AabDisclaimer: Harry Potter and it's fantastic characters are owned by J.K. Rowling. This is a free and fun based Fan Fiction.

AN: So I am back with another chapter! The third chapter was the hardest for me to write because it was the transition between chapter 2 and chapter 4! But now that chapter 3 is out of the way, I can finally write the story you all wanted to know unfold! Here is another chapter for my lovely readers! Please input reviews! I love it when I get your guy's reviews! Thank you all for following the story so far. I am so sorry it took so long! Real Life has been a kicker on my arse so I been trying my best to get writing! Also sorry to those who happen to read my fanfic and also happen to speak the Greek language. I'm trying my best to incorporate it a little bit but if it seems disrespectful then I will take it out. (Will put little notes at the bottom for what those Greek words mean if you guys are to lazy to search it up) Finally some of you may have noticed but the picture of the fanfiction has changed! It was a fan art from one of my friends who likes this fanfic! Now on to the chapter!

Chapter 4

"Silent Past Part 2"

A silent flame danced in his palm as his unnerving eyes had a blank glaze to them. Eternal darkness cloaked his entire being forcing his presence to escape from the world. Sirens were the last thing he could hear as his body stayed motionless in front of his victim... Or his prey you could say.

'Time to move Master.'

'Yes... It would seem that way.'

'Where did the years go by for you to be so mature master... You are only thirteen... Just yesterday you were crying yourself to sleep.'

'I don't know what you are talking about Skia. I always been this way as far as I can remember...'

'One's past can change a boy it seems or should I be calling you a man? You are only thirteen but what do I know.'

'Man or boy? Why does it matter?'

'True, you're just my master after all. I regret to inform you but it seems the magical government is already here.'

'I know... Just let me relax.'

"Then you don't mind me taking over for a few seconds?"

'Do as you wish. Just get me home because tomorrow is an important day.'

'As you wish, Master.'

Feeling his entire body pulse with a familiar magic aura, he closed his eyes to have Skia take him away. Shouts and what he could only guess was hexes were stinging his ears but felt nothing touch his body. All he could feel was the warm yet cold magical aura that was protecting him. Soon everything died down to nothing but a silent whisper till it was silent as the void.

'We are here master...'

'Thanks Skia.'

Those words were the last thoughts in his mind before he plunged into the never ending nightmares he had waiting for him. Just another trial to finish before the coming of a new day.


The sound of plates crashing and curse words flying in the air told Rubeus Hagrid that his time in Marinette Marionette was coming to a close. Grabbing his umbrella, Hagrid made his way out of the establishment. He briefly turned his back for a moment to see a table fly out one of the windows. Not wanting to be hit by flying furniture, Hagrid made a quick walk towards the local floo network trying to avoid the suspicous eyes of the people who watched the hulking man running out of the bar. Hagrid finally made it to the floo network station and shuffled his way towards the international connection floo fireplaces. A young gentleman stopped Hagrid halfway to prevent the giant man from barging into the halls of the international floo network.

"Sir, may I ask your business in using the international floo network here at Manche?"

Pulling a scrap piece of paper out of his pocket, he showed the french man the writing before putting it away. The young gentleman who read the note scowled before turning to another employee behind him.

"Take Monsiuer Hagrid to the back and get him checked out. If he is who says he is, then take him to the floo number 78"

"Oui! Right away sir!"

After being checked out by the french guards, Hagrid had to wait twenty minutes alone in a small room with nothing but a table and a chair. He understood that the French magical government had rules and regulations but blasted was it taking long. He sighed to himself for the umpteenth time before finally what looked like a female guard barged in with a small male guard who tried to keep up with the woman.

"Rubeus Hagrid?"

Hearing English for the first time in months made Hagrid feel slightly relieved before replying to the stoic looking woman. She looked to be around six feet with long blood dyed hair that seemed to suit her determined looking face. She was dressed slightly different than the other guards which probably meant she was someone of higher status.

"Yes, Hagrid is me."

"My name is Sabine Roux, divison leader of floo station 34. After evaluating your note it would seem that everything is in order. Please follow my assistant here to the floo number 78. Warning, any actions that are deemed illegal by the ministry of France that would happen between this room and the floo will result in arrest followed by international law and whatever it dictates. After that its off to the shallows with you if you step out of line. Am I clear Monsiuer Hagrid?"

Hagrid was surprised by her fluent speaking of English. But such thing was a small matter for a person who happens to have a high position with the floo network it seems.

"Yes Ma'am. I won' be causin' any trouble for you folks."

"Good. You may leave now Monsiuer Hagrid."

The woman turned around and left the room as the smaller male guard moved forward to lead Hagrid out of the room.


In a dark and gloomy looking chamber sat a elderly man who had his hands keeping his head from falling on to the desk he currently sat at. A chamber that was usually full of life and buzz was silent like a cold abyss. Under the elderly man laid several newspapers with the same exact headlines such as 'Harry Potter not appearing for his first year of wizards school?!' From the Daily Prophet or 'Harry Potter not sighted in the wizarding world. Boy-who-lived or Boy-who-disappeared?' A title that the Wizarding World News was currently running . For the past seven years the elderly man searched and searched for Harry Potter trying to desperately find the boy who he had to take care of but it was like the boy disappeared forever. Albus Dumbledore who was already hundred years old started to look way more his age as the stress of the boy he couldn't find continued. Did Albus want to lose the boy? If there was a man who stressed more about this boys wereabouts it was him but it was something that even with his powers or position as Supreme Mugwump couldn't gain any fruitation at all. Of course it would be unreasonable to force the entire International Confederation of Wizards to search for one boy but having small favors here and there with a few of the members within the confederation was only useful if at least one of those connections lead to even a small clue of where the boy was. But at last nothing could find the boy or as if the boy didn't want to be found.

Some of the professors at Hogwarts mentioned maybe the boy was kidnapped or hidden by another force but such things were just theories. The strangest part about Harry Potters disappearance was the fact that his personal records in the ministry were gone. Anything that was searched in his name from his guardians to his accounts in Gringotts Wizarding Bank were either not appearing or were frozen. That would have meant two things if each of these things were to happen.

"One possible answer for why we can't find young Harry Potter in the ministry records would have to be he is no longer in the country at all. Of course we considered this option many years ago."

"Excuse me Albus? Am I interrupting?"

"Ah Minerva. Come, come take a seat. I was just pondering again on the Potter case again."

"I see sir. I shall take a seat and join you in thought."

Minerva McGonagall a woman who was in her sixties was a professor at hogwarts who taught transfiguration. Taking a sweeping walk did Minerva finally stopped in front of the man she considered the headmaster and a dear old friend before sitting down at the desk. As she settled down did she noticed the various newspapers as she raised an eyebrow at the man.

"I assume that there is no good news?"

"You assume right Minvera. It would seem that even the wizarding world of Britain and even the wizarding world as a whole as taken noticed of the disappearance of the boy-who-lived. Soon most of the professors and most of the families at home will know that the boy-who-lived is gone without a trace."

"Don't be to hard on yourself Albus. You tried your best."

Albus Dumbledore stood up from his seat and gazed downward again at the newspapers as if the words themselves were taunting the man.

"The boy was my responsibility Minvera. I failed him the instant that I found out that he was gone seven years ago. But I will still try everything in my power to find that boy."

"And I'm sure you will. You have many people searching for him far and wide Albus. You have Severus looking dark parts of the wizarding world, Filluis checking his ancestry, and even sending Hagrid off to France because you got a tip that the poor boy's family was visiting there one summer seven years ago. Heavens knows Hagrid has only been there for a few months but it seems he is even getting used to hearing the French language being spoken to him."

"Yes. With most of our limited search efforts it would seem the closest answer we can get to were Harry would be is France. But it even seems the French Ministrion either keeping their tongues tied or doesn't have a clue at all."

"Well with the recent outbreak that happened this year alone at Azkaban is sending alarms to all nations surrounding Britain as a whole. Most of the other ministries of the other colleges are keeping their borders on lock down. It was surprising enough that Hagrid managed to get into France just late July but Merlin knows that was a stretch."

"Indeed it took a lot of connections to allow Hagrid even visitors grant by the ministry of France. Smallest grant but it allowed Hagrid to explore the depths of France as much as he could. Speaking of which, Hagrid should be reporting in from his journey to Manche."

As Dumbledore himself said these words, his nearby floo lit the entire room with it's dark green flames indicating that someone wanted access to his floo.

"And it would seem that would be Hagrid. Hope that Hagrid himself has important news for us Minerva."

McGonagall just took a long deep sigh before she simply nodded her head and turned her attention to the floo as both of them waited for the giant man himself will walk through the floo.


Intense heat and disgusting dripping sweat is what his body felt. Trying to grasp for air did Harry Despina reach out from his bed and grab his book by the bedside. His insides started to feel like they were boiling from the inside out which caused his nerves to be on end. He flipped to the page he needed to be and positioned his body in a weird meditating position with his legs crossed and his arms over his head. He focused his breathing slowly as his entire body became tense from the pain that was forming from inside. His concentration was on his inner self or what his mother called his magical core that all species had. That was were the heat was coming from. Soon he imagined the soft shallows of the local lake as if it was inviting him to plunge deeper into his core. The more and more he felt he was going deeper into his core the more the heat in his body slowly dissipated till finally it was gone. This was just step one to his many steps in the day. He opened his eyes finally and noticed that it was still dark in his room.

Suddenly a knock at his door startled him from laying back down into his bed causing him to jolt straight up at the sound. It must have been his mother he thought because he was making such a racket early in the morning.

"Agapitós? Are you alright Harry?"

"Oui! I'm fine Mitéra!"

"It happened again?"

His mother opened the door of his room and walked in slowly. She was a beautiful woman who looked like she hadn't aged past the age of thirty but her eyes showed years and years of wisdom. But those very eyes had a look of concern this time as she softly stroked his unruly hair out of his face to get a better look at him.

"Oui Mitéra. It just happened again. It's been days since the last time but I think I'm getting better."

"Well you still have the scripts if you are ever in need of it. It won't go away forever my Agapitós but at least you can take care of the symptoms."

His mother smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Well let's get ready? Our trip won't take more then ten minutes but getting ready will at least take me an hour."

She winked at Harry causing him to laugh before he watched his mother walk out of his room. Well he might as well get ready instead of laying in bed. In the next hour he managed to finish the rest of his daily routine before he choose his attire for the day. Nothing to much but nothing to less was his motto. He chose a simple buttoned up white long sleeved shirt with a brown sweater while matching with black jeans and a pair of black oxfords. Before he left his dresser, he picked up a black and white checkered bow tie before leaving his room with his single luggage bag. The Despina household was a small yet humble home that was made exactly for three people to live in. The walls themselves had history as you can see the various burn marks and stains but overall the entire place was well maintained for how long it was standing for. He walked down the single hallway of the home as he passed many doors till he got to the door he wanted to get to. It was the door at the end of the hallway that lead to the dining room which connected the house to the backyard. Noticing his mother wasn't there meant she was still getting her things ready.

Harry himself knew that his mother didn't require an hour to make herself look beautiful but she knew that she was a lazy packer and that meant she abstained for packing till the very last minute. It wasn't till ten minutes later that Harry's Mother finally appeared in the dining room with her two suitcases full of luggage and her personal two purses.

"A little to much Mitéra? It's only a four day trip."

Harry himself only packed for three days worth of clothes and on a few extra pairs of shirts plus undergarments for the night time. He thought what his mother was bringing with her was two weeks worth of luggage as if they were slowly moving into a new home.

"A little to much my Agapitós?! What is our family motto?"

"Always be prepared."

"Oui always be prepared! That's why I have clothes for every occasion."

Harry rolled his eyes and attempted to grab his mother's suitcases but stopped himself after he realized how heavy they were.

"How much did you pack Mitéra?! It feels like two quarters at most in here!?"

"Oh you know. Just attire for the night, morning, day, swimming, tea, gatherings, and also maybe if I have the chance to participate in a party then I have to bring a worthy dress! Plus you know your Mitéra can't go without her daily delights and favorite coffee! Plus there-"

His mother spilled how much she needed every little thing from bathroom products to even the type of sleeping pillow she needed to be able to sleep during this trip. While listening to his mothers entire rant, Harry managed to get the their luggage to their floo and also have a small breakfast partway.

"-and that is why I need all those things my Agapitós. Do you understand now?"

"Oui Mitéra. Are you ready to go?"

"Oui my Agapitós! We better not waste time. We are going a day early to surprise them non?"

Harry smiled at his mother antics before he took her by the arm and guided her to the floo.


Deep into a dark looming forest there was a cave and inside that cave was a lone man who had tattered clothing. This man didn't look like he had showered in day much less have a proper meal. The crunching sounds that came from the man was the result of the man breaking apart what he hunted for the past few days. Soon his bones gave a cracking sound as his form changed from a man to a dog. The man thought it would be a correct way to eat his game because he knew that in his human form he would have moral issues. Then again when he was locked away in Azkaban he had to rely on nothing but rats. Once he was finished with his meal, the man turned back to his normal form and glanced at the shredded pieces of paper on the ground. This was due to the result of the man being enraged by the newspapers of the wizarding world.

The person he needed to find was gone. No where to be found in Britain or the Scottish Isles themselves. Enraged at the news that the boy he was supposed to protect was now not even in his reach made him desperate to find him. But the man knew that if he were to stay where he was then he would get caught and sent back to Azkaban. He needed to run so he thought of many places. Honestly for a bachelor like himself France didn't sound bad.


After a few transfers from the floo from their home to the station and now to the Delacour Manor, Harry and his mother finally arrived at their destination. The room they landed in was the same as he remembered the last time. The furniture didn't look like it had changed neither did the floors or the walls. If Harry could remark what changed in what seemed like a family room was the decorations on the walls and shelves. There was many more pictures with what looked like a girl who was older then him and another girl who seemed younger then him. He continued to admire the room till he heard a door open to his left and watch a face he hadn't seen in years rush in.

"Mother... Harry? You are certainly here early."

Harry slowly remembered this man by his face and he knew that this man was his dear uncle Sebastian.

"Oui Sebastian. I thought we surprise you a day early to spend more time. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

"Oui indeed mother. It is a pleasant surprise. But I am sad to say that Apolline and the flowers weren't ready to receive you."

"That is fine. Harry and I can wait for them to get ready."

Sebastian nodded at his mother-in-law's patience before he turned to get a good look at Harry. The boy was now his height or even taller then him which surprised Sebastian. He didn't think that the boy would surpass him but then again his daughter already surpassed his height two years ago. The boy looked a little bit to mature for his age but what he noticed was the boy's eyes wasn't the cloudy orbs he once saw three years ago. No they were now bright with color and understanding of the world. He smiled at the boy who once was a shaking mess long ago but a proud and confidant young man.

"Well mother, if you don't mind I can get you something to eat?"

"Non, That will be alright Sebastian. I shall just rest on the couch for now. The trip made me a bit dizzy you see and I would like to rest."

"Certainly mother. While you are resting, Harry and I can catch up a bit man to man in my study."

"That is fine. Harry go with your uncle."

"Oui Mitéra."

After Harry managed to drag their luggage further into the room right next the couch, he made sure his mother was comfortable before following his uncle to the study which was connected to the family room. When the door closed did Sebastian dropped all the formality and hugged the boy tightly. This caught Harry off guard but he soon sighed and returned the hug back. He felt something wet touch his shoulder but he was confused.

"Harry my boy... I'm so glad that you are okay."

Hearing the man's cracked voice did tears sudden pop from his eyes. It didn't know what this was but he felt like he was warm. A feeling he only felt with his mother but he knew he felt this in the past deep down before. This man was someone that was dear to him.

"Uncle Sebastian... Are you okay?"

"Oh hahaha. Silly me, I got emotional is all. Don't worry about this old man."

Sebastian wiped his tears from his eyes before he let Harry go from their embrace. He was beaming at him as he guided him to a chair to sit before settling down in his desk chair.

"Now Harry my boy, it's been years since we seen each other. You got to tell me, did you every find a girl in the village of yours."

"A... a what uncle?"

"A girl! You know someone you fancy. The girl who makes you feel like you can fight the entire world for. I am sure a village filled with such beautiful women should have at least one that caught your eye."

"Uncle.. I don't understand.."

"Ahh. Shy like usually huh?"

Harry fidgeted in his chair by the question his uncle asked. He wasn't used to speaking to someone else for this long besides his mother. Sebastian chuckled at the boy's shyness before he stopped his questioning and turned to the clock.

"Well it might take an hour till the girls of the house will be done with themselves. Why don't you go out to the shed in the back and look at it for me? I'm busy with paperwork from my job and I am sure you wouldn't want to watch an old man be stuck in this desk."

His uncle chuckled once again before handing a set of keys to Harry.

"Do you remember how to get there?"

Harry shook his head at his uncle and his uncle nodded his head in understanding.

"Just go back to family room and take the door on the opposite side of the room. There you should just follow the hallway till you get to the third door on your right. That should lead to the hallway closet. Interesting enough the hallway closet leads to the-"


"Yes. Indeed, now I need to make sure we have enough blankets for you and your mother. They should be all in the shack sadly because we didn't have room for them in the house."

Harry nodded before he turned around to leave. He stopped as he was called out again.

"Oh and Harry. Take your time, you might find something that you will remember."

Sebastian smiled before he dismissed the boy to his task.


[Thirty Minutes Later]

"I can't believe you didn't tell me that mother was here Sebastian! I could have got ready and greeted her sooner."

"I'm sorry my love but I thought you were already getting ready."

"I was but I wasn't aware that my pressence was urgent!"

Apolline Delacour while scolding her husband Sebastian managed to dress in a matter of ten minutes and made sure that her husband himself was dressed more proper for the occasion.

"I can't believe that you meet my mother with your current attire."

"It's not like I wanted to Apolline, they kinda just came early.."

"Well hurry up then. I can't keep my mother waiting any longer!"

Sebastian sighed softly at his wife's frantic behavior but had to hold most of it back as the stern look coming from his wife started to cause him to straiten his attitude. Noticing her husband's change in attitude caused Apolline to smirk slightly before dragging her husband back to her daughters to make sure they were ready. Fluer herself was currently having a hard time dealing with her little sister as she constantly tired to avoid wearing the dress that she had to wear.

"Gabrielle please! You need to get ready for grandmother!"

"No! I don't like the red dress. I don't want to wear it!"

"But I thought you liked red!"

"No! I don't like that dress!"

"Gabrielle please wear this dress for grandmother!"

It was a constant battle of will between a child that didn't want something versus a troubled teen that wasn't calm at that very moment. Watching their kids argue back and forth did the parents step in to take care of the matter.

"Fluer my flower, let mother take over for you okay? I know you are panicking because you don't want to keep grandmother waiting non?"

"But mother-"

"Listen to your mother Fluer. How about you and I go meet your grandmother while your mother gets Gabrielle into something suitable."

Not wanting to argue with her parents did Fluer give in and push little Gabrielle towards their mother. It was probably better for her mother to handle her sister.

"Okay papa, I will join you then."

Sebastian smiled and nodded towards his eldest daughter before they left to greet the girl's grandmother.

AN: Okay there you go. Yeah I know, not a lot of words but I felt while writing this chapter that I put a lot of content into it that I can seperate most of the chapter four I wrote and turn it into two chapters. I'm currently editing part 3 right now so hopefully I can get it in by next week. Again sorry to my readers for my horrid posting schedule and look forward to your reviews.