
October 31, 1981 3rd POV

It was dark in the night, small and alone in her bedroom with only her teddy bear and small night light in the corner of her room Hermione Granger laid still in her small crib bed as she listened intently to the still night with a small noise from her parents down stairs as they either walked around the house downstairs or said something to each other.

Hermione was scared and she was scared for a good reason.

Halloween night was a day Hermione had never liked, Hermione's parents always tried to reassure Hermione since she had turned two a month before. Hermione always cried on the night of All hallows eve and Hermione's parents played it off as nightmares all the time considering Hermione always had a few nightmares each month.

Though this Halloween was dangerous for one reason.

That reason being a certain Tom Marvolo Riddle/Voldemort was walking toward the muggle house in a cloak that covered his head completely.

As Voldemort walked past the front gate of the house and looked into the window where he saw a pair of muggles sitting and watching TV and enjoying their night. Voldemort quickly blasted the front door and walked though smiling as he watched the woman run for the stairs and the male running toward the corner of the living room where a gun lay by a desk but before he could grab it Voldemort killed him quickly turning toward where he saw the muggle woman run and grinned to himself when he heard her talking to who he assumed was their child.

Voldemort walked up the stairs and grinned when he saw at the end of the hallway was the woman who was standing in front of her small toddler who held a small teddy bear in her hands, her hair wild and sparking with fear as she saw his red eyes.

"What do you want?!" The woman was moving toward the bedroom to her left and all Voldemort did was smile at the woman.

"I want to kill the child of Prophecy" Hermione whimpered and pulled at her mother's pant leg but all her mother did was look at her with tears in her eyes and a whispered 'I love you baby' before pushing her into the bedroom and closing the door.

Hermione quickly ran and hid in the corner of the room by the large bookshelf, Hermione closed her eyes as she heard her mother screech in pain before silence took over and then a loud bang went off and Hermione watched as the man walk in grinning as he looked around the room and saw her crouching by the bookshelf trying to hide herself.

Hermione was shaking and crying as the man got closer to her and slowly as if time slowed for her she screamed and held her hands out and Voldemort cast the killing curse cutting up Hermione's arm and part of her cheek to end to the middle of both her eyes. Hermione's magic lashed out as the magic tried to touch her magical core and lashed out at Voldemort with a intense heat before he screamed and vanished in a puff of black and green smoke floating around till slowly dissipating

Hermione cried harder and harder as she did the magic inside her slowly wrapped around her in a protective ball of magic shielding her from the outside world.

It was hours later when James Potter and Sirius Black were called in to check a muggle house that was emitting dark magic and Accidental magic that apparently smoking and giving off a essence a unforgivable.

Sirius's specialty considering how he grew up he was a good AUROR but good with curse breaking, its what made Sirius Black such a busy life after he had married Remus, James tripped a bit as he landed down the street from the scene and saw Sirius standing in front of the house with his bike just behind him.

As James got closer toward the house he started to notice that Sirius didn't look okay, he looked bothered like he saw something that wasn't right in anyway.

"Hey, Padfoot" Sirius jumped a bit and grinned but it just didn't reach his eyes like it normally did.

"Hey, Prongs"

Sirius sighed frustrated and ran a hand through his hair and looked at him in the eyes as he slowly tried to put his thoughts into the right words.

"I need you to stay calm, this house has the magical signature of Voldemort. . ." James went cold at the thought and looked at the house finally and noticed that windows were broken, dark shadowed marks showed how some of the house had been blown away with a Bombarda spell and small little pieces of wood lain around the front pavement.

"He really did a number on this place. . ." James trailed off as he started for the front door and Sirius right behind him.

"I haven't checked out the upstair but one dead muggle and a bit of damage by the stairs. . ." James looked over toward where Sirius had pointed everything out and cataloged everything in his mind so he could write a report for it later.

James pulled out his wand and slowly walked up the stair with a bit of hesitancy as he did so and carefully noted the muggle pictures of a couple and a small child. As he got to the top of the stairway where the hallway lead a small way down he saw another muggle and a woman this time bleeding with eyes open in horror with shock at what happened.

As James looked her over for anymore details Sirius moved forward where another door was blasted off its hinges there was a small ball off light with an abandoned teddy bear at its side.

"This is more than accidental magic. . ." Sirius whispered off as James joined his side to look at the small little magical shield that obviously held a child.

James stepped forward carefully and waved his wand over the small ball of light and watched carefully as nothing came back of what the magic was the shields holding Hermione dissipated away like smoke to find her asleep with her hands over half of her face soaked with blood.

James closed his eyes in pain as he looked over how small she was, she couldn't of been any older than Harry.

"She can't be any older than Prongslet. . ." Sirius whispered as he carefully put his hand on Hermione's head and brushed a few strands of the wild hair.

James stood up and stepped aside watched as Sirius carefully picked up the small witch and tried not to wake her as he held her protectively. I

Sirius looked over at James and carefully spoke as softly as he could without waking up Hermione.

"I'm gonna take her to Mungo's, try and find out what her name is and stuff. . . I'll meet you there later, maybe tell Lily to meet me there. . ." James ran his hand through his hair in frustration and nodded a watched as Sirius left with the witch and started the process of searching for the papers on the little girl.

Chapter 1; The Girl that conquered You-Know-Who

November 4th, 1981 3rd POV

Hermione Granger woke on the 4th of November as a healer was running diagnostics on her that made Hermione frightened that in the next second she started screaming out in fright. As the healer jumped and carefully tried to calm down Hermione was when Sirius Black and Lily Potter walked in to see Hermione shaking her head and crawling under the cot in the room, Hermione Granger wanted her mother and father but they were nowhere to be found but when Hermione saw two other people's feet she assumed they might be her parents but Hermione was very wrong.

Sirius Black gasped in surprise when she crawled toward him and grasped his pant leg and pulled herself up and hid behind his legs with tears in her eyes, Sirius looked down at her to see her frightened little eyes looking up at him like he was her hero.

"Safe?" Hermione asked as much as she could considering the girl was only two and could only say a few words.

Sirius Black being the man who had brought her to St. Mungo's decided to pick her up and try to calm her down for the healer who looked alarmed and a little annoyed. Sirius carefully rubbed at her small back in comfort and rocked her to and fro, Hermione slowly calmed down as her breathing slowed and her hiccuping less as Sirius comforted her while he held her as tightly as he could, she slowly laid her head down on on his chest and closed her eyes while her little fists gripped onto his clothing as tightly as she could.

The healer quickly took the moment as it was and looked over the huge cut from her cheek to the middle of her eyes, Hermione whimpered and tightened her fist's on Sirius and then lessened as the healer caressed her wild curls and then looked up at Sirius and looked over at Lily.

The healer open and closed her mouth a few times as she looked down at Hermione her mouth going grim. The healer covered her mouth "Her magical core has healed her significantly, but as we know from the diagnostic's she was hit with the 'Avada' curse and no child should have to face that. She is in danger."

Lily started to tear up and Sirius looked down at the small girl and tightened his grip on her as she whimpered at the word 'Avada' the small girl definitely suffered if she was scared of the word.

"What does that mean for her?" Lily asked softly as she looked at how small Hermione looked when trying to bury herself into Sirius's chest.

The healer swallowed and looked at both of them.

"It means her Magical core is too Voltile to be let into the muggle world, any kind of scare or something could trigger a dangerous kind of accident and could kill any muggle that tried to take care of her…."

Lily gaped but Sirius, Sirius knew that a child's magical core could get to this point if they were threatened enough.

"She needs to be with a magical family then…" the healer nodded and handed over a clipboard and when Sirius looked he noticed just how badly her magic was, the past 3 days her magic protected her and wrapped her up and didn't let a single person touch her.

Lady Magic obviously thought this child was important enough to protect her while she was asleep, that was a rare occurrence in itself.

Just who was this little girl and why did Voldemort attack her.