Okay, now back to the story.

Please forgive me for not posting for a whole week! I have a very valid explanation. On Christmas my goddamn computer broke and I couldn't access the most recent information I had on it. That is why I had to wait until Thursday for a new computer (it is very pretty and shiny, it's red and I luv it :3 ) and rewrite almost the whole goddamn chapter. Sue me, bleh. But really, I'm really sorry for that. I hope this longer-than-usual chapter will at least partly make it up to you.

We still have one decent chapter besides this one and the epilogue left! I don't know when exactly I'll post them though, I'll try to be as quick as possible... Ehem, enjoy the show now!

~Chapter XIV~

For a couple of weeks everything had been seemingly going smoothly. Kuroko and Akashi kept meeting up, though only a small amount of times it was in secret. To anyone who didn't know they seemed like a normal pair of friends, perhaps a bit closer than usual. And honestly, Kuroko didn't dare to wish for more. It was already way too much after all, so the male just tried to be happy with what he had. He didn't know nor did he ask Akashi's thoughts about this though, but he had assumed the redhead's views had to be somewhat similar. At least that was what seemed from his actions. Surprisingly, Akashi followed Kuroko's precautions - rules - to the letter, being the perfect friend and gentleman that he seemed from the beginning, which allowed the tealnet to sigh in relief. Initially he had thought he might face some trouble with that, but it seemed his worries were unfounded. As long as Akashi kept his desires at bay until they were alone, completely in private, everything was great.

That is, until one of their meetings took an interesting turn.

As the pair was peacefully strolling through the city one day after work, engaging in some light chat as friends were supposed to, suggesting possible activities afterwards, Kuroko spotted a certain someone gaping at some expensive store nearby. Honestly, this seemed like the perfect chance to introduce Akashi to her. Strangely enough, his lover refused to meet her whenever Kuroko suggested it, for reasons unknown. Something along the lines "not feeling up to it". But nevertheless, the tealnet wished for these two people to know each other, even if his and Akashi's true relationship would stay hidden. He wanted to show Akashi that his supposed soulmate was really a nice person and so he shouldn't frown every time Kuroko mentioned her.

And so, the tealnet quickly walked over to the unsuspecting pinkette, knowing that Akashi will follow him regardless whether he'd understand who she is or not.

''Hello, Momoi-san,'' Kuroko greeted the woman politely, slightly startling her. She, however, quickly regained her composure as soon as she noticed her supposed soulmate and a bright smile lighted up on her lips.

''Ah, Tetsu-kun, hello!'' she chirped happily. When she started calling Kuroko like that, he wasn't sure. Not that he minded all that much. They had been meeting up quite frequently after all, since even though their relationship wasn't romantic, both of them found enjoyment in each other's company. Not all that surprising, given that they were soulmates after all. ''What are you up to?''

''I'm with a friend actually,'' the tealnet said as he glanced at the male besides him, silent until now. No matter how much he tried, Kuroko couldn't understand that expression the redhead wore. Akashi wasn't that dense after all, so the other wished to know his thoughts. Unfortunately, his look was unreadable apart from being intense.

''Oh, it's nice to meet you! I'm Momoi Satsuki,'' the pinkette introduced herself, bowing politely.

''Akashi Seijuurou. Pleasure,'' the redhead nodded in return. From that response alone it was obvious Akashi was not in the best mood. His next sentence and tone used only confirmed that assumption. ''And you are... Tetsuya's soulmate I presume?''

Kuroko managed to prevent himself from shooting a warning look at the redhead for calling like that. It would have only caused more suspicion if Kuroko had reacted like that. But why did Akashi suddenly threw this precaution out the window? Surely he didn't forget where they were? Did he... Did he suddenly decide to show what he meant by 'being possessive'?

Kuroko prayed not.

''Ah, umm, yes,'' Momoi answered a bit taken aback. By what exactly though, Kuroko wasn't sure. ''But we're not, um, we're not together. Just friends.''

''I see,'' Akashi nodded, his tone the same as before. So... cold. And intimidating. The pinkette felt extremely uncomfortable and unwanted. Honestly, she didn't wish to be near this man longer than needed. He gave out a very unpleasant vibe.

Obviously, Kuroko couldn't let these two people be on such cold terms.

''Akashi-kun is a very close friend of mine actually,'' the tealnet started, breaking that uneasy silence. He shot the male besides him a disapproving glare. ''And he should be more tolerant to others, especially Momoi-san if he wishes to keep that title.''

This was an indirect warning to Akashi that if he didn't get his behavior under control, it will have consequences. Unpleasant consequences.

''Right, right, I'm sorry,'' the redhead mumbled, lightly shaking his head. In an instant his cold look dropped and a polite expression overtook. Somehow Kuroko managed to control him it seemed. But oh well, what could he do. He couldn't risk loosing the tealnet after all. ''I suppose I was a bit cold. You see, like Tetsuya had mentioned, he's a very close friend, so I tend to get a bit over-protective of him with people I do not know. I hope you can understand, I only care about Tetsuya's well-being.''

''Oh, yes, of course!'' Momoi immediately lit up. At least they had something in common. Akashi was just looking out for Kuroko after all. ''It's good to know Tetsu-kun has such caring friends.''

''Momoi-san, would you perhaps like to join us for a cup of tea? It'd be nice if you two got to know each other better,'' the tealnet proposed, glancing between the pair. Even if Akashi's wasn't too amused by the idea, he managed not to show it, while Momoi seemed a bit conflicted by the offer. In the end, though, she nodded with a smile.

''Sure, I'd like that.''

And so, the trio began heading towards a nearby cafe. Kuroko could see that Akashi was rather displeased with this situation, he wished to spend time only with his mate after all, but there was nothing he could do about it now. And Momoi could clearly feel that Akashi wasn't in the best mood as well. A rather uncomfortable silence enveloped them because of that. But it couldn't stay like this forever, someone had to take initiative.

''So, from where do you know each other?'' the pinkette finally asked while they were entering the cafe.

''Oh, um...'' Kuroko cast a quick glance to Akashi, not really knowing what to say.

''We went to the same middle school,'' the redhead easily took the lead, lying smoothly. ''In high-school we got separated, but some of our mutual friends brought us back together.''

''Ah, I see, so you're old friends,'' Momoi lightly smiled as they sat down at one of the further tables - the pinkette and Akashi next to each other with Kuroko in front of them - while the tealnet inwardly sighed in relief. That should be a believable explanation. ''What do you do for a living then, Akashi-san?''

''I'm a businessman,'' the redhead answered simply, going over the drink menu. He really had no wish on engaging in a conversation with this woman after all, so he tried to keep his answers dry and shallow.

''Do you have your own business then?'' the woman inquired, refusing to back down, even though the other's unwillingness in participating in this conversation was rather obvious.


After that, Momoi didn't know what to ask. She felt quite uncomfortable next to this man and didn't know how to break this ice. The pinkette cast a pleading look to her soulmate, asking for help.

Kuroko lightly sighed and rubbed one of his temples. He should have figured the situation would be like this. He had to find some topic that could get both of them talking...

''Akashi-kun,'' he addressed the redhead. Akashi lifted his eyes to the tealnet before he continued. ''Did you know that Momoi-san had been a basketball club manager back in school and has a talent of collecting data? I was very interested when I found that out.''

''Oh?'' Akashi cast a glance at the woman next to him, a bit of surprise present in his voice. As Kuroko knew, he was quite the basketball player back in high-school.

However, before any of them could continue this conversation, the waiter walked over to them to take their orders. Kuroko had forgotten all about that actually, since he was too focused on keeping the pair in front of him talking, and that was a rather difficult task. So, when finally asked what he would like, the tealnet didn't quite know what to say.

''I heard they have vanilla milkshakes here,'' Momoi suddenly spoke, casting a smile at her supposed soulmate. ''And I know you're very fond of the, Tetsu-kun, right? How about that?''

''Oh, that's... a good idea. Yes, I'll have that then,'' Kuroko said to the waiter and the man with a nod left. ''I haven't drunk that in ages.''

''You had it last week when we met, stop being dramatic,'' the pinkette giggled affectionately. Neither of them noticed how Akashi pursed his lips in annoyance. ''Although I do find it cute.''

''Tetsuya should stop consuming such an unhealthy drink on every occasion,'' the redhead muttered, crossing his arms. He had his eyes directed to the window, not exactly looking at anything. ''And being encouraged in doing so.''

An uneasy silence fell on them at that. Kuroko could clearly see how Momoi tensed up and lowered her eyes to the table, leaning back in her seat, visibly uncomfortable. Akashi had once again ruined her mood, and Kuroko had just about enough of that. Momoi certainly didn't deserve such treatment.

''Akashi-kun, could I talk to you for a moment?'' he suddenly spoke, standing up from his seat.

The redhead nodded, following the other into a more secluded place, down the corridor near the bathrooms. When Kuroko deemed it quiet enough, he stopped and turned back to his mate, folding his arms.

''What are you doing, Akashi-kun?'' he asked rather blankly, though with a tint of coldness audible in his voice.

''I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean, Tetsuya.''

''You perfectly know what I'm talking about. Why are you being so cold towards Momoi-san? She's trying so hard to be on good terms with you, but you refuse to cooperate. And that remark was just a stupid pretext to bite her. Your behavior is intolerable.''

Akashi clicked his tongue, a frown forming on his lips. He leaned a bit closer to Kuroko and spoke in a hushed voice:

''I can't help it. I naturally can't like her. You're asking me not to be irritated when she acts so goddamn sweetly with you and calls you like that? You must be joking.''

''Stop being irrational,'' Kuroko couldn't help but snap in return, annoyance momentarily blinding him. ''She can be however she wants with me, she has the right after everything. And you have to deal with that, you can't act like you own me.''

At that last part the tealnet noticed how the other's eyes darkened, haziness washing over them. However, before he could do anything else, Akashi suddenly pinned him to the wall, trapping the smaller male in between his arms. The redhead seemed completely out of it.

''This is why I refused to meet her, Tetsuya,'' Akashi hissed lowly. ''I knew we would get into an argument because of her. Soulmates can't help but act all sweet and warm with each other, that's just how it is. And I despise the mere idea of it, I hate it. You are mine and mine alone, I will not tolerate anyone thinking differently.''

''She's not-'' Kuroko started, but immediately stopped himself from speaking any further. He closed his eyes and tried to sort out his thoughts. At the moment he felt great irritation at the redhead's antics, but he knew that he shouldn't let those feelings get the better of him. He should try thinking rationally about this situation. Arguing wasn't the answer, it never is. And obviously Akashi wasn't in the correct state of mind to understand. The redhead wasn't usually like this, he was always so composed and sweet, and not so... possessive. Kuroko had to calm him down.

''Seijuurou,'' he finally spoke in a whisper, opening his eyes. After a quick glance to the sides to make sure the corridor was clear, he lifted his hand and gently cupped the redhead's face. ''I understand how you feel, I really do, I would probably feel the same way in your position, but... Momoi-san is not a threat to you in any way. Remember, she sacrificed her dream for us. Did you forget that already? So who cares how she calls me or how she acts around me, it means nothing in the end. Because of her kindness and understanding you are the one besides me. So just let her be, try to be nice to her, perhaps even get to know her, and remember that I'll be meeting you later tonight at my place, not any other. Can you do that for me, please?''

Akashi seemed taken aback by Kuroko's words. He stared at the tealnet for a few moments before that hazy look from his eyes began fading away, his mind clearing. He realized he had allowed anger and annoyance get the better of him, he wasn't able to think straight all this time. It even led up to an argument with Kuroko.

What was wrong with him? He shouldn't be hurting Tetsuya in any way, especially when he did have a point... Akashi had indeed been acting irrational.

''I'm... I'm sorry,'' the redhead finally said, lowering his hands from the wall and taking a step back. His eyes were slightly wider now, guilt seeping into them. ''You're right, I'm sorry. I was being unreasonable. It won't happen again, I promise.''

Kuroko cast a small reassuring smile at him.

''It's okay, I'm glad you understand. Now, let's get back. Momoi-san must be wondering where we went by now.''

When the pair had gotten back to the table, the pinkette visibly tensed up, though nevertheless tried to keep her anxiety under control. She cast a small smile at both males and gestured at the drinks on the table.

''The orders have arrived while you were gone,'' she said as Kuroko silently signaled the redhead to sit next to him this time. He still seemed somewhat out of it, but this time for different reason. He was probably feeling slightly distressed by his previous behavior.

Akashi nodded at Momoi's words, taking the warm cup of steaming latte into his hands and leaning back in his seat. For a few seconds there was silence and Kuroko was beginning to think that perhaps Akashi was too unnerved to start a conversation, but he was soon proven wrong.

''So, Momoi, what is your occupation at the moment?'' the redhead suddenly asked, turning to the said woman, all traces of his distress gone. Kuroko was once again surprised how he managed to hide his emotions so quickly and compose himself. Remarkable really.

The pinkette seemed a bit taken aback by such a polite and unexpected Akashi's question, given his previous behavior. Momoi was certain the male disliked her quite much, but perhaps he just needed time to get more acquainted with her?.. No, maybe Kuroko said something to him while they were in private? Nevertheless, if the redhead decided to start a conversation with her, she wouldn't prevent that. It was what Kuroko wanted after all, for both of them to get to know each other.

In the end Akashi and Momoi had gotten into multiple conversations, the redhead being much more polite and warm than before, because of what Momoi allowed herself to relax. Akashi proved to be quite an interesting person, it was enjoyable to converse with him when he himself wanted to be sociable. Even so, the woman couldn't quite understand how he and Kuroko could be such close friends. From what she knew about the tealnet she had always thought that he wouldn't enjoy such people around him, but perhaps the tealnet saw something in him Momoi didn't?

Anyway, Kuroko was glad everything seemed to work out between Akashi and Momoi. He knew they would get along, it was just a bit difficult breaking the ice. And neither Akashi's nor Momoi's antics weren't helping.

One day, on a rather chilly November evening, when Kuroko was sorting out new arrived books, a newspaper was slapped in front of him on the table. Lifting his eyes, the tealnet saw that it was none other than Mayuzumi who interrupted his work. He had a frown on his face, his arms crossed, and he gestured to the paper with his eyes. Complying to the silent command, Kuroko took the newspaper and read the headline that was presented to him.

"Update on the two missing women: one was found burnt along with her car"

Then there was a small article about it, once again telling who these women were and explaining the situation. Kuroko honestly didn't know what to say, so he just once again looked at his friend. Mayuzumi clicked his tongue at that and took the magazine he had brought earlier from the table. After turning a few pages, he practically shoved the article in Kuroko's face. The title read:

"Akashi Seijuurou's secret soulmate?''

The article talked about possible theories about Akashi having a partner based on some sighting, though it was unclear who, and things like that.

The tealnet once again lifted his eyes to the other and was about to open his mouth, but Mayuzumi beat him to it.

''It's just a gossip magazine, so people shouldn't think about it too much, but the fact others are getting suspicious is still undeniable,'' he snapped, throwing the magazine back on the table. ''And you see what happens to those, who opposes, threatens the system. And mind you, those women were simple shop workers, not disturbing anyone, just quietly doing their thing, and neither of them had their soulmates. Nevertheless, this is what happened to them. And not only is your goddamn illegal lover the head of one of the most giant companies in the country with flocks of women running after him, many out for his head and that kind of shit, you also have a soulmate, which makes everything much, much worse.''

Kuroko was silent for a couple of moments before finally trying to speak.

''Mayuzumi-kun, I don't... I don't-''

''Of course you don't think it will happen to you, no one does,'' the man interrupted him harshly. ''Until one day you find yourself under the ground. And you don't even see it coming. This is not the government's doing, of course not, it's illegal to carry out such punishment, but those monsters... No, they're unfamiliar with law or humanity, they claim they fight for the sake of the system, but in reality they're just looking for people to torture. And those who break certain rules are perfect prey. So, tell me, Kuroko, what the hell are you doing?''

The tealnet was at a lack of words. Mayuzumi came up to him like this rather unexpectedly, so naturally he was a bit taken by surprise. He would be lying if he said that he didn't know all of this already, but all this time he was just trying to not think about it too much. Guess it wasn't that easy to run away.

''...I'm aware of all of this, Mayuzumi-kun,'' Kuroko finally spoke, not looking at the male in front of him. His voice was slightly wavering. ''I know the dangers of taking this risk. But... I just can't leave him. We're taking all the precautions we can to keep this relationship secret. I'll... I'll talk about this with him.''

''Talking won't solve anything,'' the other hissed. ''You know what needs to be done, that is, if it's not already too late. I'm telling you, this will eventually get you killed. Break it up with him and leave. Better yet, take your soulmate with you. That should keep suspicion away from you.''

Kuroko sighed and closed his eyes. Of course, Mayuzumi was right. He couldn't deny that. The best way to stay safe would be to simply be far away from Akashi, it would keep both of them out of harm's way. To break up with him...

''I can't,'' the tealnet shook his head, opening his eyes. ''I can't do that. There has to be another way.''

''Well good luck finding that out then,'' Mayuzumi muttered, taking his papers and walking away from the other. He was done meddling with others' business. If Kuroko wished to take the most dangerous possible route, so be it.

Why did Mayuzumi care anyway?

It had been quite awhile since a situation like this had arisen.

One late December evening Akashi learnt that the mansion's security system had tried to be breached. The attempt was unsuccessful though, and the culprit managed to escape. The redhead was quite displeased with that and commanded his people to find the attacker as soon as possible. He could not have someone out there with clear intentions of trying to break into his home after all. However, what bothered Akashi the most what the reason behind this attempt. At the moment everything seemed peaceful regarding work, there was no distinctive competition nor any rivals. In fact, it had been awhile since everything looked so calm. So for what possible reason would anyone try to break into Akashi's home?

There is one.

Ah, of course. But, that couldn't be it, right? Things would get much more complicated, not to mention difficult. Also...

Akashi took his phone from his study's table and dialed a certain number. After the sixth ring worry began spreading inside the male, but it soon ceased when the other line finally answered.

''Mm, Seijuurou-kun?'' a rather unclear, slightly raspy voice came from the other end. It was quite obvious the person had been sleeping. ''Why are you calling this late? Did something happen?''

Akashi sighed in relief as he slumped down on his chair and rested his head in his palm on the table.

''No, everything is fine, I just... I just wanted to check on you,'' the redhead breathed out, closing his eyes.

''Mmm-that's nice of you,'' Kuroko mumbled, obviously on the brink of passing out. ''But couldn't you have waited until morning?''

''...I got a bit worried, I'm sorry for waking you up,'' Akashi murmured, rubbing one of his temples. There was a pause before he opened his eyes and straightened up. ''Hey, Tetsuya?''


''I'll pick you up tomorrow from work, okay?''

''Why? I can get home by myself-''

''Tetsuya,'' Akashi cut him off, his voice stern. ''I repeat, tomorrow I'll pick you up. Do not go anywhere out of the library, you understand me?''

''Alright, alright, if Akashi-kun says so.''

''Tetsuya, don't annoy me.''

''You're the one that's annoying me, calling in the middle of the night...'' A yawn could have been heard on the other side. ''Do you need anything else?''

''No no, you can go to sleep now,'' Akashi's lips twitched upwards. ''Goodnight, love.''

'''Night, Seijuurou.''

With that the call ended. The redhead once again sighed and placed the phone on the table. He closed his eyes and gently rubbed his temples. Akashi knew Kuroko was safe, that he wasn't going anywhere, but he still couldn't get rid of that foreboding feeling.

It was driving him insane.

As promised, the next day Akashi drove to the library Kuroko worked at around the time he should be done. Walking a bit faster than normally, he entered the almost closed library and quickly looked around. After spotting Mayuzumi arranging some papers behind the counter, he approached the man and spoke:

''Is Tetsuya here?''

Mayuzumi momentarily lifted his eyes to the redhead before focusing back on his work.

''Kuroko? No, he hadn't come to work today.''

Akashi's heart dropped to his feet.

''What do you mean?'' he asked, more like demanded, in a slightly raised voice. ''Why?''

''Don't know, maybe called in sick, I didn't ask,'' the other responded rather impassively. However, the tint of distress in the redhead's voice caught his interest and he glanced up at Akashi as he quickly took out his phone and dialed most likely Kuroko.

The phone kept calling and calling, seemingly to no end, until the voicemail activated. Akashi shut it down and gripped the device tightly.

''Dammit,'' he cursed through clenched teeth, frustration overflowing his voice. That dreadful feeling was eating him alive by now. Why wasn't Kuroko picking up his phone? Why didn't he go to work today? Did he not even-

''You can't reach him?'' Mayuzumi suddenly asked, interrupting the other's thoughts. He had shifted his attention fully to the redhead in front of him. This did not seem right.

''No, he's not picking up his phone,'' Akashi muttered, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He had to sort out his thoughts, he had to calm down. There had to be a valid explanation for this, he couldn't just jump to conclusions. Nevertheless... ''I had instructed him yesterday to wait for me after work, he didn't say anything about feeling ill. He would have- He would have notified me if he couldn't have come today.''

''...Why did you want to pick him up today?'' Mayuzumi asked, suspicion audible in his usually impassive voice.

Akashi sighed and opened his eyes. He bit his thumb in frustration and spoke, not really looking at anything in particular.

''The security system at my house was attempted to be breached,'' he informed the other, his voice low. After a short pause his eye twitched and he bit his thumb harder. He could not stay in one place any longer. He had to go now. ''Dammit.''

Without another word he turned around and practically ran out of the library into the dark street. He had to get to Kuroko's place. Of course, he shouldn't be assuming the worst had happened, but he wasn't taking chances.

However, Akashi soon noticed a certain pinkette heading in his direction in a rather quick pace, so he stopped and waited for her. In this dark he couldn't make out her expression, but her presence alone was a red signal.

This can't be good.

''Ah, Akashi-kun!'' Momoi called out when she was near enough the male. Distress was evident in her voice, but now a tint of relief was also audible at the sight of the redhead.

''What are you doing here, Momoi?'' Akashi asked a bit rashly, even though he tried to keep his voice under control.

''Do you know where Tetsu-kun is?'' the woman went straight to the point and stopped in front of the other. ''I went to his apartment, but he's not there or no one is answering...''

''You-'' Akashi started, but a sudden thought struck him, making him stop. In a flash he had grabbed the pinkette's arm quite roughly and spoke again. ''Why did you go to Tetsuya's apartment?''

''I- Akashi-kun, let go of me, it hurts,'' Momoi winced a bit in pain at the harsh grip.

''Sorry,'' he murmured, complying and taking a step back. ''Now answer my question.''

The pinkette took a deep breath and looked straight into the redhead's sharp eyes.

''The reason why I tried to find Tetsu-kun is because I got a bad feeling and wanted to make sure he's okay. And when he wasn't picking up his phone, I did the next thing possible.''

''A bad feeling?'' That makes two of us. ''Well, he's not here.''

''What do we do then?'' Momoi asked, worry lacing her voice. Small puffs of air kept leaving her slightly parted lips, though she didn't seem to mind the cold. Neither she nor Akashi. Kuroko was the main priority at the moment.

The redhead was silent for a few moments before coming to a decision. He turned around and began walking back to his car.

''Let's go,'' he said to Momoi, not glancing back to check whether she was following him. He knew she was. As much as Akashi usually disliked it, Momoi did indeed care for Kuroko. And even if the redhead didn't want to admit it, the soulmate bond between them was very special, so she could be quite beneficial to this search. Again, Akashi wasn't taking chances by keeping his pride.

The two of them quietly got inside the car and the male drove off in Kuroko's apartment's direction. Akashi had this nagging feeling that he should check that first. Perhaps they would find something there. Of course, there was always that chance that they were simply being paranoid, but what were the chances that both Akashi and Momoi got a foreboding feeling regarding the same matter? Better safe than sorry. While the redhead was driving the car, Momoi kept calling their missing tealnet and leaving messages, sounding more anxious by the minute. Akashi sincerely wished they were worrying for nothing.

Finally there, the pair exited the car in silence and quickly went over to the building Kuroko's apartment was at. Not long after they were in front of the tealnet's door. However, no matter how much they knocked, called Kuroko out, no one answered. The place really did seem void of people. Nevertheless, they needed to get in.

With that thought Akashi took out a small bundle of keys from his pocket and picked a certain one from it. He inserted it into the door's keyhole and unlocked it, opening it.

''Wait, why and how do you have a spare key to Tetsu-kun's apartment?'' Momoi suddenly asked, sounding a bit bewildered as both of them entered the tealnet's home.

''We don't have time for that now,'' Akashi snapped in return, his sharp eyes quickly scanning the area. However, he didn't need to look far to notice the odd detail. Kuroko had a rather nice vase near the entrance on a stove, but now it was laying shattered to pieces on the ground. That definitely wasn't a good sign. If by some accident the tealnet managed to break it, he would have definitely taken care of it immediately. The only way that this mess could still be here was-

Momoi quickly walked passed the frozen male further into the apartment. After searching for a few minutes she came back with an incredibly distressed expression.

''He's not here, but his computer is left turned on, bed disheveled. Tetsu-kun wouldn't just leave them like that without a reason.''

Akashi knew that. Akashi perfectly understood that. He was fully aware what Kuroko did and didn't do.

Akashi was always right after all. He wasn't mistaken this time as well. However, for probably the first time in his life, he wished he was.

Fucking great.

Right, I suppose no one is surprised by this, I did foreshadow it like crazy, jeez. Your reviews are very much appreciated.

Also, just a quick note: to those, who are reading my other stories. Do not fret! They will be updated soon enough in this order: I Can't Hear You, Crimson Empire, Simple Decisions. I don't know, I've just been getting quite a lot of messages asking about that, so I thought I'd tell you this. They will all be updated soon, okay?

Hope you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading!