Old Ways

Chapter 12: Returned

Final Chapter! I hope you all enjoy it!

*Normal POV*

Branch couldn't fall back asleep because for once, he wasn't tired! He actually felt well rested and ready to take on the world! He turned to watch Poppy sleep and he just stared and remembered the poetry he recited to help Bridget to King Gristle. He helped her but he secretly meant it for Poppy also and Poppy kinda knew when he made eye contact with her after.

Poppy started to rustle and she looked like she was having... a nightmare!? What happened to her? So Branch did the only thing he could think of.

He held her hand.

At the moment his hand gently took her's, he felt her completely relax. She sighed and melted right into his hand and Branch couldn't think of anything more heart warming than that feeling.

Poppy slowly opened her eyes too see Branch smiling at her.

"Morning Poppy" Branch spoke his first words since he was in his coma.

"Hey, Mornin." Poppy still waking up didn't seem to realize that he was awake and holding her hand.

Then it hit her.

"BRANCH!" She quickly felt so happy she started to glow brighter than she ever had before. She jumped on top of him and wrapped him in the most desperate hug ever. Tears started at her eyes but not tears of fear, but tears of joy.

"Poppy... *weeze* Air." He managed to get out. But Poppy kept right there. She loosened her grip just so she wouldn't suffocate him. Branch returned the hug. "So how long was I out?" He asked.

"Too long" Poppy responded and cuddled into him.

He had returned... But one thing remained.



"Do... You remember the song you sang to me?" Poppy asked with a now little fear tugging at her heart.

"True Colors?"

"Ya but three words you sang in particular"

"Oh... Those words..." He started to blush. Poppy definetely knew he remembered! "Ya? What about them-" Poppy moved her index finger to his mouth to shush him.

"Shhhhh." she slowly moved in. Her lips were mere inches from his. All she had to do was let gravity bring them together. Her heart felt so heavy and eager so she listened to it and she let her lips close the distance and it happened.

Fireworks went off in her mind. The heaviness of her heart was now gone and she felt like she could fly. She felt lighter than a feather. The kiss was soft and romantic. It felt. Magical

Her lips kept grazing his before connecting. She did this over and over with her eyes closed. She never wanted this moment to end.

The kiss felt like an eternity but only lasted for about a minute and a half which for Poppy still wasn't long enough for her perfect kiss. She didn't complain though. When she parted, she noticed Branch's face was frozen. He didn't expect that. She giggled and poked his nose. She then felt a sudden fear that he wouldn't share the same feelings as strong as she had. She quickly lowered her head towards the ground with the biggest blush on her face. After a few seconds of complete embarassment, she felt a hand cup her chin and turn her face. She looked at Branch.

"Mother Nature gets jealous whenever you step outside because she knows nothing can ever match your beauty."

Poppy couldn't contain herself anymore and leaned into his lips again. She hugged his neck as she wouldn't let him move. She stayed in that position for as long as she could. All the feelings she had for him was now out and he finally knew how much he meant to her.

She finally parted feeling light headed then remembered Branch's leg would still be hurt. She smiled.

"What is it?" Branch asked.

"You still need someone to take care of you!" She squeaked

"Ya the doctor's here." Branch replied.

"No. I'm gonna bring you back to my house and I'm gonna take care of you until you're 100%!" She exclaimed happily.

"Oh boy." Branch sighed

He was back.

The End

Well there you have it! My longest story so far! Thanks for all of your support and love! I love you all! :') I have an Idea for another quick oneshot or story including Branch&Poppy. Thanks for reading! Love you all! 3