Wow has it been forever on this or what! Haha sorry, I wasn't really sure on how to end this lol, but look, I did it! Enjoy this long awaited ending~

Norway stood pacing around her bedroom, she felt uneasy it wasn't just because her stomach was swelled up. She had been thinking about what Denmark had said "Hey! Me and Lucy love each other! And of course I'd marry her! And of course she'd say yes!" would she have? If he asked her now... would she? The question had been eating at her since that day and it was making her even more restless than she was already thanks to the two babies growing inside her.

"You keep pacing around you might wear out your floor."

Norway jumped and turned around, glaring at her little brother who stood with an amused look on his face, leaning against her open doorway.

"Why are you even pacing around like that anyway?" Iceland asked pushing off the doorway and walking over to her.

"I... I heard you guys talking and well it made me start thinking and now I can't stop thinking about it and it's driving me crazy." Norway admitted.

"Well do you love him?" Iceland asked.

"I think so?" Norway answered with a frown.

Iceland rolled his eyes. "You spend literally every second with him, you guys share a room in this house, and you guys have kids. You guys are practically married already, why not just make it official and be done with it?"

"B-because I'm not even sure if I love him!" Norway replied with a blush.

"Do you think about him all the time?" Iceland asked, moving over to Norway's bed.

Norway stayed quiet, her face growing redder. "I'll take your silence and blush as a yes. Are you thinking about him right now?" He asked, smirking at his sister.

"I... well now I am..." Norway mumbled, looking away from her brother.

"Thought so. Well, let me know when the wedding is~" Iceland grinned at Norway as he walked past her, heading back out of the room.

"Do I love him?" Norway asked herself before she groaned. "Oh god I do..." she concluded.

While Norway experienced an existential crisis, Denmark was experiencing a fear he had never thought he'd face ever, a fear that had caused him to seek temporary shelter in America's house. "It's just... she's so awesome! What if... I ask her, and she says no? Or what if... she breaks up with me again over this?" Denmark sobbed pathetically into America's shirt, France, Prussia and Spain were also there looking unsure of what to do.

"I mean... I know I said I'd be best man but... are you totally sure about this?" America asked.

"Yes! She's so awesome and beautiful and amazing and smart and nice and... just the best thing ever!" Denmark answered before he began to sob harder.

"Then... tell her all of that?" Prussia suggested with a shrug.

"No! She'll hate me!" Denmark cried.

"Ah my friend. I doubt that. She cares deeply for you, and you two have a child on the way yes? Does that not prove the love and commitment she has?" France said.

"Si! She may be shy, but she is very open about her feelings when you notice them!" Spain added with a smile.

"But... what if she breaks up with me and leaves with our totally adorable kids?" Denmark asked.

"I doubt that man she loves... did you say kids? As in plural?" America asked, not knowing that Denmark and Norway were having twins.

"Oh yeah!" Denmark said perking up. "Yeah! Nor went in to see a doctor because she talked to some fairies that said she was having twins I guess, and they said it was twins! We want to be surprised with the gender though... but to be honest, I hope one of them is a girl."

"That's great!" Spain congratulated at the same time America said,

"Damn... I owe Mattie fifty dollars now..."

"Thanks! I think Nor's excited too about this!" Demark beamed.

"Have you... talked to her about this, like about how you're hoping for a specific gender?" France asked.

"Well... no... I wanted to talk to her about it after I figured out if proposing was the best decision to make."

Prussia groaned, feeling like they were about to go in a complete circle in this topic. "Go talk to her. Both are important topics to talk about with her." the albino male said.

"But..." Denmark muttered.

"Oui, he is right. Go talk with our dear princess." France added.

"Fine I'll leave. But um... if Nor gets upset and leaves me all alone... can I stay with one of you?" Denmark asked as he started to leave America's house.

"You'll be totally fine dude, good luck!" America said closing the door behind Denmark.

"Think he'll actually talk to her?" Prussia asked.

"twenty dollars says he chickens out and ends up on one of our doorsteps crying to us." America said to his friends.

"Forty says he doesn't go home tonight." France added in.

"Forty-five says he actually goes home but forgets he was supposed to talk to her and ends up calling one of us up." Spain added in.

"Fifty says he tells her." Prussia shrugs, somewhat hoping he was right.

Denmark gulped as he tried thinking of how he would talk to Norway about both the twins they would have and the about him wanting to marry her. He wasn't even sure how he would bring up the marriage part of it, and if he were to be honest, the thought of proposing terrified him. He loved her too much and was scared she would refuse. He stood in the front yard of the Nordic house for a good half hour, thinking everything over.

"Just stop moping like an idiot and propose to her already. Do you even have a ring? Never mind here use this one." Denmark blinked as Finland handed him an emerald and silver ring and a bouquet of Purple Heathers.

"Than-" Denmark never got a chance to finish thanking Finland as the smaller and younger man forcefully dragged him upstairs.

"Good luck!" Finland cheered. Denmark smiled before he froze, clutching the bouquet tightly.

"You'll need all the luck you can get." Iceland added before he shoved Denmark into Norway's room.

Denmark froze, eyes wide as he landed rather ungracefully in Norway's carpet. "L-Lucy! I was just… I mean… Here!" Denmark clumsily said as he handed the small woman the bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks?" Norway blushed slightly as she took the flowers from him.

"Yeah and I… Also have…" Denmark felt around in his pockets, searching for the ring Finland had given him. He turned his pockets inside out and heard a clank as if something small and metal had dropped. "H-had…" Denmark swore and bent down, reaching under her bed to retrieve the dropped item.

Norway watched as he dug around under her bed, barely able to fit under it. "Um…"

"Don't worry Nor! I think I see it!" Denmark stated, crawling deeper under the bed.

Norway rolled her eyes. "You can come out now." she said.

"Not yet! I almost got it!" Denmark replied.

"Are you looking for a ring shaped like a rose with an emerald in the center?" Norway asked in a bored yet slightly amused tone.

"Yes I…" Denmark paused as he thought long and hard about how she could have known what the ring looked like. "Have you seen it?"

"It's a pretty ring and with my birthstone too," Norway commented.

"I… I mean yes! But I… Got those because I…" Denmark gulped. "I-I really love you Nor… And I want to be with you always!" Denmark said from under the bed.

"No." Norway stated simply, still holding the ring, the flowers now sitting on her dresser.

"Oh… Okay…" Denmark mumbled.

"No to how you're proposing, dummy. Get out from under the bed and do it right." Norway told him rolling her blue eyes and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I… Um, can't?" Denmark laughed nervously, struggling to get out.

"You're stuck." Norway sighed before she summoned Troll. "Get him out from under the bed, please?" She asked.

"Who are you tal-" Denmark let out a scream as he got dragged out by his legs, ending up on his stomach in front of Norway. "-king too…" He finished slowly.

"Thanks Troll." She said answering his question.

Denmark nervously stood up, now able to properly propose, she handed him the ring and stood waiting. "Um… Okay," Denmark took a deep breath, "Lucy, I really, really love you. You're the best thing to happen to me since we were children. You're smart, and brave, you can make me smile on even the worst of days and now we're having kids! I want to keep being with you forever so Lucia Bondevik will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He finally asked, presenting the ring to her.

She rolled her eyes before she laughed. "Of course I'll marry you...idiot. It took you long enough to ask me." She took the ring he was clutching between his fingers and fitted it on her hand, admiring it.

"That's a yes?" He questioned before he cheered. "She said yes!"

She sighed, she did love him, despite his… Flaws…

"Wait until everyone hears about this! I'll have to thank Fin first for the ring, Then I have to tell the guys! They'll be so happy! You should come too! They were all rooting for us!" Denmark beamed, grabbing Norway's slender hand before he lead her out of the room.

And after such a long wait, its finally over.

Thank you so much for being patient with me, I know… Its hard.

Okay as for the gender deal, I had a poll up a long time ago and "Twins: boy and girl" won. I may create a sequel to this in the future with the twins actually born and Nor and Den married, I'm not sure yet. Actually, tell me what you think, if I should make a sequel or not!

Also I'm writing a new story, already posted on my profile its called "Crimson" it's actually way different from what I normally write but still really good in my opinion.

Oh! Almost forgot! Norway's birthday is May 5, giving Norway the Emerald Birthstone!

And in case you were curious, Purple Heather are the national flower of Norway!

Okay now I'm done if I forgot anything else let me know haha!