Old Ways

What's up? I haven't posted in like 3 months so I had to do another story. I just watched Trolls and fell in love with the movie. So now I'm writing a story on it! I'll make this story not too short and not over like 8000 chapters. Enjoy!

P.S. DON'T READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE MOVIE or if you don't care about SPOILERS. Have fun!

Chapter 1: Isolation

Normal POV

Poppy woke up the happiest she has ever been. She got to hug Branch! WITH HIM BEING OK WITH IT! She jumped out of bed and get ready to go see her happy new village. As she walked outside, she saw some of her friends.

"Morning Poppy!" Guy Diamond sang in auto tune as he greeted her.

"Morning Poppy!" Satin and Chenille also greeted in unison.

"Hey guys!" Poppy waved back, "What's up?"

"Well, still getting used to our new life here. It's so... Unbelievable that this is happening!" Biggie cried out in joy... as usual.

"Ya I mean we been poppin the past few days. This is great!" Cooper added.

Poppy looked around but couldn't find Branch anywhere. "Hey have you guys seen Branch?"

"Uh no. We haven't since that HUGE party." Guy Diamond sang (auto tuned).

"Ooooooooo" Cooper looked at Poppy with a grin like he was stating the obvious. "You like him don't you?" He smiled.

"Ya of course I like him, he's like my best friend!" Poppy looked at Cooper confused.

"No I mean... LIKE like him." He raised his eyebrows twice. Poppy turned a dark red in the face (Well she's already pink so her blush has to be darker duh).

"What? No, I mean we're close but we're not that close unless do you think we're close? Or not? I like him but I don't LIKE him like him but I just like him. Look can we just change the subject?" She crossed her arms and huffed. She started to think about how much she actually cared for him. He went out of his way to bring her colours back and he sang! For her! She thought what he was doing and if he was thinking about her and maybe if they were to see each other she could try and move closer and k-

"EARTH TO POPPY!" Biggie screamed.

"Oh! Haha sorry! Just lost in thought!"

"Five berries (that's what they eat right?) says she was thinking about Branch just no-" Cooper was cut off.

"No, I was thinking about my new Queen duties. How much fun that'll be!" Poppy lied turning around so they couldn't see her blush. "Anyways I'm off to visit everyone else! Bye!" She ran off quickly before anyone else could also say goodbye.

"Ten berries she's going to talk to Branch." Chenille laughed.

Branch was living in the ground just outside of Bergens Town in another little fallout shelter he quickly built. After the Adventure he had he decided he couldn't adjust to normal Troll life so he went back to the only life he ever knew. Isolated.

Poppy thought of every single place he could be and she finally thought to herself 'He's probably outside of town somewhere. Little goof!' After two hours she finally found his little hideout. She saw a little mat that said "Go away" on it. She laughed to herself.

"Classic Branch." She knocked on the little cellar door. She saw two eyes appear through an eye hole.

"Poppy?" Branch asked. "What are you doing out here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." Poppy smiled.

"Well my reason is private, you should head back to the Happy Tree. See ya." The eye hole shut. Poppy was a little shocked at his actions after she thought she got through to him. So she just sat there looking at the little door waiting. Branch had to come out eventually.

After three minutes, Branch finally said from the opposite end of the door, "You're not going to leave until l I let you in aren't you?"


Branch sighed, "Fine, come on in." As Branch opened the door Poppy couldn't believe what she saw.

What does she see? Who knows? Find out next chapter! Review if you want to make a suggestion. Love you all 3