Disclaimer: World of Warcraft is property of Blizzard Entertainment, however original characters are mine.

Author Notes: so this story is basically one of those Self Inserts types. Close to an Original character as well. Only the difference is the Main Character has absolutely no Idea where he is. I'll try and make it into a comedy of sorts, but it also has its tender moments and comfort scenes as well. Also I'm not familiar with the World Warcraft Stuff, if you need to know more just look at my profile. I try to do as much research as possible about the subject matter, but let's face it no one wants to do research all day. It would be cool that if any one of you reviewers out there would want to drop a line and give a few pointers be my guest. The time line is that, there is no specific time line. So on with the story.


I thought today was going to be a good day. Sure I had some doubts before, but I know that I'm the master of my destiny. Yeah pretty much the road was going to be rough and hard, but I know the rewards are great. I was going to finish high school, got to community college, keep up with my workouts, and finally transfer to a division one college and be a red shirt walk on. Yeah life was sweet for me so far. Don't get me wrong, but who the hell wants to sit down with your high school counselor and play the twenty questions game? Not me that's for sure. Stupid questions like where do you see yourself in five years or have you given any thought about joining the army and fixing trucks? I'm like are serious with these questions. Crap now I'm blathering on again. Let's see where I was ….. Ah yes. I never thought I was ever going to be told ok Nate you're going to go slays some evil dudes with your bare hands for the rest of days and save the day. If that was the case, then I would have never gotten on that bus to check out Ren Fest, or at least I thought that was Ren Fest, and not medieval times.