I do not own any of the characters. RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and The Winter Soldier Belongs to Marvel.

In this AU, Salam and her forces never attacked beacon

RWBY: The Winter Soldier

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Location: Schnee Dust Company, Atlas

It was a late night at the schnee dust company headquarters as Weiss sat at her desk doing paper work. And as she finished up her paper work she got a video call request that put a smile on her face as she accepted.

"Headmaster Ren, it's good to hear from you! How are things at beacon?"She remembers the day as if it was yesterday, when Ozpin chose their friend Lie Ren to be his successor. To say it was a surprise for everyone was an understatement. She could hardly believe that was almost fifteen years ago."Things here are as hectic as ever." He said with a tired smile on his face.

"How is everyone?" she asks

He sighed his signature sigh "Well Nora is as hyperactive as ever, Yang is still considered a favorite teacher among the students at signal, Blake is settling in nicely as both the new combat teacher and Head Mistress , and Ruby has been handling both her duties as a huntress and the winter maiden surprisingly well."

Weiss had inherited her father's compony. And in the time that she had been head of the compony she has put a stop to all of the shady business practices and the miss treatment of the faunus workers within her company as well as raising the wages and salary of the faunus workers to match that of a human employee and she also had the living arrangements for the faunus workers in the mines improved. To say that Jacques was furious about the changes was an understatement, but Weiss to comfort in the fact that neither he or Whitley could not undo all of her hard work.

Nora had become one of the best huntresses in vale in just the first few years of her carrier. Some even call her the female version of Professor Port because of how extravagant some of her tales of killing grim were. Some of the student and faculty sometimes have a hard time believing some of her stories. She may not admit it but she has actually become a lot tamer over the years. And she also married Ren about 3 years after graduating from beacon.

Yang had become a favorite teacher among the students at signal due to her outgoing and friendly personality. She had originally had been against becoming a teacher. But after losing her right arm on a hunt where she encountered two beringel and more Beowulf's then she was expecting. After that she had been stuck in a rut and had not really talked to anyone. After a few months of trying Taiyang, Ruby, Sun, and their uncle Qrow had helped her through her issues. After that Qrow had offered Yang his old teaching position at signal academy. Which she accepted after some convincing. Sun had stayed by her side throughout the entire ordeal. Everyone was surprised when they had started a relationship with one another, mostly because everyone thought that Sun had an infatuation with Blake.

Blake had accepted Miss Goodwitchs old position after bringing down Adam and the White Wang with the help of Yang, Ruby, Weiss, teams JNPR, CFVY, CRDL, and SSSN. She then started up and took temporary leadership of a new faunus rights group known as the Golden Paw. Blake made sure that new activist group did not turn out like the White Fang did by working closely with the headmasters of the combat schools of remnant and the councils of the different kingdoms. Once she was sure that the new group wouldn't turn radical she gave leader ship of the group to T'challa Boseman a Black Panther Faunus. And much like Yang, it took a lot of convincing from not only her friends, but also from Miss Goodwitch herself.

Out of all of Weiss's friends, Ruby had inherited the most responsibilities. It all began after they had graduated that she found out from her uncle about how her silver eyes make her some sort of legendary warrior. And then a few years later she had inherited the winter maiden powers after trying to help the previous winter maiden fight off a dragon grimm. But even despite all of that she was still the same old cookie loving Ruby that everyone knew from beacon, if only a little bit more mature. She had even found someone that made her happy. And that someone was Oscar Pine. The nephew of former Beacon headmaster Professor David Ozpin.

"It's hard to believe that we graduated almost fifteen years ago." Weiss said with smile on her face. Ren returned the smile."I know, it almost feels like yesterday when we had been in initiation fighting off that nevermore and deathstalker." He said

Weiss's smile turned into a somber one "Do you think Jaune and Pyrrha would be proud of all of us?"

It has been almost eight years since Pyrrha had died and Jaune went MIA. The two of them had gone on a hunt together in the southeast region of Vale to wipe out a nest of beowolfs at the request of one of the local villages. But when they had arrived there all of the beowolfs had been killed already, but instead an ambush had been set and the two of them had fought for their lives. Pyrrha had multiple gunshot and stab wounds. The gunshot wounds were caused by Aura piercing rounds and she had died five days after being operated on because her wounds were too extensive. As for Jaune, when teams RWBY an (J)N(P)R had arrived the only thing that was Jaunes that could be found was Crocea Mors. Both teams have spent the past few years after that looking for Jaune and those who had ambushed them, following every lead and hunch they had on where to find him. But every lead was either a dead end or the trail would go cold. Ren and Blake were the unfortunate ones to tell Pyrrhas parents about her death and Jaunes family about him being missing and both familes were completely devastated when they found out. After that Crocea Mors was returned to the Arc family to be properly maintained until Jaune was found, while Miló and Akoúo̱ were put on display as a memorial in Rens office.

Rens smile also turned somber before replying. "I don't think, I know that they would be proud of all of us." Weisss smile becomes a bit happier. "So, what is it you wish to discuss?" Rens smile also turn much happier because of the change in subject "I was just wanting to know if you and Neptune will be able to make it to this year's anniversary party?"

Weiss and Neptune had been together for the past ten years, but have been married for the past five years. As Weiss had taken over her father's company, Neptune had become the grimm studies teacher at Atlas academy. A position that he quotes 'is only fit for intellectuals such as himself'.

"Who else will be there?" Weiss asked.

"Well there's Ruby, Oscar, Yang, Blake, Nora, myself, Sun, Velvet, Coco, Fox, Yatsuhashi, Cardin, and that's about it." Ren replied. Weiss remembered how Cardin had matured over the years and even stopped being racist towards faunus along the way. His personality then seemed to turn one hundred and eighty degrees; because in their second and third years he had helped Pyrrha with Jaunes training and helped Velvet out around the library.

Team CFVY was still going strong as a huntsman unit. Clearing out areas of grimm left and right. "Yeah, I think we will be able to make it this year." Weiss said with a smile on her face.

"That's good to hear." Ren responded happily.

"Was there anything else that I could do for you Ren?" Weiss asked. "Actually, there is Weiss. I need you to inform your sister that next year's Vytle Festival will be held at atlas academy next year." Ren told her in the very professional manner that he's known for. Weisss sister Winter had been promoted to both headmistress of Atlas Academy and General of the Atlas military after General Ironwood retired. "I will be sure to inform her tomorrow."

"Ok Weiss, Goodnight and we will all see you soon!" Weiss then said her goodbye to Ren and then shutdown her station and then left her office. On her way down to her car she sent a message to Neptune on her scroll to let him know that she was on her way home. As she was driving home she decided to call Ruby "Hey Weiss."

"Hey Ruby how are thing?" Weiss asked

"Things are good, how about you?"

"Things are great, me and Neptune are going to be going to the anniversary celebration this year."

"Oh, that's great to hear Weiss! It's been so long sense we've seen each other face to face!" Ruby replied in an excited tone. As she was driving she noticed that someone was standing in the middle of the road slowly walking towards her. "What the hell?" Weiss said

"What is it Weiss?"

"Some dolt is standing in the middle of the road!" As she said that, the dark figure raised his right hand and pulled the trigger of his weapon which sent a glowing yellow disk out. The disk slid underneath weisss car and attached itself to the back end of her car and then exploded. The explosion flipped her car over. And as it was flipping the figure side stepped to move out of the cars way.

When the car settled, Weiss tried to get a good look at who the dark figure was. But the only thing she could make out was that he had long blond hair and wore all black and had the front of his face covered with some sort of mask. "Weiss!? Weiss what's happening!? Are you ok!? I heard an explosion!" Ruby asked franticly. The dark figure walked towards the car. Weiss cursed herself for not having Myrtenaster with her. So, thinking quickly Weiss used a time dilation glyph to speed up her movement speed so that she can escape. As the dark figure approached the car he grabbed the driver side door with his left hand and ripped the door off of its hinges. He looked inside only to see that Weiss was not there and the door on the other side had been opened.

Location: Hospital in Atlas

Neptune rushed through the elevator doors of the hospital up to the front desk. "What room is Weiss Schnee in!?" Neptune asked franticly."she is in room 0725 which is down the hall and to your right." The nurse replied.

Neptune then thanked the nurse and then headed towards the room that Weiss was in."Weiss! Are you ok!? What happened out there!?" Neptune asked as he hugged his wife."I was on my scroll talking to Ruby about the anniversary party while I was driving home and then I notice this guy standing in the middle of the road with some sort of gun that made the backend of my car explode and flipped it." Weiss said as she recounted what had happened.

"Were you able to get a good look at the guy?" Neptune asked "Sadly no, he was covered in black combat gear with some sort of mask covering his face. But I did notice that he had long blond hair." Neptune sighed "Ok, is there anything you want me to get for you?"

"Yes, I want you to call Ruby, I want to assure her that I'm ok and that we will be heading straight to Vale once I'm cleared to leave the hospital." Neptune then nodded and pulled out his scroll and dialed Rubys number. It then began to ting "Hello!? Neptune is that you?" Ruby asked franticly. "Yeah, it's me Ruby, hey listen I've got Weiss with me and I'm goanna put you on speaker." Neptune then put her on speaker.

"Hey Ruby, its me." Weiss said to reassure Ruby "Weiss! Oh my oum! Are you ok!? What happened!?" Ruby franticly asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm in a hospital right now. As for what happened it seemed to be an almost successful assassination attempt." Weiss was mentally kicking herself for getting caught off guard like she did. "It's good to hear that the both of you are safe."

"Hey listen, Neptune and I are going to be heading straight for vale once I've been discharged from the hospital." Weiss said as she sits up in her hospital bed. "Ok, I'll bring everyone up to speed on what's happened and ill prepare the guest bedroom for you guys."

"Thanks a lot Ruby, I appreciate it." Weiss said with a smile on her face."No problem weiss. I guess I'll see you when you get here." Ruby said "Oh, and Ruby? Get in contact with your uncle, maybe he can find out something about this assassin." Weiss was praying to oum that Qrow at least knew something about the would be assassin. "I will, goodnight Weiss. And stay safe!" Ruby then ended the call.

"Why do I get the feeling that we haven't seen the last of that assassin?" Neptune asked as he hugged his wife. "I don't know why but I have that same feeling too." Weiss said with a frown on her face.

Three days Later

Location: Vale

Weiss and Neptune arrive at the Vale airport and they see Oscar holding a sign that says 'Ice Queen and Nerd' and they immediately know that's who was picking them up.

"Hey Oscar!" Neptune yells Oscar then turns and smiles at them "Weiss! Neptune! It's good to see you both!"

Oscar has Black hair, Hazel eyes, and freckles. And he is wearing a black leather jacket with a green shirt underneath with a pair of jeans and sneakers, and at his side was his weapon which was Ozpins cane which was also doubled as a rapier. He and Ruby are roughly the same height but he is a few inches taller than the red reaper.

"Where's Ruby?" Weiss asked. "She went to patch to pick up Yang, Sun, and Qrow. And from the sounds of things, it's all hands-on deck for this one." Oscar replied in a very calm and friendly tone of voice, much like his uncle. "You got that right man" Neptune said. "Let's head back to our place and get the two of you settled in before I take you to beacon to meet up with the others." Weiss and Neptune got into Oscars car and drove to his and Rubys home. Their home was a very nice Two story house and has four bed rooms and three bathrooms. When they got to the house they were greeted by Zwei.

"Hey Zwei!" Weiss said as she kneels down to pet the corgi. "The two of you can take the guest room upstairs, its down the hall first door to the right." Oscar said. Neptune then took their bags up to the guest room. Once their bags were in their room they set off towards beacon.

Location: Beacon

Weiss, Neptune, and Oscar walked through the doors of a conference room in beacon. And inside were all of their friends.

Weiss is wearing an outfit that is almost identical to her sisters' old military uniform. Only It has a little bit more red in its design. And there was also a trident emblem on her back. Neptune's outfit has pretty much remained the same over the years. Except for the white snowflake emblem on his right shoulder. Velvet, Coco, Fox, Yatsu, Cardin, Qrow, and Suns outfit has literally not changed at all from over the years.

Yang was wearing black pants and a long tan coat with an orange lining and gold border over her orange tank top . She was also wearing brown vambraces over each forearm, and fingerless black gloves over her hands. She also had her aviator sunglasses on top of her head and a purple bandanna-like object over her left boot. (Her outfit from Volume 4)

Blakes outfit consists of long white coat and a black crop top. The crop top exposes her midriff and has rectangular and diamond shaped holes surrounding her neck. Across her torso is a diagonal strap that contains a smaller magnetic clip used to sheathe Gambol Shroud. Additionally, she is wearing a white belt and pouch over dark, tight stretchy pants. She has thigh-high black heeled boots with gold-colored edging around the top. The left boot has a pair of belted straps tightly wrapped around the thigh. Each boot bears her belladonna emblem in white on the outer side of the thigh. (Her Outfit from Volume 4)

Rubys clothes are made up of a white high-neck décolletage blouse. Her outfit still has the the black and red color scheme for her skirt, but her waist cincher has been replaced with an overbust corset. A black belt bordered in red holds the magnetic clip for Crescent Rose and its ammunition. She also has brown straps on her blouse that allow her to wear a small brown backpack. In lieu of her full black stockings, Ruby wears thigh-high stockings reaching to a few inches below the hem of her skirt, decorated by an image of a long-stemmed rose. Her red-soled black boots contain four straps and buckles apiece and may be slightly taller than her previous boots. She now wears one of her mother's old white cloaks and it has a singular clip on the right shoulder in the shape of her emblem, replacing the cross shaped clips from her old attire. Her stockings show tear from being worn into battle so much. Her hair has also grown slightly longer, maintaining the color gradation from black at the roots to red at the tips. (A modified version of her Volume 4 outfit.)

Nora was wearing a white top, though the heart cut-out on the top now has a diagonal cut through it. Over the shirt, she wears a zippered blue-black bomber jacket with a damaged print of her emblem visible on the back and pink stripes along the sleeves. She also still wears her white and pink comate gloves. The pink bands of the jacket tighten on her upper arms. And she is wearing navy blue combat pants. She was also wearing calf-length boots, which are white with pink laces. (A slightly modified version of her Volume 4 outfit.)

Ren was wearing a white button up shirt with dark green business suit jacket that had magenta accents on it. He was also wearing a Dark green dress pants and black dress shoes.

"Weiss! It's good to see that you're okay." Blake says as she hugs Weiss. "it's good to see you too Blake." Weiss says as she returns the hug.

"Yeah, it's good to see that the ice queen is still in one piece." Yang said with a smirk on her face as she hugged Weiss.

Ruby then hugs Weiss. "I'm glad to see that your ok partner."

Ren then clears his throat to get everyone's attention. "As all of you know, we are gathered here today to find out who was behind the assassination attempt of Weiss three days ago, and to stop him from trying again."

"What do we know about the assassin?" Cardin asks "Well he wore all black, his face was covered by some sort of mask, he had some high caliber weaponry, and he had long blond hair." Weiss said as she described the assassin.

"I think I might know who we're dealing with." Said Qrow as he pulled out his flask and took a swig from it. Everyone turned their attention towards him as he continued to talk. "I've had a few run ins with this guy, He has been credited with a few dozen assassinations over the past six years. Most huntsman and specialists in the atlas military don't believe that he exists. The ones that do call him…" Everyone was now leaning forward in their seats in anticipation. "The Winter Soldier"

Everyone in the room was silent until Nora spoke up. "Well? How do we find this guy so that we can break his legs for trying to kill Weiss?" Nora asked as she slammed her fist onto the table "Believe me! I've tried looking for him! But he's a ghost story. He disappears just as fast as he appears." Qrow exclaimed

"Maybe we should ask Winter if she knows anything about this guy? Or at least see if atlas has any files on him." Fox asked. "it's worth a shot." Sun said from his spot in the conference room. Ren then nodded his head "Ok, we'll come back tomorrow and think of ways that we can track down this Winter Soldier." And with that everyone left beacon to get some goodnights rest so that they can begin their hunt the next morning.

End of Chapter 1