Disclaimer: I own nothing

AN: Warnings for torture.

It was night. Willow and Xander weren't here. Cordelia assumed they were out killing people. Fred and Gunn were curled up together off to the side of the cage, asleep. Wesley say in a corner, still awake. Cordy hadn't moved; she say exactly where she had when they set Angel's ribs. The vampire hadn't moved either, other than to tuck his knees up to his chest, trying to make himself appear as small and insignificant as possible. Exhaustion claimed him a few hours ago and now he laid utterly still and quiet with his head in Cordy's lap. Angel wasn't breathing, his heart wasn't beating, and his damaged skin was cold to the touch. It was almost disturbing; if Cordelia didn't know better, she would think he was a corpse. But then again, she supposed, in a way he was.

Cordelia absentmindedly stroked Angel's hair, knowing she should probably got to sleep too, but unable to take her eyes off Angel. She wondered how long Willow and Xander had had him. She assumed it'd been years considering how broken Angel was in body, mind, and soul.

"Wesley?" she whispered.

"Yes, Cordelia?"

"Do you think Gunn's right?" she asked. "Is Angel never going to be okay?"

"I don't know," Wesley replied.

"We can't leave him here," she said. "Even if we do find a way back to our own dimension, we can't leave him here in this one."

"We won't," he promised her.

"I'm going to kill Willow and Xander," Cordy vowed. "And the Master."

"Trust me, Cordelia," Wesley said, "no one's going to stop you from doing that."

Angel woke up when he heard footsteps descending down the stairs. The humans around him were already conscious. Angel scrambled off Cordelia's lap, moving despite the pain into the corner where he shook, whimpering.

Cordelia moved after him, stroking his back anywhere it wasn't damaged. Angel jumped, making himself gasp in pain.

"Shh, it's just me," she assured him. "You're going to be okay. We won't let her hurt you."

Angel trembled. He didn't believe her.

Willow approached the cage. She was alone this time, a smile on her face. "Hi, Puppy. Did you miss me?"

He didn't respond, but his shaking increased as she entered the cage.

Cordelia placed herself firmly in front of Angel. "You're not touching him."

Willow smirked and backhanded Cordelia, knocking her hard on the ground.

Wesley moved toward Cordy, checking to see if she was alright.

Willow hauled Angel up. "Looks like the humans are going to try to stop me. They must have not liked the play time we had yesterday. I guess we'll have to take this outside the cage."

She unlocked the chains binding him to the walls and dragged him out of the cage, shutting the door behind her. She replaced the chains with a fresh set of shackles, but not before the four humans caught sight of his raw, scarred wrists and ankles.

Willow climbed on top of Angel, putting pressure on his chest. She frowned when she realized he wasn't letting out the bloodcurdling scream he should with broken ribs. She glared back at Cordy, Wes, Fred, and Gunn, who could do nothing but watch helplessly.

Willow looked back at Angel. "Did they fix your ribs, Puppy? Did they make you feel all better? Aw, you know that's against the rules; only I'm allowed to make you feel good. I'm going to have to punish you now, Puppy."

"No!" Cordelia yelled, running toward the bars. "Punish me, please. I'm the one who helped him."

"No, it was me," Wesley said. "I set his ribs. Hurt me instead."

Willow glanced back at them. "Sorry, humans, but you're not as fun to play with as my Puppy. You'd die too fast." She turned her attention back to Angel. "Hmm, what fun shall we have today?"

She got to her feet, moving to where she kept her weapons. Willow took down a large sledgehammer and stalked back over to Angel.

"I think," she said, "we'll start by breaking all your pretty white bones."

Willow brought the sledgehammer down on Angel's ribcage, shattering the ribs they fixed the night before one by one. Blood splattered onto Angel's chin, leaking out of his mouth.

Willow frowned at the sight of a large amount of blood. "Did they feed you, too, Puppy? You bad dog! You know only I'm allowed to feed you!"

Enraged, Willow smashed the sledgehammer into his face. Not one of the humans could suppress a horrified, sickened wince as they heard a crack. She slammed it down into his arms and legs, eliciting choked screams from Angel with each hit.

When she finished, she hauled him up by his hair. "Have you learned your lesson now, Puppy?"

Angel nodded desperately, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"No," Willow said, tossing him back onto the ground. "I don't think you have."

She dragged him toward the center of the room and hauled him to a standing position, lifting his chains over a hook to keep him standing, not that Angel could stand. His legs gave out underneath him and the only thing keeping upright were the manacles around his wrists.

Willow replaced the sledgehammer on the wall and took down a cat o' nine tails whip. She stalked back over to Angel and tore off his shirt. Willow reared the whip back and struck him. Angel let out a cry as the whip made contact with his already torn flesh. She struck him again and again, smiling the whole time.

"Stop!" Cordelia yelled. "Please!"

Willow turned toward her. "You want to take his place? Would any of you be willing to my puppy for the day? You should know, I'm going to whip him for three hours. Are you willing to let me do that to you?"

They were silent. If they let Willow lash them for three hours, whoever took Angel's place would die.

"I thought not," Willow smirked. "Now, be quiet or I'll whip him for four hours."

She turned back to Angel and brought the whip down on his back again. A heart-wrenching scream tore from his throat.

Willow's three hours of whipping Angel finally ended, feeling like a century to both Angel and the sickened onlookers.

"Aw, time's up already?" Willow sounded disappointed. "Oh, well, we'll do something else fun now, Puppy."

She took his wrists down from the hook and let him drop to the floor. She crossed the room and picked up a jug of holy water and a jar of salt.

Angel looked up and started crying softy at his inevitable fate. Willow crouched down and ran her fingers roughly through his hair, patting him on the head. "Aw, don't cry, Puppy. I haven't even started yet."

She straddled his back, leaning forward to run a tongue over his bloody cuts. Angel gasped in pain and Willow sat back with a content smile. She poured a layer of salt over his wounds and rubbed it into them viciously, laughing as a scream tore from Angel's throat.

Then Willow uncapped the jug of holy water and let it slowly pour over Angel's back. He screamed again, the sound of it inhuman. Angel coughed up blood afterwards, blood that wasn't formed by his broken ribs puncturing his useless lungs. This blood came from his throat as he tore it screaming.

Then, Willow pulled out a wooden stake and drove it into his back. Angel didn't have the strength to scream anymore as Willow dug the stake around inside him for a few minutes, before jerking it out.

"Bored now," she sighed.

Willow dug her fingers into his scalp and petted him for a few minutes. Then she stood up and inspected him. "Puppy, it's been a while since I've cleaned you and you're all dirty. Don't you think we should fix that?"

Angel's head jerked up, his eyes bloodshot from the tears streaming down them. "No," he rasped out through his ruined throat. "Please…"

"Aw, but I can't have a dirty Puppy, can I? No, my puppy has to look presentable," Willow grinned. She crossed the room and opened a large, steel door. She entered it and reemerged with a porcelain tub that had a permanent pink stain to its formerly white surface.

"What are you going to do to him?" Gunn demanded.

"Clean him up, of course," Willow smiled.

"Please, don't," Wesley begged her; he had a good idea as to what Willow was going to do.

"Aw, but then his cuts might get infected," she pouted.

"He's a vampire; he can't get infections and you know it!" Cordelia snarled.

"Oh, right," Willow giggled. "Sometimes I forget he's actually a vampire, what with that pesky soul and all. He just seems so human. It's why he's so fun to torture. I can't kill him unless I try to, but he responds to everything exactly as a human would. It's exhilarating."

"You're sick," Fred whispered.

"No," Willow said, "Puppy's the one who's sick with a soul. I should cleanse him of it."

She went back into the room she got the tub from and reemerged with several more jugs of holy water and began slowly filling the tub.

"Oh, God," Cordelia watched with horrified eyes. She was afraid she was going to be sick.

Willow moved back over to Angel and flipped him over. Angel's eyes clenched tight with pain and he cried out as he landed on his mutilated back.

"Shh," Willow whispered, running a finger over his lips. She pulled out a large leather muzzle and tied it around his face. "Just to make sure you don't swallow any of it."

She lifted Angel with ease, partially because of her vampire strength, partially because of how thin he was. She made her way over to the tub of holy water and placed him in it before backing off as quickly as possible.

Angel screeched, the sound muffled by the gag covering his mouth. He thrashed inside the holy water, the smell of burning flesh filling the room's occupant's nostrils.

Fred turned away and started retching. Gunn moved after her and held her hair back.

Cordelia forced herself to swallow down her own bile, but it was hard with the retching sounds coupled with the screams. Wesley was not so lucky with his and he quickly joined Fred in her retching and dry-heaving.

Willow on the other hand, laughed with delight and continued to do so until there was no strength left in Angel to continue screeched and thrashing in the tub. Then, looking bored and disappointed, she put on a pair of leather gloves and lifted him out of the tub, dragging his burnt, mutilated body back over the cell by his hair and tossing him inside with them.

Wesley was the first to move once Angel was back in the cell. He sat down beside him, but didn't touch him. With the injuries marring Angel's body, there was no way he would respond well to any kind of touch right now.

Cordy moved next, but like Wesley, she didn't touch him either. She just looked down at his destroyed form, tears streaming down her cheeks. Why did she ever wish for this reality?

Gunn and Fred joined them soon, but followed Wesley and Cordy's lead and didn't touch Angel. The five of them just sat there in silence for a while, waiting for Angel to fall asleep.

About an hour after Angel lost consciousness, Fred noticed something. "His back," she whispered.

"I know; it's horrible," Wes murmured.

"No," Fred said, "I mean, yes, it is, but there's something else. Something sticking out of it."

Frowning, Wesley moved to study Angel's back. He saw a small piece of wood sticking out of it. He reached in and pulled it out as gently, but quickly as possible. Angel winced in his sleep, but was too exhausted to wake.

"Is that…?"

"A piece of the stake she drove in him," Wesley murmured. "We have a way out."

AN: Well, that's the end of this chap. Next one they'll be attempting to escape. Read to find out if they do. I hope everyone enjoyed this update. Please review and don't forget to follow/favorite this story if you're enjoying reading it.

Thanks again for reading, everyone :),
