"Yes. That's right."

"Well… he isn't the first Marine from Carlisle to die."

"What?" Kate and Gibbs asked at the same time, glancing at each other quickly.

The Director nodded to one of the technicians. Four photos appeared on screen.

"Four Marines from Carlisle, now five. All various ranks, and all over the country. They all enlisted together in 1987."

She stared at the photos, "I know all of them. They were all friends with my brother Michael. Colby Hollis, Samuel LaFontaine, James Randall, Amara Malcolm and now Marcus Keyes. All dead." She turned to the Director, "What's the connection?"

"We were hoping you could tell us that, Agent Todd."

She felt a sinking feeling, and closed her eyes, "Director, what do you intend to do?"

"I'm sending you and Agent Gibbs to Carlisle. Keep your eyes and ears open. It's possible that this could be the result of an old grudge or something… these murders could be connected to Carlisle."

"And how long would you recommend we stay in Carlisle?" She hoped he wouldn't say until Christmas, but knowing the Director and knowing Gibbs, she wasn't feeling very hopeful.

"As long as it takes, Agent Todd. As long as it takes."

Kate sighed. "Happy holidays to me."

Gibbs looked, "What's the matter, Kate?"

She shook her head, deep in thought.

She hadn't even bought a tree or hung lights in her apartment, but she'd been planning on celebrating here in DC. And now she didn't have an excuse to stay away from Indiana for Christmas. She hadn't wanted to go home. Because holidays with her family meant having her life choices- every one of them- being questioned around the dinner table.

"Is there a problem, Agent Todd?" The Director snapped her out of her internal funeral preparation.

"No, Director Morrow. It will be fine. I'll just have to talk to my parents about letting us stay with them. My father is the Chief of Police, so he has a lot of connections in Carlisle… he may be an asset."

She noticed Gibbs staring at her. He didn't know much about her family, besides knowing she had three brothers and a sister. Oh God… Gibbs was going to meet her parents. She sighed at the thought.

"Come on Kate, we'll leave tonight."

"Are you sure?" She asked. "It's supposed to snow pretty heavily tonight."

"We'll be fine. How long to Indiana?"

"About ten and a half hours." Her heart sunk further. Spending ten hours in a car with Gibbs was enough to make her cringe in worry and make her heart beat faster in anticipation at the same time. She'd become quite good at hiding what she was thinking, but ugh. This was going to be a disaster. Almost as much of a disaster, anyway, as spending Christmas with her parents and siblings.

"Don't bother putting up the decorations," Gibbs smirked at her, "I'll pick you up around 1800 hours tonight."

He walked away, and she was sure that she'd blushed. Sighing again, more heavily, she picked up the phone, and dialled.

Rosalie Todd answered, "Hello?"

"… Hey. Mom. It's Kate." She ignored the muffled exclamation that sounded caught halfway between concern and happiness. "How do you feel about me coming to visit?"